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Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905
In the lands of Revaliir, the wild places are guarded by a rumor. The description can vary from person to person, but all can agree that the being has eyes of storm-cloud blue. Sometimes she appears as a great silvery wolf, other times as a drow dressed in the manner of a ranger. It just depends on Moliira's whims as to how she appears in the mortal realm. The assassin has returned to her roots as a ranger, and spends most of her time away from the more civilized areas. She revels in running with the wolves and the shifters, and dances in the storm. The weather comes to her command, and she uses it to protect the people that hold her as their guardian, and to learn the secrets released to the wind.

Moliira gathers the shifters, both born and infected, the outcasts, and the drow who have left the Umbral Depths to her realm. She offers anyone who follow her a harsh but beautiful home in the Wild Lands. Those who choose the storms and the wild places, those who hunt to keep the balance of nature maintained, and those who have been rejected from society can all find a home within Maral'hal.

The Storm Wolf
Keeper of the Whisperers
The Chill Blade
Matriarch of the Drow
These are her self-given titles, though Moliira expects to gain others as her following grows.

Personnel and Positions at the Shrine
Meraste Arkenrae – A former priestess of Lolth from Daeluin, she came to the Shrine of Air once she heard the rumors of a drow ruling over the element. She crossed over to Revaliir and now serves Moliira as a seneschal, and oversees the staff of the Wild Lands.

There are several drow and shifters running the more mundane aspects of the Wild Lands, I will add in details as they come to mind. The staff includes a kitchen steward, a cook, and apprentices to do the cleaning in the scattered villages.

Sacred Materials, often used in weapons, armor, jewelry, and the like.
Blue Topaz

Sacred Creatures

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