Stand on a barren heath, atop a mountain, or even deep in the heart of a forest, and you will see glimpses of somewhere
else. Cut your hand and give your blood to the ground as an offering, and speak the name of that other place, and you will find yourself there. New arrivals find themselves standing on a rolling heath, and there a feeling on the wind of the utterly untamed. The wind also brings the smell of grasses and wildflowers, as well as the far away salt-marsh. Just over the horizon, the sea gleams in the perpetual vermilion light of sunset. A storm is always on the skyline, rolling in unpredictably to water the heath and forest both.

The heath rolls on for quite a distance, ending in a forest in one direction, and at the sea's shore in the other. The sandy ground is covered with thick grasses, low growing shrubs and flowering bushes, dotted with taller trees both near and in the distance. Herbs, both common and rare, can also be found, though harvesting them can be something of an difficult proposition.
Wolf packs roam the heath as well, though they are not always what they seem. The Storm Wolf has welcomed lycanthropes and other shifters, both naturally born and afflicted into her realm, so long as they guard their fellow denizens of Maral'hal. They are also often the first to greet newcomers to the Wild Realm, and visitors should expect a barrage of questions. Should the answers not be satisfying to the guardians, expect a vast number of teeth to quickly appear.

Beyond the heath lies a grand, primordial forest, with mountains far in the distance. The massive spruce trees are foreboding and shrouded in mist, leaving the ground beneath always in the gloaming. The trees themselves seem to stretch to the heavens, looking as ancient as the mountains behind the forest. Entering the forest, travelers find paths scattered throughout the trees, some marked by white granite pieces, other by a myriad of pawprints. A number of animals roam the forest, wolves, deer, and other forest dwellers. Fae creatures are rumored to dwell in the forest as well, as the Storm Wolf also offers them protection.
The stone paths lead to the scattered settlements throughout the forest, where the denizens of the realm live. Buildings of stone and timber mark each village, with a communal feasting hall. The feasting halls also serve as meeting places whenever their deity beckons her people to gather. The paths marked by pawprints lead to dens in the hillsides, the perfect homes for those who prefer to keep to their wild shapes. There is a single path of white granite leading to a cave, which opens into a massive underground complex. This is the home of Moliira's drowish kin who have chosen to dwell within her realm.
From every village and every den, a path of black stone leads deeper into the forest. Eventually, all the paths blend into one, winding through the trees and leading towards the mountains.

The black stone path leads to a henge within a clearing, filled with grasses and flowers with translucent petals that move without any wind. The stone of the path and the henge match, obsidian flecked through with silver. It resembles a starry night sky, and the wild residents of Maral'hal call it the Circle of Stars. The drow dwelling within the realm call it Baat'leb d'Slyannen. It is here that Moliira holds court, and the only place where the normal cycles of day and night occur within her realm. A single chair sits with its back to the mountains, appearing to be made of solid mercury and blue gemstones.