The madness of the freezing weather had spread beyond the mainland of Canelux and he bore witness as it crept onto Egjora. The normally warm island was blanketed by ice and snow and if anything, it served to divide the elites from everyone even more. Crime skyrocketed and the city's guards hadn't been enough to quell the violence as the people fought for survival. When the Academy was called into assisting them in maintaining the order, Vincent felt pity for the lower class and pain for his home tossed into turmoil. With that, he requested that he and some of his men be allowed to venture to Itjivut. After three days of delegating, he was granted permission by the council and set sail upon his airship.
The closer they got to the island, the colder the air became. His crew disliked the cold entirely; even in proper attire, they fell prey to the damning weather. Vincent himself had to cover himself in a thick fur cloak and still could feel the air chilling through it and onto him. Warmth was indeed scarce and by the time they reached the mountainside, many of them desired to head back home. Of course the young captain refused it and had the ship take anchor at the foot of the Vault. "Stay here. If I am not back by sunset, then send a rescue party in." Many of the men didn't wish for him to go by himself, but none also volunteered to accompany him. He didn't mind it though; he'd rather risk himself than his men if it could be helped.
Departing from the airship, he headed for the gates which surprising opened up for him. He pondered just how many had came into this place before him. Surely there were many a brave travelers and warriors that had wished for this abnormal weather to cease. Heaven knew that he prayed to the Gods beforehand for a safe venture and for his efforts in helping here to not be in vain. The halls in here were much colder than the outside. Vincent blew whatever hot air he could onto his gloved hands as he walked, heavy boots echoed around him with each step. At some point, he stepped onto a part of the floor and sunk with his foot. Eyes peaked down in response just before he heard the arrows coming from the left of him. He ducked and fell onto the ground as they whizzed passed him and hit the wall to the right. "That's a welcoming sign", he retorted before he noticed that one of them had went through his cloak but barely missed him. Getting back up, he approached with much more care as he traveled through here, careful as to watch his step and also pay heed to the strange sounds that came from the ceiling. It sounded like a bunch of creatures that were moving about, but surely nothing remotely alive would want to live in a place like this, right?
Sun Jun 18, 2017 10:13 PM Post Subject: Civil Duty [Open][R]
Ice. While she did fear the deadly cold that resided in her heart, she could hot help but admire its beauty. The way the light shimmered on it, creating a dazzling effect that either shined on the foggy ice or brightened up the clearer crystals. "Oh, why must you be so beautiful, yet dangerous?" she asked the ice in a light tone, as if more talking to herself as she slowly moved forward, not really minding the ship that had laid anchor nearby. It was when her ears heard the massive echo of the ancient doors opening did she turn her head over to the vault's entrance. That, and the man who began to step inside. While she had no real idea who the man was, it was not to stop her from following and aiding where needed.
Jesgil kept a fair distance away from the man, watching to ensure he was doing alright before he stepped on the arrow trap. Eyes widening, the Draconian ran up to the man without any hesitation, calling to him, "Are you alright?" as she quickly moved over to his side. Unlike the man, Jesgil was not particularly dressed to challenge the frigid low temperatures. In fact, what she was wearing was something more akin to a maid's outfit! "Oh, it looks like your cloak was damaged," she muttered to herself before digging into her apron before pulling out a threaded needle. "I can take care of this right now if you wish," she told him, smile beaming on her face before dulling a little, "but if I do that, then you may start to freeze… Well, it is a small tear, so I am sure I can handle this while you are still wearing it!"
Vincent Gloreaver
Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:09 PM Post Subject: Civil Duty [Open][R]
He hadn't known that he was being tailed, or else he would have personally confronted his pursuer. Instead he kept his guard up only until after the arrow incident, which he admitted among himself his own folly for falling for such a ridiculous trap. It shouldn't have came to a surprise that this place would be booby trapped. This was, after all, a place of malicious and unadulterated evil. Still, he couldn't stop his mission now. Vincent started to pace further into the hallway when he heard someone calling out to him. He turned his head and on instinct alone, his hand fell on top of his sword's hilt. But he quickly withdrew it when he noticed that it was a young lady and sighed. "I am alright, miss." He had no idea where she came from, but as he got a good look at her, his brows knitted together in confusion. Her clothing wasn't the sort that was for braving the weather here; no instead he was sure that she should be freezing in that maid outfit. "Miss…are you alright? Are you not cold?" Even with everything he had on him, Vincent felt like the chill was cutting through his defenses.
He brought up the part of the cloak that had been damaged by the trap and looked at it again. "Yes, quite so. I was clumsy back, I have to admit. Fortunately you hadn't had to deal with it yourself." The captain glanced from the woman to the needle in her hands and wasn't sure if she was being absolutely seriously when offering to patch his cloak up. Especially in here of all places, where they didn't know what else was lurking by. "I thank you kindly, milady. But I fear that I would freeze indeed. Perhaps after we make it out of this place, then you could take care of it. And I will pay according", he said with a smile of his own before he turned around. "Right now, I came to help fix this problem Canelux currently has, and this place is the conduit for it."
Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:03 PM Post Subject: Civil Duty [Open][R]
Well, at least he was not trying to be a brave face and hide a wound. Jesgil never understood why people did that? Did they think they were heroes by showing no weakness, when often they hide near-fatal injuries that need immediate treatment? What good did that solve anyways? No, by the simple detail that none of his clothing underneath the cloak she knew the man was fine. However, when he asked about her condition, he looked back up, before smiling, stating, "I am quite fine, thanks. It may be a little nippy, but it is nothing I cannot handle." Then again, that is what happens when you hold in a blood lineage that can hold a command over the power of ice itself.
He did deny her offer, giving him a nod, stating, "As you wish," before tucking the needle back in her apron. Even if she felt like a simple tear like that could be quickly sealed in less than a minute, it was never her position to force her objectives.
"Um, is it wrong to ask about that the problem is?" Jesgil asked, holding her hands in front of her as she lightly tilted her head to the side. "From what I can tell, this land has only been suddenly frozen over my a large wave of ice. What else wrong is there here?"
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