Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Moliira, Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:17 PM, Post Subject: Aftermath

The drow only shrugged at the apology.  "Males tend to be idiots, at least from what I have often seen.  All protective instinct for everyone but themselves.  Blaine means well, you know that much at least," she said.  Hopefully those words would soothe Latoya's madness, even just a little.  And she understood about losing those close to her, but Moliira had been able to come to terms with it.  "You will not lose Blaine if I have anything to do with it.  He's the brother I was not born with," she added.  It was the best reassurance that Moliira could offer, and it would have to be enough.

"Come, your mate is staying in one of the villages, you can calm yourself as we walk.  Oh, look there.  One of my spirit-wolves is by the fire-maple," she said with a smile as she pointed to the tree a small distance off.  The spectral creatures were shy, but always curious about visitors.  And if they came out with Latoya around, it was likely they could sense her extended connection to lupine creatures.

Author: Toya, Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:17 AM, Post Subject: Aftermath

Toya was about ready to beat someone's face in. There as firing burning deep within her belly and something was about to let loose. The only thing holding her back was the fact that she knew Angela was not afraid to tie her up in the medical ward again. She began to grind her teeth visibly at the goddess. "You're right I am highly pissed. Of all the damned things he could do without telling me! He was the one who was pissed when I fought the Luzil without telling him but noooo he goes off and fights a goddess's doppelganger and thinks it's alright."

There was a thing about being mates that highly irritated Toya. It was most likely the fact that he knew she would have tried to convince him it was too dangerous just like she had thought the Luzil to be. Running her hands through her brown hair she attempted to stop herself from being a complete cunt about everything. "I apologize because if I don't Angela will only lock me up again." There was somewhat a sadness to her tone.

"I haven't been right since Seth left. I don't want to lose Blaine either. He's my mate. The very last one I will ever have and if something ever happened to him I would be completely lost." She bowed a bit and sucked it up. "I apologize for my behavior." She felt ashamed for a moment. "I am a wild fire and my first instinct will always be to destroy but I suppose that is why Angela is in a seat of supreme power and I am not."

Angela was her chains this time around.

Author: Moliira, Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:33 PM, Post Subject: Aftermath

An eyebrow went up when she received the reply from Angela, for some reason she was not surprised.  Angela's family was vast, and it did not surprise her all that much that one would be fairly unstable.  This could be fun though.  Moliira was ready for a bit of a challenge.  And handling a mad woman wouldn't be too bad right now. 

When Latoya entered her realm, she only smiled.  She sent a storm elemental to take care of the dragon, and to show Karith where it could roost.  Moliira herself appeared behind the angered Rosenite with a cheeky smile.  "if I didn't know better, I would say that you were angry with Blaine.  He got himself hurt helping me out, and that I apologize for.  But he will be ready to come home soon.  He needs rest though.  if you can calm yourself, I will take you to where he is," the drow said. 

She knew full well telling any of the Rosen clan to calm down was quite possibly one of the worst things to do.

Author: Toya, Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:26 PM, Post Subject: Aftermath

"Toya what I'm about to tell you is very important," Angela got up from her seat and came over to the resting Rosenite. Toya was receiving treatment for her illness still and the flames of war could be seen in her eyes over and over again. She was reliving something and it made the goddess feel terrible for what she was about to tell her. "Toya," she pet the woman's brown hair back.

After all these years they were finally able to get Toya to accept treatment. She shot a mental note to Moliira to prepare for the worst. Sending a mental image of the herbal treatment that the goddess was giving her sister. Seth and the loss of her son had done something to the woman that was much like what war did to soldiers. 

"Spit it out you old hag," Toya's words were partially dragged out most likely from the sedation that she was under. Angela's lips quivered a bit as she stroked her sister's brown curls.

"Blaine got hurt."

Green eyes fluttered open and she could see that fire being stoked. "What?"

"Blaine is hurt."

Toya ripped the vines that fed the alchemy into her body out forcibly and managed to stagger up. Slowly she pinned her sister to the wall. "Where?" Her breathing was staggered but Angela wasn't going to stop her. This was more like stopping a raging dragon and she couldn't risk the rest of her patients at the moment.

"Moliira take care of Toya she is on her way… I had her under sedation to treat her but it wasn't enough to stop the rage that's built up in her heart." Angela's note to the goddess was enough as the youngest Rose sister staggered out and up onto her dragon after finding out where Blaine was.

She felt the wind go through her brown locks as she held onto Karith. Once into the Wild Lands she fell off the dragon into the grass and pushed herself up. "BLAINE!" She cried out. It was almost like a wolf's howl as she pulled herself up. The alchemy was taking hold on her body the more she moved.

"Damn that Angela." That was why she didn't stop her. There was a reason for all she guessed.

Author: Moliira, Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 2:04 PM, Post Subject: Aftermath

It was finally done.  Moliira had reclaimed (or was it claimed?) the rest of her power, and she felt whole.  Her friend and her blood brother were safe as was her mate.  It was that last which was most important to her.  But she knew that Angela would need to know of what had transpired, and she would likely inform Blaine's mate of what had happened.


I have finally accomplished what I have needed to do since our arrival here.  The memories of this place… they are confusing, but slowly settling.  I had to kill her, which I took little pleasure in.  But she had taken Krystopher, and that was something I could not leave without punishment.  He is fine, though Blaine was injured.  Not badly, but he needs a few days rest here. 

Hopefully all is well in your realm.


It was a short note, but it would get the point across.  Entrusting it to an elemental creature, Moliira sent the note on its way.  Then she moved to check on her brother.  One of her clerics was monitoring the healing of his injuries, and she had said that things were going well. 

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