Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Eldora, Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:04 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Eldora was sitting with Steele and admiring their baby when she saw Steele’s attention snap away. It wasn’t often these days that his attention drifted from Estelle that easily. When her blue eyes lifted up she saw exactly why. It was Xunatar with his new rumored lover, his queen so to speak. Her head tilted softly as she examined the girl. “A genasi?” She blinked a bit. “I haven’t met one of you since Furtuna.” She was curiously musing. “Furtuna is my cousin and quite a renown sky pirate in Parvpora.”

Once Xunatar was up to her she uncovered Estelle for him to see so that they had a good look at her. Estelle fussed now as she felt the warmth of her starry blanket go away and peaked up her blue eyes. They were so alive as they looked between the two of them. “Aye, with the birth of Estelle I am free of the burden put on me by the council. Not that it will matter soon… I saw something quite amusing after Estelle was born. But still, she is quite the gift.”

Estelle’s skin had become to lightly darken more like her mother’s in the few days she had been born. Faster than most babies tended to since that happened normally over months. It was probably due to Angela’s presence the past few days. The head of black curly wisps of hair moved as she fussed. “She’s beautiful isn’t she Scarlett?”

Eldora was able to quell the squirming fuss bucket of a child so that her grandfather could see her. “Would you like to hold her?” She offered the child up to the Fox and Scarlett. “She is quite lovable while in her blanket.” With that Eldora carefully swaddled the little bundle unless they wanted to hold her as was.

Author: Fireheart, Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:30 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

The Alchemist was busy, as per usual. When she wasn't filling the Kitsune's bed she was being a good little artificer and actually working. This particular day she had decided to make herself scarce what with all the hubbub being caused by Eldora going into labor. The last thing she wanted any of them to endure at this point was a magical mishap caused by the jolt of a hand when upset by the sounds of a woman giving birth. It wasn't merely consideration for her lover that made her do this, it was a sense of self-preservation: magic liked to go awry when things were done with precision. 

While she wasn't exactly painting an alchemical circle or mixing a potion, she was cutting the trailing threads off the stitch work she had been putting on what would eventually be her work bag that would be able to carry anything and everything she wanted in it. As Xunatar's voice echoed through her mind rather abruptly as she was so very focused on her work, her hand slipped, the razor sharp shiv slicing through one of her fingers. If the Kitsune cared to listen to her response, he would probably be amused by the string of curses she uttered both audibly and mentally in Primordial. 

With a hiss lifted her goggles and put them on top of her head before she looked at her injured hand. It would heal, but she wouldn't be doing any minutia for a time. She found a clean piece of gauze and wrapped her bleeding hand before she tossed her work haphazardly onto the work bench and stood up for a nice stretch. She might have looked a little lazy with her feet propped up on her work bench as she had been, but it all added to the focus.

Heaving an almost exasperated sigh, she snuffed out the lantern and opened the door to her work room in Baltil and re-entered the Cradle. She didn't want to keep Xunatar waiting. 

She joined him outside the door where he was patiently waiting for her, her goggles still propped up on her mass of curly red hair. She smiled affectionately at the Kitsune as she came up beside him and placed a light kiss on his cheek. 
"Sorry to have kept you waiting," she said. She wrinkled her nose as the smell, and her hair blazed slightly. "That stuff is flammable," she commented. "Would make a great ignition source…"
She straightened up as they stepped into the room and regarded Xunatar's son easily. She had heard a lot about Steele, and Eldora too. She bowed her head in acknowledgement. "Nice to officially meet you, Steele," she said before she watched Xunatar move over to the bed and look at the infant girl. The Fire Genasi followed him and regarded the absolutely beautiful creature that was there. 

"Wow…" she said almost reverently.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:04 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

When his grandchild’s was first announced, the god had elected to not see her so soon. After all, there was no point in overwhelming the poor thing when it was thrust into a new world with people she didn’t know. Let the parents and frantic masses have their time with her, while he would further indulge into his own affairs. But he knew that sooner or later he would have to make his appearance if not for himself, then for his lover. Scarlett was quite interested in his children, for reasons that went unknown and unquestioned on his part. He didn’t hide away the truth that he had plenty of them over the course of his life, some that were before her time and some after they had parted. Oh, he wouldn’t lie to her about the matters of family, nor did he when he told her that he was expecting his granddaughter anytime soon.

When he felt like the time was appropriate, he leisurely made his way towards the room where Eldora and Estelle were resting and being watched over by Steele, he’d presumed. But as he made his way, he called for Scarlett. His voice would echo into her mind.

“Days have passed since the birth. Now that all the fussing over her may have died down, perhaps you’d be interested in joining me in seeing Estelle.”

The White Kitsune would eventually make it to the door but he wouldn’t open it until she was there with him. When everything was ready, he opened it but not before taking notice of the smell from across the way. The room opposite of theirs carried the recognizable scent of that damned drug his children concocted to achieve highs that mere mortals weren’t suppose to fall under. “Likely Rize and Dante, knowing those two…them and their Pixie Dust… “ It wasn’t hard to see through Dante’s eyes that his suspions were correct, but there was also Lotus and it looked like she had been affected the most from the drug. Sighing, he stepped into the room and found his son turning to see him and Scarlett. “Father…Scarlett, is it?” He gave a nod of respect before stepping aside as the lord made his way over to the baby. He smelled Angela’s distinguishable scent as well, unsurprising that she played a role in the delivery.  “And the cycle continues. I assume that this means that your end of the bargain has finally been fulfilled. Congratulations on that and of your daughter’s birth.  

Author: Dante, Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 12:59 AM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

He had to think for a moment, his mind was a bit scrambled with the recent happenings, but Rize seemed to be fine to answer Lotus. “Abed…sounds about right. They have plenty of good stuff about. When…was the last time I visited it there?” She verbally recollected memories while Dante hit his forehead. “Who knows with you. You are a rolling stone, sister.” He certainly didn’t know when or where Rize would go off to, and he was sure that their father barely could keep up with her randomness.

“Maybe your blood resonates with such things and is amplified in strength?”, he offered as he moved down towards her, laying on his stomach beside her. “Ah, dangerous. Another reason why I like you.” He smiled as he kicked his feet up in the air. Lotus kept him interested, which was why she was a good fit for him. Otherwise things would get dull if she was predictable and he would have left to seek out more fun like he usually did.

“Control is alright. I teeter on that line but I’m not completely reckless myself. That said, you can let your hair down around me. But if you’d prefer to restrain yourself for my sake, why should I stop you then?” He reached out for some loose strands of her raven hair and played around with them. She was far too worried about her feeding then she needed to be. He would recover, slowly but surely. There was no reason for her to feel guilty of that. “Don’t fret, my little Lotus. I’ve been through worse, darling.”

Author: Lotus, Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 12:22 AM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Lotus was still covering her own eyes as Dante spoke to her. “Aye, Furtuna managed to pick up on it and take me away. He was a human… near damn killed him. Abed makes this drug that Furtuna uses to forget and she wanted me to try it… So I did.” She took a large breath and finally moved her hand. Her eyes were glowing with such intensity from the draining.

“Normally a half succubus isn’t that strong but my blood… My father’s blood. It’s so strong in me.” The high was already off of her. The tendrils had pushed so much energy into her it burnt away the feeling in her blood and she laughed with Rize. “You’re right but it isn’t a craving that most people can deal with.”

If she could give it back to Dante she would have. For the time being, she continued to lay there on the floor. “I’ve always been a dangerous one. Control was the first thing my father taught me. I would latch on to anything and anyone. I killed someone once because I didn’t know to stop. Restraint is my best friend. It keeps you from being hurt.” She finally pushed herself up and fell onto his lap. “If I could give it back to you I would.” She was slowly being to lull. “But I’m so tired from a good meal.”

Author: Dante, Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 12:12 AM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

He felt her ontop of him even through his drugged haze and soon they were off doing what they did best. Even with Rize there not too far from them, he didn’t really care. He knew of her preferences but like him, even she didn’t cross certain lines. Anyway, he was completely focused on Lotus, perhaps much more than he should have considering that he could feel himself being drained a lot quicker than usual. It didn’t faze him as they were aggressively having their fun.

But the longer it continued, the more he started to sense something was off. Her tendrils were indeed taking a lot more from him than usual and soon he was regaining himself some. Dante would have pushed her off of him, but he didn’t have enough energy to do so immediately and it was by fortune itself that she had picked up on it and forced herself away. At least he was sure that was the case as he breathed heavily and looked at her. Rize, laying upside down from them  looked up and laughed herself before reaching for the pipe and took another hit. “Someone’s got the cravings!”

Dante stumbled as he forced himself to sit up. “Uh, I take it that this happened to that fellow you mentioned?” Being on a trip was one thing; being on a trip while having nearly no energy was certainly a feeling he hadn’t dealt with before and wasn’t keen on doing so again.

Author: Lotus, Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:46 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

An unrestricted Lotus was a dangerous Lotus. The only reason she had even decided to take the hit was because she thought Dante could handle it. However, she hadn’t counted on the full unleashing of her hungry nature. She was a glutton, the only time she had ever unleashed her full hunger was when she was in a room full of men ripe for the picking.

Their clothes didn’t even need to fully come off for the fun to begin. A succubus’s ultimate pleasant was feeding on the person they wanted to screw with. Lotus had kept it in check, she had minded her manners and kept Dante whole. Unfortunately, she was unrestricted and that part came at a heavy price for Dante, or would.

They began to usual dance even in the presence of his sister but her hunger was so fierce. Their love making was more fierce because of it but her draining on him would become a problem. When her appetite attempted to take over and her aura literally began to glow visibly in that soft red color that most succubi were known for Lotus threw herself off on the floor panting. Her hand was over her eyes.

No matter her ambitions or number of drugs in her system she couldn’t allow herself to hurt Dante. That’s what she had begun to do and she could feel his energy surging in her. “I need a nap.” Her laughed a bit. “Before I end up killing someone.” That was the honest truth. Her tendrils were still lightly wrapped around Dante but she was pulling them off bit by bit.

Author: Dante, Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:28 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

When Dante first heard Rize speak about letting Lotus try the Pixie Dust with them, he was a bit hesitant. Unlike most of the realm’s drugs and substances, this one was a favorite among demons, particularly among them and their siblings because it had been a creation of theirs personally. Anything having to do with the sin children was relatively a bad thing, so he wasn’t sure if Lotus could keep up. But she seemed to be fine with it, though she issued a warning to them. As usual, Rize heard and acknowledge, but didn’t care and he wasn’t too worried himself.

“I do like how you surprise me, so might as well see what comes from it.” He was one that lived without regrets and danced along the thin line. He wanted to see what she was capable of. His devilish sister had offered her a good warning herself, but everyone threw caution into the wind. He smirked as he felt the effects take to him and his eyes lingered on his lover, knowing that it would likely hit her rather harder than him or Rize since they were used to it. She would be getting the full blunt of the effect quicker.

He soon felt her coming on to him and some of his energy drained. It took a moment or two longer than usual to realize that he was being feed on, but that merely meant that she was ready for him. His hand roamed along her form as he embraced her. She was definitely less restrictive of herself, not that it's ever been a problem before, but something was vastly different this time. He didn’t even think about Rize being in the same room as them, but to be fair, she was lying about in her own little world and likely paid them no attention whatsoever as she continued to hit the Pixie.

Author: Lotus, Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 8:26 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Lotus smirked just a bit and stretched as they brought up Pixie Dust. “I would be careful if I were you. You’re opening up a door I don’t often open.” There was a hint of hilarity to her voice. “The last time I got high I was on Furtuna’s ship and it didn’t go so well for the guy I was with.” She rubbed up on Dante as they left the room. “Just warning you.”

She was sure a demon like Dante could handle her as she came into the room and plopped herself next to Dante. “Oh it could take a while to hit me and I guarantee you the outcome is the same.” Still, they let her have it despite her warnings and she took a hit of it. It was small but it was still just as effective if not more than the shit that Furtuna had given her.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Dante…” Lotus began to laugh as her tendrils latched onto him and she rolled over on top of him. She would have her way with him and more now that her mind was hazy and her control was gone.

Author: Rize, Posted: Mon Sep 4, 2017 5:02 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Rize merely smirk wider; the boys definitely found some feisty ones. There was some mild shock that their father would allow for them to indulge even further into the Black Rose Court than the god already had. Then again, as long as they were obedient enough for him, he didn’t really care what they would go after. It was just strange that he would let Steele carry on so far with Eldora- getting married and now having a bouncing baby girl.

“My, you are just full of moxie, aren’t you?” She rose a brow to Eldora before letting out a snide chuckle. “Don’t let this one go, puppy” Steele muttered something underneath his breath at her comment, but wasn’t going to give her the time of day and reply. “Of course, but the power of the sins can’t exactly be measured fully. Take Dante for example. He’s one of the few of us that can wield it to his leisure. Others like myself and Beelze just simply go with it. Colden is a hard case to read; it ruled him at first and now he’s trying to control it. Will be hard as hell though.” She might have seemed unsympathetic towards him, but she was speaking matter of factly.

The turn of the conversation was starting to bore her and after come careful thought, or lack of, she moved over to Dante and Lotus and slipped behind them. “How about we leave the lovebirds be and tackle the pixie?” Obviously she would assume Lotus to be confused by it and waited for Dante to explain. Her older brother gave a whimsical sigh before looking to his lover, “Pixie Dust. Not exactly what you are thinking, either. It's a concoction that we had made up in our youth between the two of us. A very potent drug and a lovely favorite of demons. The name was actually made up while we were on the stuff.”

Not awaiting for either one of them, Rize took off from the room and ventured into one across the way. As she navigated through it, the blank room sparked with vibrant colored walls and plush pillows and couches every which way. It was almost as if they were in one of Abed’s most esteemed clubs. In the very center of it was a set of alchemy vials and breakers and the like. Various substances were also lined up with the kti and she set off do grind and mix them together while waiting on the two of them to join her. By that time, she had already lit the flames underneath and the thick smell of sweet scented smoke begun to fill the room. When everything was complete, she brought out a pipe and poured the finished product from one of the vials into it and took a deep puff of it. Throwing her head back, she allowed for a stream of smoke to slipped through her lips steadily. Dante circled around her and stole the pipe while she reclined against a mountain of pillows before he took his puff and handed it over to Lotus.

“Careful. The Pixie Dust takes effect almost immediately”, Rize warned in a hazy tone, proving her words correct.

Author: Eldora, Posted: Sun Sep 3, 2017 11:47 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Eldora tilted her head at her brother in law and clicked her tongue. “I’ll make sure that when you do something the next time I repay it ten fold my dearest brother.” There was a threat oozing from her lips as she gave him a smile. Turning her attention to Rize she nodded. “I’m well aware of what my brother could cause should his sin get too far out of control. So far as long as it doesn’t hurt Crystaline or is in her best interest that is what he does.”

Lotus nodded a bit and snuggled into Dante. “The boy sees nothing but love when he sees her. She could ask the world and I think he would give it to her. A dangerous thing for one person to have so much power. At least it’s Crystaline and not some random wench.” She pressed her lips to Dante’s cheek lovingly.

“Aye, you can thank our bitch of our mother for our family being so small.” Eldora held onto Estelle just a bit tighter now as she thought about Cyprus. “She’s damn near killed everyone in our bloodline.” But she couldn’t do that anymore. “We’ll never let such a thing happen again.” Because of Estelle.

“We’ll take your warnings to heart. I wouldn’t want to see Estelle get hurt or stolen for that matter.” Lotus was the one who spoke instead of Eldora who had been working on the words. “Speaking of protection…” Lotus was amused. “Kirika just gained the protection of Dalanesca… Our little sister is crafty for someone so young Eldora.” Eldora nodded as she looked down at Estelle. "Pooling all the power into the Black Court that she can get. Something our mother tried to do but for herself. Since it is for all of us… It appears to be working."

"Go figure, being a selfish bitch doesn't work out so well in the end," Eldora chuckled a bit.

Author: Rize, Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:21 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Rize hadn’t needed to soundproof her room up until when the baby was born. Since then, the slacker needed some sound of mind to cope with the lack of sleep. Or really in her case, oversleeping. Much had indeed changed since she saw her brothers; the raging wolf and the horny little rabbit being tamed by mere women. The idea was almost laughable and had it been Carrie instead of her, she would have been more crude and obnoxious about it. Instead, she was more so mellow about these things, at least when they weren’t as interesting.

Dante rolled his eyes as he snaked his arm around Lotus’ waist. “Don’t hurt me, Eldora. I didn’t do anything to you yet…” Meanwhile Rize thought with some care towards the aforementioned person that she had to recognize as Colden. She had recalled the last time she heard that name was when her father instructed her and the others to seek him out and keep him away from Cyprus’ clutches. To be frank, she barely knew the boy and didn’t care too much for him or his demented mother. “Ah yes, Colden. I’ve heard what happened with him and the life he lives now. At least he isn’t causing much trouble anymore. Just be careful of the crow’s wanting desires. They may prove too hasty for them.”

“I know about you two as well, at least from Father. He instructed me and my sisters about everything that happened in our absences. Carrie, Beelze and Freya have yet to arrive to the Cradle, likely taking their time and partaking in their own vices until they had their fill. Either way, they weren’t her problem, and unless her father told her otherwise, the same could be said for Colden.

“I know about you lot from Father; how you are starting to increase your ranks again. A fairly small bunch.”

“Don’t let her appearance or act fool you, she is more dangerous than she let’s on. There’s a reason why she’s one of our father’s favorites….”
Steele explained and Rize shrugged. There was lack of worry across her face; hopefully they would garnered some interest in her and let break free of the funk she was in. “Be weary of who you let see the baby. Carrie might eat her if she catches wind of it.” A part of it was merely a jest but she and the boys knew just how dangerous and self absorbed the eldest child could get. “No, no I was wrong. Beleeze would likely do so simply because of her eternal hunger… Freya would just flat out steal her if given a chance and reason."                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Author: Lotus, Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 10:18 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Eldora looked up and tilted her head. “I know who she is, I’ve seen her. I know what she is.” There was the quirkiness in Eldora that they had missed.

“Looks like everything is back to normal now that she isn’t pregnant.” Lotus cooed at Estelle softly. “Baby cries can be the hardest thing to sleep through but here in the Cradle you are lucky you get to make it all sound proof.” Lotus smiled up at Riz. “Oh Rize, I excel at chaining things up.” Lotus handed Estelle back to Eldora so she could slink around Dante. “And keeping Dante’s mind busy.” She chuckled a bit. “My sister is an easy target to keep Dante entertained too.”

“Remind me to punch Dante when Estelle isn’t in my arms,” Eldora smirked a bit at him.

There was a smirk on Lotus’s face as she slinked away from Dante. “We would know you all anyway. I only have Colden’s best interests in mind. My little brother… Your little brother. Even if Dante and I weren’t a thing, I have always kept an eye on Colden… Eldora has kept an even deeper eye. Eldora is bound by more than just being Steele’s wife but also as a servant of the realm.” Lotus leaned over and took her sister’s hair. “And I am Dante’s life partner I suppose if he should keep me.”

The succubus was doing her thing with her words and Eldora sighed softly. “Speaking of our little brother, he and Crystaline will be here to visit shortly… I have a tingling sensation whenever you say his name.” There was a smile and before long both women were looking at Rize. “I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into being related to the Rose family.” They said it together and Lotus even winked, that small dangerous smile lingered from Eldora back to Rize.

They were all on the same boat to hell anyway. The girls knew full well by know what they were getting into and the road to hell never looked so bright.

Author: Rize, Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 9:35 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Dante looked on with a growing smile and Steele looked more relaxed as his daughter was passed from his brother to his new sister-in-law. As long as she was in safe hands, then he would be fine. Eldora trusted the troublemakers with Estelle and it was something he would have to do as well, despite his paternal worries. The baby was starting to fuss but was soon quelled down and he held a tiny smile at her relaxed state.

But soon in the midst of the excitement and joyous time between them, Steele’s smile dropped instantly as he heard the slow but loud footsteps closing in onto the room.

“She’s here?” 

Dante casually looked at him and then towards the door. “Suppose so. I take it she’s either excited or that Estelle had disturbed her naps.” Just as they had spoken, the footsteps drew closer towards them and by the time they were at their loudest, the door opened and in plain view stood a woman with fiery red locks and carried the blue eyes her brothers and father had. She was barely taller than Lotus and was dressed in a slender black dress. The expression across her face was a mixture of sleepiness and boredom as she started over towards the group. Her movements were slouching and sluggish, not only that of the walking dead. “Well, look what the cat dragged in. Evening, Rize”, Dante stated with a cocked head as she ignored the loin-brain fool. “Where have you been? I know that you knew about my daughter’s birth for the last few days…”, Steele spoke, but she ignored him to as she drew nearer. Her eyes lazily passed over Lotus, then Eldora and finally the little bundle that the former had in her arms.

Peeking down to Estelle, her aunt simply watched her for a few moments before looking to her father. “You daughter woke me up when she was born. I hadn’t been able to sleep ever since." She blinked slowly at him before a loud yawn escaped her lips. “ I can still hear her crying at night.” Her attention then turned to Dante, “It still bothers me that you were picked over me, but I will respect Father’s wishes. Just don’t screw it up by screwing someone you shouldn’t be.” Her threat, like the rest of her, was barely filled with much effort. “Though from what I’ve overheard, this one keeps you in check.” She pointed to Lotus and then let out another sigh. “Never thought both the wolf and the rabbit would be chained up, let alone at the same time.”

“Ladies…well, this is Rize, the middle child of the brood we are in”, Dante introduced. Steele rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he had to watch Rize be Rize. It was annoying and he kept having to look to his daughter constantly to make sure she was alright. He doubted that Rize would even remotely entertain the thought of harming her. “As you can see, her vice is that of sloth.”

 “Yes, well, welcome to the family, I suppose. Hope you know what you gals are getting yourselves into.” A faint and dangerous smile softly lurked from her as she watched.

Author: Lotus, Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:28 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Estelle was making bubbles as she fussed. It was cold and her mama just had to show her off, at least colder than what the blanket had been. It was her blanket after all and she loved it already, warm just like momma’s tummy.

Lotus smiled with Dante. “Oh, I see her… She is so beautiful.” She chuckled towards Dante who was absolutely in love with her in that very moment. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look at another person like this before.” She would address that elephant as she complimented Dante. It was an odd thing for them to be dealing with but their relationship was still only blossoming. It was fresh and new to both of them.

Eldora took a sigh. “Besides, we would have to do a big Sularia wedding if we invited everyone. That’s a headache with all of us.” Eldora groaned a bit. “You’ll be fine, you can make up for us,” Lotus smirked a bit and shrugged. There was no telling if she and Dante would fall for that trap and to be honest it hadn’t even been talked about before.

“I only scream when you ask me to. I can keep quiet just like you.” She slinked around her lover and kissed his ear. “You know that it drives you nuts when you can’t get me to make any noise at all.” There was a giggle from her as she watched Dante told Estelle. “She might love her blanket more than anyone else in this room,” Lotus smirked as she moved to sit next to Dante and take Estelle from him.

She was so natural that Eldora stopped in mid sentence and motion. Eldora had almost forgotten that Lotus had dealt with young children in the past. There was a calming noise that Lotus started to make when Estelle began to cry and the child immediately calmed as Lotus held her close. “There we go,” Lotus leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“So, Angela says that new babies have a smell to them that comforts those around them…” Eldora mused.

“It’s true, Colden had the same smell when he was born. All new babies have it for a while. Some mothers can’t stand the smell and fall into a depression… others form a bond using it.” For someone who didn’t want to be a mother, she sure knew an awful lot about it. She bounced tiny Estelle in her arms gently and snuggled her close. “It is said to be one of the best smells in the world.”

Eldora looked over at Steele and smiled at him. “I can get out of bed soon… That will be nice. Angela had me staying put since the birth was so hard… It’s primarily why no one has come to visit or been informed.”

Author: Dante, Posted: Mon Aug 7, 2017 5:14 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Steele had no problem with Lotus other than her…apparent taste in men, Dante in particular. Although he was sure that Eldora didn’t trust her alone with him especially back when he got to see what was swimming in her mind. Dante shrugged it off and merrily continued to watch his new niece.

When they finally got a better peek at Estelle, he could see the beautiful little girl squirm and fuss before looking around the room. “Wow, look at her, Lotus.” He stared at her for what felt like centuries before her mother wrapped her back up. “She’s still getting used to the place, but at least she wasn’t too frightened by you, brother.” Not that it didn’t ease Steele’s mind; he’d prefer that Dante wouldn’t corrupt his little angel in any manner. But at least Eldora was willing to trust that devil.

“We didn’t want it to be a big thing, of course. We wanted to do it for Estelle as well as ourselves. Besides, a big wedding would require family, and we can barely tolerate the two of you. Dante, you know well enough of our sisters to know I wouldn’t trust them with a leaf, much less our daughter.” Dante shrugged, knowing perfectly well that those she devils weren’t the best influences ever.

“Now Eldora, I can be as quiet as a church mouse. Its your sister over here that’s the screamer…”, he said slyly while his brother looked as though he wanted to punch him out. When it came to holding her, Dante was extremely slow and careful in his approach as he reached for Estelle. He could feel her moving with the exchanged and he was told to mind her head and neck while holding her. “Look, she loves me. Not that it’s surprising because it's me of course.” He had a stupid happy look as he gently bounced her in his arms. He looked to Lotus and contemplated a thought before shaking his head and smelled Estelle. She had a strange smell, but it was comforting to him. “Here you go”, he said as he handed the baby over to Lotus.  

Author: Eldora, Posted: Sun Aug 6, 2017 9:06 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Lotus smirked at Steele. “Oh Dear Steele, I don’t wish to try and control Dante. I wish to let him fall deep down into a hole of debauchery and watch him try to get back up while I push him back down.” Ever the cruel mistress, if for a person like Dante that was considered cruel at all.

Eldora finally smiled at Dante as he came over to see Estelle. He stared at her in a way that she had never seen before. She opened up the little blanket so he could get a good look at the little girl. Estelle didn’t quite like the warmth and began to fuss and pop open her little blue eyes so she could see what was going on around her. Her little arms flailed only a little, when Eldora thought he got enough of a good look she covered the little one back up with the deep blue blanket.

There was a rather thin blush across Eldora’s face as she didn’t really think it would have mattered that much. She knew that Dante was joking but it was the look on Lotus’s face that was killing her. “Everyone was in the dark but Angela. She is the one who performed it for us, we asked her to do it once we found out that Estelle was a girl. She wanted to plan something small for us so we let her have that much.”

Lotus smirked at Dante, “That’s because we’re not rude.” She teased Eldora a bit more.

Eldora made a face at Lotus and shook her head. “We told you both of you make too much noise.” Lotus chuckled a bit and Eldora nodded at Dante. “Aye, that would make us related now. Estelle just sets it in stone.” Eldora smiled down at the little girl. “If Lotus wouldn’t be offended… Dante would you like her to hold her first?” The man seemed enthralled by her. She gave Steele a look that only he would know, she was being careful and watching Dante.

Lotus smirked a bit, “Not offended at all. I’ll hold her after Dante does if he chooses to.” He could be a bit funny about children at times. Especially when he had felt Estelle move at first when the child was still in Eldora’s womb. If he chose to hold her Eldora had him sit down by her and made sure he knew how to hold her. “She is very delicate.”

Author: Dante, Posted: Fri Aug 4, 2017 11:16 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Of course Dante enjoyed Lotus’ flirting as she wrapped her belt around his neck. “I thought you preferred reins over collars, but alright.” His smile only grew when the loop tightened around him. “So…I should act bad then? If I need to be punished, then I must be.” Steele only grimaced at their little playing around. “If you can, then you’d be the first person to ever control him.” He didn’t put much stock into it though, the rabbit was every hard to keep in check. If Lotus thought she could do the impossible, then by all means, he would let her try. Just as Dante would do so, though for much different reasons. The elf demon looked to Eldora as she welcomed him over to see the girl. Peeking down at the girl, his eyes looked upon her with a strange happy look that hadn’t been seen before. Steele looked at his brother, confused since he hadn’t seen him speechless before. He thought he was broken or something was wrong with him. “Don’t keep looking at your niece like that, or else your face will stick that way forever.”

“You say that now, but if I was to go away forever, you both would be pretty bored”, Dante spoke with his eyes remained glue to Estelle. “No, I wasn’t that excited. I just figured that she needed to be welcomed to this world accordingly." He was about to say something racey about being a good boy, but then the conversation took a shift elsewhere and he spotted what Lotus saw. “Hey, that’s not fair. I would have been one hell of a best man for you, brother.”

“Eldora’s right. We didn’t want to make a scene out of it. We thought it was best for both us and Estelle…” Dante shook his head, “Did Father even know?”

“No, not at the time, but he spotted the ring a mile away when we got here.”

When Lotus mentioned them returning the favor about marriage, he was finally able to turn his attention away from the baby and looked up to her. “No, I suppose not.” Marriage was something he hadn’t thought up since back then he felt it was restraining. Now he wasn't so sure. “Guess we are related now, through both blood and marriage, sister”, he teased Eldora.

Author: Eldora, Posted: Thu Aug 3, 2017 9:50 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Lotus smirked at Steele and leaned over to bite at Dante’s ear. “Hear that you are my pet.” She took her belt and put it around his neck and fastened it as tight as she could. “Pets should always wear their collars.” She chuckled a bit as she yanked on it hard. “I’ll control him Steele, I promise.” She batted her dual colored eyes at Steele. “If he is bad I’ll punish him.” She clicked her tongue at him. “Maybe I’ll teach you how to lay down or sit pretty.” She tickled under Dante’s chin.

Eldora chuckled grimly and tilted her head up to Steele. “It’s alright let the annoying one come closer.” Eldora cradled the little bundle close as she stared up at Dante. “I hurt, still sore from three days of labor. She didn’t really want to come out and say hello. Thought poor Steele was going to have a heart attack if she didn’t come fast enough. I ended up having back labor.”

Lotus winced at the mentioning of it. “Thank goodness Angela was here with you. I think I would have begged to be killed. I’ve heard stories about back labor, none of it good.”

Eldora turned her attention back to the brothers before smirking just a bit. “I could go without your face for a few days but it does get a bit lonely without you trying to be in our business.” Lotus came over after dropping her belt and began to phase in presents. “Dante spent days in the market looking for gifts for her. I think he is more excited than you are.” She teased her lover. “So will you please let him say hello to her up close? I promise he will be a good boy because good boys get really good treats when they get home.”

Eldora tilted her head back to the other side now as she looked over at Steele. “Well, it’s interesting you bring that u–”

Lotus stopped her and grabbed her hand to look at a ring, “You got married and didn’t invite us?”

“Well… We didn’t invite anyone.” She shrugged and looked down at the baby. “We just decided to do it.”

“I am insulted,” Lotus had a mock disgusted face. “We would never do that to you. Would we Dante?”

“Well… to be fair… you both like the theatrics of it.” Eldora poked at her sister’s face. “We don’t.”

Author: Dante, Posted: Wed Aug 2, 2017 11:00 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

It was a pity that his brother and his midget were having a child and it had slipped Steele’s mind to invite his dearest sibling. At least that was the thought inside Dante’s head as he was left with nothing to do but Lotus. While he fully enjoyed indulging in her, he was also curious about how things were going on their end. But for the time being he played their little game and bid his time accordingly, right up until his father informed him that the child was born yesterday. He allowed them some time to get acquainted with their new child before her uncle would come and liven up the place. 

As soon as they could, he left with Lotus and headed for the Cradle. He knew that once they set foot inside, Steele would sense them and likely try to prepare himself for his intrusion. It really didn’t bother him much as he strolled through the halls and right up to the room he was sure they were staying it. As the door creaked open, a pair of vibrant blue eyes were seen through the crack. “Hello brother…Eldora…” A crafty smile surfaced from the darkness before the door bolted up and he slinked through the room. “Don’t you dare get near her without either of our option.” Steele growled before setting eyes on Lotus, “You are free to see Estelle, your pet is not, not yet.”

Dante pouted at him before his eyes fell into what was in Eldora’s arms. “Aww, ain't she adorable. I swear that my mutt of a brother doesn’t deserve someone as lovely as she is.” His eyes glanced up to the mother, “And how are you faring? I know that not seeing my beautiful face for a few days disappoints most woman in my experience.” He didn’t know much about children, admittingly because he saw nothing in his future that had to do with them. That said, she and Steele were off the hook now, and then only Lotus and Colden remained. Dante wasn’t about to let her go without a child for too long, not that their little brother would be beating them in that any time soon.

“I suppose that all good things come to pass, and now look at you lot, practically married with children.” He tugged at the corner of Steele’s face and moved it around, much to the dismay of his brother.

Author: Eldora, Posted: Wed Aug 2, 2017 7:15 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Eldora smiled up at Steele and chuckled a bit more. “She will bring us both sanctuary in different ways my Love. She gives us hope in a world where we feel hopeless most of the time. She is proof we are more than just wrath and a vessel of spirits.” For a moment there was a weird look on her face. “You know I could have cared less about the punishment, she is here because we love her and not because some council made us.” There was a smile across her face no matter how weak it was. “With or without them… I would have her.”

She loved her.

Once they were both asleep Steele and Angela had a few moments to speak to each other. “I could say the same thing about her when it comes to you, Steele. You’ve given her a great big purpose in life to actually start to live. I’m very proud of her that she truly acting like a mortal being on instead of the fate’s doll.”

The time ticked away and when it was time for Eldora to be woken up she was eager to hold their baby. She held her arms out and took Estelle with utmost care. She smiled up at Steele and pulled him closer so she could kiss him. “Thank you, please sit with me.” She moved over slightly out of the middle of the bed so the man could join her.

She held their daughter who was swaddled in the deepest blue of fabric. It matched her skin and hair almost brilliantly and then… Eldora’s heart soared and her eyes got large. “Steele look…” She was astonished as the little one in her arms yawned and peeked with blue eyes that looked to be between Eldora’s dark ones and Steele’s light ones. “Oh, they are beautiful Steele.”

Angela showed Eldora how to feed her and for about twenty minutes or so Estelle refused to take. There was frustration with Eldora as she thought something was wrong. “Patience, this is all new for her,” Angela spoke softly. It took only a few minutes more for Estelle to finally get the idea and Angela smiled up at them both. “See? Patience. That’s a good thing to keep in your mind when you are teaching her things. She might not automatically get it but with time and effort, she will. Some babies don’t take at all and you have to feed them through makeshift bottles and such with warm cow milk. You are very lucky.”

Author: Steele, Posted: Wed Aug 2, 2017 6:28 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

“I’ll take your word for it”, he agreed with Belle. Heaven knows that he didn’t wish to know to the extent of how much pain his lover went through, but he did hope that she’d recover soon. Not for his sake, but that of their child’s. It was strange to hold the baby for she was a part of him, something that was pure and innocence in this world. Everything that he was not.

It was strange that he could help create something so beautiful when his destiny was to destroy. He could only imagine that Eldora didn’t think that she would be able to either. But here they were, and here Estelle was. “Yes, she’s a radiant light in this world.” He let her interact with her daughter, who was making a fuzz at being disturbed at first but then she seemed to mellow down when she heard her voice. “And with that, she brings you sanctuary, Eldora. The punishment is null and void against you.” It was strange to even think about the deal her family were forced to play onto but she had fulfilled her end of the bargain first. To be honest, he was sure that Dante and Lotus would have beaten them to it and Colden and Crystaline were still dancing in circles with one another. But as Angela said, Estelle was the first child born to the Black Rose Court in such a long time. It was a joyous time indeed.

He brought Estelle back up and rocked her in his arms as her mother begrudgingly went back to sleep. She deserved it after everything she’s been through the last few days. Like mother, like daughter, Estelle wasn’t too far behind her as the call of slumber came and he went to put her to bed. “First stroke of luck in my life happened recently with meeting her. Before that, I wouldn’t have considered myself anything other than bad luck.”

Two hours seemed to pass by quickly and Eldora was up. Steele smiled and carefully brought the baby over to her, careful during the exchange. “Mind her head, she’s still asleep.Guess it was a big day for her too.”

Author: Eldora, Posted: Tue Aug 1, 2017 10:59 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

“Back labor? It isn’t terribly common, but it hurts worse than most labor. So thank god we don’t see it a lot but mostly because my mother uses her magic.” Belle gave Steele a sorry look since Eldora had asked for the magic not to be used. “Eldora’s long labor was extremely uncommon but not unheard of. Sometimes they don’t want to come out.” Belle offered a smile now.

Eldora’s blue eyes watched as he came into the room holding the tiny bundle. There was a smile on her lips as he spoke about Estelle. “Everything we ever dreamed of? That's good.” She sounded so tired but she understood where they were coming from about making her wait to hold her daughter. When Steele bent over she reached her hand up and tugged a little at the blanket to get a good look. Estelle began to fuss a bit. “Shh… it’s just mommy,” the word made her pause and blush a bit with a slight chuckle. “I just want a good look at you silly girl.”

Angela nodded a bit and smiled. “That’s a good thing. She probably would be overwhelmed. Take this moment to be with her because in the coming days I imagine you will have many visitors. She is the first to be born for your family, known anyway.” Outside of Cinder, this was the first celebration of many. “She is very beautiful Steele and Eldora, you did well.”

Eldora leaned into Steele’s hand as she gave her lover another smile. “Spirits hurt more than that did I promise.”

Angela gave a smile and nodded. “I wouldn’t have let anything happen to the two of them. That’s why I came here as soon as I heard. I’ve delivered many children, even Naota’s triplets. We almost lost his wife but I had performed emergency surgery at that point. I don’t lose those I tend to not without a fight.” Eldora felt reassured by Angela being there. “Plus, this is a good opportunity to teach Belle the way I do things so she can begin to take over the more common births back home. Now Eldora get some rest, in two hours I’ll wake you up.”

For a few moments, it looked like Eldora was going to fight the goddess on it but soon she was asleep. Estelle cooed in her father’s arms and seemed generally happy before she too went to sleep. “You are very lucky Steele,” the goddess gave him a smile. Once the time had come Eldora was woken up and she stretched if only a little before looking up at the bundle.

“I can hold her now?”

“Yes, you’ve had a bit of rest after all the excitement.” Eldora’s arms were immediately held out after the yes and the goddess chuckled.

Author: Steele, Posted: Tue Aug 1, 2017 5:44 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

“I’d imagine that isn’t too uncommon?” Steele supposed that Estelle, like many babies, didn’t wish to leave a place of safety such as Eldora’s womb and brought into a place of uncertainty. At least it was the only thing he could think of at the time while he held the quieting babe. She looked a lot like her mother, as he had hoped prior. Still, it only served as a reminder to him of what she had underwent and wanted to make sure that she was okay.

The woman that had assisted Angela reassured him and then the goddess herself had came to invite him to see Eldora. Slowly he made his approach, wanting to be careful and not startle his daughter as he came into the room. It looked like she was sleeping and when she stirred because of him, Steele felt a little guilty over depriving her of the rest she deserved. “She is. Just about the most beautiful thing I have ever seen”, he nodded as he leaned closer to her and gave her a view of Estelle. “She’s right, you are too tired right now to hold her, but at least the worst is over now.” Steele felt something pricking his mind and then he heard his father’s voice. “He says that he will see her, not right now but in the coming days. Right now the baby would likely be overwhelmed with seeing too many people at once and it's our time to bond with her.” Likely he figured that the god had seen her already since its was his realm and was taking this time to celebrate with a glass of wine or something. Steele was hardly shocked by the actions but right now his focus was going to where it belonged- Eldora and Estelle.

“I think she deserves far more credit than me”he spoke as he shifted the baby’s weight onto one arm while he went to stroke the top of her mother's head gently. “It will be alright. I’m just glad the two of you made it through.” He looked over to Angela, “And thank you for your help. Not sure if we would have made it through this without you.”

Author: Eldora, Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 11:47 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

In Steele’s arms, Estelle began to quiet down. Belle looked back at the room for a moment and gave a smile. “Should be any moment now and you can find out yourself. She is in good hands. She just had a bit of a rough delivery. First, the baby didn’t want to come and then the baby decided to be in her back… So it was painful for her but if anyone is a fighter it’s Eldora.”

After a few moments, Angela opened the door and was seen wiping her hands off in a tower. “You can come back in now… and Steele you can bring the baby in and see Eldora. She is fine just tired from all the excitement of the past three days. She has a bit more energy left to meet Estelle before she sleeps.”

It looked like from the magic of the citadel that the bed was already fresh. Eldora was sitting up if only thanks to the pile of pillows behind her. From the sound of her breathing she was gently asleep but as he would get close she woke up, exhaustion was in her eyes as she looked over at him with a smile. “Is she beautiful Steele?” It was weakened words but Angela gave them both as smile as she moved over to prepare the salves that they would need for the coming days. “I didn’t get a chance to see her yet…”

“For good reason. You are tired Eldora. You can see her but then you need to rest so you can wake up and feed her when she needs it. Doctor’s orders. You wouldn’t be this tired if you had let me help push this forward… So lots of pain soothing is in your future now.” Angela gently scolded. “Be together… I would get her bassinet and bring it in here… I imagine Xunatar will be here soon to meet his grandchild.” After a moment more she sighed. “You did a good job… both of you. I don’t see the floor out there melted away from all the pacing and Eldora did a beautiful job bringing that baby into the world. Both of you did well.”

Author: Steele, Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 11:31 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

The wait felt like it too forever and when the time arrived for the birth to occur, Steele was left waiting in a separate room, pacing about the floor enough that he was sure that he would have made grooves into it. He hadn’t thought that her labor would have lasted as long and fortunately Dante was nowhere to be seen. Else he would have made the situation even worse and his brother would had killed him. Angela tended to her, that brought some comfort in him but he wanted it all to be done with now. Sounds of agony and pain were soon replaced with that of crying, one that he hadn’t heard before yet he knew who it belonged to.

Steele stopped in his tracks and waited. His mouth was slightly open as he pictured what she looked like. But when a woman, one of the ones that was assisting Angela came over with a bundle in her arms, he knew from the scent that it was his daughter. “…Yes?”, he answered while his eyes never left the what was in her arms.

Hands slowly rose out in front of him as he took her into and brought her closer. Estelle looked adorable, even more so than what he thought she would. “…Thank you. How’s Eldora faring? It’s been a long time since I saw her…”

Author: Eldora, Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 11:12 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Eldora blushed a bit more than usual with Steele but she chuckled. “It’s funny I was hoping Estelle was more like you.” Their love made Lotus slightly jealous if anything she wanted to have this with Dante. Her fingers curled around his for just a moment before watching as Steele talked to their niece.

He was right… She would be loved by everyone.

The wait was long but soon it was their time to show the world Estelle. It had been long and hard as the hours pushed into days. Eldora’s labor had gone on for what seemed like forever but Angela had been asked to keep it as natural as possible as long as Eldora’s life had not been at stake. So the goddess kept her promise and kept a close monitor on both mother and child.

As soon as Estelle was ready to make her appearance in the world Angela was there to catch her and bathe her. A child with a head full of dark locks and a set of lungs of her that could make any dragon terrified. Angela passed out off to her daughter who had been helping with the birth. Once that was done the goddess set to healing Eldora and Belle bathed the child and wrapped her in the blanket.

“Steele?” the blonde woman came over to him and offered the tiny screaming bundle up to him. “You can hold her now. She will need a lot of body heat so skin to skin is what we recommend for her. You’ll have to tend to her while we get Eldora back to fit shape… Congratulations on your daughter.”

Author: Steele, Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 2:11 AM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Steele was a bit over zealous about guarding Eldora and their unborn child, but it was more so the wolf in him that wanted to protect them. Dante, on the other hand, seemed entertained by the situation even more. “Please, comparing Colden’s temper to Steele’s is like comparing a little gust to a typhoon. The boy was just throwing a temper tantrum because he was envious. It’s in wolfman’s nature to be in a bad mood.” The other male looked at him with disdain but held his anger. It wasn’t a good thing to expose Eldora to right now plus his father was likely watching through his brother’s eyes. Damn lucky bastard.

He thought about the name Estelle and saw that Eldora seemed smitten by her sister’s idea. While he didn’t really care for Dante’s approval, it seemed like the name really did suit his daughter. He could feel the girl within her and he was excited to see the day she would be born. “Funny, Dante. One day, when you least inspect it, I’ll be sure that you are comfortable in your grave while I bury you alive.” His tone was very controlled as he watched him with dark eyes. Fortunately Eldora comforted him and his temper mellowed down.

Dante shrugged it off and let the two have their little fun. Steele caressed her belly and sat beside her. “Lotus is right. I can’t wait to see her when the times come. Hopefully she comes out more like you than me, to be honest. Impatience does run in the family- at least for most of us.” Dante might have been an exception, barely anyway but he could admit that he wasn’t as good at waiting and surely everyone knew that about Colden as well.

“I can do that.” He leaned into her belly and spoke softly. “Estelle…its…your father… when you come out, I can promise you that you will be loved by everyone that comes across your path and that I won’t let anything happen to you…”

Author: Eldora, Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:01 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Eldora tilted her head lightly and looked up at Dante. “Temper runs on both sides of the family even more so from his sin. It doesn’t concern me very much we’ve watched Colden’s temper simmer down so perhaps the little one will be alright after all.” She gave Steele a reassuring smile. “I think Steele is overly worried about it but he will see that all things will work out.” Eldora moved her hands to her belly and felt their daughter kicking about. It made her very happy.

The oracle was about to offer a rebuttal to Dante’s words but her sister had other plans as she laid down the creativity that Dante so enjoyed. It had been thoughtful and good. The name had resonated within all four of them for a time before they had all nodded. It was a good name. Estelle was a good name. Eldora’s tiny fingers wrapped around Steele’s as they felt her once more and the oracle was overjoyed. Their baby finally had a name, a good name.

Lotus chuckled at her lover and patted his shoulder. “You should give Steele some credit. His temper has been very good lately from the sounds of things.” There was a smirk on her face as she slinked around her lover and wrapped her arms around his waist. Her chest was to his back as she peeked around at her sister. It had been an utterly wonderful but odd sensation that much was for sure. “That’s right… one big happy family.” Lotus offered him a smile as she looked back at Eldora and Steele who were enjoying themselves more.

“She is so active… and strong,” Eldora cooed towards Steele. “We’re very lucky to have Estelle. I can’t wait to meet her.”

For a moment Lotus was silent but finally, she chimed in. “I don’t think any of us can Eldora. She’s won pretty much everyone here… so tell her to hurry up and get here already. You know some of us are very impatient.” There was a laugh from Eldora who nodded.

“I’ll make sure to tell her that or have Steele do it. She is very comforted by his voice I think.”

Author: Dante, Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 3:43 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

The Avatar of Chaos and Lies watched with teasing eyes as Lotus went over and felt her sister's stomach. As soon as she reacted to the baby's moving, he saw that she too had felt something like he had. It had been enough to get him to stop poking fun at Eldora literally. At least for the time being.  Steele, fortunately, was still fair game. "Yes, it must be perfect; after all, your little girl will likely be a munchkin with a bad attitude" Oh he was sure that she would have those qualities of both Eldora and Steele respectively. For some reason Steele looked as though he was getting mad at him and he pondered why. 

"Sorry Eldora, my brother is better at killing people with names versus making up one himself. Lacks the imagination and creativity that I have." Dante smiled devilishly as he paced about. Humming a sweet tone among himself, he found himself ceasing when his lover was explaining a solution to their little problem. Thinking about it, his eyes rolled about in thought as he paced back. Estelle sounded like a good name for a daughter and from the look on everyone else, it seemed like they were agreeing with it. His brother perked up when Eldora seemed to like it and nodded and found his hands placed onto her belly again to feel their daughter.

Dante moved back over to the group and rubbed his chin. "That's a great name for her, Lotus. Perhaps it will make her more sweeter than crabby like her wolven daddy." More teasing of course but he didn't mean anything by it. In his own way, he was a bit…excited to see her when the time finally came. He was unsure why he was giddy about it though it was also the first time he was excited about seeing a female without there being any sort of sexual desire either. It was…odd. His eyes rolled as Lotus elbowed him and he shrugged at her. "Yes, I must say that these lovebirds were enigmas before they met. They are still weird, but at least they are happy now too." 

Author: Lotus, Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:14 AM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Lotus watched as Dante reared back from Eldora. It might not have looked like he did but she could tell more so than anyone else in this room. “Alright Dear. If that is what you want.” The half-succubus came over and put her hands on Eldora’s belly. She felt the baby move and she was filled with a warmth she hadn’t known in a long time.

Eldora was glowing with pride as they spoke about their little girl. “We want the perfect name,” she repeated as she snuggled into Steele. They were struggling but only because both of them were bad at naming.

Taking her time Lotus moved her hand up and twirled one of Eldora’s curls around her finger. “Why not name her after our late niece.” Eldora tilted her head and Lotus knew that Eldora hadn’t the slightest clue. “Before our siblings were damned, Idoya had found out she was three months pregnant with a baby girl.” Lotus gave a sad smile. “She named her Estelle. Estelle means star and Idoya was sure that Estella was going to be her guiding light to happiness. So… why not Estelle?”

Eldora was really quiet for a moment as she looked over to her lover for a long time. “I like Estelle… Do you like Estelle? I think it is a good reasoning for her.” She had been a guiding light for both of them. It had changed them so much since they found out about her. Eldora took Steele’s hands and pressed them onto her belly once more.

“She’s so wonderful,” Lotus smiled at them both. “She’s brought you both happiness that I’ve never seen in Eldora before and I'm sure the same is for you too Steele.” When it came to being serious, Lotus was a true wordsmith. “It’s why I thought Estelle was a good name when I saw the way you two looked at her. I’m sure Dante thinks so too.” Lotus elbowed her lover softly.

Author: Steele, Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:46 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Dante frowned at her very words, “But you already had Stupid touching you, he’s lying right there beside you.” He pointed over to Steele, in which his brother growled, baring his fangs that were exposing. The younger man brought up his arm in defense against the munchkin’s assault with the pillow repeatedly. Fortunately his dark angel came to his rescue and Steele rolled his eyes. “Get loverboy out of here, Lotus.” He started to calm down as Eldora took the matter into her own hands. At least her sister was correct in not wanting to provoke the wolf; he might have not killed his own blood, but he would certainly inflict as much of pain as possible if he had to.

He looked down to the soon to be mother and smiled. “It won’t be too much longer now. We are still discussing names, we want it to be perfect for her.” Steele carefully assisted Eldora as she moved over and looked to his brother with narrow eyes, likely hinting at if he tried anything funny, he would bite his hand off. Dante, shrugged it off and went to feel her belly so more, but then waved it off. “On second thought, you go ahead Darling. Might as well feel your niece, no?” He already had felt some movement and for a moment he was unsure as to why he felt different. There was a little life form inside her and it was…pleasant to say the least. Steele held onto Eldora’s back as he moved up to sit up beside her.

“She’ll be strong definitely. I can hear her heartbeat strong within you.” The blood that coursed through her was likely the reason, though he pondered what she would be like when she was introduced to this world. Would she keep her demonic and wolven traits he would have gifted her? Or would she be more so like her mother? He often wondered about that these days and a part of him wished for the latter. Though he would love her regardless of how she turned out.  

Author: Eldora, Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:55 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Eldora was so happy about their little family. Without the spirits causing interfere this was the first time she was perfectly happy and at peace. She wasn’t yelling at things that seemingly weren’t there and she wasn’t losing her mind even though she was in the Cradle of all places.

Their little one was kicking up a storm and while it made her happy every once in a while the child gave her a kick that was way to hard for a normal child. It spoke to her about the magic already deeply rooted in their child. Their little girl was going to be so strong. There was childlike joy in both of their eyes as they felt her moving. They were so in love with her.

Her blue eyes were calm as they snapped to the doorway. She could see Dante and Lotus there and the threatening voice that Steele had told her enough about the situation. Soon though Dante was looming over by her and he was poking her lightly where the baby was moving. “Steele, Stupid is touching me.” Eldora blinked and grabbed a pillow by her and repeatedly hit Dante with it. “The baby might catch it.”

After a moment or two Lotus came in and wrapped herself around Dante kissing his cheek. “Don’t torment her too much. That is one ravenous father wolf laying on that bed. He could rip you to bits and that would make me sad.”

Eldora tilted her head at her sister and threw the pillow at her that time. “We’re due in maybe four months or more. We don’t have a name for her yet.” After a few moments, she rolled a bit and sat on the edge. She held her baby belly and smiled up at them. “If you ask, you can feel her. She moves a lot now. Angela says she is the strongest baby she has ever felt outside of the conclave children.”

Author: Steele, Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:30 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

To say that Steele was overprotective would have been an understatement. He wasn't going to allow any harm to befall Eldora or their unborn child. He didn't care who would raise their hand to them, even his own father would have to be careful. Perhaps that bit was more bark than bite but he was sure that, knowing Xunatar, he wouldn't. If anything it just played into his web of schemes somehow, some way. As long as his child was protected, he didn't really care what was behind his father's mind. It was a dangerous thing to threat a pup while the father was around, especially one filled with anger and rage. The black wolf would safeguard them even if it cost him his life.

Eldora knew it and trusted him greatly and he wouldn't fail her. Xunatar left silently, disappearing to his own devices since his presence wasn't required any further and Steele remained by her side, like nearly always.

As time went on, Eldora grew in size with their child who turned out to be a daughter. Heaven knows that he was worried and excited at the same time. Xunatar had heard this and was intrigued greatly, though he held his tongue and let them carry on. Dante was eventually reached and the smile that crept up his face was priceless as he grabbed Lotus and explained along the way of her soon to be new niece.

Steele had been resting on the bed, watching over Eldora as she was comfort against him. He enjoyed the quietness with the exception of hearing his daughter's heartbeat. Movement happened every now and then and when it did he would look up like a pup that got a new toy. Smiling at her, his bliss was soon interrupted by the door opening and soon he could see his brother, absolutely the last person he wanted to see come in. It didn't help matters that he had that goofy look on his face. He knew what it meant as the fool's eyes lingered on Eldora and her growing belly.

"Leave…now", he warned him with a edge of danger in his voice.

"Oh brother, now why would I do that?" Danter slinked over to Eldora's side with haste and started to softly poke at her belly. "So, when my niece due, sister of mine? Why we are practically family now!" Steele started to grow dangerously but he had to be careful since she was still laying over him.

Author: Eldora, Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:54 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Eldora calmed down and looked at Steele. “You can? Can you tell me if they get hurt?” She was depending on him and Angela chuckled just a bit. They would be just fine. Eldora put her hands over his and smiled up at him. She knew that Steele would protect her and the baby, he was after all wrath and you didn’t mess with wrath.

“Good, that makes you a better father than the majority of assholes who come through my temple on a day to day basis,” Angela praised Steele and Eldora’s blue eyes glimmered at the thought of Steele being a good father and it being confirmed.

Eldora nodded and leaned over to him kissing him softly. “I know, I trust in you completely.” The Oracle was happily in bliss.

For the next few months, it was odd getting used to being normal, getting larger, and the first few movements of their baby. Within this time they found out that they were to be, not shockingly, blessed with a little girl. Luckily they lived in the Cradle and all of Eldora’s physical needs such as new dresses were met. Her temper was a bit more on the short side since pregnancy did that, not to mention her true physical needs were being met by Steele.

They enjoyed feeling their baby and she was so strong. Angela commented that for not being gods they had a really truly powerful little being in her womb. Today they were relaxing in their bedroom as she snuggled up to him and kept her head on his chest. It had been rather quiet which was shocking since she was sure that Xunatar would have told the others by now and that meant Dante would have been shoved up their asses making fun of them.

Author: Steele, Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:20 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Even with all his years, Steele hadn't been prepared for this situation. Mainly because he wasn't sure if he would ever reach this point of his life where he would have a child of his own. His father wouldn't be too much help in this department, knowing the sort of man he was. He wasn't completely heartless but he was far from being the best parent in the world. The God didn't seem to be as worried as either of them and only sighed a bit and closed his eyes. "Yes, that is indeed the saying. Individuality means little in such cases like this." Steele himself wasn't worked up about that as he was with grasping the concept of a little one that was formed by him and Eldora. The woman seemed to have been taking this even more hard than he had. She was completely in shock by the news. He felt for her seeing how they were similar in thought over how everything between them played out. They were both outcasts and didn't think for a moment that there would be someone they could be attached to.

All that seemed to change in her once Angela retrieved her horn. He hadn't seen her act like this before and was taken back.  But her aunt was right- she had to calm down. [b"Listen to her. We don't want anything happening to the baby, right?" His hand fell onto her back while eyes remained on her stomach. "I can hear them", he said after a bit, indeed listening to the heartbeat continuing on. He wished that he could at least share it with her. Steele nodded at the request, he would make sure that she took the tea whenever she needed it. His mind wondered about whether it was a boy or a girl, but decided that they had enough surprises for one day and agreed.

He hesitatingly  reached for her belly with his other hand, just out of reinsurance to make sure that this was all real. He couldn't allow for anything to hurt the two of them, especially after what his father pulled. To want to bring harm to them, who had nothing to do with the accursed Vault was more evil than the place itself in his eyes. Not only that, but they would risk angering a god for it too? The Vault, from what he had heard, was an accident as far as the weather issue went; just imagining what his father was capable of when he put his mind to it would make it seem like a vacation for them. But if he had his way, he would tear them apart with his own claws and fangs. He calmed himself down enough and nodded. "I'll be there to look after her as much as I can." She wasn't going to leave his sight with ease, that was for certain. Xunatar looked to Eldora and then to Angela, "Fair enough. It's fine with me."

Steele lowered himself to Eldora's level and despite Angela's smart remark, he was still recovering a bit from the sudden blow. "Well. Make sure that you and the baby will be alright, for starters. We can figure it more out from there."

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 4:45 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

It didn’t long until the god figured out what all of this was about. The son and girl were still lost but they were young. It was to be expected that this was something that they weren’t counting on even with Eldora’s punishment at hand. “That is pretty much how they are being with her. It’s for the child after all. Eldora is family to them and this child is their family as well. What’s the saying? For the family?” She gave Xunatar a small smile. This concreted their ties together and ultimately made them family now.

Eldora sat there with her fingers grasping the bed sheets. She had lost color as she held the heart beat. Her own had sped up and she was freaking out on the inside. “Eldora calm yourself. You could hurt your child more if you don’t stop stressing out.” Angela was firm as she took the horn away and the sound the heartbeat went with it.

“BRING IT BACK I WASN’T DONE!” Eldora yelled out as she was now pressing her hands to her belly. It seemed like in that same time Eldora had come to become attached to the tiny being in her.

“All in good time Eldora. Before long they will move and you will feel it.” Angela moved once more when the kettle released the steam. She took it off and poured a cup just for Eldora. She blew on it gently and handed it over to the young one. “This will stop the vomiting. I’m going to leave the herbal mixture here with you… Steele if you make sure she drinks one cup at night and one cup in the morning it will stop the vomiting and nausea. In a few more weeks I can tell you what you are having if you wish. I could say right now but it will probably be better if we wait so you can get used to the idea first. For Eldora, I’m sure this is the first time she’s created something rather than destroyed. Which is why she is so attached to it.”

The girl had motherly instincts and Angela could feel it coming off of her. “This does mean that you have a set number of months to prepare for the arrival of your child. I would take time to do that, but also you should heed my warning. Right now with the Vault going on and people looking to blame someone… Should they find out that this is offspring related to Xunatar they could try to do something to harm a piece of the god. It would not be the first time I’ve laid to rest a young spirit just because of that. I would recommend that you stay here and not leave… and portal your way into my gardens if you want to be outside… With the spirits not bothering Eldora you can come and go from the Gardens as much as you like now. I would also say to come see me about once a week to make sure that the baby is alright. If that is alright with Xunatar?”

"Steele what do we do?" Eldora said innocently now as she caught up her emotions.

Angela giggled lightly, "I think you two have done enough."

Author: Steele, Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 4:18 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Steele didn't understand just why Angela said there was no problem with Eldora. She's been sick for a while now and this wasn't a normal thing in his head. What else could this possibly meant if it wasn't a bad thing? His father seemed unfazed by her declaration though was interested all the same in what was going on here. "So there's no ailment, but whatever is causing her to be like this is affecting her magic?" From there, he was even more confused and worried. Scratching his head, the lycanthrope watched on as she placed the summoned horn onto Eldora's belly. She asked the exact question that echoed in his mind, but soon they would have their answers.

His keen hearing helped a bit when the sounds echoed from her and into the air via the horn. He seeming heard nothing out of the ordinary right up to hearing a peculiar sound before the others had a chance to. It sounded to him like a heartbeat but it was of a different pace than the rosenite's. Hearing it for a bit brought out a puzzled look that his father picked up on and upon hearing it himself, the demonic king blinked before shaking his head with a sly smile. "Of course."

"Of course? Of course, what?"

Steele stared hard onto his father and then Angela. "What…?" He just stared as the words of his own child filled his head, becoming the only thought inside there. It was true that he volunteered himself to father a child with her to spare her a gruesome fate, but he hadn't been prepared for it to happen so soon. If at all really. Steele hardly thought of himself as the fatherly type and this was coming at him all at once as he remained speechless. "Yes, I suppose it makes sense now", Xunatar replied. "So for the remainder of the time, they will not have a grasp upon her. I suppose that's fair enough if it means the child will live."

Steele sat there and once he recovered enough, looked to Eldora. "I don't get it. I don't know how it got past me. I should have been able to tell."'

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:55 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

“Most of us prefer our toys not to be broke unless we do it,” Angela said it as if in agreement and she didn’t really blink or act as if he had said something out of line. Eldora was more useful intact and she knew that so she hadn’t thought twice about it. That was just the type of person Xunatar was or so she was discovering.

Steele’s outburst at her answer just gave the goddess a smile as she got a tea kettle and began to boil the water in it as she waved her hand. “I will explain thoroughly that is why I am here after all.” She ground up some herbs and plopped them into the kettle before coming over to Steele and Eldora. “I knew that when Xunatar had told me the spirits weren’t letting her use her powers that it was no illness she had. Going from there I asked questions relevant to what it could be in case I was wrong.”

She had the horn with her and plopped it softly on Eldora’s belly as she rolled the girl onto her back. Eldora was staring up at Angela like she was mad. “What is a horn going to do?”

“For centuries healers have used mundane tools to figure out problems and solutions. I would explain if you would stop interrupting me.” Instead of putting her ear to it she waved her hand and the outer edge of the horn’s tip at the top glowed with wind magic. The sound began to come out. At first, it was the typical gurgling stomach noises and a slow normal heartbeat which was Eldora’s. However, as the magic progressed there was a second heartbeat much faster and closer to Steele’s.

“Nothing’s wrong with you because you are carrying Steele’s child.” Angela looked up at Xunatar. "Does this answer suffice? If I had my guesses without using my magic I would say she is over the two month period but closer to three. The spirits aren't touching her because if they were there's a chance they could kill the child on accident."

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:43 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

The situation with the Vault couldn't be helped; he knew that given enough attention, the other gods would be obliged to just an investigation about the place and the reason why a part of the world was caught in the crossfire. It didn't bother him if they were disproving of his actions, be them intentional or not. In the matter of Eldora, he knew her aunt to be correct in that she likely didn't even know that she was fooling herself into believing everything was alright. In any sense, it seemed that they would be closer to discovering her aliment.

At first he took her words as condescending towards his requirement for Eldora but he suppose that due to his lack of knowledge of her, though thoughts were hastily made on his account. "I don't like for my toys to be completely broken unless I do the breaking." In her niece's case, he would do no such thing seeing how much more valuable she was intact. Not to mention that he didn't wish to be bothered by Steele's complains and knew of his son's wicked temper.

Speaking of which, he returned to Eldora's side and watched with keen eyes as the goddess prepared her work. There were many questions asked, but he knew them to be important in this delicate matter and she as many as she could. He looked to his father who kept an aloof attitude but then met with a sharp look at Angela. "What do you mean there's nothing wrong with her?" He was doing his best to keep his voice calm. "She's been like this for some time now."

Xunatar himself looked vexed but shrugged it off and held up his hand towards Steele. His son immediately looked down and kept quiet. "Care to explain this situation then?", he asked as he approached the small group from the doorway.

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:55 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Angela thought about it and smiled just a bit at the god. “I wouldn’t worry about me… I made Adraejen take me into the vault with him… not that he was thrilled about it. Also when someone powerful suddenly isn’t so powerful they lie. It’s a mortal thing to do and she might not even realize she is doing it. I see it all the time in the mortal realm after all.”

The goddess stopped dead only for a minute once he told her of another problem the girl was having. That didn’t sound like it came from vomiting at all. “I imagine that makes you rather sore to have something you can’t use.” She said it, as a matter of fact, she, after all, knew the god. It was more like she was in completely pondering mode as they walked. “Simply will not do to have Arri’s most powerful not be useful either…”

She followed the man and was not surprised to find Steele by the tiny woman’s side. Her ears were uncovered by the red hair for once. They were of elvish design and once she was in the room they twitched lightly as if hearing something. Thus the goddess came in and snapped her finger, a table appeared and she unloaded her sack. She had a complete medical kit with her as she delicately laid it out. “Have you felt tender in any locations?” This was just the start of her onslaught of questions.

Eldora looked bewildered towards the doctor goddess as she tried to answer the best of her abilities. “Can you fix me?” Was all she said as she finally gave in to admit there was something wrong.

The goddess had a horn-like object in her hand and she held it for only a few moments. “Well no, I can’t. There’s nothing wrong with you.” She looked back over at Eldora who had her mouth open ready to protest.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:34 PM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

Typically the Lord knew of when someone would come into his domain, so it came to no surprise that  he felt another that wished to venture into his lair. But it intrigued him when he felt the tug of divinity within them and it stirred his interest to investigate. Angela had been the first out of the other gods to visit the Cradle and it was strange that she was as he recognized the state she was in. Some would think that being children here, especially unborn ones at that to a place of discord and artifice wasn't a smart idea. Although he would spare nothing as far as the trials were concerned, they didn't seem to bother her in the least. Perhaps he would have to take note for the future to try harder in case the masses were to follow along.

When she reached the end, he motioned his hand to open the center doors and awaited from his throne. Her case was rather blunt and for a moment he had to think about the situation at hand. "Ah yes. She's been like that for weeks, if I recall correctly. Often she had reassured myself and Steele that she was fine though. Of course, she knows better than to lie to me." His voice didn't air it as a threat, more so it was because of his position that he could smell a lie a mile away. Apparently more so if she had sent for Angela to come without his awareness. But he mentally brushed it away and his eyes lingered onto the goddess' belly. "Especially in your condition too." Xunatar felt as though the pleasant talk was nigh over and he stood from his throne.

"But I suspect that whatever has ailed her goes beyond plaguing her physically." The Lord approached the Mother and allowed for a deep frown to come across his normally pleasant and smiling face. He started to walk pass her and flung the door back open. "Another side effect from this has been that the voices she hears have stopped reaching her." While it could be seen as a blessing, from what he understood, Eldora required them in order to make use of her power. And that simply couldn't do for him to have a seer that could not evoke her powers.

"This way."

He led Angela down the halls that served his followers and found Eldora's room. Steele was there by her bedside and stood immediately up when he saw his father and Eldora's aunt. "Angela. Father", he offered before looking to the seer. He was concerned over why this was happening to her. "Hopefully you can pinpoint what has been making her so sick."

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:50 AM, Post Subject: Cures and Herbalism [P/R]

It wasn’t every day that someone like Eldora would send a message to her. The girl had been so sick lately that she hardly even left her room or ate. There was concern that she wasn’t eating enough and that she had been losing weight from the constant vomiting as it were. There was a light tsk that came from Angela’s lips as she got the message. “Should have called sooner.” Something like this had been killing off some people in the east and as it were Eldora had been traveling. It could have easily been the disease plaguing that part of Revaliir at the time.

She packed a light kit and made her way to the cradle. It would only be proper for her to greet the Lord of the cathedral as she walked through the cursed halls. The madness of the area didn’t seem to bother the goddess as she rubbed her pregnant belly and soothed the two little beings growing within her.

The healer’s pack she had was slung over her shoulder and she was dressed for comfort more so than show. This was an urgent matter going off of what was detailed in the letter. She made it into the throne room and bowed the best she could to the lord of the land. “Good afternoon Xunatar, I received a letter that Eldora might be sick. I do wish she had sent it earlier. As it were, there is an illness not far from the lands she was traveling in that could have made her very ill. I hope me being here isn’t distracting.” The goddess offered the man a smile.

“I’m sure it has made Steele very worried and the last thing I want is this to be that illness… Gods know how far it could travel.” For right now that was all she knew and it was something she was prepared to deal with.

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