Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Veris, Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 4:34 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

" it will be done, my lord." Veris said humbly. As He bowed and turned to walk out, A grim smile appeared on his face. The nobles would soon see their own folly, for The day of their reckoning was at hand. A cruel laugh escaped his lips as he pushed the huge double doors of the throne room open, before they shut behind him with an ominous boom. Veris seraph had been reborn, and despair would come to all who irked his new master.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:36 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

And with that, their deal was sealed and binding. There was confident that reeked from Veris as he proceeded to oblige and sign the contract with his blood. He looked like the sort that was willing to do anything possible to achieve his goal- in this case, he was practically signing a deal with the devil himself. Xunatar turned the paper over to see his name just before it disappeared from sight. The White Kitsune then turned his attention to his newest servant, his eyes lingered with dark meaning behind them and a ghost of a smile formed. "Rise, Veris" The command was said with great leisure from him as he considered what exactly he would gifted him with. 

"The best way of ruining people is to use what they love the most, above all else…" He smiled, again revealing those pearly canines of his as he brought a hand forth to Veris' forehead before an eruption of power surged through him. The overwhelming course of power was great, enough to shake the foundation of a strongly built man. "Use their pride against them. After all, pride comes before the fall, my dear man. Lure and seduce their egos and they will bend the knee for you, Veris. It is a lesson I have learned centuries ago."

Releasing his hand, the lord wave it up, causing the air around them to stir and change into smoke. From there, the smoke soon took a rather peculiar formation into that similar to a map of Canelux. "In time, I will send you, my agent, to start our campaign of madness upon the world. The first to feel this will be…" Sliding finger against his chin, Xunatar lightly tapped it a few times in thought before he pointed to the island of Egjora. "Ah, yes. This little perfect island, covered in a blanket lined with the gold and coins of the merchants. Yet, their power, their control, it's all a lie. They believe themselves to be kings, some as gods even. They live in blasphemy and it will provide you plenty of opportunities to ruin them."

[OOC: check your inventory.]   

Author: Veris, Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 4:22 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

Veris gave xunatar a cold and calculating smirk. "I wouldn't have it any other way." He said, then proceeded to slit his wrist, dipping the pen into the rivulets of blood that emerged and signing the scroll in long, flowing script: νєяιѕ ѕєяαρн. The scroll dissapreared in a puff of smoke, and veris knelt before the god of deception. "How may I serve you, lord xunatar?"

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:53 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

Ah yes, it was no surprise that he was after some sort of strength and power beyond his comprehension. The god had seen many cases like this before, before and after his divinity. As a former crossroads demon, Xunatar had bore witness to many that claimed that they could wield power efficiently, but ultimately the odds were against them. Not that he didn’t savor those moments where their corruption and greed destroyed them from the inside. Would Veris be any different? It was hard to say but the odds, like with the others, were against him.

The lord thought for a good moment, considering what to do for his latest visitor. “You swear that you will uphold what I seek to bring to this world, yet I will be frank. Power, should I grant you it, will be earned not merely gifted." He approached carefree and materialized a piece of parchment on one hand and a quill in another. “However, your venture here has earned you a chance to receive what you came for. To swear undying loyalty to me and in exchange, you will become an agent of havoc and artifice. You will prove your worth, my boy.”

Offering him the quill, he would notice that wasn’t a drop of ink at its sharp end. “You will sign, but not with ink.” He smiled with his sharp teeth exposed. “Blood. Your blood will be the only thing that will grace the contract. It’s to make sure that our deal’s binding, just in case you do not uphold your end of it." Cold blue eyes darkened as they narrowed dangerously at him. “I would suggest that you do keep your word to me. To the rest of the world, you may fool but I am the embodiment of deception itself. Should your promise be false, then I will strip you of all that I’ve given you… and then some for reparations.” 

Author: Veris, Posted: Thu Sep 7, 2017 4:28 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

"My lord," veris began. "I have one purpose in this world, one wish that drives me to greater heights." His eyes shone excitedly. "To bring down the rulers of these lands, set them at each others throats, and relish in the chaos that ensues. I wish for the power to ensnare my enemies in a web of lies, and bring them to their knees by their own hands." Veris knelt and bowed his head all the way to the floor. "I humbly beseech thee, Let me be your sword and your shield, your faithful lieutenant, and none will dare stand against you." Veris' heart pounded with anticipation. What would the God's answer be? He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, awaiting xunatar's response.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Wed Sep 6, 2017 10:05 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

Xunatar listened attentively as Veris filled in the gasp to the tale of his venture here. It was no surprise that a portal would appear before him- he could smell that he was malevolent enough as it was.  It was nearly intoxicating as he inhaled yet he remained composed and still. “Yes, my portals are attracted to people of…your magnitude and seek out those that carry wickedness in hearts. Corruption is within us all, but it takes a certain willpower to wield it effectively.”

The god sipped at his wine and gave a bit of a shrug. “If that’s the case, then you all would have been disappointed, I’m afraid. It would be one job you wouldn’t be able to handle, despite your skills. My home would have devoured you and whoever would have employed you would have to deal with me.” He spoke calmly and with some mirth before taking another sip. “Regardless, what do you wish to gain by making the trip? Like it was spoken before, I am one that does appreciates those that trek through my humble abode. What do you wish to seek from me?” 

Author: Veris, Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:05 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

Veris rose from his kneeling position and approached the throne, picking up the wine as he did so. "Yes, that is correct." He said in response to xunatar's question. "A portal appeared before me suddenly and I stepped through it. I emerged on a floating island and was chased into your domain by a fearsome beast, whereupon I became lost in your halls. I do not know who created the portal, nor why they chose me, but I do have a theory." He took a sip of wine to wet his mouth and continued. "You see, I am a con man and a thief. Perhaps someone sent me here to take something from you, then they planned to kill me once I emerged." He gave a slight chuckle. "Unfortunately for them, I only take from those who misuse there wealth or gain it at the expense of others, though I doubt they knew that."

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:19 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

“Aye, I was”, the god replied in a quick and simple manner. The shock was amusing but it was something he had grown accustomed to early into his reign. Still, every now and then he did find it entertaining especially when he did it to those that had insulted him. “I am the lord of this castle, Xunatar. I suppose you may or may not of my titles."Lifting his eyes onto his throne hall, he saw that the Cradle took it upon itself to fill the room with what one would find in the grandest of throne rooms. Beautiful carpets lined the floors and banners on the walls to match; suits of plated armor stood by as if they were on guard as he walked passed Veris and started down his path to the throne that appeared to be made of gold with several gemstones of rubies, emeralds and sapphires engraved onto it.

Ceasing his step midway to his seat, he turned about and gestured with two fingers for the man to rise. “Now, there’s little need for that, Veris. Despite the look of this place, I take no other formal title of royalty other than the King of Demons. I do not rule over man.” He turn back towards his destination and soon fell into his throne.

“I go by many names actually, gained over my lifetime but the recent ones have came due to my ascension. The Lord of Lies, The Chaosweaver…regardless of the names, I am Xunatar.” The god leaned forwards as he summoned forth a bottle of wine and two glasses. One of which he kept for himself, and the other was teleported over near Veris’ feet. “You offered me a bit ago that you had not come here on your own accord, but of someone else’s? Usually I wouldn’t care about the reason and would have you sent away- whoever the person was, they could have came here and endure the challenges themselves. In my eyes, they aren’t worthy of my audience.”

Xunatar spoke matter-of-factually before he took a few quick sips of his wine and then looked to Veris. His eyes weren’t filled with anger, despite the tone of his voice from earlier, but rather he looked amused. “However, you risked yourself for such a trivial thing, so I will at least hear you out, Veris. I was impressed by you resolve, so it is the least I can do for you..”

Author: Veris, Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:10 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

Veris stepped back and did a double take, his eyes wide and mouth gaping open. His Mouth moved up and down, trying to make words come out. "You.. You were the old man?" He stuttered at last, his mind reeling in shock. " then that must mean you're the… The the god of these halls?" He looked around at the lavish room taking it all in. He dropped to one knee and bowed before the deity. "Forgive me for not recognizing you, my lord. I, veris seraph, humbly present myself before you lord…." He trailed off, not knowing the God's name.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:20 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

The old man gave him a half hearted smirk, “Another? Who would be mad enough to send someone in their stead?” It made no sense to him, but given the place they were in now, where all logic could be thrown out the window, it wasn’t too strange. “Yes, but…” He wanted to convince him to depart from the madhouse, but the man seemed determined enough. But would it keep up? Would he remain as steady in his quest as he portrayed? Time would certainly tell of that.

“If that be your wish, then its far from me to stop you, sonny.” The old man hobbled back deeper into the maze. “I’ll help you, though I am much slower than you. Please mind my speed.” He kept on going until a few paces and ceased his movement for a moment. “I’m helping you because I don’t wanna see another person practically kill themselves to get through here. Seen too much of it myself… “ With that he kept going, through the twists and turns, through the winding halls and endless staircases going everywhere and nowhere. It took a good deal of time but eventually they made it through to the parlor and before them were three doors. “The story has it that the center doors is where he is waiting for us…” He backed off to allow the man the first peek into the throne hall while his bones started to crack, his body forcefully straighten itself and grew taller as his tanned skin turning a more marble color. Long white strands of hair filled his head and the gruesome appearance gave way to one that resembled an elf’s.

“Allow me to be the first to congratulate you, sonny His smile was similar to his previous guise’s, save for it being filled with more devious intent.   

Author: Veris, Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 6:21 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

Veris rubbed his head and processed the old mans words. "This god has bad taste." He muttered under his breath. He turned to the old man and spoke thusly: "old man, I was sent here by another, not by my own accord. You say this wicked god rewards determination, and even if I looked for the exit it may still be many years before I make it out. I will push on, and find the halls of this god."

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 2:11 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

The young man was a strange one, the elder noticed, yet who was he to talk? Grinning from ear to ear with a rotting smile that was obvious short a good number of teeth, he backed away a few paces to let him have some breathing room. “You are joking, right sonny? You are in the home of the Wicked God.” He then went on to pinch his arm, “See, this is no dream nor are you in the afterlife. This is still the realm we live in, just under the control of god. Do you know recall coming here and for whatever purpose you had in mind?” The old man looked him over and hobbled towards the way the visitor had came. Each motion looked as though it hurt him, but he managed to smile through it.

“Well, perhaps it's for the best. You should likely turn back now, seeing that you’re still in your prime years. Don’t want to end up like me and wander here forever, right?” His dull eyes looked at the path behind them, “Can’t remember how long ago it had been since I took this venture…it was definitely a long time ago. Or maybe that’s just the madness in me speaking, who know?” He laughed and hacked up some coughs as he did so. Within moments, he regained himself and pointed the end of his cane at the man. “Are you sure you won’t turn back and run? The lord seeks those who have resolve and determination. I beseech you, though to turn back while you may.”

Author: Veris, Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:27 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

Veris groaned as he awoke, trying to make sense of the old mans words. "O wise one, where am I?" He asked, standing up slowly. "What is this place? Am I dead?" Veris looked around as he said this, not realizing he was in the same place he had fallen asleep. He had no recollection of being unconscious, and thought he might have died in the infernal maze he had entered.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:27 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

Every so often, there would be a hunchbacked old man on the eccentric side that would aimlessly wander through the twists and turns of the hallways. Stumbling about on his makeshift cane, he would slowly make his way to advise those that came here to turn the other way. It was far too dangerous for them to continue, even if he didn’t know of the reasons why they came. Would they truly matter? Some would heed his word and turn back and others had wouldn’t and he’d leave them to their own devices. Sorrow was written across his face as he would soon come across another would be visitor to the Court of Chaos. Faded grey eyes lingered onto the young gentleman that was on the floor within the maze like structure and gave him a few good taps with the end of his cane.

“Such a shame, such a shame”, he offered, thinking the boy was at death’s gate, but then noticed that he was still breathing. “Poor man, he made it so far but he can’t keep going. Not like this.” He poked him once more before putting his weight entirely on the cane as fatigue settled into him as well. “You shouldn’t be here, sir. No one should have to endure the hell that awaits beyond these halls. Better for you to turn around once you awaken and never look at this unholy sight again.” The god would be watching and waiting to see if he would have a visitor today and the old man remained in his spot, his pitiful look kept onto the man. 

Author: Veris, Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 1:30 PM, Post Subject: A wrinkle in the fabric, a change in the pattern[O]

Veris emerged from the swirling darkness, looking upon his surroundings warily. He was surrounded by dense jungle, most likely crawling with dangerous beasts. "Better get started then."  He strolled to the east, ducking under foliage as he made his way across the unforgiving landscape. Veris had no idea where he was going or what had brought him here, but it was far more interesting than looking for nobles to pickpocket. By some twist of fate, he had not encountered any monsters yet. Though this would put soma at ease, it only stood to make veris more wary. There was no way this jungle was empty, so something must be scaring the animals away from him. As he realized this, he immediately wished he had something to defend himself with. He grudgingly remembered one of his victims had a dagger, and he could have stolen it with ease. He cursed his lack of forethought as he tramped through the undergrowth, scanning his surroundings for the danger he knew was imminent.

Veris stopped and stood stock still. He could have sworn he heard something. He glanced around d trying to pinpoint where it came from, but failed to do so. He began to turn back to his original course when he heard it again, a scuttling noise above in the trees. Veris didn't know what it was, nor did he care. He ran from that spot, zig zagging between the trees to try and throw off his pursuer. The sound became more frequent, as the beast was moving faster now. Veris turned back to look at it, and immediately regretted doing so. A pink, fleshy humanoid creature gazed back at him. It had a long tongue, with an eye at the end, no facial features, and a glistening exoskeleton upon its back. Veris turned around again just in time to keep from falling of the edge of what he realized now was a floating island. He darted to the right and across a rope bridge he saw there, hoping the beast was to big to fit on it. Unfortunately for him, the creature simply sprouted translucent wings and continued to pursue him. Veris dashed to the courtyard of the temple and hid inside the massive structure. He was confronted by a long hallway with multitudes of doors. Unwilling to risk going out to the creature from before, He walked through one and emerged in an identical room. He walked through a different door, but the same thing happened. Veris lost track of time as he explored the seemingly endless series of doors, until he collapsed from exhaustion and fell unconscious.

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