Archive Home > Archives > 2017 Archives > Porta Inferni > Porta Inferni Rules & Guidelines

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180

Please adhere to the general rules of Revaliir at all times. All rules within Porta Inferni are simply additions that must be followed.

A 50 word minimum is required for all posts, however a 250 word minimum is preferred (but not required). 

If you need clarification on any part of the rules, information, or description of Porta Inferni, please do not hesitate to PM me 

Please keep all posts within Porta Inferni - this includes any of the areas, circles, or anywhere within the palace - do not post things that have no place here (unless otherwise discussed and approved).

Please make use of the following post tags when appropriate:
[P] - Private - Only users who have been given permission by the thread’s creator (and myself, unless otherwise notified) may reply to this thread.
[R] - R-Rated Content - This thread may contain language, violence, or other themes that may not be appropriate for some readers. (Note: Overly graphic sexual content or overly graphic violence is still prohibited, as per the normal rules of Revaliir.)
[ND] - No Deity - Please use this tag to denote that Dalanesca is NOT needed in this thread.
[OPEN] - Open Thread - Please tag posts using this tag if you do not have a specific person in mind to reply.

Other post tags may be used as needed (can be found in Revaliir’s rules).

6. If you are interested in having your character serve Porta Inferni, please PM me.  We can work out the details.

7. Dalanesca is a bit of a loose cannon.  Keep that in mind if you plan on doing anything out of the ordinary.

Dalanesca's Titles:
Reaper of Souls
The Siren
The Reaper
The Enticer
Lady Death
Dark Mother
Queen of the Underworld
Bringer of the End
Infernal Queen
Lady of Woe

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!

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