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Silver Star

Character Info
Name: Ernest
Age: 16
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Silver: 8982
Ernest stumbled through the snow, hoping she would make it to the Vault soon. She seriously did not remember it being this cold on the island. Surely it hadn't been, last time. All the same, it was now, and she wasn't about to pine over some apparently incorrect memory. She had better things to do with her time. For example, trying not to freeze to death.

She looked up to see a pair of iron gates standing directly in her path. Guessing by the metal dragons surrounding the gates, she was there. It occurred to her that she had no idea how to open them, but that apparently didn't matter, because as soon as she touched them, the doors swung open. She found herself staring into a long, seemingly empty corridor. That was trouble, she was pretty sure. Any empty-looking hallway inadvertently had traps somewhere in it. Unless the creator was really stupid, which Ernest was pretty sure he or she wasn't. No one that stupid could have created a place like this.

Ernest started to walk down the hallway, very slowly, keeping her eyes open and her dagger out in front of her. She didn't trust this place, not in the slightest. There was a rustling of wings from above her, and she jumped before she realized that they were only tiny wyverns. She pointed her dagger upward, but that wasn't where the threat was coming from now. In her shock, she had inadvertently moved too far forward.

There was the twang of a bowstring, and Ernest spun around to try to see where in the hallway it had come from. That was what saved her. The arrow, which came from the wall, stuck itself in her bag, just missing her. She dropped to the ground as arrows fired above her head, some coming within an inch of her head. Thankfully, the designer of the Vault had made the arrows high up enough that they didn't actually hit her. 

She pulled herself back along the corridor until the arrows stopped firing. Now came the problem. How could she get down the hallway without setting off the traps? She could try crawling, but there was no guarantee that the traps would be that accommodating all the way down the hallway, and if there was another threat, she wouldn't be able to defend herself against it. She sighed. This could be a problem.

Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, she began to realize just how cold it was, even though she was now inside the Vault. Just her luck, that it would be freezing cold even in here. She tugged her cloak tighter around herself while she tried to think of a way to get down the hallway. Whoever had designed this place must have been a little sadistic. Maybe even more than a little, depending on what came after. 


Character Info
Name: Kisses Wounds
Age: N/A
Alignment: TG
Race: Anthro Wolf
Gender: Female
Class: Druid Healer
Silver: 0
Sometimes, Kisses Wounds felt like she was a puppet. A puppet who was dragged around by the pain of others. Even as she tried so desperately to consecrate this area and bring the world back to order. She could feel it somehow, and it pulled her about to try and find the person who was hurt. She walked through the halls, having heard the traps going off throughout the halls. She tried so hard sometimes, to be everywhere at once. It was so horrible, sometimes, knowing that she was too late at times. Burying someone who she never knew, and feeling so much pain as she knew no one would ever find them. No one would know what happened to them. She did not want this to happen again. 

She turned a corner, to see a girl with short black hair walking, and let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. "Thank the forest…" She sighed, looking her over. "It is not too bad. You are hurt yes?" She asked, tilting her head. Kisses was wearing nothing but a chest wrap over her modestly endowed breast, and a loincloth keeping what decency she had, hung from a belt with a single pouch. She carried a simple staff, that was plain and unadorned. "You have been hurt… Where have you been hurt?" Kisses asked, trying to figure it out. She… Looked fine…
Silver Star

Character Info
Name: Ernest
Age: 16
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Silver: 8982
Ernest's first instinct was to whip out her knife as soon as she saw the girl. She wasn't usually quite that violent, but things happen to you when you're in a vault full of death traps. Then, her brain realized what the girl had said - not processed, but realized - and she sat there staring for a minute, trying to fully comprehend the situation. Her mind seemed unable to fully get what was going on.

Part of her finally seemed to understand what the girl was saying. "I'm not hurt… I don't think," she said. Her sense of humour kicked in slightly, and she added. "I might be freezing to death, does that count?"

She shifted her weight to stand up, and felt a sharp jerk in her side. Looking, she realized that the arrow in her bag was still there. She tugged on it, feeling another sharp jerk of pain. "Oh," she said, rather unperturbed for someone who had only been saved by the fact that her bag had been in the arrow's way. "This might have scratched me, if that's what you mean."

Suddenly, the rest of her mind seemed to realize that she was talking to some person who had somehow knew where she was and that she was hurt - even when she didn't. "If I may ask," she said, trying not to seem rude, "how did you find me? Or know that I was hurt?"


Character Info
Name: Kisses Wounds
Age: N/A
Alignment: TG
Race: Anthro Wolf
Gender: Female
Class: Druid Healer
Silver: 0
"I can help you with your freezing, so I suppose that counts," Kisses said as the woman revealed the arrow wound. "Though that is more so what I was here for. One should not need help with warmth in this place unless they are unprepared, though I will help," She said, walking over to Ernest, kneeling next to her and looking at the arrow. "As for how was it that I was able to find you, that is a very good question. I was able to find you because you were hurt. How did I know you were hurt? That is truly the right question. I am perpetually in a state of the right place at the right time. How, is beyond me. I do not know," She said.

This was going to be simple enough. Remove the arrow, stop the bleeding, mend the wound, and then cure any poisons. She gripped the arrow, and with another hand prepared to pull it out. "This is… Going to hurt…" She said, simply. She couldn't just pull it. That might leave the head in her. Given how she could feel the shaft shift side to side, it was actually most likely going to leave the head in if she just pulled. Arrows were always nasty business. She slid her finger into the wound, feeling her claw catch the tip. She worked fast, leveraging her finger to quickly pop the arrowhead out. 

Next, she did something strange. She leant forward, and without question pressed her lips against the wound. Before Ernest could say anything, the puncture closed itself up, and any lingering pain just vanished. The wolfess removed her mouth fro the girl, standing up. It was a strange method, but it… It worked… That was what was important in the end. "There… You should be fine now…" She said, standing up.

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