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Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905
It was time.  And it wasn't an easy thing for Moliira to admit.  But her boys were more grown up than she realized.  They would always be welcome here, but she also knew they needed to find their own paths.  What that would be, she did not know.  But Moliira also had faith in the twins, even if they went separate ways.  She waited for them on a cliff overlooking the ocean with Nerys at her side, and a pair of gifts for them.  Valthraebryn took after her in the rangers' ways, while Quilvayas was more adept with the elements.

She knew they were ready, and Moliira would take pains to make sure they knew it too.  There was another surprise, along with the gifts, and she wasn't completely sure as to how they would take it.  But that trial would not be as brutal as their city-dwelling kin.  A coming of age fight there was often to the death, and that was the last thing Moliira wanted.  But she did want to see how their skills had improved, and this was a good way to test that. 

Their steps were easy when the boys approached, and Moliira said nothing until they joined her on the cliffside.  There was a smile on her face when she turned to them, she truly was proud of how far the boys had come.  "Valth, Quil, I'm glad to see you both.  I have a surprise for you both.  But there is something you must do for it first," she said, a mischievous smile on her face.  It would certainly be an interesting birthday for the boys.


Character Info
Name: Valth
Age: 15ish
Alignment: CN
Race: Half Drow Shifter
Gender: Male
Class: Bonecharmer
Silver: 195
It was their birthday, and Valth had a grin on his face.  Usually when their mother summoned the boys, it was because they had done something to get into trouble.  But it was a special day for them, and Valth couldn't fathom the idea of their mother being angry today.  She had told them both to dress comfortable, and it made him wonder just what was going on.  "Wonder what she's got up her sleeve.  You know she won't let today go by without some kind of a test for us," he told his twin.  They knew that their mother only did it because she cared, and she wanted her boys to succeed.  Valth just wondered what direction they would be pushed this time.

When they found their mother, she was waiting on a cliffside overlooking the ocean.  He didn't know where the waters led, but one day he wanted to find out.  He let his mother's wolf sniff at his hand before speaking to his brother.  "See?  Told you there would be something we'd have to do," he said with a grin.

Character Info
Name: Quilvayas
Age: --
Alignment: TN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Male
Class: Water Weaver
Silver: 121
While Quilvayas was much more calmer than his brother, it wasn't’ to say that he was on the opposite side of the spectrum. Heaven only knew how their mother could handle one of them, let alone both boys as they would run amok. But not on this day, the day when they blessed the world with their presence. It was a special for the two indeed and something was coming that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Mother was being rather secretive with what she had in store for them, but he had a feeling that they would find out. Valth thought that there would some sort of test and he didn’t argue against it.

“Wonder what would happen if we succeed them.”, he pondered very careful out loud. Though there was something nagging at him from the recesses of his mind- what if they were to fail this trial of sorts? The thought didn’t linger long enough as he did what was instructed to him and got dressed in a simple but comfortable robe and let himself be barefooted. Boots and other shoewear just felt awkward to him, restricting even.

They were special and their mother knew it well, which was why when she wasn’t scolding them, she was pushing them based on their skills. It was something he was grateful for, especially since it was because of that he wasn’t all getting into trouble- just most of the time. The twins looked around for their mother and sure enough she was by a cliffside. It wasn’t a farfetch meeting place, though something once again pulled at his mind but he masked it with a smile as he peeked over what else was with her. “What is it we must do, Mother?”, he asked with keen interest.

“Something tells me that it won’t be easy. It’s Mother, it never is when it comes to these things.”, he whispered back to Valth. Regardless of the task, he was confident that he would be able to do it, and turning to face his brother, he was sure he be able to as well.

Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905
There was a grin of pure mischief on her face they arrived, and they had already anticipated she had something in store.  The boys had always been observant of their surroundings, and it would continue to serve them well.  "When I still lived in the drow city, coming of age was celebrated with a grand feast for all the youths of the city.  But that was only after they had all battled with each other.  Every two months, the fights and feasts would be hosted.  When my time came around, I was seated at the feast table, but my best friend at the time was not.  She had been badly wounded, though she did survive.  She is lucky she was not killed.  I am glad I raised you two away from that," Moliira explained.  She had always been careful about what she told the boys of her kin, but made sure they knew enough to avoid the Umbral Depths born drow.

"Now, that being said… you two are old enough to find your path in the world.  But I need to make sure you're both ready first," Moliira said, revealing a pair of weapons from under a cloth.  There was a fine bow and quiver of arrow, clearly of elvish make, as well as a thick tome with elemental symbols.  It was quite clear which gift was for whom.  "You can have these… after one of you bests the other.  I want to see how far you've come in your training.  You can choose where you'd like to have your fight," Moliira explained with a grin.  She wanted to see just what would happen, how they would react, and how quickly they would go after each other.

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