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Character Info
Name: turas-adhair
Age: 60
Alignment: TE
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: Destruction
Silver: 356
Vinsue always told of this place as one to avoid. This place was supposed to be bad news but at the moment she didn't care. Infact it the fact mom did not like this place and its host, that in it self convinced her to come here in the first place. She hoped to get advice on how to become stronger than her sister but if nothing else perhaps working for him would help her grow in strength. 

Turis-adhair came in a human form but kept her wings so that she could still fly and avoid the random teleporting islands she had no internist in. Corse looking down and flying up was a quick way to go into a portal. Once through the portal closed and she landed in what looked like a grassland. Spotting a different portal she walked. behind her the grass turned to ash and air to heavy smoke. She jumped through the portal and landed on a red stone. Again she jumped and this time she landed where she wanted. 

She looked at a few statues before sitting at the door. She was not tired but was not ready to go through the maze yet. Unlike her mom she would have no call to guide her through the maze. If she was lucky like she never is she may be able to skip the maze. She took out her katana and started sharpening it she did not want to face some monster with an unsharpened blade.

Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
Ah yes, he could sense the newest visitor as clear as rainfall on a lovely day. As with everyone else that had come to these grounds before her, the lord of the castle did not heed nor assist her. There was no point if he wanted to see how far she would make it before fears and doubts would cause her to stray from the path and leave. Or if it would only strengthen her resolve and continue onward. The test of mettle was always his favorite of games to play and observe, and when she got far enough into the hallways, that was when he made his move.

As stated before, he would neither help or hurt her cause, but in any case he would make an appearance. Just not in the form most were used to seeing. Strolling about, footsteps could be heard coming from behind her. She hadn’t made it to the halls of madness yet, but he was determined to keep the game playing until one of the two outcomes occurred. With a crude smile, a large fox like creature stood behind her. His fur a beautiful snow white and icy blue irises stood out from its black eyes. At the center of his neck was a strange ruby and four luscious tails  that kept low for now. The kitsune looked at the girl before giving a slight chuckle. “Now’s not the time to get cold feet. Wait until you get inside first at least, otherwise, what’s the point” His voice was calm and cool yet there lurked some darkness beneath his tone.

His glance fell onto the door and it opened for him. Without hesitation, the kitsune entered and soon traveled into the depths of the maze like hallways. Every now and then, he could be seen pondering, but not following the route needed to escape. No, should she had followed him, it was to get her lost. But for those that got lost would eventually become found, no?

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

Character Info
Name: turas-adhair
Age: 60
Alignment: TE
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: Destruction
Silver: 356
"Cold feet? Ha, i was just charging up." Turis stated looking up to see the fox like thing. She sheathed her blade and got up. Now if the speaking creature was anything like a fox or that wich a fox symbolized fallowing it would be a bad idea. That said the maze was the only way in that she knew of to get to where she wanted to go. 

Into the maze she went carful not to fallow the fox thing for a while. "I thought this place was designed to make people go mad." She said. It was not as dark as she thought it was supposed to be. And the only thing slightly creepy was the eyes that fallowed but she was still yet unfazed. A few lefts a few rights and an up and a few downs. Every now and then she would recognize a picture as a man she killed. Could he hear me speak? Does he know i am here? She thought before a scream broke the silence. She laughed. "Pore sap. Glad your not me."

She caught a glimpse of the fox things tell and fallowed it once. "I was expecting worce from the chaos weaver. Perhaps i am in the wrong place." She said in a louder voice even though the fox was gone.

Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
To be so narrow minded and naive, the traits of the youth indeed. While it was true that this portion of the Cradle was known to make its visitors mad, it was not simply just the illusions and the twists and turns that could be taken. This place wasn’t a one trick pony in the least; in fact part of the maddening state they could go through would be inner conflicts that were driven to affect them on the outside. A part of that was of the man she would see every now and then from her past. But in reality it was but a start.

The kitsune didn’t really care whether he was followed or not; his presence alone was but a another factor. Her taunts also fell on deaf ears; there was no point in taking petty revenge for the insult but he would be in delight once everything came full circle. That was always much more satisfying when that came. The Cradle did though gift her wish and soon the halls shifted into a darkness that consumed everything around her.

Soon the setting shifted into one that she herself would be quite familiar with characters that were also recognizable as their features came to life before her. A woman addressed her by name with a harsh tone as she scolded her for going to the Cradle. A younger woman was also, watching from the side as Xunatar’s guest was watching from afar. Meanwhile a faint smoke, barely visible, made its way to the three, carrying a lovely scent of cinnamon. The older woman continued to scold her about visiting the home of a demon king and how reckless she was. Oh why she couldn’t be like the other girl, who didn’t do such things, at least that she knew of. Beyond this grand and magnificent illusion, the kitsune watched afar as the Cradle’s magic did its job.

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

Character Info
Name: turas-adhair
Age: 60
Alignment: TE
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: Destruction
Silver: 356
Turas stopped whan the room turned dark like the middle of a portal. At the site of her moms cave she hissed. She was completely convinced she had been summoned there. And mom and sister were home. At the snap of her mom saying her name the mark on her chest hurt. The mark her mom left as she sent her off. 

She growled at the voice and at her words. "Like you care. You drive me from this land, mark me like one of the pathetic pirates and now you summen me." Her voice showing her anger. Her will to atack was high but she still knew she had no chance against her mother. She was still not sure how her mom had a sumence on her or got her hear in the first place. Than her sisters perfect kiss up ness being thrown at her only made her blood boil more. 

"Aqua is only perfict cause she can hide her wrong, blame it on me and you believe it. She was always your favorite." The younger womens smile ate at her. She growled and than went silent. Than she caught that her mom kept saying daemon king. Vinsue never calls the deamon that. No she sais the chaos weaver and lord of lies when referring to him. The smell was also wrong. Moms cave always smelled of blood and stale water.

Upon this realization her mood changed. She even laughed at the fact she had really thought she went to a forbidden home. "Ok. Verry funny. I guess that i may be in the right place after all." She said now oviously not talking to the figures infrunt of her. 


Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
The woman and young girl weren’t perfect by any means, that much he knew, but the kitsune enjoyed the moments of confusion and anger that his guest was expressing. It would come sooner or later, but the Cradle’s fun would cease the moment she recognized that things were slightly off with the illusions. Of course, this wasn’t done by his will otherwise the illusions would be too real for her. No, his home itself was having a bit of fun with her.

The woman who he presumed was her mother merely smiled and gave up the ghost. “Seems someone is smarter than I thought. No matter, little one. You may proceed, but be warned, my master is much more clever than I. This is merely a taste of what is to come, if you aren’t prepared.” The other girl was gone, and so was the cavern. Now they were both back in the maze and the mother turned to walk away.

“Take this left, and you will be in the parlor. From there, take the center doors and you will find the audience you seek.” Another crafty smile formed across her lips as she rounded the corner but if followed, she had disappeared. Meanwhile the kitsune was already waiting in the throne hall, laying down next to the throne as he awaited for her company.

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

Character Info
Name: turas-adhair
Age: 60
Alignment: TE
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: Destruction
Silver: 356
She happily fallowed instructions and took the left that stepped through the dubble doors. The young dragon in human skin looked much like one would expect from a pirate. Her katana sheath in her belt. Her boots well worn but still holding together just like her hat. Both and her parents the same light brown her mother wears.

She first looked at the empty thrown than to the left and right of the door before looking at the fox. "Well im here now, where is the master?" She said fully thinking this was the same fox like creature that led her mom into the treasury. 

This place was large and clean to her surprise she always imagined the place like the house of the pirate lords. She expected blood or something but liked the cleanliness and smell of the place much more than home.

Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
The kitsune lifted his head up to see the girl in awe of this glorious place.  She reeked of devastation and discord, scents that he quite well enjoyed in his guests. She was also impatient but that was the meaning of youth itself. The line of his jaw almost curled up, mimicking a smile as his cold eyes watched on. The room, while spacious and empty seeming, suited the lord quite well as she was to find out.

Soon the windows, one by one begun to blackout and dim the room before everything was covered in darkness around them. The next thing to come were rows of torches that appeared and lit before her all the way down to the throne to where her audience was. No longer was there a fox like creature out in front of her, but instead a man was. A tall man with marble colored skin, elvish ears and those piercing blue eyes that the fox held before.

“Ask and you shall receive, dear girl.” He threw her a dashing smile before playing with a strain of his white locks. For some reason, he had an odd feeling about this one. Something that he couldn’t put a finger on but he watched her with care as the fires rose up and removed any sort of darkness left. Now the room was bright by the flames but Xunatar suddenly appeared behind her, back to back. “So tell me what you seek to find on these grounds? Why come for the lord of this castle?” There was no need to introduce himself; he was sure that they’d both knew who he was.

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

Character Info
Name: turas-adhair
Age: 60
Alignment: TE
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: Destruction
Silver: 356
As the room when dark her wing stripes glowed a slight blue untell the room was well lit. It was an interesting form of light that the fire made. She was surprised at the disappearance or transformation of the fox where a man than stood and disappeared. She did not dare turn at the voice behind her.

"I seak to learn from the only twolegged my mom has ever feared." She said her voice unwavering and calm. She had her wings go away as she stood there.

"My name is Turas-adhair. Well know taror to caravans and well i guess that does not matter to the chaos weaver." She said as she went silent. She had been laughed at for her titles before and thought it best to leave them out for once. 

Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
Xunatar knew that there was something about her, but just what was it that captivated his interest? The God’s pondering didn’t cease as he lingered behind her; if anything it only grew more as he listened to Turas-adhair’s whim. “Learn? Learn what exactly?”, he spoke, his tone carrying a faint scent of playfulness as he cocked his head, yet he refrained from looking at her. While he had no doubt that in one instance or another, he had met her mother- the problem resided in just who it was. Visitors came near and far to his grounds and some stood out for him. But why would her mother fear him?

He thought for a moment when recalling the illusion she had been trapped in momentarily. The woman that he saw her fighting with was too familiar that a sickly smile crept upon his lips. A particular person came into mind, but for now, he would allow for the game between them to continue.  “Now, now. Titles are simply a formality, dear Turas-adhair. You may call me Xunatar.” Walking backwards, he came around to her front. They were both near each other’s height which made him staring her down all the easier.

“Now confide in me, my girl. Why come to the place and see the monster that your mother feared so much?”  

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

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