Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Moliira, Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:17 PM, Post Subject: Falling with Style

"Many crossed over from our old home.  But many did not.  A strange thing here… you may find yourself, in a way.  Or those from your past.  But they will not remember you, or know who they were to you.  Just something you may wish to prepare yourself for," Moliira cautioned.  It would be interesting to see just who the mage knight encountered, perhaps old friends.  But they would likely be changed.  She nodded when he accepted the offer of shelter, all of the small settlements within her realm had more than a few open beds. 

The drow chuckled when he wanted to know just what the job was, she couldn't blame him given her former reputation.  "Things here are a bit different, Alessaunder.  I no longer hunt for coin and sport.  Only to keep the balance," Moliira said.  But he would learn.  And there were other concerns for the time being.  She nodded when he mentioned the Red Symphony, it was a group that she had been aware of, though she had no interaction with.  And his words troubled her.

"It sounds as if their home is in this land, and they just happened to operate in Daeluin as well… curious.  Perhaps you should find out about them first.  And tell me what you find, please," she requested.  Old habits died hard, and Moliira did like to have her ears open to the happenings of the world.  Whether or not she would act on that information remained to be seen.  "Returning here is a simple thing.  Go into the wilds, cut your hand, and speak the word Maral'hal.  It will bring you back here," she added.  If he was going hunting, having a refuge would be useful.

Author: Alessaunder, Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:41 PM, Post Subject: Falling with Style

The knight paced around the stone circle as his old acquaintance turned goddess spoke. A look of contemplation and mild concern across his face.

“New world, eh?  I suppose, I’ve seen stranger things.”

Alessaunder thought of the strange things he had seen when he had been trapped in the void.  It was a dangerous place and he had almost died countless times to the horrors in that place. If the way back to Daeluin included going through the void, then it would be sometime before Alessaunder attempted to journey back “home.”

“I appreciate the offer.  I have no where else to sleep and could use shelter and a familiar face would be nice.  As far as for work, I would like to hear what it is before I accept.”

Moliira was no saint, but he knew she was far from evil, most people she had killed had it coming and wasn’t one for wanton violence, a partnership with her seemed reasonable at least for the time being.

“Oh, and something that might be a bit of a concern, when you met me the first time I was hunting an organization called the ‘Red Symphony.’ I was under the impression until recently they were all dead, however right before I was attacked by one saying he was taking me home.  As I killed him…” Alessaunder looked up as he finished his thought, “I found myself falling here.”

Author: Moliira, Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 3:47 PM, Post Subject: Falling with Style

She only nodded to confirm what he said, of both Caitlin's fall and passing and her own rise.  "The Lady of Flames will certainly be missed, her son actually came to me.  He was seeking to learn the magic of my element, so I helped him as best I could," she said.  It was the truth, and a way for Moliira to try and gain Alessaunder's trust.  It was something she had learned long ago, especially given that the knight valued such things.  Her head tilted to one side, it was a most curious way that he had fallen into her realm.

Then it hit her.  He did not know.  The world he had come from was no longer, at least as far as she knew.  It was a difficult thing for most mortals to comprehend, but it was another truth that the mage-knight would need to know.  Especially if he hoped to survive in this new world.  "I think I can tell you why… those gods do not exist in this world.  This realm is somewhere else.  A land called Revaliir.  The same as the one you and I came from in some ways, but different in others.  I have yet to figure out the full extent of the differences.  But on that same note… I have not found a way back to Daeluin.  I believe that world is lost to the Void," she said, shaking her head.  Moliira was still searching for certain people, hoping they had crossed over.  Perhaps they would show up in time…

Looking to the human again, she felt a moment of pity for him.  "If you wish, you can remain here until you adjust.  My home is a refuge to many, so long as you do not harm any of the residents.  And perhaps… I may have a job for you.  If you accept of course," she said, a small grin curling her lips upward.  But Moliira would not force him.  She only remembered the tenacity of his ability to hunt down people once his mind was set to it.  And that was certainly something that she could use.

Author: Alessaunder, Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:21 PM, Post Subject: Falling with Style

His right arm failing to manifest itself Alessaunder used his left hand to help himself up.  Standing he stumbled a bit still disoriented from the events that had just transpired.  Turning to see who commented on his fall, he saw a face from long ago, Moliira former assassin turned Avatar of Air.  ‘Well, this should be interesting,’ Alessaunder thought to himself.

“Thank you on both counts, I would like to think I am good on my feet.  I remember the meeting, I also know since then you have ascended to Avatar of Air. Anyways, it’s good to see a familiar face things have been different since Caitlin’s passing.”

Looking around the area Alessaunder guessed this must be her shrine.  He had never ventured to the Shrine of Air and he certainly didn’t recognize the constellations in the sky, nor the area he was in.

“I’m not entirely sure how I arrived here, I was in an altercation at the abandoned conservatory.  I then find myself left with a cryptic message from an organization I thought to be dead, falling from the sky…”

As Alessaunder spoke his right arm flickered into being for a brief moment, an arm the looked like a window into the night sky teeming with stars, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared. The mage-knight sighed.

“It seems like the divine power I use to manifest my arm is cut off in your realm.”

Author: Moliira, Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:28 AM, Post Subject: Falling with Style

The drow had been sitting in her chair within the circle of stones and meditating.  Each day brought her more information, and closer to a decision.  It was one that she did not like, but one that Moliira thought was inevitable.  Her other self was a dark shadow on the world, and something that she knew she would have to confront.  Perhaps sooner rather than later.  But before she could formulate the next part of her plan, the drow became aware of someone else entering her realm.  Though it was from a rather interesting angle, and she found herself looking up.  An eyebrow went up for a moment, there was something familiar about his.

If he had not cast those spells, the drow would not have allowed him to die.  But he was a proficient caster, and Moliira watched him fall.  He seemed to have the situation handled, and she remained in her seat until the man came to his feet.  "Well now.  That was a rather dramatic entrance, and not everyone falls from the sky with their head clear enough to cast then spells you did," she said, offering him a compliment.  It took her a few moments, but she finally remembered where she had seen this man before.  It had been years before, and had only occurred once.  But she never forgot a face.

"Alessaunder.  I remember you now.  We met on the Continental Airship.  You were searching for a mutual acquaintance.  I see you still walk the world, a good thing," Moliira said, approaching him.  She circled him like a wolf for a moment, seeking any changes.  It would be interesting to see what story he had to tell her.

Author: Alessaunder, Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 10:00 PM, Post Subject: Falling with Style

Alessaunder had made his way into the Argonfel Conservatory to investigate a missing persons case.  He had been trapped there before, but with the help of Killian, a former god, and his daughter Harmony he was able to find his way out.  Now a girl was missing and the trail led to this beautiful,  yet insane place.  As he passed through the threshold Aless heard a whisper down the hall along with some faint music.  As the former mage-knight entered one of the greenhouses something unusual happened, Alessaunder heard a scream from behind him.  There covered in blood was the child he was here to find, over the girl's body stood a man dressed in black, his face covered by a sash.

Alessaunder drew his sword,

"Why would you do that? Why kill an innocent child?"

The mage-knight screamed in fury as he charged.  The man in black didn't move Alessaunder's sword pierced his flesh and then the man spoke in a hushed, mocking tone,

"I did it to take you home.  The Red Symphony sends their regards."

With that the man was gone, so was the observatory.  It was night now, the stars shone brightly, looking around to take in his surroundings Aless realized the ground was gone as well.  A simple fix for any mage he would just fly down to safety.  As he cast the spell his, metaphysical prosthetic arm flickered out of existence.  The mage-knight was falling quickly as he approached the ground he could make out what looked like a stonehenge.  As he continued to plummet he dug through his pack as best he could with one hand and pulled out the fragment he had recovered from the nameless tower.  Dangerously close to the ground Alessaunder focused all his magical energies through the fragment to cast every protective spell he could think of. Then he hit the ground, but it certainly felt like the ground hit him.  As he hit stone, grass, and dust exploded in every direction.  When the dust cleared the mage-knight was sitting up in a crater of his own making.

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