Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Moliira, Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:05 AM, Post Subject: The Wolf's Secret [p:r]

There was a lot to catch up on, and Moliira was glad to oblige.  Over the next hour, she told her sister of Daeluin, of who she had been there.  Of the parallels between that world and this one, and of how her life had been different there than here.  She caught a grimace when she mentioned Krys and the lycan's blood that ran through her veins, but Yazaere didn't comment.  "So there, I lived more among the wilds, and stayed closer to the training from our home.  I listened to the wolf, instead of becoming solely an assassin and staying in the cities, which is what the self here did," Moliira explained before taking a long sip of her wine.  It was the biggest change to her life, and Moliira could tell that the self here had fewer personal connections as well.

Her mind went back to the situation back in the Depths, and Moliira knew it would have to be dealt with soon.  "Yazaere, something I need to know.  We need to do some planning first.  But what has changed in the city since I left there?  We can do some scouting once we arrive too, but I prefer as few surprises as possible," she added.  The idea of the Do'ghym sisters raising hell in their city once again greatly amused Moliira, but she also preferred that neither of them were hurt or killed in the process.

Author: Yazaere, Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 4:20 PM, Post Subject: The Wolf's Secret [p:r]

Cherries.  That was something that Yazaere had never heard of, but she liked the taste.  She took another sip, contemplating what her sister had just revealed about herself.  It was a few long moments before she could formulate an answer.  It was strange news to take, but she had heard of the doppelgangers.  "So you are in some ways the same, and you hold the same memories, but you also have your own?" Yazaere finally asked after she had decided what to say.  When Moliira nodded, she was satisfied.  The woman before her certainly looked, sounded, and acted like her sister. 

Looking around the stone circle, she noticed there were still familiar things, and that helped.  The sounds of the woods around her were still strange, but Yazaere found herself relaxing, just a little.  "Well.  What else has happened with you?  The last I heard was that you were no longer a goddess of shadows and secrets, but one of storms and hunting.  Quite a change.  I feel as if I may have missed something when you changed," Yazaere asked.  It would be good to know just what all had changed.

Author: Moliira, Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:35 PM, Post Subject: The Wolf's Secret [p:r]

Her eyes narrowed at the story her sister told, but Moliira remained silent.  Their surname was a hint as to what they guarded, and she knew that they would have to delve into the city.  The secret their family had guarded was too dangerous to allow in the hands on others.  But it was safe for the time being, and the sisters would have time to prepare, time to gather the information and tools they would need.  She nodded when her sister finished the tale, and bowed her head for a moment.  "They knew things of us, but they were not smart enough to keep tabs on us all.  That's good, it's something that we can use," Moliira said, taking a long drink of the wine.  She smiled a little at the question, that much at least was an easy answer.  "Cherry wine.  Something the humans make, since the fruit only grows in certain areas of the surface world," she explained.  The tart-sweet fruit had become a favorite of hers lately, Moliira found the taste like nothing similar in the Umbral Depths.

Tapping her fingers against the stone surface that she leaned on, Moliira considered a few options.  But there were a few things that needed to be cleared up first.  "There are some things I need to tell you first.  One, you can stay here, as long as you would like.  There are other drow here, exiles like us.  Also… you may have heard things.  Of doppelgangers from another world like this one, but different.  I didn't have a sister there, in that other world.  But that does not change things between us here.  You are my sister, and we will stay together," she said wtih a firm nod.  That was where the Do'ghym family had been different.  Where as their neighbors had schemed against both outsiders and family members, their family had stuck together.

Author: Yazaere, Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:17 PM, Post Subject: The Wolf's Secret [p:r]

There was something different about her sister, and it wasn't something that Yazaere could quite put a finger on.  It wasn't just that she had ascended to godhood, it was the area she had to watch over.  "You are right, of course.  Moliira, our mother is dead, and the House had fallen.  We are the only ones left of our name now.  And you know what that means," she said.  The look on her sister's face was all the confirmation she needed, and the sisters regarded each other for a few moments. 

But Moliira busied herself, pouring wine for the both of them before speaking again.  "yes, I know.  And we will deal with that soon enough.  But for now, tell me what happened.  I prefer not to set foot there again without information," Moliira said as she handed her sister the one.  Yazaere took a sip and her eyebrows raised, it wasn't typical drow fare.  But it was still quite good.  There was a light taste to it, and she looked to her sister to ask a question.  But Moliira was ahead of her.  "Answers for me first, then you'll get what you want," she said with a laugh.  Yaz only grinned, some things never changed.

It took a moment to figure out just where to start, but she found a good point.  "A decade ago, a new Family started rising.  The speed was strange, and everyone seemed to know they consort with demons.  But they were smart, never acting in the open.  So we could not act against them.  Then they began to blackmail our mother.  They know our secret, somehow.  and it was that knowledge they used to move against us.  Mother found out in time, and sent me to find you.  They cannot get to… it without one of us.  But they don't know that of course," Yazaere said with a bittersweet smile.  It was hard to be without a House, but at least she did have a home.  Even if it was in exile.  "Now tell me, what is this?" she asked with a chuckle.

Author: Moliira, Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:53 PM, Post Subject: The Wolf's Secret [p:r]

She had almost ignored the female drow entering her realm, until Moliira realized something very significant.  The blood that the woman had sacrificed for her entry into Maral'hal told her quite a bit, and at first she didn't sense anything unique about her guest.  But then Moliira took a good smell, and she was startled.  The smell, it was almost like her own, and she studied the woman from a distance.  Her mouth went dry for a moment as she realized the memories that this woman touched.  Running through the caverns of the Umbral Depths, spying on the priestesses and their rituals, and generally raising hell.  Moliira and Yazaere, the sisters of the Do'ghym clan. 

They had been fairly close, at least as much as was allowed within the strict drow society.  It had ended when her sister had been taken for priestess training, though Moliira had managed to see her twice more.  Once during a city festival, and the sisters had been able to speak then.  And one more before her exile from the city.  Her sister had been an unwilling witness, but Moliira held no ire towards her.  She realized that these were the memories of this land speaking to her, not where she had been born.  There, no sister had ever been born.  But she found herself glad she had family now. 

The wolf was sent to guide Yazaere to the circle of stones, and Moliira considered her words carefully.  After all, what did one say to the sister she had never actually met?  The memories were there, but it wasn't wholly herself.  Not that it mattered too much, this was her sister, and Moliira would welcome her as family.  "It has been.  But I am glad you've come here, Yazaere.  I can only guess that something had happened?  I doubt you would come here otherwise, given that coming to the home of an exile is dangerous," Moliira said.  There was no threat in her voice, only curiosity.  One of the villagers approached, bring food and drink for the sisters.  But she retreated quickly, leaving them to their reunion.

Author: Yazaere, Posted: Wed Jul 6, 2016 2:41 PM, Post Subject: The Wolf's Secret [p:r]

It took a lot for the fallen priestess to finally admit to herself that she needed to come here, but it was the only place that she knew she would be safe.  With a slight grimace, she cut her hand, and offered her blood to the winds.  "Maral'hal…" she whispered, and Yazaere felt the world around her shifting.  When she blinked, she no longer stood in the forest with a faery circle of plants.  Instead, she stood on a wild shoreline.  It was like a few places she had seen in her short travels so far, but nothing like the Umbral Depths.

The fallen priestess allowed herself a few long moments just to stare.  The light here was not nearly as harsh, and Yazaere had a feeling it was a preference of her sister's drow blood.  That was a comfort to her, perhaps her sister was not out of touch with her mortal side.  And the wildness of this place answered another of her questions before she even had to ask it.  There had been rumors that her sister had been something else before, someone much darker.  Her darker name was still whispered in certain circles, though that darkness was fading in favor of the Storm Wolf. 

Making her way up the hill towards the forest, the drow thought she heard voices coming from that direction.  It seemed like a good place to start, and Yazaere considered just what she would say to Moliira.  What did one say to the sibling you haven't seen in a few decades?  It was not an easy answer, though she knew she would have to come up with something sooner or later. 

A large, lupine creature, something she knew to be a wolf, came up to her, sniffling at her hands.  The beast's head came up to her chest, and the black furred creature regarded her for a moment with dark brown eyes.  She stayed very still, not wanting to give the idea that she was something to be chased down.  Then the wolf gently grabbed her sleeve and tugged, beckoning her to follow.  They walked in silence for a time, through the forest.  She could see buildings here and there, and a few people eying her. 

But she ignored them, and Yazaere soon found herself at a circle of standing black stones.  She looked more closely at them, seeing the flecks of silver in the glossy stone.  It looked like a night sky almost, and she half smiled.  Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad here.  There were quiet footsteps behind her, and Yazaere took a deep breath.  "Hello, sister.  I know it has been awhile… but I hope you will at least hear me out.  I have news for you," she said in a soft voice.  Moliira was her elder sister after all, and that garnered respect.

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