My kingdom, my glorious kingdom, my beautiful kingdom by the sea.
High above the Nyella Ocean, one can faintly see an entourage of majestic floating lands that looked to have been ripped from the very earth. All save for one island orbits around the center point which houses a grand citadel. Aspiring eyes fall into wonder of how this all came to be. Its beauty captivates all and for adventurers especially, they will seek how to get onto these grounds and find purpose behind them. The Hollow Cradle welcomes all, but be warned readers, it is not a journey for the meek and not everything is what it seems there.
Should one go against all instincts to avoid the home of the Chaosweaver and Lord of Lies, there are a few ways of reaching his abode. While flight would seem to be the obvious choice, there are also various crimson portals among the mainlands of Canelux and even abroad ships nearby that can be accessed with ease for the travelers. There are no fixed points, but rather they will come if you will it into your mind of desiring to see it. For those more nefarious, these portals will be more prone to frequent their surroundings voluntarily, especially in times of crisis.
Collectively known as the Ring, these islands serve as the entrance points to the Cradle as well as defending it. No matter the chosen path of coming, powerful enchantments coursing within these formations will make it certain that its guests can not reach the Cradle without venturing to one of these islands first. Constantly their surroundings fluctuate, never staying the same for a period of time. Some of them will seem like benign forests and plains much like those from the mainlands one minute, and then shift to desolated lands filled with unspeakable horrors the next. Anything is possible and can occur, so it is wise for visitors to prepare for the unexpected. The only certain thing is that eventually the guests will teleport to the center isle at random.
Upon reaching the Cradle, they will be greeted by a magnificent courtyard and a citadel of marble and ivory surrounded by radiant mountains looms in the distance. Statues of demons and angels clashing are commonplace on this ground, accompanied by arrangement of plants, both beautiful and deadly. A stony path guides the guests down the courtyard and straight towards the citadel where large golden doors open for the visitors as if to welcome them and will shut tight once they have come inside.
The inner workings of the Cradle will well lit and vibrate with windows and beautiful paintings littering the walls. It is as if one is walking down the halls of the elite nobles, but there is one thing to note here. The white hallways seem to lead visitors like a labyrinth- some lead to dead ends while others will simply guide their guests further into the maze. Rooms may be found that are empty or even has something lurking inside to greet them, dangerous or not. There are no clues from the interior that will assist them- more often than not, those that try to double back will be greeted with unfamiliar paintings and other changes. Staircases that had led them up may be the very ones that lead them down further into traps and such. There have often been tales of some wandering for hours, even days merely upon the whim of the God. Often, one can hear wailing of agony and laughter of the mad echoing but there is no source for these sounds. Other times eyes of all shapes and sizes can appear on the walls, their taunting stares linger on those that intrude their home and will follow until they are out of sight. Stewards here serve to both help and hinder those that come across them, and it is up to them to decipher which they are doing. Towards the end, the maze dies and one will find stability here once more in a single corridor that leads into the parlor.
This spacious room is filled with lavish furniture and the occasional pair of guards that welcome the destined to this point. There will be three sets of twin white doors with golden trimmings to the left, right and center in the last one, each with the lord’s sigil etched into each one- that of a fox with four tails.
Upon enter from the center doors, visitors arriving may not even recognize it as the place where they can seek audience with Xunatar. It is a rather large and spacious room with white and black altering tiles for the flooring. Upon either side there are series of stained glass windows that help to illuminate the room and in the center lays his throne of ivory with golden marking covering it. Nothing else resides because, like unbinding chaos, he can materialize nearly anything he wants at the drop of a coin. On the same note, the lord will allow for his visitors some comfort and allow their desires to be willed here as well, to his liking of course. However, he will easily take away what they summon here as quickly as it gave to them, perhaps for no reason at all even.
These sets of doors will only allow Xunatar’s servants and champions to come here if they have earned the right with prior permission from the lord. If the party in question hadn’t made an audience with him or have the permission, then upon entering, they will find themselves exiting from the right sided door and they will slam shut.
For those that are allowed, they will find a hall filled with rooms that are empty. Much like the throne hall, they are given reign over what things they desire to be in but to a greater extent. Those that are often in his good gracious will find the sizes of their rooms expanded or shrunken should they earn his ire.
Down the end of the hall resides the library, as grand as a god can have. The library is two stories tall with numerous rows of shelves filling it. There is also a lovely balcony that holds the perfect view of the sea.
These pair of doors open to his fabled treasure room, filled to the brim with all sorts of lost artifacts and mountains of gems and coins line the walls. Take heed in pillaging these though, for they are left unguarded or without locks for great reason. Many of these objects are cursed, hexed, or haunted and will grant ill fates to those that succumb to greed.
|You prophet of hate You profit from faith Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit hypocrite|
The Mad Admin, Brandon*
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