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Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 5:33 PM, Post Subject: Hellfire, Darkfire


The god chuckled darkly as he eyed his son’s refusal to leave these sacred halls. It was not surprising that all it took for him to stay for the moment was for that of her mentioning. Everyone had a weakness and he was known to exploit them, even that of his children’s to be sure that they were ever so obedient. “Strings, everyone has at least one that I like to pull on. Perhaps it’s a parent, a lover, a child even. Or it might be their greed, their pain, their fears. In any case, I hardly take any pleasure in convincing you like this, but it is beneficial for the both of us.”

It was quite true, his words were- for Xunatar, it would help to strengthen his brood and for Colden, he would have powers necessary to be strong and protect his family and Crystaline. Still, the god’s priority for towards himself more so and he approached the still frozen boy and place a hand softly onto his shoulder. “My boy, I have no intention of using you or your siblings in any regard. I’m sure Dante also told you that I’m rather a carefree father. As long as you obey a few things I request of you, there is no leash placed on you.” Again, he didn’t completely take satisfaction out of this, but it was better for Colden to learn these lessons sooner than later. Even Freya, who was younger than him was already familiar with his parenting.

Soon, as if he had blinded all the windows in the room, the light was no more and darkness filled the room. The rosenite was sure to be confused, perhaps maybe a little frightened. The room was like that for long, tedious moments until a light did come. It was small at first, a tiny spark that could barely be seen. Soon the illumination grew, a vibrant green color rose and the flame grew. The eerie light carried the sickening color but also another color could barely be seen beyond it. Black. The base of the flame was pure black and the boy would see that all of it came from the hands of his father as he calmly held onto it.

“The magic? It’s quite appealing, isn’t it. This is what I want you to learn and master, Colden. Hellfire.”

Author: Colden Rose, Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:42 PM, Post Subject: Hellfire, Darkfire

Colden deeply frowned as he spotted the man, the creature that had laid with that vile mother of his to create him. Xunatar wasn’t considered as much as a corrupter to him as Cyprus had been. Still, he wouldn’t let his guard down, not with how much more cunning and wicked his father was than his mother. Had he ever harmed him? No, not physically, but he knew what that damned woman had done to him and had not lifted a finger to protect him. What was a father if he wasn’t willing to do that?

Right from the start, he knew that something was wrong. Xunatar didn’t look forward to guests unless he wanted something from them. He hesitantly sat onto the couch and kept his eye on the demon. Heaven knew what he wanted and the young man couldn’t help but to feel nervous under his presence. His green eyes widened ever so slightly when his father proclaimed that he had potential of learning some sort of powerful magic. Of course, he wanted some sort of power and his son would be the guinea pig. Feeling him behind his seat didn’t help matters either. “How so? What sort of magic are trying to get me to study?” He merely asked out of respect, for he had no intention of doing this if there was a drawback to it.  Having to hear about his mother again made Colden go numb. He would never think of her after this day again, if he could help it. She had damaged all her children because of her greed and recklessness. He had to keep himself in check to make sure that he never turned into her. Or his father for that matter. “If that is what you believe, then so be it. But she is gone now and we are trying to move on. All of us."

Colden sighed loudly, “Yeah. He told me about your plan on controlling the aspect of sins through your own blood. You succeeded, but as far as you and me are concerned- I do not want to play the part of your tool. The others may part it willingly, but I want none of it.” Fear was replaced with determination as the desire to leave this place was burning red hot inside of him. He stood up and started to turn and leave. He made it to the door, ignoring the god’s words as much as possible right up until he mentioned Crystaline. His hand gripped tightly around the door’s handle, yet he couldn’t bring himself to turn it.

As much of a liar his father was, he also knew how to get underneath someone’s skin. In his son’s case, it was the one woman he couldn’t refuse. Remaining silent and still, thoughts raced around his head as he considered her safety and happiness. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her and would do anything to ensure it. “What sort of magic is it?”, he answered, his back was still towards him.  

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:23 PM, Post Subject: Hellfire, Darkfire

He had instructed Dante to bring his brother to his home for a specific reason that even eluded his Avatar. If everything occurred in the right way, then they would all be enlightened into the god's little plan. But for now, he would tested the youngest son of sin and move his way upwards. Xunatar felt the presence of the boys reach the Cradle and he molded the throne hall into the likeness of Colden's home, if not to bring some comfort to him and make his cooperation easier. He wasn't completely banking on him giving in due to their poor relationship and likely any sort of backlash he faced from his actions as far as the Vault was concerned. Xunatar though, as he reclined against the plush sofa far into the room, didn't appear like he was worried. No, he had another way of getting his son to see things his way.

When the door opened, he peeked up to see him come in and call for him. "Yes, my boy. Take a seat and we shall discuss", he called before teleporting to the throne. He could sense that Colden didn't want to be here, but he was an instrument for greater things and after the fiasco with Cyprus, he would make sure to handle things relating to his son himself. His icy eyes lingered against Colden's more warming ones and let out a smile. The boy wasn't as spoiled or naive as he had been for the longest time. His tempered also weaned down some and it brought some comfort amongst the God. Perhaps it had been a good thing that he was left in Arri, and that he had her

"What if I was to tell you that I have discovered a power in which you could handle? Powerful magic that would suit you very nicely and you could do as you see fit with it…" Xunatar left his seat and slowly circled around to the back of Colden's chair and placed his hands on top of it. "I knew that you had the potential, dear Colden. I figured that your mother had did too but she pulled what she did. Now, I suspect that she did it to spite her clan but also because she might have been afraid that her children would easily overpower her one day. Your sister, the one that is now in charge, she is special. As is Eldora, Lotus and yourself. The others, the ones she got to so many years ago, I cannot say or judge, but the fact that you all made it out speaks to me."

He leaned over to his son, "I'd imagine that Dante had told you things about your…birth, right" It was really a rhetorical question since he had seen through Dante's eyes as he and Steele revealed their purpose. Rather than to scold them, he merely allowed them to tell the truth. There was no point of fighting against it  now that the major threats were gone. He noticed Colden's trying to control his emotions; angry seethed from him but his father ignored it for the time being. At least he had learned some resistant, which he would credit Lilith for. "Well, if you don't want to do it for me, then do it for the girl. Crystaline, was it? She will need someone especially strong to care and protect her. If you follow my words, then I can assure you that the magic will make you strong enough to accomplish that task."

Author: Colden Rose, Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 11:28 PM, Post Subject: Hellfire, Darkfire

He had thought Dante had been kidding around as always. Hell, he had hoped it was to be the case.

Sadly, it was not and the next thing Colden knew, he was being lead to the land of discord known as the Hollow Cradle. For what purpose did their father wish with him? He certainly didn't have a clue and it was it wasn't a pleasant thought the more his mind was forced to deal with it. He hadn't seen the man since he came to the Black Rose Manor and practically surprised both him and Crystaline. The last thing he wanted was for someone as sweet and innocent like her to get caught up in the web of lies his father was undoubtedly known for. Especially after what he had pulled back all not too long ago with that ice dragon. Still, he did owe him some benefit of the doubt- it had been Xunatar that helped the others to break through to him and rid the world of their mother once and for all. He wasn't completely terrible but given his experiences with him, Colden would watch him with care.

His older brother navigated him through most of the Cradle right up to the doors. "Take the center ones and summon him. Don't worry, he won't bite you or anything", Dante jested as he casually walked away to head to his room to rest and relax. Colden hadn't said a thing as he watched him depart and then turned to cast his eyes on the set of the doors before opening them.

When he entered, the spacious room immediately turned into one that wasn't too unlike the lounging room back home. It was like he took a step right back into Sularia, but the young man wasn't completely fooled. "Dante had said you wanted to speak to me. Something about my affiliation with my magic?", he asked as he walked about before settling for taking a seat nearby what he assumed to be his father's throne. Whatever his father was scheming this time, he would find out and figure out what to do accordingly. "If you are busy, then I can come back another time…Father." It was still strange to call the man that, but he would at least pay the proper respects to the lord and his sire.

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