Archive Home > Archives > 2017 Archives > Porta Inferni > The Path to Porta Inferni

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180

At the docks of every port city, there are areas where the living tend to stay away from.  The living are deterred by an eerie, dark fog surrounding a particularly small boat hewn from the wood of a yew tree.  No one is aboard the small craft to steer, but if one finds themself situated in the boat, they will be ferried directly to Death’s door.  The boat rows out to the ocean of its own accord, when suddenly the ocean will drop into an endless abyss.  The rush is enough to send any hardened soldier into a headspin, but instead of falling out of the boat, they find themselves at the beginning of a long stretch of darkness illuminated by dark red brimstone, acting as the sun for their path.

They are met with an inky river full of candles on either side of the boat.  If they try to escape, the dead swimming in the depths of the river will reach up and attempt to drown them.  It is best, a warning, to stay within the boat until it reaches its destination.


The landscape is dimly lit by the brimstone sun, enough so that one can notice the lines of yew trees off to each side.  The stages of grief hit hard as one nears them.  As the yew trees fade into what appears to be a field of yellow carnations, the feelings of denial become overwhelming.  One knows not what they are failing, but the failure fills their entire being.  The yellow then fades into petunias of many colors, and anger boils the blood coursing throughout the traveller’s body, causing it to become more difficult to stay in the boat.  Finally, a sense of calm washes over the boat as the the petunias fade into a field of pink camellia.  The calm recedes and is replaced with sheer want and desire - the occupant of the boat does not know what he wants, but only that he wants it bad enough where it is ripping him apart from the inside out.

Finally, a large gate of burning brimstone emblazoned with the Ouroboros and Nightshade symbol of the Goddess Dalanesca, Reaper of Souls and Harbinger of Darkness, looms into view.  The scenery has once again changed, and the river is now surrounded by fields of dying plants.  There is no acceptance as depression fills the soul of anyone who reaches this point.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!

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