Stepping through the crimson portal, Caitlin was not wholly certain as to what she would find. But she did know that one person who understood what lay at her heart would be within this realm. And he had helped her in the past. She had even enjoyed his company. The woman smiled a little at the thought, the girl who had left the village many long months ago would be horrified at the woman that stood staring across a dead forest now. Her slim form had filled out and matured since she had last seen the demon, and the horns that now graced her head showed the reason. She had melded with the demon contained in the bracelet she still wore, but Caitlin had overcome the Khal's desire to overwhelm her. She smirked a little at the memory as she walked through the desolate forest that gave way to black sands.
There were creatures in the distance that stank of rotten fish, and Caitlin walked away from them. But the padding sound of scales hitting sand warned her, and without a thought, a fireball erupted from her hand and slammed into the tentacled creatures. One disintegrated right away, and the other three were left ablaze. She turned and continued her walk, certain they would leave her alone now. She blinked, and found herself in a lovely courtyard now. Caitlin followed the stone laid path, admiring the statues locked in battle. The details were fascinating to her, and Caitlin had to pull herself away. There would most likely be time to look later, and she wanted to meet again with Xunatar.
The golden doors were inviting, and she only glanced over her shoulder when they closed behind her. She wanted to be here, and the twisting halls and changing stairways did not bother her. There was a great deal of beauty to be found here, but there were screams that also echoed through the halls. It was a warning to those who were unwary, or unwilling to realize just where they now stepped. It felt like an hour of walking, but finally Caitlin found herself before a new pair of doors. Her hand traced the four tailed fox, she found the sigil beautiful as well. But she also knew the legend behind the creatures, and smiled. It was quite fitting. She decided to try the central set of doors, wondering if the straightforward path would lead her where she wanted this time after all the twists and turns.
And she was rewarded with the sight of a throne, though it was empty. Patience now would be what guided her, and she sauntered through the hall, examining the stained glass windows. It depicted a scene of belladonna flowers, lovely and deadly. A chuckle escaped her throat, and she spoke her thoughts aloud, having a feeling Xunatar would hear her. "Funny, I would never have seen this lovely place had I not deceived everyone where I was raised. And I don't regret any of it, any of what I've done. Does that make me a monster? I don't know, and I'm not certain I really care," she said. Caitlin had become a hedonistic creature, seeking new pleasures and experiences, things she never would have seen or known staying in a small Highlands village.