Archive Home > Archives > 2017 Archives > Maral'hal, the Wild Lands > Rules

Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905
1. As always, all the normal rules of Revaliir apply within the Wild Lands. Please read the description carefully, unless you're a deity don't just appear at the throne without passing through the rest of the realm.

2. There is a minimum of 50 words for all posts, but I would appreciate at least 200 words to give me something to work with. The more you give me, the more I can give you back.

3. Anyone is welcome to stay or use any of the rooms and other areas of the Wild Lands unless I say otherwise. Public areas include the various small villages scattered through the Lands, the heath, and the drow village. Private areas, aka DO NOT enter unless invited, include Moliira's private chambers and the rooms of her clergy.

4. Please don't deface the Wild Lands. Drow are well known for their love of vengeance, and Moliira is no exception. This includes removing items without explicit permission from me.

5. If you are unsure about any part of the description or would like clarification on what Moliira can do for your character, please PM me.

6. Nonsense posts will NOT be tolerated. If I deem a post inappropriate your thread will be locked and reported. A nonsense post is generally a post that doesn’t comply with the contexts of the Shrine or Revaliir, is unrealistic or blatantly stupid.

7. Please use one (or more if needed) of the following tags on your post:
[P] – Private. (This may or may not include Moliira. If you wish to post in the shrine without her, please make this clear and I will respect your wishes. However I reserve the right to post in a thread where Moliira’s attention is needed or gained.)
[R] – R-rated material.
[Q] – Quests – If you’d like Moliira's assistance in any sort of quest, though do not expect her to help out for nothing in return.
[NA] – No Avatar required.
[Open] – I’d prefer you to use this if your thread is open, just to make it clear to everyone.

8. If you would like a special position within the Wild Lands, please PM me and let me know. I have a few already set up.

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