Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 10:26 PM, Post Subject: Just Checking In [p:r]

"Yes, the boy had made such good progress. I had no doubt in your capabilities, my little kitten." Lilith knew especially how to make even the toughest men turn into puddles of their former selves. Even more impressive was her methods which were numerous and always entertaining to the god. She was a quick learner herself and knew how to feel people out and act accordingly. "You did an excellent job in making sure the boy stayed alive for as long as he did until I needed to come in. It was fortunate that you had found him first and not his enemies."

Colden was problematic but with that out of the way, he didn't need to worry greatly about him at this point. Not when there was so much work that still needed to be done. Her words weren't shocking to Xunatar- she was in many ways like himself- cold, distant and methodical at times. They found pleasure in exploiting the stupidity of people and their weaknesses. He hardly gave his doomed visitors a second thought once they failed- he would be already looking out for the next row of victims to come into his abode. "Yes, why look into the danger of it all when you can be blinded by desires and wants? They come by the drones and ask for many things. I can hear them as they pour into my home, they are quite easy to read at times for me." His time as a crossroad demon didn't compare to these thrilling times where they would seek his favor and think that just because they would make it this far, he would grant them. What a trivial sense of thought they carried. "As long as you reside here, do as you see fit. If they were meant to see me, then they would survive. If not, then oh well." The hellcat could have her fun digging her nails into them for all he cared. The rest of the rules were given and it was clear she understood.

They resided in the library for what felt like ages as he enjoyed the overview on the balcony. His eyes fetched upon Lilith and he shook his head with a slight grin across his beautiful face. "No, you are right. Very few could match you. I do have to admit that I have reacquainted myself  with an old flame, literally speaking." His fingers slipped into her dark and lovely locks, twisting around them as he played. "I suspect that you had taught the boy some of his other lessons quite well. Tell me, does he remind you a bit of myself? I simply would like to know is all…"

Author: Hellcat, Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:41 PM, Post Subject: Just Checking In [p:r]

Her eyes rolled towards the back of her head at the mention of trouble from the boy, but she grinned regardless.  "You knew I'd succeed, eventually.  You wouldn't have sent me otherwise.  It was difficult, especially since I couldn't play with him too hard.  But once he saw my side of things, it was much easier.  And he is quite the swift student as well.  I only had to show him how being a little patient could get him so much closer to his heart's desire, rather than a tantrum every time something didn't go just so," she said with a laugh.  Xunatar knew full well how difficult the Rosen boy could be, and he had know well how Lilith had her way of taming even the most stubborn of people.

She nodded at the mention of those lost, and spared not a moment of pity for them.  "I'm sure they knew what they were getting into, one way or the other.  So many just don't think through the potential consequences.  Or don't want to think about it.  They just want, and think they see a way to get it," she said with a shrug.  The screams were sweet, it was a sound she had missed.  Perhaps Xunatar would let her have some fun in those halls, she could already think of a few ways to have fun with the trapped souls there.  But that was a question for later, she wanted to see other things for now.

The daemoness chuckled at the idea of the treasure room, so many people were quite foolish when it came to wealth.  "Look, don't touch.  Simple enough.  I'll make sure not to play with anything in there," Lilith said, her voice flipping to serious for the barest of moments.  Long enough for Xunatar to know that she would keep her word in regards to that room.  A genuine smile crossed her face at the thought of having a space of her own, she already had more than a few ideas of what it could contain.  "Sweet of you, my lord.  Thank you.  I do hope the windowsills are large enough to lounge on," she added, already mentally drawing up a space.  Much like any housecats, naps in the sun were a primal pleasure.  When they entered the library, she let out a soft noise of appreciation for the space.  It was magnificent, and even though she wasn't nearly as fond of books as he, she still appreciated what had been gathered into this place.  Sipping the wine, she followed Xunatar out to the balcony.  

"Few are on my level, milord.  And I highly doubt any mere mortal could best me.  I do hope you didn't deprive yourself in my absence though.  It would be such a pity if you were pining away for me," she said, sucking a drop of wine off her lower lip.  It was time for their games to begin again.  Well past time, truth be told.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:55 PM, Post Subject: Just Checking In [p:r]

“Oh yes, I do hope that he didn’t bring you too much trouble. Or perhaps it was the other way around.” The boy back then would scream like a spoiled brat and cause trouble to those that wouldn’t obey him. Xunatar knew that Lilith wouldn’t have any of it and would seek to put him in his place, and he hadn’t cared what she needed to do to him. “Unfortunately he got that from his mother, but it seemed as though you had proven successful, as always.” He was pleased that the boy had been retrieved and was doing far better now. “Well done”, he spoke as he approached her.
He went behind her and softly petted her black hair as they continued their conversation. “Among others, yes. The ring of islands around the Cradle weed out the weak rather quickly. Those that survive are challenged by the halls you just got through. Some that had started their trek days, even weeks ago are still somewhere in there.” He shrugged towards the end; they weren’t important for him at all if they couldn’t make it through that little test. Better for them to have been destroyed on the Ring than the fate that awaited them in the Halls of Madness. Such a wondrous thought that made his grin all the more wider. How he let his fingers slipped through the sea of her ebony locks before she took the initiative to request a tour.
“Very well. You are just full of questions today, aren’t you?” He lead her out of the Throne Hall and back into the parlor. He motioned a finger over to the door towards their now-left. “That is the Treasure Room. I warn you, little minx, you may go in there, but touching anything there may bring you bad luck. I get my fair share of greedy people trying to break into it and be punished without me having to do anything.” Xunatar lead her to the right door and opened it. A long hall lined with doors was in view. “Right now, we are in the living quarters. Each room is literally a blank slate that will possess nearly anything and everything its owner wishes. Since you are my most trusted, your space will be quite large.” His hand moved to tickle beneath her chin before they walked down the hall. When they reached the end, the doors opened for them and soon they were greeted by the sight of the massive library. “And this, is one of my favorite rooms to be in, as you can see why. There is even a balcony to view the ever changing ocean.” Summoning forth a pair of glasses filled with cherry wine, he handed one for her and headed towards the balcony. The salty air filled the room as he leaned against the rail.

“Hm, does that answer all of your ques…” The lord smiled as there had been one left untouched after all. He turned around and brought the chilled wine to his lips. “To be blunt, there had been plenty that wanted to play with me, and while they had been pretty, I can’t honestly say that they were on your level.”

Author: Hellcat, Posted: Mon Jun 5, 2017 6:52 PM, Post Subject: Just Checking In [p:r]

It was a very old game they played, and Lilith enjoyed every moment.  She pouted when he pretended to be hurt, but the smile she knew well soon appeared on Xunatar's face.  "Mm, pity.  Those chains are quite fun.  Perhaps later?  And your son has quite a temper.  He needed to learn a few lessons before I felt it prudent to leave him alone," Lilith said, making a face.  Colden had not inherited his father's cold temper, and she could only guess the explosive personality and impatience had come from his mother.  And it was something that she had wanted to ensure was mostly under control before she left the boy.

Looking around the hall, she nodded.  "Already I rather like it here.  I heard some lovely screams on my way here, I'd imagine it would be those souls you speak of?" Lilith asked, having a feeling she already had the correct answer.  A pity in a way that so many didn't know what they were asking for.  "So tell me, Xunatar.  Will you take me on a tour of your lovely home?  I'm sure there's quite a few things that only you get to see," she said, letting her feet slide to the floor in a casual motion that displayed her agility and ever shapely legs.  She ambled over to him and slipped one of her arms into his own.  "Show me?  I want to see what you've built here.  What is your favorite view, your favorite chamber?  Who is your favorite toy?  They had better not be prettier than me," she said, a moment of venom coming into her voice.  But the temper passed, and she smiled again.  Lilith was quite eager to see just what this place had to offer.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 9:19 PM, Post Subject: Just Checking In [p:r]

The Cradle felt her presence and so did its master. He felt her the instance she arrived onto the Hollow Cradle and he watched from the recesses of his mind as she transversed through the trials he kept for all others that visited. Her arrival had been expected though he didn’t give it much thought to how late she would be. No, unlike many that were under his thumb, Lilith danced to her own tune. With that said, she was smart enough to know when enough was enough and oblige him. They had done this dance for so long that he was sure that even divinity wouldn’t have changed her response.
The god had been in his own chambers, beneath the waters of a bath when he felt her journey end. He pondered for just a moment of how long it had truly been since he had seen her. She had been tasked with Colden for a time, to protect him from his homicidal mother up until her death. He had to admit that he had missed his little hellcat’s company and when he felt as though it was long enough, he ceased the wait and rose out from the pool. His form was soon clothed with that of robes of white with black stripes and left the chambers. While he could have came in unexpectedly, he chose to casually remake his acquaintance with Lilith. When he had, he merely chuckled darkly at the sight. Like a true housecat, she was making herself quite at home.
“These things were more important that your lord, Lilith? Truly I’m hurt”, he said, making a sad face and placing a closed hand up to where his heart would be. He kept up the charade for a few more moments before smiling. “If I had mind, I’d have you in chains, and not in the fun sense, my dear. With that aside, you must have been the most busiest of bees lately.” He stepped around her, circling her on the throne leisurely. “I see that you left your mark here, I do hope that you will grow fond of this place. Many that have came into these walls so far may disagree though.” This truly wasn’t a place for the meek, despite its beautiful appearance. The Cradle was a monstrosity beneath all the glamour.

Author: Hellcat, Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 9:49 PM, Post Subject: Just Checking In [p:r]

For someone who felt so far away from home, this place felt like a slice of heaven.  Hopefully her lord wouldn't mind her being a little late to the summons he had sent, what was a month between nigh immortals?  The daemoness eyed the courtyard appreciatively, it was quite pretty.  The statues gained her attention for a few long moments, and Lilith appreciated the artistry that had gone into them.  The poses were quite realistic, and for an idle moment, she wondered if they were actually daemons and angels frozen in their last battle.  It would be quite fitting, but before she could dwell on it further, the plants caught her eyes as well.  A belladonna was in full bloom, and Lilith gently caressed a leaf.  So pretty, and so deadly to the careless.  Just like her.  Perhaps that was why the daemoness appreciated the plant so much.

But she had business to attend to, and Lilith entered the halls.  The labyrinth was amusing, and she wandered for nearly a full hour, just taking the time to appreciate what she found in the grand place.  The mad laughter coming from rooms was lovely music to her ears, and Lilith felt a smile creeping across her lips.  She was already quite fond of this place, and hopefully Xunatar would allow her to stay here for a time.  Perhaps there would even be people to play with.  While Colden was coming along quite nicely, she couldn't play too roughly with him.  It was a pity, really.  But she had to leave him intact.

Winding her way out of the labyrinth, she found herself in a hall with a checkerboard floor, and a throne of ebonywood at the other wood.  Crossing the floor, she only glanced at the windows, more interested in having a place to sit.  The demonic runes carved across the surface glimmered with shadow, and Lilith plopped herself down on the velvet cushion.  The gold and blue saree from Abed looked lovely against the black wood, and Lilith was quite glad she had kept the garment.  She allowed her bare feet to dangle over one arm of the throne and reclined against the other.  She relaxed, closing her eyes, and allowed the faint screams to carry her off in a doze.  Only once she heard footsteps and smelled him did Lilith open her blood red eyes.  "Hello, milord.  Hope you don't mind me being a little late.  I had a few things I need to take care of," she said, offering her most charming smile. 

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