Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Moliira, Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 2:31 PM, Post Subject: A Midsummer's Eve [p:r]

The fae were watching the trio with quiet eyes of jewel tones, though none approached them.  Not yet, they knew it was not time.  "Only slightly madder?"  Moliira asked with a scowl, though it was wholly in play.  The grin returned to her face when Dalanesca appeared and startled her mate.  She figured the answer should have been obvious… but it was more fun this way sometimes.  "And he is quite correct about that.  The fae here have their rules, but they are quite easy to follow.  And once your companion is here, we can begin," she said with a chuckle.  One of the fae approached, a woman with sharp, elvish features.  But there was something otherworldly about her, and it wasn't just in the jewel tone of her blue eyes.  She seemed to glide across the ground, rather than step.  A creature of nigh impossible grace.

"If you would please follow, your places are prepared.  And we will guide the fourth here as well," she said, her voice as soothing as rushing water.  The small group was led to a curved table with four chairs, slightly off center from the stage that was still curtained.  It was perfectly positioned so all could sit and chat, but still see the stage.  The blue drape swayed slightly in the breeze, and Moliira knew the delicate spidersilk wave was highly prized by the fae.  It was a mutually beneficial agreement that the drow and fae of her realm had come to, and one that was somewhat unexpected.  "Many of the fae are mistaken for elves, but both races take offense at being called the other.  Some look like what you call elves, others like trolls or goblins.  The one that brought us here is called a Sidhe," the drow explained.

"I do have to warn you that they will likely view you as… uncultured, Dalanesca.  Most fae have a bit of contempt for humans.  But you are my guest, so you are safe from any tricks they might try and play on you," she added with a chuckle.  Her implication was clear, if you were not protected, then the fae would most definitely take advantage of mortals.  There were stories of mortals emerging decades later, or not at all if they were enticed into the fae realms.  Beautiful as they were, they were quite dangerous.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Thu Aug 4, 2016 10:21 AM, Post Subject: A Midsummer's Eve [p:r]

She was glad to be greeted so warmly by the pair of Moliira and Krys, though it seemed that Krys had not been overly informed of her new status.  “Good to see you again, in better circumstances,” she said to him, warmly.  “And I take it by your reaction to my arrival that Moliira has not entirely shared with you the changes that have come about in my life?” she said, chuckling slightly.  “I’ve ascended,” she said, pointedly, assuming that since he shared a relationship with a divine being he would understand the connotations behind why that would make it possible for her to just appear in Maral’hal.  “Suffice to say, I am doing quite well, myself,” she said to the lycan with a broad smile.

She turned to Moliira, catching the raised eyebrow when she mentioned Marth - she did not question it, however - it was an uncommon name and perhaps Moliira was just noting such when the word rolled off of Dalanesca’s tongue.  As Moliira commanded her to remove her shoes, however, she blinked in a moment of confusion.  “Um, okay,” she said, slipping them off.  The ground felt good against her bare feet, and she laughed at Krystopher’s comment.  “I’ve no intention to impress anyone, but I have a feeling Marth is going to scold me for being barefoot… he seems to like when I am properly dressed,” she said, thinking on the fact that it must be due to his scholarly background that he had a good sense of propriety.

When Krys mentioned that they should get moving so as not to keep the fae waiting, she smiled again.  “You know, I’ve not really met any fae in my time, that I can recall,” she said, her voice sounding a bit excited as she looked from Krys to Moliira.  “What are they like?  Is there anything that I should not do or say so as to not offend them?” she asked.  She wanted to remain diplomatic - the Justiciar did not need to be known as an offensive woman, after all.  

“And Moliira, thank you again for inviting us here,” she said, referring to herself and Marth even though her partner had not yet arrived.  “We truly appreciate the gesture, and have been looking forward to it since you invited us,” she added.

Author: Krystopher, Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:03 PM, Post Subject: A Midsummer's Eve [p:r]

“One or the other, I don’t care switch to be frank”, he sighed, signs that he was still coming to grips to the news was apparent on his face. There were still questions unanswered and he was going to get to the bottom of this, one way or another. Paige had been there at the time, so she would be the one likely he’d be seeking for answers. His brother probably didn’t get the full story either, but he was sure as hell going to. Misty was the most fun loving out of the bunch and free spirited when it came to the rest of the Wintercrest children. To hear about her demise made him wish that he could have seen her one last time. “Yes, in good memory of her and what she meant to us”, he agreed as he pushed aside the news for the time being and looked into her with a polite smile.

Krys had remembered Dalanesca quite well and he was sure that he and Blaine had left quite the impression on her as well. Nothing like feuding brothers trying to knock each other's heads off, or more so his little brother doing that to him. “I do owe her that much and more. Without you all, I’d still be held hostage to a mad version of you…well slightly madder”, he jested. It was rather fortunate that he himself had been dressed for the occassion with one of his nicest dress shirts and trousers with black boots.

It wasn’t long into their conversation that Dalanesca came out of nowhere, stirring a curious look from him. “How in the gods’ name did you do that?”, he called out before shaking his head. The world was filled with mysteries that went even beyond the imagination. He bowed his head when addressed and smiled at her. “And the same for you. I’m glad that we can formally meet without having someone trying to kill us. I am fairly alright myself. I can only hope the said can be said about yourself as well.” Krys had to keep himself from laughing outwardly at her; she and Moliira shared similarities especially in attire it seemed. The drow made her point rather blunt and clear and he rolled his eyes in play. “What our gracious host is trying to say is that we should be concerned with enjoying ourselves rather than trying to impress one another.”

He bowed and spread his arm out, “Shall we, ladies. I wouldn’t want to keep the fae waiting.”

Author: Moliira, Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 4:58 PM, Post Subject: A Midsummer's Eve [p:r]

Though he couldn't see it, there was a slight flush to her cheeks.  It was seldom that the drow took pride in her appearance… but this was one of those rare times.  She had learned from the fae that appearances could mean a great deal, and sometimes the look on her mate's face was worth the effort on her part.  But now wasn't the time for it, Krys needed comfort with the news of his sisters' fates.  "Perhaps Paige will visit here.  I will ask, if you'd like.  Or we could see them," she offered.  Traveling between homes was common for their families, and Moliira didn't mind playing hostess.

She could tell the shock on his face, but she also knew that he would want to enjoy the festivities as well.  "I know, love.  And lets, we can raise a glass in her memory," she said softly.  But he noticed the second note too, and a smile crossed her face again.  "Dalanesca, the woman who helped me to rescue you, is coming as well.  She wanted to meet you under better circumstances, and I thought that this would be something enjoyable," she explained.  There was a slightly shift in the air as her fellow deity appeared, almost as if on cue.  The drow shook her head at the apology, though an eyebrow went up at the name.  It was one that connected to a memory for her, and wasn't a terribly common name to her knowledge.  But Moliira knew she would find out soon enough.

Her eyes followed where Dal's went as she spoke, and the smile turned to amusement.  "Take your shoes off, woman.  They aren't comfortable, I can tell.  And they won't say anything," Moliira said with a chuckle, pointing at the fae.  Most of them were barefoot as well.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:42 PM, Post Subject: A Midsummer's Eve [p:r]

Dalanesca stood in front of her bureau, brow furrowed in contemplation.  When Moliira had extended the invitation for her and Marth to visit Maral’hal, she had made it clear that they would be joining for a fae festival.  She took this as a sign that she should lose her general garb of tunics, corsets, and leggings, and don something a bit more festive.  She had recruited a personal tailor for herself and her wardrobe was now full of beautiful garments of various materials, but now found herself frowning at them.  Marth had expressed his happiness quite well each time she actually wore a dress, but she still found herself more comfortable in a pair of trousers.

After a few more minutes of contemplation, she settled on a black gown.  She pulled it on and looked down at herself, pleased enough with her wardrobe choice.  The dress was made of leather and lace, all black, fashioned from a corset and a skirt.  She had an armored and unarmored version.  Although she knew that Maral’hal would not be dangerous for her, she felt most comfortable wearing the armored version, to which the plate was barely noticeable.

She stood before her vanity, and spent several minutes spinning her hair into an intricate braid which cascaded down her back.  She was not trying to impress anyone - save Marth, since he would be joining her in Maral’hal later in the evening.  She smeared on a bit of makeup and found herself content with her appearance.  Waving her hand in front of her, a small portal appeared.  She stepped into it, and found herself in Maral’hal only seconds later.

She appeared only a few feet away from Moliira and Krystopher, and smiled warmly as she caught sight of her fellow deity.  “Moliira,” she called out, announcing her presence, unaware of what the two had been talking about.  She had already sent word to the drow that Marth would not be joining her right away, but she felt it necessary to formally explain his absence.  “Forgive me for Marth not being here just yet,” she said.  “He had some business to attend to in his study… some other contraption he’s coming up with, I suppose,” she said with a smile.

She turned her attention to Krystopher for a moment.  “Hello Krystopher - it’s great to see you again, specifically under better circumstances,” she said, smiling warmly.  “I trust you’re well healed by now?” she asked.  She shifted uncomfortably in her stance, the fancy shoes that she had put on beginning to bother her.  She glanced down at Moliira’s feet, and immediately wished that she had done the same.  “You look lovely,” she said to the drow, turning her attention back to Moliira.  She was uncertain what was expected of her at this festival, so she decided to await direction.

Author: Krystopher, Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:34 PM, Post Subject: A Midsummer's Eve [p:r]

Krystopher had never heard of such festivities like the one that Moliira was playing host to, but it did peaked his interest greatly. The lands here didn’t stay static for too long, he came to realize which was good since he like to explore a bit. It was fun to run freely around the rolling hills and woods, even though sometimes he could have sworn he would see glimpses of the large wolf she had brought here. But whenever he would check, she wouldn’t be around. But the people were akin to them, and quite friendly to be around. He would even spend some nights talking and sharing stories with some of them around an open fire.

He was also curious to how Blaine would take all this, not only towards the festival but also of his relationship with Moliira. It hadn’t been too long since he had been found and then his brother learned of what happened between the two of them and…reacted in the only way he would expect from his beta. Even now, Krys didn’t blame him and should have told him while they were on the other side; perhaps that would have saved them all from the mess confrontation.

As he walked in onto his mate, Krystopher couldn’t help but to chuckle mirthfully at her. It was the first time since they had met that he saw her wear a dress. And from her apparent discomfort, she wasn’t used to having the attire. While he was hoping to surprise her from behind, she had picked up on his presence and held a playful smile. “You look magnificent, darling.” He went to kiss her cheek but then noticed that something was up. “What’s wrong?” Krystopher listened with a skeptical look on his face as she told him about Blaine’s daughters and nodded, waiting for whatever bad news she had. Jayden’s disappearance was troubling for him, especially since he was around the age of his daughter, who was also missing. But then the hammer dropped and his face dropped into a state of shock and denial. The youngest of the Wintercrests were dead, his baby sister who he had promised since they were little that he would always protect her. He suddenly fell back a bit, staring at Moliira with disbelief in his eyes. How had did happened? If Paige had been there, then why hadn’t she came to him after telling Blaine? His eyes teared up and his throat felt dry, but he wiped away any tears that were able to roll down to his cheeks and cleared his throat. “She was a spirited woman, damn stubborn though, like the rest of us. I’ll have to talk to Paige later. Maybe Blaine as well, and locate the rest of the pack before something else happened.” He had never given a thought about any of his siblings dying before he had. He had already failed Paige when she was attacked by a vampire, Blaine had been injured a fair amount and was even in danger from when they fought one another at a tavern some years ago and now this…

He shook himself free and put a smile on, “I’m sorry Moliira, I…hadn’t expected any of this. Please, we should see what’s going on with the festival.” He hadn’t wished to ruin things because of this, and he could mourn later for his sister in private, but he owed it to her to see this through first. But should he ever find who was responsible for her death, he would kill them with his own hands. As he was putting himself together, he noticed another note in hand. “What’s that there?”

Author: Moliira, Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:24 AM, Post Subject: A Midsummer's Eve [p:r]

While the twin moons held no sway in her realm, the fae creatures that lived within it could still feel their pull.  They had been preparing a festival in a clearing of Maral'hal, and Moliira had been watching quietly.  There was a small stage of sorts built already, and many of the fae had been scuffling with each other for the honor of first and last performance.  The Midsummers' Eve festival was something only a few mortals had seen, given that most fae tried to trap them.  But Moliira had made it clear that while they could still hold their festivities, the fae could not trap their guests.

She had sent out a pair of notes, and the reply for one troubled her.  Moliira had read both good and bad in her brother's note, and she knew that Krystopher would need to know of its contents.  But the other was more cheerful, and she looked forward to see Dalanesca and her lover.  It always interested her to meet new people, especially those that caught the interest of a deity.  And one she considered to be a friend.  One of the fae approached her, asking a question about her guests.  She answered, and Moliira smiled.  The fae were being polite and playing by her rules, which was all she could ask for.

Tugging at the hem of her dress for a moment, it was clear she wasn't entirely comfortable in that.  But it was something they had asked for, that the guests be nicely dressed.  And Moliira couldn't fault them for that, so she had chosen a simple dress of forest green without sleeves and a shortened skirt.  She could still move around in it at least, and bare feet were perfectly acceptable.

She could smell her mate approaching first, and Moliira went to meet him.  The news she had was for his ears only.  "Krystopher, Blaine won't be joining us…  There is good news, and bad.  Their girls are home, Ynnarah and Keira, along with Aurora.  But Jayden is still missing.  And… Misty was killed, Paige witnessed it.  Paige survived… but not unharmed.  I'm sorry, love," she said, her voice soft.  Misty had been a special, gentle soul, and she would be missed.

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