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Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
I. All Revaliir rules will be enforced here.
II. A minimum of 100 words will be required in the Cradle, but the more, the merrier. I try to give as much as I get, so I hold myself to the same standard.
III. Defacing the Cradle itself can be punishable by Xunatar’s will and he can be rather creative about it. As far as the Ring is concern, do as you see fit. The islands periodically change over time anyway, so there will be no permanent damage done to them.  
IV. I reserve the right to God-mod while on the grounds of the temple.
V. Make sure to use the appropriate tags if you start threads here:
[GO]- God Only. Only Xunatar is allowed to rp in these threads.
[NG]- No God. These are for threads that do not require his presence.
[P]- Private. Xunatar may step in if asked or if the situation warrants it, though I will usually ask for permission first.
[O]- Anyone, including Xunatar can come into it.
[R]- for explicit violence, swearing and adult situations suited for rated R (Appropriate for ages up to 17).
VI.Be sure to read the descriptions first before posting. I gave as much leeway because the Hollow Cradle is essentially a living thing and nothing is truly certain there. But for the bits that are concrete, be mindful of them.
VII. If there’s something unclear or having any problems while posting here or if you have any major plot ideas/want to have your character serve Xunatar, you can PM me here or Skype me @ blackwolfbk
VIII. Have fun! We can make beautiful…uh…threads and plots together, trust me.

Xunatar’s Titles:
The Chaosweaver
The Lord of Lies
The Demonic King of a Thousand Names (formerly Prince)
The White Kitsune of Despondency
The Left Hand of the Conclave
The Trickster God

Four tailed fox
A dagger with a snake's tongue coiled around the blade

Theme song- Revolt
Those that worship Xunatar are not bound by the laws of man. They refuse to bow before the rules of the inferior and carry a strong sense of free will, truly serving no other than the God himself. Strength and the able to persevere on their own accord is seen as traits Xunatar looks for in his flock, weeding out the weak in the process.

The lines of good and evil depicted by society are blurred though many on the latter side will find solace in his stead. Their actions are seen among them as necessary even when the popular opinion speaks otherwise.

Many followers are typically skillful liars and agents of mayhem, though such chaos does serve a reason beyond the trivial and pointless sense that it has been generally believed to be. To watch society fall and see people regress back to their truest natures, to be free from law and order and return to chaotic roots is but the grandest of thoughts the Lord of Lies wishes.

The Faithful
The Avatar: The God’s eyes and ears of the world.  
Known member: Dante
The Oracle of Chaos: The God's Seer; grants him glimpses of what may come to be in the future.
Known member: Eldora
The Keeper of Curse Treasures: Xunatar's guard of his accursed collection of the Treasure Room.
Known member: Layla
The Stewards: Those whose allegiance is unquestionably to Xunatar. While many serve in the Halls of Madness, they can be found all over the grounds to greet visitors. Their tongues, though, may speak truth or lies but you must figure out which is which.
Known members: Various NPCs
The Scourge: Those without honor or who crave bloodshed may also serve Xunatar as independent forces. Many in these ranks are ex-soldiers, thieves, assassins, pirates. mercenaries and demonic entities.

This is still a WIP, so if you are interested in serving him and even came up with a title for your character, contact me and we can talk about it. I’m fairly reasonable, so no worries.

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

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