Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Fri Apr 1, 2016 3:36 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

Dalanesca gave Blaine a shrug when he apologized for the mishap with the blade.  ”It’s no trouble, really,” she said.  Blaine had already been wounded  - she did not feel the need to place blame on him for her wound as well, when truth be told neither one of them was at fault. 

After passing through the portal, she stood idly by as laine and Moliira held their conversation, unsure what to do - but moments later a few healers from Moliira’s realm began to attend to her wounds.  While the relief was not immediate, she could feel the pain from her leg beginning to subside, at least a little bit.  “Thank you,” she said, loudly enough for the healers to hear her but not loud enough to disrupt the conversation that Moliira and Blaine were having.  She noticed the healers seemed to be tending to Krystopher as well, though she was unsure to the extent of his injury.  She did, however, assume that he was most definitely more injured than she.

She allowed her gaze to shift to Moliira when she was sure that she wouldn’t be interrupting anything.  ”I’m glad everything worked out for you, Moliira,” she said, giving the drow a warm smile.  She was unsure of what sort of relationship the two would have in the future, but from this she knew that it would at least be positive.  Closing her eyes, she lay back again as the healers continued to tend to her, glad that, at least for now, she had no more violence to face.

Author: Moliira, Posted: Fri Apr 1, 2016 2:28 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

Thankfully, Dalanesca didn't seem too phased by the two brothers fighting.  At this point, all Moliira could do was roll her eyes.  After she had put them into their separate corners.  Once their brother calmed enough, she let him back down, though she didn't offer any answers until they were all safely back in the twilight of her realm.  "Soon enough, Blaine.  Then… whatever happened to our old home happened.  And I lost track of both of you.  That seemed more important," she said with a slightly lopsided grin.  Hopefully that would be enough to shut him up.  She nodded when the idea of a drink was mentioned, they would all need it after a day like this.  But not until he was healed.  They had ended up near one of the villages in her realm, and healers were quickly attending to Blaine and Dalanesca. 

"There… a few months.  You were away as I recall.  And I've sent for Latoya, she should be here soon," Moliira told her brother.  The Rosenite's reaction would likely be very interesting, but it was nothing she couldn't handle.  The Huntress finally slumped into a chair, rubbing her temples.  A lycan woman brought her a cup of willow tea, and Moliira nodded with gratitude.  There were some here who treated her more like an alpha matron rather than a goddess, and it was something she enjoyed.  Turning her eyes back to her mate, who was also being attended to, Moliira smiled.  There was a great sense of relief in her eyes, now that she knew her family was safe.

Author: Blaine Wintercrest, Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:43 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

Blaine felt some relief when Dalanesca appeared, a bit worse for the wear but at least she was alive. Both of them were hurt good by the imposter Moliira, and they only had to deal with her for a few moments; he couldn’t imagine what Krystopher had to endure in her stead. He looked towards Moliira’s hand and watched it start to heal his wound. “If only I had some whiskey. That would have helped with this”, he spoke with a hint of mirth. “I should be alright after a bit. Heaven knows Latoya will blow her top or something when she sees me.” He figured that he hadn’t healed soon enough by then, she would throw him into the care of her sister or something. He groaned mentally at the coming conversation with his wife while she healed Dal.

His eyes moved towards them before rolling. “You owe me drinks. Several of them, lord knows I will need them.” He then looked to Dalanesca, “I’m sorry, I should have saw the blade coming. Damn woman had a good throw though.” He moved towards them at the mentioning of retrieving his brother, which meant that she learned of his position. A sign of relief came from him as he followed them into the portal.

The other side was dark and secluded but it was an obvious good place to find the lycan. As soon as he stepped over, he could smell the man nearby and Moliira nearly rushed over to his side. At first he just thought that she was estatic about seeing him again- their relationship had been a bit rocky but they were on good terms. The problem was that he hadn’t know of how good of terms they were on until she expressed her concern.

And then the kiss happened.

Blaine’s jaw nearly hit the floor as he stared at his once blood sister smooching with Krys. The dumbfounded look on his face was etched on him as if he was made of stone, frozen in his spot as he tried to understand just what was going on here. Was he delusional because of the blood loss? But it all felt real and soon his confusion was replaced with a more familiar emotion, one that he kept in check for a long time until now. Anger.

As if a spell was lifted off of him, he darted over as their broke in their kiss and immediately punched Krys in the gut. He glared at his brother and waited for an explanation, but when he spoke, it wasn’t something he was satisfied with so he punched him again.

It wasn’t until he was thrown into the air that he noticed the reactions of everyone else, Moliira in particular. Perfect. His glare was thrown at her, though not as harsh as it was towards his brother, but harsh enough. “So when were you two planning on telling me this? How long this been going on?” The wolf hierarchy be damned, as far as he was concerned. He hardly cared that Krys was alpha, only doing so out of formality, and it really shouldn’t have came out of suprised for either him or his new found mate. “Fine, but now you both owe me drinks. No cheap stuff either”, he said while shaking his head. This oughta be a good story for him to hear, but not sober.

He calmed down for the time being but he still wasn’t happy with the sudden news. Dalanesca was the first to step through the portal and with folded arms, he went in next without saying a word. He held his tongue in for a few moments longer after crossing over, but soon he found himself asking them, “Just when did “this” become a thing?”

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:37 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

Dalanesca winced thankfully as Moliira carefully removed the wood from her leg, fighting the urge to scream in pain.  Having a semi-blunt object stabbed into one of her limbs was not exactly high on her list of things she wanted to do, but having said item removed from her limb was even lower on the scale.  ”Thanks,” she said, the pain clear in her voice.  As she spoke, her breathing came out in quite a ragged manner, which she mentally attributed to the probable-broken rib in her chest. 

She shrugged as Moliira apologized.  ”You offered me your help once before, and I was indebted to you - I was glad to help,” she said, offering the drow a smile.  As Moliira opened a portal and Blaine stepped through, Dalanesca hobbled behind her, the pain still dull in her leg from the remnant of the wound.  Walking did not hurt much, but breathing caused sharp pains in her chest so she moved slowly, appearing alongside her companions. 

Words were exchanged and eventually, Krystopher addressed her apologetically, to which she offered a shrug and a smile.  ”Happy to help,” she said, finding that she was repeating herself essentially from earlier.  Allowing Moliira and Krys their reunion, she stood silently behind as the events unfolded - the heartfelt reunion morphed quickly into a brotherly tussle, which Moliira was fast to  put an end to.  Dalanesca watched with minor amusement as Blaine hovered in the air.

Moliira offered her to stay in Maral’hal for a time while her wounds healed, and she nodded gratefully to the drow.  ”I may just take you up on that,” she said, wincing again as a sharp pain riddled through her chest.  After a moment she stepped through the portal that the drow had opened, leaving her to cleanse Kurayo of the remnants of her evil other self.

Author: Moliira, Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 11:56 AM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

The reunion was of course short lived, and all that Moliira could do was roll her eyes at Blaine's reaction.  "Just like normal," she muttered to Dalanesca.  It was clear that the drow was used to how the brothers tended to treat each other.  But when the second fist collided with her mate, Moliira growled.  It was clear that Blaine was not happy with what happened, and she had already dealt with enough in trying to find him.  Without a thought, she flicked her hand and Blaine was thrown into the air.  But Moliira at least had enough presence of mind to not throw him into a wall, no matter how tempted she was. 

"Blaine, enough.  You two can beat each other up once you're both healed.  Clear?" she said, a slight growl in her voice.  While Krystopher was the alpha of the brothers, Moliira wasn't afraid of exerting dominance from time to time.  Once Blaine calmed down enough she set him back on the ground.  Looking at the three people around her, Moliira sighed.  "Lets get out of here.  This place is tainted.  Dalanesca, you're welcome to stay in Maral'hal for as long as you need to heal," she said, opening a gate to her realm with a thought. 

Waiting until they were through, Moliira gathered a bit of her divine power.  The icy winds howled through the safehouse, tipping over barrels of oil and spirits.  A spark was all that was needed to get the fire started.  She waited a moment, then stepped through to her home.  The inn above wouldn't be too damaged, the smoke would alert them in short order.  But the evil of her darker half would be erased from Kurayo, and eventually far beyond.

Author: Krystopher, Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 6:50 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

He had no knowledge of how long he been kept prisoner, but it must have been one heck of a long time. The bruises and scars along his body were merely testimony to that. That creature that kept him captive looked like Moliira and even had some of her traits. But she was not Moliira, there was no possible way. But once a upon a time he had believed it to be her. Krystopher wouldn’t forget the day that changed everything- that he had been tending to the gardens back at his guild and then the next thing he knew, he was sucked up into the sky. At first he believed it to be one of the drow’s tricks, and surely it it looked to be that way once he found “her”. But something was off, he could smell that she wasn’t a wolf, and worse things were to come once he had regained his consciousness. That drow woman was more evil, more cruel than his mate was. Savage beatings soon followed after their “conversations” and he endured. The vampire in her seemed to enjoy tormenting him while she pumped him for information about himself and the real Moliira. Much of her request was refused and typically that’s when she got angry, and when she got angry, he got hurt, Still, he hadn’t completely given up hope that someone would find him and save his skin. Hell, they had to be somewhere that people frequented since he could hear them on the level above them, but then again he wasn’t sure if they worked for her or not.

Today hadn't been quite too different; Krys had been tied onto a chair, wearing only tattered pants and boots. His normally kept face now had an unruly beard and his dark hair was longer than before. While his captor continued to administer his punish, he couldn’t help to want a bath and get his hair cut. He grew quickly to hate her touches against him, good or bad but he got used to the punches and her daggers. Unfortunately, it was when she tried biting him that he had truly loathed, that and the mind games. “Why don’t you just kill me?” he groaned, though he knew the answer why. He would much rather be killed than to be used as a tool against her better half. “I think you are just jealous of her. My Moliira as atoned for her sins the best she had and is a far better person than you could ever be.” He had expected something heinous to happen to him, but it never came. For one reason or another she left abruptly and he was left all alone. “Damn, she could have at least been polite and knock me out again”, he said, leaning his head back, waiting for her return and what would happen next. It felt like hours that sat alone in the darkness, just him with his thoughts. Where the hell was he and what became of Molirra and the rest of the family? His precious daughter… his friends and home… Krystopher had thought he had paid for his wrongdoings a long time ago, but apparently fate said otherwise.

Upon hearing the door behind him open, he mentally sighed and prepared for another beating. Instead he was greeted by the scent of not her, but of a familiar, more warming one. As the drow came around him, he looked at her a bit crazed. Was she playing another trick on him? But the scent spoke otherwise and he sighed in relief. “Thank the gods”, he said as he recognized her. It was the real deal, she had came to free him from this nightmare. “I told you the world wasn’t ready for two of you, especially a more menacing and cruel one.” He could smell two more scents, one being of his blood kin and another that was unfamiliar to him. But before he could find out who else came to his rescue, he found himself freed and pulled into a kiss, which he returned in kind for sometime before he pulled back and turned to see the rest of the company. Unfortunately as he did so, he run into a fist colliding with his face and it threw him onto the ground. Looking up, he rubbed at his cheek and saw his brother. Perfect.
“Hi to you too, Blaine.” His eyes looked over to the woman with them. She must had happened these two find him, and with that he was already in her debt.  “Sorry about my appearance, miss. I’m Krystopher, the one you were looking for, I take it.” Getting back up to his feet, he tried to go ahead and explain to Blaine what was going on, which Moliira must have not revealed at the time, but as he stood back up, another fist came. This time, he felt it against his stomach, which made him get onto one knee. “I take it that you approve of the two of us then, brother?” he groaned. “You look like crap, did Moliira’s counterpart do that, or did Latoya find you doing something you had no business doing?” His eyes shifted over to the woman again, noticing that she was hurt as well. “Sorry about putting you through this for a complete stranger. You won’t believe what that mad woman put me through.”

“Moliira, remind me to never get on your bad side”, he added.   

Author: Moliira, Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:15 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

Her eyes dropped to the ground for a moment, shame in her eyes when she saw the wounds they had received.  Blaine was her brother, and she was beginning to regard Dalanesca as a friend.  Seeing both of them injured hurt her, and Moliira moved towards them both.  Laying her hands over Blaine's wound, she was at least able to stop the bleeding.  "No matter how things change… I'm still lousy at healing," she said, a lopsided grin finally coming to her face after a long moment of silence.  Moving to the woman, she settled into her ranger's training for a moment, and very carefully removed the stick from her leg.  That wound was easy enough for Moliira to heal, but the cracked rib was different.  The best she could do was to manipulate the bones back into place. 

Her voice was low when she spoke again.  "I am sorry, both of you.  I wish that I could have kept you from getting injured, but I need your help.  I owe you both," Moliira said, conviction in her words.  There were a number of factors at play that had kept Moliira from going on this particular hunt on her own, and in the end the small pack had succeeded.  Though she was weakened on this continent, she still had formidable abilities.  "Come, let us fetch your brother," Moliira said to Blaine before opening a shadowy portal.  It closed once they had stepped through with her, and they stood in a dark cellar.  Her other self's safehouse was under an inn of Kurayo, and there were noises of a busy kitchen above them.  Moliira closed her eyes for a moment, finding her path. 

There was only one cell, and Moliira pulled it opening, knowing it was unlocked.  The black haired male was tied to a chair, keeping him upright so that her other self could inflict gods only knew what tortures on him.  Gently lifting his head, Moliira saw first a flash of fear, then recognition in her mate's eyes.  "I'm so sorry, Krys.  I tried to find you.  But she found you first," she said, distress in her voice.  Her mate seemed more exhausted than physically harmed, and Moliira had a feeling she knew why.  Her kin were more adept at mental torture than physical.  Quickly untying him, the drow pulled him in close for a long overdue kiss. 

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Wed Mar 9, 2016 11:57 AM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

A shriek involuntarily escaped Dalanesca’s lips as she was sent flying into the trees after the other Mollira’s attack against Blaine.  Her body hurled into a tree, hitting perpendicular to the trunk.  She fell to the ground and crumpled, the blow having nearly rendered her unconscious.  Her vision swam and everything became blurry.  

After a moment, she managed to pull herself to all fours, crouched much in the fashion of a wild animal.  Her vision had returned mostly to normalcy, and she could hear the muffled sounds of the fight breaking out back where she had been before she had tumbled away.  ”Need to go help,” she muttered to herself, still slightly incoherent.  She had hit the tree with such force that she was sure at least one of her ribs was broken - each breath she drew in elicited a sharp pain.  Unsure if she would be able to stand, she began to crawl in the direction of the sound.

After a few feet, she decided that crawling was probably causing the injury in her chest more pain, and attempted to pull herself to her feet.  When she had entered a standing position, a sharp pain shot through her leg and she looked down only to see a thicker twig shoved into the outer side of her left thigh.  It had passed through the back of her leg, and jutted out like some strange accessory.  She eyed the injury, knowing she couldn’t yank the stick out without possibly losing too much blood, she winced and snapped the longer end off.  Forcing herself to shield her mind from the pain, she took a step gingerly - it wasn’t as bad as she expected - and limped her way to the sounds.

When she emerged from the trees, she could see a strange scene laid out before her - Blaine, now back in his human form, leaned against a tree with a severe wound on his shoulder.  Moliira - the Moliira she was working with - stood, looking the same, yet somehow different.  And the other Moliira lay on the ground, her head some distance from her body.  Neither of the two had seemed to notice her yet, and she heard Blaine say he needed to find her.  

She limped a bit closer and called out.  ”No need to look for me, I”m here,” she said, her voice croaking from the pressure on her lungs from her impact with the tree.  ”I’m mostly in one piece,” she said, though her demeanor proved otherwise.  She fell backwards onto her rear, ending in a sitting position on the ground.  Her gaze glanced down to the branch sticking out of her leg and back up to the pair in front of her.  ”Looks like mission accomplished?” she asked, wincing as she spoke.

Author: Blaine Wintercrest, Posted: Mon Mar 7, 2016 7:25 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

Where is that woman at?, Blaine complained in his mind, unable to speak for the time being to Dalanesca while in this form. They had been practically the live bait and hooked the big fish- it was about time for the fisher to reel in her catch and deal with this accordingly. Gods only knew how Krys was fairing right now and he knew the man to be both stubborn and one not to go down with a good fight. That only meant that he was either lured somehow and ambushed or was overpowered. WIth this version of Moliira, he could see either option being viable and that was the last thing he wanted to happen to himself. With Dal as now his passenger, he definitely had to make sure that she didn’t die as well- for one thing he wasn’t going to have the blood of anyone he knew on his hands, even he just met her. Secondly, he could only imagine the lecturing his drowish sister would unleash on him afterwards. While he considered slowing down for her sake as he felt her arms wrapping around his neck for support, it couldn’t be helped. They had to create enough distance to avoid their pursuer and also not be in the crossfire once their Moliira came in. If he could still speak, he would have happily replied to the woman and told her that he was tracking the drow goddess’ scent. He only managed to growl lightly at her, not at anger but at least in reassurance that he wasn’t going to lead them to their demise.

For some reason, Blaine had the urge to smack both hers and Krys’ heads together, but that image didn’t stick around for too long as he felt a sharp pain take over him and he flung against the trunk of a tree. The pain didn’t cease and as he managed to look up, he spotted the sword. Damn it. He was pinned and he couldn’t see where Dalanesca was. A much more audible growl came out from his maw as he felt the blood leaving his wing, but there wasn’t much he could do. Back home he could shift and shift back as he pleased, but for some reason he found out that he needed some time in between the periods. Chaos followed into the ground once the other Moliira, the one that they knew, came to the scene and a fight was ensured. Blaine couldn’t help but feel helpless now. If the doppleganger won, then they were really screwed over and Krys would remain her plaything, if he was still alive that was. Much great restraint was building inside him as to not go and pull the blade from his wing, it felt like hell that he couldn’t help out anymore. There was nothing much for him to do aside from speculating the encounter.

Of course, he wasn’t surprised that the doppleganger wasn’t going done without a fight, and honestly he felt that the world would have been better without her. She wasn’t like his sister, she had done some wrongs in her life, but at least she had made efforts at redemption. This one was pure evil and would likely not feel anything for any wrongdoings in her life. As the fight grew more dangerous, so did the temptation of freeing himself. In the end, he watched with wide eyes as the killing blow was dealt and their side won. About time, he said dry humoredly in his thoughts before he felt like he could shift again. With that, the wolf melted back into the form of a man’s, but with the transformation, it did more harm than good for him. While he was freed, the blade had did some additional damage to his back and shoulder,  resulting in a great wound. Holding onto it with his opposite hand, he moved towards Moliira and grinned. “Need to find Dalanesca and Krys”, he spoke before he nearly fell against another tree, barely managing to hold himself up with it instead.   

Author: Moliira, Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:49 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

The wolf was pushing all the buttons to make her angry.  While the girl smelled sweet, Moliira knew that the male would die under her hands first.  Perhaps in front of his brother.  His blood would likely be rather gamey, but she could endure.  It would be worth it.  But first, she had to catch the pair, and dispatch her usurper.  Her eyes widened for a moment when the male shifted to a golden hued wolf, and the wings almost made her stop in her tracks.  She had never seen such a thing.  Perhaps she would enslave the little brother, rather than kill him.  Such a pet could be very useful to her. 

The pursuit through the woods was short, and Moliira knew she would have to end their flight soon.  She could sense her other self close by, very close.  Drawing her sword, she paused and aimed carefully.  The hurled blade missed its mark, but only just.  The golden wolf crashed into a tree when the blade pinned his wing to it, rather than severing it as she had intended.  The girl was sent tumbling into the woods, and she lost track of her for the time being.  No matter.  Once she was fully herself, the girl would not escape her grasp.  And the fallen goddess was pissed off enough that she could allow herself to feel the urge for petty vengeance. 

And it was then that her usurper, the tainted bitch finally stepped into her view.  They regarded each other for a moment, but it felt like an eternity for them both.  The vampire broke first.  With a hiss and bared fangs, she lunged for the usurper with her drow-forged blade, who growled and drew her own blade.  The wolf-drow deflected the first blow with a frost limned blade, and they circled each other for a moments.  "You won't win this, you know.  You could just surrender.  If you tell me where he is, I'll let you go," Moliira told her other self.  There was still a hesitation in the idea of killing herself in a way.  She had already tried to commit suicide, and this was almost doing the same thing.  She also knew that Blaine would likely never forgive her, though it became a moot point in very short order.

The vampire and wolf kept trading blows, testing each other, and finding themselves almost equally matched.  They were both bleeding from a number of cuts, and neither could get a strong advantage.  But the vampire was hungry, and the wolf started to win.  Parrying a blow, the vampire tried a new tactic, dropping herself low to the ground.  When the wolf jumped to avoid the sword to her ankles, the vampire sprang from the ground and pinned her against a tree.  Her blade held parallel to the ground, she was intent on cutting the wolf's throat.  "Me, surrender?  You of all people should know better!" she hissed as she tried to press the blade into the wolf's throat.  But her other self was strong, and they struggled with the blade.  The smell of the wolf's blood became thick as Moliira tried to stop the blade, and it cut into her palm.  That thick smell distracted the vampire, and her hunger was causing her to lose control.

The wolf kicked out against the tree, pushing them both away from it.  The sword came within an inch of her throat, but fell away as the pair tumbled.  The wolf finally got the upper hand, shoving her knee into the vampire's back and her face into the dirt.  Her arms were pinned with one hand, and the wolf had come up holding the drow forged blade in her other hand.  "Last chance," she growled.  But the vampire only hissed and struggled, leaving Moliira with no choice.  With one swift move, she decapitated her other self.

Sinking back into a kneeling position, Moliira found herself panting for breath.  She dropped the blade, clutching her temples.  A rush of memories was flowing into her head, and a surge of power.  It was disorienting, and painful for a few long moments.  But in that rush of knowledge, she knew in a heartbeat where her mate was.  Rising to her feet, she sought out Blaine and Dalanasca, wanting to ensure they were as unharmed as possible.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 11:45 AM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

”Damn it all!” she muttered under her breath as her blow to the back of the other Moliira’s head landed true, but only seemed to be enough to daze her.  Being the only truly mortal person in the area, she felt a pang of panic jolt through her mind.  She assumed that Blaine would have a decent chance in a fight with her, but knew that if she herself were to get into a brawl it would probably be her last.  Since she did not feel like having her life’s story end during this fight, she needed her caution at its highest point.

She spotted the elemental not long after Blaine had, and ran as quickly as she could after him when he began to follow it through the trees.  She was in fantastic shape and quite fast herself, but the speed that Blaine possessed was ethereal and she began to struggle to keep pace with him.  Shortly he had shape-shifted into a golden hued world with gigantic wings jutting out from either side.  She withheld her surprise and astonishment at the change and continued trying to keep up, though his speed had only increased when he had shifted.

Fortunately for Dalanesca, Blaine seemed to slow down and look to her direction in recognition of the fact that she might not be able to keep up with him, and he was right.  He seemed to, somehow, gesture for her to climb onto his back.  She nodded, and the pair slowed down so she could hop on easily.  Without either of them coming to a complete stop, she had managed to climb onto his back.  Before he picked up speed again, she did the only thing that made sense.  Leaning down, she wrapped her arms tightly around the now-wolf’s thick neck, pressing her torso flat against the animal’s spine.

Blaine picked up speed when he was sure that she was secured and took off after the elemental, in a direction Dalanesca was sure was going to lead them to Moliira - well, at least the Moliira they were working for.  She could hear trees cracking behind them - was the other Moliira following them?  She clutched tighter to the wolf’s neck, and she could feel the beast pick up speed - perhaps he had heard the sounds as well.

”Where are we going?” she yelled to the wolf’s ear, though she realized how silly it was that she was speaking to a wolf - the assumption was made that Blaine wouldn’t be able to respond in any sort of normal communication as it were.  She also, after a moment, realized that she knew the answer to the question, and assumed that they had reached their destination when Blaine began to slow down.  She was not going to let go until they had come to a complete stop.

Author: Blaine Wintercrest, Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:54 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

He cringed once the doppelganger spoke his name out loud. She spewed some words about having talked to Krys, and Blaine's only thoughts about it was that she had interrogated him. And since she was just another Moliira, he could only imagine that he had been greatly and calculatedly tortured. That did nothing but increase his foul mood towards her, but he tried to keep his peace about it. Now wasn't the time to give her the advantage and he would have to be in control, not just for himself, but for Dalanesca and also for Krystopher. Fortunately, the former was able to get away from the former deity but took a hit regardless, while he went in towards their foe.

"Have you ever deal with a wolf's temper? Surely from how you've been taunting me, you have not", he growled, readying to unleash his beast upon her and have her watch him rip her body apart with fangs and claws. His taunts paid off as she was flanked by Dal. It was a good hit for sure and if the situation wasn't too dire, he would have cracked a laugh or two. "Oh, you will give him back to us; I don't give a damn who you are, your highness." He was about to lunge in once again and deal out a blow of his own when he spotted some sort of elemental creature arriving on the scenes.

"Moliira", he spoke quietly. She had horrible timing for his taste- things were starting to get interesting and now they had to fallback and complete the plan. But he knew that they couldn’t play with her for very long, heaven knew how much trouble his brother was in. He could only pray that when they did find him, he would still be in some good health at least. Sticking his tongue at her, he spun around and looked to Dalanesca to see if she was alright before taking off. "Can you even catch a wolf, your highness?", he jested again, hoping to have her chase after them. "Moliira, I hope you are good and ready", he said to himself as he ran with great speed through the city and towards the woodline. As he ran, he shifted into a large golden wolf, with angelic like wings on either side of him. It was a strange sight to behold, and he could only assume that it could infuriate her even more so.


His head turned to his partner to see if she could keep up. He gestured with his head to get on her back if needed.

[Whit has gmod permission of Blaine if she does have Dal ride on his back :P]

Author: Moliira, Posted: Mon Feb 1, 2016 11:23 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

She could smell the anger on the male, and she only grinned when he asked.  "Oh, he's somewhere nice and safe.  Safe from you.  We've been having quite a few conversations, he and I… Blaine, it is?" Moliira asked.  The shift in his face told her everything that she needed to know.  The information scared her just a bit, mostly because she knew that it was very likely her doppelganger was close by.  But the hunger got in the way, and she lunged for the girl.  But they were quick, and she had lost her supernatural edge.  It was something the vampiric entity was still adjusting to, mostly because she did not want to accept the change. 

And it didn't help that the male was faster than she thought.  This was getting bad for her, and quickly.  But the male kept wanting to talk, and her pride kept her from being silent.  "No, I don't think I will.  You've not earned the right for me to simply give something.  Or someone.  Do you even understand who yo-" she spat out, the full arrogance of a goddess in her voice suddenly cut off at the dull thud to the back of her skull.  It wasn't quite enough to knock the vampire out, but it was damned close.  Stumbling away for a moment, she caught the breathy whisper of an elemental creature calling out to the pair, bidding them to follow.

It took a few moments to find her footing again, and the pair escaped her immediate grasp.  They were heading for a break in the city walls, to the woods outside it.  With a snarl, she pursued.  One way or another, it was time to end this.  It was a quiet torture for her, not being whole.  Not being the dark Goddess she had once been was something that she needed to change, one way or the other.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:05 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

She nodded at Blaine, glad that he seemed to agree with her point.  She did not necessarily want to use herself as bait, but she was willing to do so if it would get the job done.  She could tell that Blaine was running through scenarios in his head, but thought better than to ask - she assumed that he would share the information with her shortly, to which assumption she had been correct.

Glad that Blaine understood she didn’t want to take point, she stepped cautiously behind him, watching him carefully as he focused on the many scents in the air.  She had never been too trusting of any sort of lycanthrope, though that was partially due to the numerous negative experiences she had encountered.  She could see Blaine’s demeanor change as he caught a familiar scent on the air.  He did not say anything to her, yet part of her knew that it must be the one they were seeking.

She silently nodded in responses to his words, though she put herself on high alert when she could tell that movement had caught Blaine’s attention.  Without a word, she dropped one of her daggers from its wrist sheath and readied her free hand at the hilt of the sword sheathed at her spine.  The ‘other’ Moliira - whose appearance was quite unsettling to Dalanesca - spoke to them.  Slowly, she drew the sword, holding it in a defensive position - though she was quite unsure as to how this version was going to act.  She hadn’t been fully filled in on the situation at hand, and she was beginning to piece together the fact that this was essentially a piece of the Moliira that she had met earlier.

Without a moment to ebb in a word, this Moliira lunged at Dalanesca.  Blaine in turn lunged towards her as well, seemingly in an attempt to thwart her attack.  Dalanesca instinctively darted to one side, though she found herself on unfamiliar terrain.  Her footing slipped and she slid into an awkward splits position, feeling a sharp rock rip open the leather of her leggings and pierce her skin in a dragging cut.  She stopped herself from crying out, and immediately scrambled back to her feet.  

Blaine seemed to be attempting to keep the other Moliira occupied, and Dalanesca took this as an opportunity.  Moliira had instructed them to lead their target (who she now assumed was this Moliira) into the wilds, where she would take over, and Dalanesca assumed that having the target unconscious would make that all the more easy.  She tossed her dagger in the air swiftly, and caught the hilt backwards in her hand.  Blood dripping from the wound in her leg, she lunged towards the other Moliira’s back while Blaine had her distracted, hoping to smash the blunt end of the hilt into the back of her skull to knock her out.  She prayed that Blaine would keep her distracted long enough for the plan to work, but braced for impact in case it didn’t.  She hadn’t dealt with such a situation in a long time, and was unsure of how it was going to play out.

Author: Blaine Wintercrest, Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 1:10 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

“Hm, suppose you have a point there”, Blaine admitted in turn. Dalanesca was likely an unknown variable in this little game so they could have some sort of surprise in that regard. Honestly, he wasn’t sure how Krys was able to allow himself to be captured like this and it irked him a bit. Out of the two brothers, he was more of the level headed and calculating. Of how he come to let his guard enough for the second Moliira to get a hold of him, he was unsure. All that was known now was that his ass needed to be rescued and a bit of him wanted to gloat about it afterwards. After all, that’s what good little brothers did, right?

“That brother of mine has a knack for getting himself into deep trouble”, he replied before gesturing to Moliira. “She could probably tell you just as much stories as I could about his run-ins with danger.” A part of him still thought that she was hiding something from him; uncertainty though still plagued his thoughts. Between those two, he wasn’t sure which could prove to be a thorn in his behind more sometimes. Regardless, he needed to be saved because he was his kin, and he didn’t want to explain to his children why their uncle wasn’t around anymore.

Dalanesca hadn’t seemed very keen on taking the lead, which made the lycan nod and step out a few paces ahead. Not sure if the doppelganger will have the same scent, but I do know of my brother’s, and he’s here somewhere.” Lifting his head up, he sniffed the air around them. Of course he smelled their scents, but also that of his brother’s, though faintly. THen another that felt familiar but at the same time, different. Likely the other Moliira and her vampircy was what he was picking up on. “That is a possibility. However, she’s not one that will trust others easily for delicate matters like this”, he reassured just before his eye caught something coming towards them. His lips curled into a frown as he prayed to himself of his safe return to his wife and daughter. It was the other Moliira, and the sensation she stirred inside him angered his wolf.

“Where’s Krys? He has nothing to do with your squabble with your other self”,Blaine sighed. Likely this wouldn’t be resolved in a bout of words, and from her own that were spoken, it only proved his point as he took hold of the hilt tightly. The moment she pounced, he went after her and tried to tackle her away from her intended prey in the other assassin. “Now, now. Why go after her when there’s another predator you need to get rid of first? You won’t be touching her or anyone else if I can help it.” The sword was drawn out and he stalked around her, slowly and methodically with cold piercing eyes. Hopefully he could keep her attention on him while Dal could take advantage of the moment. “No give him back or I’ll knock you down a lot farer than you had when Moliira did it.”                                                                                  

Author: Moliira, Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:48 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

[This post is being written as the Revaliir Moliira, not the one you all know and love.]

She was being hunted, and it was a deeply uncomfortable sensation.  It was not wholly clear to her just when the change had occurred, when she had been pushed from her home by this… impostor.  Her lovely, silent palace of webs was gone, replaced by open fields under the stars.  Her assassins had fled, seeking other opportunities.  And she couldn't entirely blame them.  But that left her in a predicament.  The vampiric drow had fled to one of her safehouses in Kurayo to plot her next moves.  The biggest problem was that she wasn't even sure that she could dispatch her doppelganger. 

But then something wholly unexpected had happened.  She came across someone who smelled almost like her, and somehow not.  there was something wild about that scent, not the dead, sanguine essence of her own scent.  But it was when the lycan male called her by name did Moliira put the pieces together.  She had knocked the male out, and probed his mind for whatever she could find.  Though her mental talents were not great, she was careful enough to make sure he did not know what she had done.  When he was awake, they spoke.  Though Moliira did most of the speaking.  And she learned quite a bit from this Krystopher.  The thought that she would ever consent to the filthy blood of a wolf joining her own made her blood boil.  It was even worse that she had gien her body over to this tainted man-wolf being.  And with that knowledge, she knew that she would have to kill her doppelganger. 

But it seemed that her prey had come to her.  The fallen deity had contacts all over the city, and it was a creature of shadow that brought her the best news.  It was watching what appeared to be a copy of herself, though with scars and a strange scent.  The odd thing was that they could not sense each other, almost as if they cancelled each other's existence out in a manner.  She sent the little creature on its way, and stepped out of her safehouse.  And it was there she saw a pair, and a male who smelled enough like her captive to make her aggressive.  Plus it had been quite some time since she had fed.  The girl looked rather tasty. 

"Well, well now.  I see that I have visitors.  There is only one question from me.  Which one of you dies first?" she said, flashing a grin filled with sharp teeth.  Instinct took over, and she lunged for the female. 

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 12:03 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

She offered Blaine a smile, feeling the same sentiment - meeting someone new under such dire circumstances was never the best choice.  She did not know this man, but her strange trust in Moliira led her to trust him as well, especially when Moliira made mention that he was her blood sibling.  Her further explanation on his character and persona was good enough for her.  ”Pleasure’s mine,” she said, offering him a quick smile, before turning her attention back to the matter at hand.  Moliira offered them a brief explanation before conjuring a shimmering portal for them, through it she could see what must have been Kurayo, according to what Moliira had told her.

She nodded at the drow in acknowledgment of what she had said, and turned her attention to Blaine.  ”We are probably at an advantage,” she added, a soft smile on her face.  ”I’m unknown to her, as far as I know,” she said, but she was unsure how true this was.  Moliira - the Moliira that she had met in the cemetery, anyway - had some recollection of her, and Dalanesca of her as well, so there was a chance that her other half would possibly recognize her as well.  ”She shouldn’t recognize me,” she said to Blaine.  ”Gives us an upperhand, I guess,” she added with a shrug of her shoulders.  She followed him through the portal, and took a glance around the garden that they now stood in.

She was unsure who Krystopher was, as Moliira hadn’t given her much backstory at all on the situation - Dalanesca had chosen to just trust her word.  ”Not sure who he is, but I’ll be sure to remind you,” she quipped, having caught his comment that he had nearly inaudibly whispered.  She let out a nervous bit of laughter at his comment about their lives being put up for grabs, but figured that the jesting tone was his own way of dealing with such a situation.  

When he offered for her to lead, she shrugged and took a few steps, not sure of the direction.  She eventually slowed to a stop and turned to face him.  ”You know, it would probably make more sense for you to lead us,” she said, in complete seriousness.  ”You seem to have a keener grasp on the situation as a whole, I think Moliira just wanted me for my skills,” she said, feeling a tiny swell of pride in her chest - it seemed that the tricks she had learned as an assassin would most definitely come in handy in finding this… other half of the drow.  ”I appreciate the equality, but ladies first might not be the most pertinent idea for this situation… in fact, it may be considered detrimental,” she added.  It was obvious that she did not want to admit that she had literally no idea how to find what, rather who, they were looking for… or that she had no idea where they were in general.

Author: Blaine Wintercrest, Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 4:27 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

 Oh, he was getting too old for this. Chasing after Krys’ hide and trying to save it yet again… he could swear that his children didn’t get into much trouble as their uncle did. As far as he knew, of course. If what Moliira was staying was true about the differences in her doppelganger, then the situation was even more serious. “Why kidnap him? Does she even know who he is if she’s never met us? What’s holding him going to do for her?” Blaine could only wonder how long he could remain alive until she got frustrated, bored or simply wanted to kill him. “I suppose never”, he retorted as he became more restless, waiting on the help she had sent out for.

TIme had passed by quickly before Dalanesca arrived and he looked her up and down to get a feel for her.  She seemed suited for the job and if Moliira placed her trust into her, then it had to be the real deal; the drow was similar to him in that they didn’t give their trust to a lot of people. She had already made his introduction and he nodded. “Pleasure, Dalanesca. Though I didn’t wish the circumstances were better.”

He turned and listened to the deity, the plan sounded simple enough, but he wasn’t about to believe the plan would go without a hitch. Especially with her other side involved in the equation. “We’re going to have to do this as swift as possible. Likely, she’ll have something in the waiting for trespassers should they stumble onto her grounds. Traps…elementals…who knows.” He looked over to Dalanesca, “But we will have to get her away from Krystopher and from there, it should be easier to goad her out of there, provided that we don’t get our throats slit before we see the blade coming.” There was no telling what would be come of her should the plan bear fruit; the only indication was that of Moliira’s smile. Would she force the merger, or settle for slaining her counterpart? The thought stayed in his mind as he nodded for the okay before the gate was summoned. Crossing over, his feet get the ground and he stood in front of the garden. From that moment on, his senses were on high alert and his sword hand rested on the hilt. He could smell the faint scent of his kin draped about the area, but nothing visual. He was likely deeper into this garden, if anything. “Remind me to give Krys a kick on his rear for this”, he muttered beneath his breath. “Yeah, we have this. You’ll be given a signal when we have her on our tails, mainly that of cursing while she’s trying to kill us.” Once that was done, he gestured with his other hand, allowing his partner to lead. “Ladies first. We should be fine as long as we stick together and not let her separate us at any point.”

Author: Moliira, Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:15 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

Shaking her head, she had almost forgotten how many children that her brother had.  It was far more than she would ever want to keep up with.  Her two boys were bad enough at times.  She nodded when he mentioned that Krys couldn't have gotten too far, but the question was where…  Then the terrible thought struck her.  She didn't answer Blaine until the summoned creatures had left to find their marks.  "Some of us have someone who lived here before Daeluin began to fall apart.  Another self that lived a separate life.  Some have merged willingly, others… not so much.  And you're right.  My counterpart… is my self had I not met you and Krys.  Evil, without any morals, and a vampire to boot," she explained.  Nodding when he mentioned saving Krys' ass being a challenge, it did bring a smile back to her face for a brief moment.  "When has anything involving the three us of not been a challenge?" she asked, feeling a bit of relief.  At least Blaine was quickly on board.

She nodded at the question, and waited a few moments to explain.  It did not take Dalanesca too long to appear with them, and the situation was easier to explain.  "Exactly, and thank you for coming, Dalanesca.  This is my brother by blood, Blaine.  You are both good hunters, and I wish that we had more time.  But I need you both to help me.  I've figured out where my counterpart is.  And you two will drive her to me," she explained quickly.  Her first elemental had not returned yet, so she took a few moments more to explain the rest of her plan. 

"She is in Kurayo somewhere.  My elementals are hunting her exact location.  Get her outside of the city, and into the wilds.  And I can take care of the rest," Moliira said, a slightly cruel smile on her face.  It was time to end this, and she had a good idea of just what would happen.  Then the owl reappeared, and Moliira nodded.  Sketching out a map in the dirt, she showed the other two just where her counterpart was.  "The sky there does not change too much, but it is daylight now.  The only time she will be really vulnerable.  Ready?" she asked, the eagerness to go on a hunt showing in her voice.  It was now or never.

A shimmering gate opened, showing Kurayo in its twilight splendor and she motioned for them to step through.  they were in an abandoned garden, the last place Moliira would see them until the hunt concluded.  "The owl will show you where she is.  Safe hunting.  I will be there, at that silvery tree," she said, pointing beyond the city borders.  It was up to them now.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 4:32 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

She felt that enough time had passed since she had met Moliira, or the Storm Wolf as she had been referred to, in the cemetery, that she could go to her realm and see her once more.  Something gave her a feeling that now was the proper time for such a visit, though she could not quite place what it was.

It took a moment, but she managed to remember the way that the drow had described to her to enter the realm.  It had been about two days journey to Virens forest, but she had recalled that the entrance to the realm needed a forest, or something along those lines - her head had been mildly foggy on that evening in which she had made Moliira’s acquaintance.

Her eyes scanned the area, and when she was completely sure she was alone, she withdrew a small dagger from a sheath at her waist.  Without hesitation, she drew the blade across her palm and gashed the skin.  Kneeling upon the ground, she pressed the wound into the soil.  Rocks bit into her palms but she did not wince.  Quietly, she whispered the words that she knew she would need to speak, closing her eyes - and when she opened them again, she knew that it had worked.  

She stood, no longer on the forest floor but now atop a vast, rolling heath, and couldn’t help but draw in a deep breath.  Moliira hadn’t offered her any further information on what to do upon arriving in her realm, but she assumed that the drow had something figured out for when she arrived.  She took a few steps, her eyes gazing about the beauty that surrounded her, and she began to truly understand what it was Moliira encompassed.

She closed her eyes, drawing in another breath, and when she opened them, a shadow-wolf stood directly in front of her.  She blinked, standing stock still for a moment, unsure of whether the creature was friend or foe - but it gave off some sort of presence that put her at ease, and with that she knew that it belonged to Moliira.

Something crackled, and she and the shadow-wolf blinked from view, only to reappear in another place altogether.  She blinked, again, choosing not to be confused, but only to view her surroundings, and she could make out two figures nearby - one of which appeared to be Moliira, and the other she was unsure of. 

She moved closer to them, hoping that her sudden appearance would not startle Moliira, but assuming that she was aware of her impending arrival.  She began to make out the voices as she neared, and heard the other - the male - speak her name.  She was close enough now to call out, and chose this time to do such. 

”Um, I’m Dalanesca,” she said.  ”I told Moliira I would assist her, so… yeah, guess I’m your girl,” she said, moving slightly closer to the two.  She hadn’t been entirely sure what Moliira was going to have her assist with, but she was more than willing to help the drow as the drow had been more than willing to help her.  ”Good timing on my part, huh?” she said, with a cheeky smile.  She cast her gaze toward the man who was unknown to her, in hopes that his identity would be made apparent.

Author: Blaine Wintercrest, Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:24 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

“No, you just have a terrible habit of sneaking up on me, remember?, he retorted. “Aside from that, I’m ecstatic about all this, be sure of that Moliira.” Blaine didn't exactly mind it one bit, it was comforting to know that some things never did change in this world. It seems as the times went by, all things had to change and some of them were things he was fond of. “After having about six children, you’d think she would be done. Especially since four of them are mine, but I’m not sure if she’s ready for me to stop having pups. Don’t be surprised if the next time we meet up that she’s growing heavy with child once more.” Given her and her race, he really wasn’t too sure in what to expect. Perhaps they would slow it down and focus on their relationship; heaven knows that they should, given the dramatic events that befell them not too long ago with the separation.

While he was worried about the welfare of his older brother, he couldn’t shake this strange feeling that something was going on with Molirra. He watched and studied her in silence, knowing that not too many things could rattle the drow as this situation was, but why? His train of thought was broken for a moment and he nodded. “Glad to know your greatest asset is still sharp. We will find that old mutt. He couldn’t have wandered too far if he stumbled through the tear as well.” Hopefully the same could be said for the rest of the family. Heaven knew where his children or sisters were at. His smile fell once he spotted the change in her; now something was really wrong here. Moliira and fear mixed about as well as whiskey and swimming at the same time. If she was acting like this, then it had to be a serious matter. Blaine stared right at her as the words slipped out from her mouth. “Counterpart? What the hell? What do you mean by counterpart?” Was there another Moliira running about, having Krys as her prisoner or something. The very thought of two of them made him groan inwardly; it would only mean double the trouble. Unfortunately he could figure that the other one wouldn’t be up for fun and games.

“Great, so in order to go save Krys’ ass, we got to find you. The other you I mean. And if she’s anything like you, this is going to be a challenge.” Who knows how long she planned on keeping him before she either got bored or fed up with him…and then what? He wasn’t about to explain to his niece as to why her father wasn’t coming home anymore. His own wolf was surging with anger, readying to find this counterpart and do what it took to get his brother back. After Moliira got done instructing her creatures, Blaine walked over to her side and turned his head to face her. “That’s why I’m here. The tea and crumpets can wait until later.”Despite the jest, his own face was filled with seriousness, knowing the situation could turn dire if they didn’t find Krys fast. “This Dalanesca…I take it she will be able to help us track him down?” He didn’t know who she was, but he prayed that the three of them could locate the alpha.  

Author: Moliira, Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:20 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

An eyebrow went up at Blaine's reaction to seeing her, and Moliira put in an air of being very annoyed.  "If I didn't know better, I would say that you were not glad to see me," she said, though the look did not last long as she was not entirely serious.  Chuckling at Blaine and his terms for their greatly extended family, Moliira listened and nodded.  The name Aurora didn't mean anything to her at first, but Moliira found herself rolling her eyes.  "I am starting to think Latoya should have you neutered if you can't keep track," she said, a wicked grin crossing her face for a moment.  But it was all in play, given that she and Blaine had always traded jabs at each other.

A deep concern flickered across her face when Blaine hadn't heard from his brother yet.  That was even more worrisome to her that her mate was still missing, and something that made Moliira wonder just where he had gotten off to.  There was a deep belief he still lived since their wolves had bonded, and she was certain she would know if he had passed on from the world.  But the look passed when Blaine questioned her tracking abilities, and she snorted with feigned contempt.  "I could still track you to the ends of the earth and beyond if I wanted, Blaine.  And for the most part… I can find anyone I wish to.  Except Krystopher for some reason," Moliira admitted, frustration entering her tone. 

Then a thought crossed her mind, something awful enough to make her face go ashy for a few moments.  "Oh gods.  I think I know where he is.  When I crossed over here… I more or less pushed my counterpart out of her role as a deity.  She is still out there somewhere, so I am somewhat diminished.  And I cannot find her.  She had hidden herself well from my eyes.   Blaine, I think she has your brother," Moliira said, actual fear in her voice.  If her darker half had him, then Krystopher was likely in terrible danger.  And it was highly important that she find him as soon as possible.

A shadowy owl appeared at her side a moment later, and she spoke rapidly to it in the Drowish tongue.  It disappeared, and Moliira summoned another elemental, this time speaking in the common tongue.  "Go, find Dalanesca.  Tell her that the Storm Wolf needs her, and show her the fastest way here," she said, a curt tone showing the urgency of the situation.  Turning to Blaine again, there was a look in her eyes, a very dangerous one.  "I hope you're ready for a hunt.  Sorry to cut the greeting short, but you know our pack comes first," Moliira said.  She had to find her mate, and Blaine would very likely understand the deep need.

Author: Blaine Wintercrest, Posted: Tue Dec 8, 2015 4:37 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

”Great”, he muttered beneath his breath as he continued to look around the place. The people here weren’t exactly helpful for him and Blaine was starting to doubt whether it was a wise idea to come here in the first place. For one thing, he didn’t have true concrete proof that Moliira was here or not. Hell, for all that he knew, it could have been another drow that was bitten or shared blood with a wolven being and later on became a goddess. Those sort of things were possible to occur, right? Another thing was, even if she was this deity, who was to say that he was searching in the right place, or even if she was still around the realm in general. The lycan felt like ripping out his hair the more he contemplated this. Even at his age, his temper could still get the best of him once provoked.

It wasn’t until he started to think of moving on and looking in another location far from here when he felt someone come onto him, nearly knocking his out of his boots. He managed to cast his sight onto the woman and groaned loudly almost immediately. “Of course it’s you. Why in the world should I be surprised?”, he muttered at her before returning the hugs. It had been far too long since they saw each other, he believed it was around the twins being born was the last he saw from her. They had much to catch up on. “Aye, I don’t normally be strolling through a deity’s realm, but I had to make sure that it was you. I been searching all over you and the other knuckleheads”, he said with a slight chuckle. “She’s here alright, she wasn’t pleased that Angela kept her in holding until she calmed down after this whole mess erupted. But she came to and sought me out; we just now found each other and Aurora’s with us as well” Quickly catching himself, the man chuckled again. “Sorry, not too sure if you met her. She’s the youngest, at least currently. I’m starting to think I have too many pups around.”

The reunion was sweet, yet there was business to be had and his sister was the first to address it to his surprise. Things had been bittersweet between her and Kryst for ages and to his knowledge, they had made up a while ago. Yet, something was strange here, he could tell in her tone when she asked for him. He shot her a curious look before scratching his head. “Haven’t spoken to Krystopher in a while. A long while. That is one of the reasons I’m here. I need help looking for him, my children and our other siblings, if they are here. And tracking is your forte, that is unless old age has caught up with ya. Speaking of which, how’s divinity treating you? Heard a lot of tales of how it feels to be a god, many of them just rumors and tall tales. But since you are one, I suppose you can give me a better way of putting it.” He recalled that Krys had once strived grealy to be in such a position, all the way Blaine wasn’t very much up for having a mantle like that. Despite it though, he was very glad for Moliira to be among those chosen. 

Author: Moliira, Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:12 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

While he had never managed to set foot in her labyrinth on Daeluin, Moliira and Krystopher had both known that his brother would have found his way there eventually.  But since the transition to Revaliir, she had not seen any sign of either her mate or her brother.  While some people she had found, there were others that Moliira worried for.  But once Blaine stepped into her realm, Moliira's shoulders relaxed.  If he was here, that her mate was more than likely somewhere within Revaliir.  It was just a small matter of finding him.  But perhaps Blaine would be the perfect person to do such a thing.  And he would certainly be the perfect person to help her with her other problem. 

It was too much fun to let Blaine wander around her forest for a time, there was a certain malicious pleasure Moliira took in letting his frustration get the better of him.  But there was the feeling of joy as well in that her pack was slowly coming back together.  Appearing out of nowhere, Moliira pounced on her brother and pulled him into a tight hug.  It had been longer than she liked since she had seen him, and Moliira was quite glad he had come.  "Well now, brother mine, you are one of the last people that I expected to see wander in here.  But I am quite glad you are here.  I'd assume since Angela is here, Latoya is as well?" she said after a moment.  Releasing him, Moliira looked him over for a moment. 

It didn't take long for her voice to turn serious though, given the concern on her mind.  "Tell me, have you heard anything of your brother?  I've not seen or heard anything from Krystopher since crossing over to this place," Moliira asked, anxiety in her voice.  It was difficult being away from her mate for so long, even though she was quite certain he had to be here somewhere.

Author: Blaine Wintercrest, Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:22 PM, Post Subject: Pridelands (GO,R)

Finding his beautiful wife was a blessing for Blaine, and though he appreciated the fates returning her to him, he needed to find the others. He needed to find the rest of his children as well as any of his siblings. His brother and sometimes enemy would make for a good first option to seek out, considering that he could cover much more ground with Krys working with him. Unfortunately he couldn’t be sure or not on whether he had crossed over to this realm, and the only person that he knew to have had some sort of contact with his elder brother was Moliira. She was another person that he was concerned about making it here, that was until he caught on to tales and rumors about this Wild Goddess that commanded the very storms themselves. The fact that they also spoke of her being drow only made him all the more convinced that she could have already settled down. Something tugged at his mind, screaming at him that Moliira was likely this deity although he was smart enough to know that it may not be her. After much thought, he set forward to go and venture into these wilds and seek the deity out, for the better or worse.

Finding the entrance proved to be the most difficult for him, trekking through the woods aimlessly for a sign of something out of the norm. The problem laid in that he didn’t know just what he was looking for, and anyone that saw him would swear that he was just a rugged looking wildman with a touch of madness. Blaine didn’t really care if he had looked like a fool, he needed to find out just where the hell her temple resided in.

Eventually he came across something that didn’t seem to fit the atmosphere here. It was like a vision of sorts in between the trees of another place, another realm. As he came towards it, he phased through the image without crossing over. His eyes narrowed as he swiped his hand through it with ease before groaning. Blaine thought for a moment before having a hunch; he removed his glove and took hold of his blade before carefully slicing open his palm and squeezing the blood into the image. It landed onto the earth below and shortly after he was transmitted into a far different place. No longer in the woods, he looked around the unconquered fields and the impending storm overhead.

“Guess I’m going the right way”, he muttered before looking at every which direction to see where he could start looking. “Where the hell am I supposed to go?” This was going to be a pain in his backside if he had to spend all of eternity prowling through here. With that in mind, Blaine shifted into a large golden coated wolf and headed forward. It wasn’t until sometime in his journey that he noticed that it had been a while since he had shift; he had forgotten how good it had felt to feel the earth beneath his paws, to run wild and free. It was something he was going to have to keep in mind, especially as he noticed packs of other wolves around him. It reminded him of his own pack and renewed his resolve to seek out his own. He didn’t care how long it took, he wanted them and he was going to have his family one way or another. The heath lead him to an enormous, lively forest, far larger than the one he had been searching in. This was a great place for those that preferred living in nature rather than in civilization, for those like himself.

A village of sorts came into sight and the lupine dashed right in for it before shifting back into his human form. The people there smelled of shifters as well, carrying on with their daily tasks as he came up to them one by one, asking about the goddess and where she resided in these parts. One of them confirmed that her name was that of his friend’s and once blood sister, but they were rather cryptic about her whereabouts; the typical response was that she would roam wherever she deemed fit. A frown fell across his lips as he continued around, trying to get as much information as possible.

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