Archive Home > Archives > 2017 Archives > Gifre's Vault > The Nomads, who Purify.

Character Info
Name: Kisses Wounds
Age: N/A
Alignment: TG
Race: Anthro Wolf
Gender: Female
Class: Druid Healer
Silver: 0
Kisses Wounds had been walking for some time to get the the Vault, and she shifted the small girl who was clutched to her back. She had walked easily the last 15 miles with her on her back, and while she didn't show it, it was starting to take a toll on her. She was strong, and she could endure a lot, but at this point she was tired. The cold was starting to eat away at her strength as well, and she only hoped the warmth her fur held was bleeding through to the charge on her back. She could see the vault in the distance, but then she saw a place where she could sit down. Despite how much she wanted to start completing her task, she had to sit. She needed a rest. She needed… Something. She walked over to the group of rocks, setting Synthesis down, half collapsing herself against one of the rocks.

She was out of breath, allowing her to moment to drop her composure. "Please… Just give me a little while to rest. This journey has been hard, and I will be useless if I take any more steps. The forest is so far… and the plants are so silent in this fridged cold… I only need to rest…" She panted, resting her head between her legs. 
Illusory Angel

Character Info
Name: Synthesis
Age: Appears around 16
Alignment: CG
Race: Half-Angel, Half-Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Druid (self taught)
Silver: 6827
Synthesis felt pretty bad for tiring the wolf girl out so badly. She hadn't realised Kisses Wounds was so tired or else she would have insisted on walking again sooner. But what's done is done. The young half-breed slid off of the back of her ride and moved around to give her a little hug of thanks. Unfortunately there wasn't much more she could do except wait and be patient. The cold was piercing here and she was thankful for both Kisses and her cloak. She leaned against the anthropomorph as she waited patiently for her to recover.

"Thanks Kisses," She smiled, "I don't know if I could have made it here without you! But don't worry, I'll walk the rest of the way there now. We can see the Vault, after all. And I tell you what, if this isn't resoring the balance of nature, I don't know what is! We must be doing a good job as druids today. Hopefully we can make everything lush and green again soon and we can talk to the forests again. In fact, when we get back to the forest, I'll make you dinner: A big one as a treat!" She grinned.


Character Info
Name: Kisses Wounds
Age: N/A
Alignment: TG
Race: Anthro Wolf
Gender: Female
Class: Druid Healer
Silver: 0
Kisses smiled, running a hand through the young girls raven hair. "Synthesis… Please. I appreciate your concern, and your kindness speaks volumes, but I merely need rest. Come, rest against me little one… Put yourself between your cloak and my fur. We will spend some time resting," The wolf whispered, pulling the slightly smaller girl into her fur. "Just rest little one. Rest with me. The chaos is not going anywhere, and the scales can remain tipped for just a little longer," She explined, running her claws through Synthesis's hair, letting the tips run gently across her scalp. She did this until the smaller, pale skinned girl could feel how the Druid Wolf fell asleep, her breathing going slow, her body keeping Synthesis warm.
Illusory Angel

Character Info
Name: Synthesis
Age: Appears around 16
Alignment: CG
Race: Half-Angel, Half-Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Druid (self taught)
Silver: 6827
Synthesis was most content. Kisses Wounds was always so nice to her, assuaging all her fears and treating far better than she ever earned. She snuggled down into the soft warm side of her mentor and was deeply relaxed by the gentle scraping of claws across her scalp. She felt like a child again, and it was wonderful. When finally the claws stilled, she realised the other was asleep. She felt ridiculously tired herself now and quickly followed Kisses into slumber.

"Good night, Kisses." She murmured in her last waking moments. Then she dreamt soundly of the forests that had guided her so far and so steadily, how they nurtured her just as Kisses did. She did not sleep long, however, due to the cold. She woke what could only have been an hour or so later. But the nap was refreshing. She shifted to see if Kisses was awake yet. If she still slept, the younger druid was quite happy to pass some time thinking idly and enjoying the reletive peace of their barren location.


Character Info
Name: Kisses Wounds
Age: N/A
Alignment: TG
Race: Anthro Wolf
Gender: Female
Class: Druid Healer
Silver: 0
Kisses wounds slept for a little longer than Synthesis did, but eventually, she did stir. She looked down at the small girl and smiled, an expression Synthesis had come to recognise. "Good morning. Are you ready to continue? We have a mission to accomplish," Kisses said, shifting to get out from under the smaller girl. She stood up, shaking herself off. "We need to go now. We have stalled long enough, and now we will have to work to catch up. No matter how much I needed to rest. Hurry," She half ordered, starting to walk.

She lead Synthesis in silence to the entrance of the vault, and the closer they got, the more dread could be felt through the air. Even Kisses started looking depressed as they stepped up to the gates. Before the Animal Druid made any further motions, the gates opened, making the druid step back, pushing Synthesis back with an outstretched arm. It felt like a wave of despair swept over her and Synthesis.

Kisses brought her hands up, gripping her staff with both hands and rested her head on her staff. ""Goddess of the forest… Mother of the creatures whom inhabit thy domain and protector of those who pass through it with good will and intention. Grant me the wisdom and strength to carry on this task you have given me, and bring purity back to these lands to which have fallen into chaos and destruction, so that future generations may enjoy what it once was without being plagued by such desecration of the holy earth. So that the creatures whom once called these lands home before the perversion we are witnessing today may return once again and live their lives in peace. Help me, and my student become the instrument of thy will and the vehicle for your word to reach these lands who have fallen deaf to your voice by force and not by will. Grant us protection as we return the covenant of your love and care, so that we may proceed without hindrance. If not without hindrance, grant use protection and good will for what atrocities we may commit to ensuring your love and life are spread far and wide, unmarred by any and all who would try to remove it from this land," She whispered, her staff starting to glow with a holy light.

"We have our work cut out for us, Synthesis… This will take the effort of both of us, and for one so new to this, I will be right here to help you should you need it. Do not be afraid to tell me your thoughts, as without telling me what ails you, I cannot help you surpass the obstacle. Be sure to be vigilant, as already I can tell there is something bad in these halls. Keep your eyes open," She added, starting to walk into the vault.
Illusory Angel

Character Info
Name: Synthesis
Age: Appears around 16
Alignment: CG
Race: Half-Angel, Half-Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Druid (self taught)
Silver: 6827
"Good morning indeed," Synthesis replied happily. She was well rested and ready to continue, "Yes, I am ready. Let us go!" So she followed Kisses Wounds obediently. However, as they grew closer to their destination, her good spirits seemed to fade. When they finally reached the door, she only felt waves of crushing sadness threatening to debilitate her completely. She saw the anthropomorph clearly felt similarly as she rested her head on her staff. But then she recited the most beautiful words, perfectly reflecting their benign intent and pure mission.

She felt uplifted and nodded when Kisses spoke to her. She would do her best and work to assist the other as best she could.   She looped her arm through the other female's and stepped forwards with her inside. The interior of the vault was just as cold as outside and she sighed when she realised they were just entering a maze. She hadn't exactly had the most pleasant expiriences in the past. They were difficult, trying things and the girl worried just how long they would end up walking in circles for before they made any progress. She was thankful not to be facing this alone.

"I think this is a maze." She clarified, just in case, "Are going to just go for it or are we going to try and navigate methodically?" She paused, "What's more, I think there is a high likelyhood that we will come across some traps and snares here too. Those holes in the wall there look suspicious." She pointed to the wall on the passageway leading right.


Character Info
Name: Kisses Wounds
Age: N/A
Alignment: TG
Race: Anthro Wolf
Gender: Female
Class: Druid Healer
Silver: 0
She did not show it, but Kisses Wounds was truly terrified of this place. The plants she was so used to hearing giving her words of encouragement were gone. The Animals, gone. The warmth of the sunbeams that cut through the canopy at times was gone. She was within a place that was damaged, in her mind, far more than she alone could repair. Her steps, hidden well by her natural agility and grace, were hesitant. Thought that feeling of Synthesis clutching her arm so faithfully kept her moving. Little could be said for one who did not draw strength from those who looked up to them. Anyone who did not, did not deserve their admiration, and so she pressed on.

"Yes, you are correct, this place is quite dangerous, Synthesis. I can already tell that we will need to be alert, but also patient. Remember, a Druid does not harm a creature of nature, unless there is absolutely no other choice. Rely on your faith in the forest, and it will keep you safe," She said, holding her free hand next to the left wall. "We will merely follow the walls… They will lead us… Somewhere. Hopefully, somewhere that we can do our work in relative peace. That would be a blessing in disguise, to be sure little one," Kisses smiled down, drawing strength and returning it. "Hold close. I do not want you catching a cold in this place…" 
Illusory Angel

Character Info
Name: Synthesis
Age: Appears around 16
Alignment: CG
Race: Half-Angel, Half-Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Druid (self taught)
Silver: 6827
Synthesis nodded and resolved to remain vigilant. It wasn't long before she was stepping carefully over stones in the floor that looked like they didn't match the pattern. Occasionally they stepped over a wire and a couple of times they had to turn back but soon, she got the feeling they were slowing making progress. Much of the time Kisses led the way, although occassionally she would point out a potential trap that the other had missed. They seemed to make a good team and luck did seem to be on their side. Synthesis wondered whether luck and the will of the forest were the same things Druid like themselves.

When Synthesis felt the presence of something alive up ahead, she leaned into the wolf girl and murmured. "There are animals of some sort up ahead. Can you sense them?" She had no way of knowing if they were dangerous but something told her the chances of finding nice beings in such a twisted place was unlikely. Undoubtedly, Kisses would know what to do.


Character Info
Name: Kisses Wounds
Age: N/A
Alignment: TG
Race: Anthro Wolf
Gender: Female
Class: Druid Healer
Silver: 0
Kisses wounds was glad that Synthesis was so vigilant. Most traps she wanted to see if the girl was being vigilant, but was pleasantly surprised when she started picking up traps that Kisses hadn't even noticed. Synthesis could tell how much more pleased Kisses was at certain times. It was a pleasant treat from the kind looks she normally got. Very nice… Good catch Synthesis… You are shockingly sharp-eyed for one so young my darling," And other such comments that would indicate those moments where she exceeded the Druids expectations.

Though, when Synthesis was commenting on the creatures being ahead of them. The wolf's ears twitched, twisting slightly, nostrils flaring as she zeroed in her senses on whatever was ahead. "Yes… Now remember. Stay close, do not appear aggressive. Move, as if you belong, but do not feel afraid. Fear, makes you pray, and pray, will always be hunted. We are not here to be hunted, we are here to help. We will move forward as if we simply belong, is that understood Synthesis?" Kisses asked, starting to walk forward. Moments later, the massive head of a massive Salamander poked out of a hole, staring at the two. Then another… And another… The three crawled out of their holes that they appeared out of. They crawled out of their holes, slithering out and walking along the halls, their scales slipping against the wolf druids legs as they examined her. She did not falter, she merely looked down and regarded them calmly, running fingers along one of their heads.
Illusory Angel

Character Info
Name: Synthesis
Age: Appears around 16
Alignment: CG
Race: Half-Angel, Half-Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Druid (self taught)
Silver: 6827
Synthesis nodded her acknowlegement of Kisses Wounds words of advice. She totally intended to keep to it, as well. It was just unfortunate that a Salamander decided to climb right up her back and breath coldly on her ear. It was so cold that it hurt and the poor girl worried her ear would fall off if the creature got any closer to it.. However, she didn't dare reach around to pull her hood up for fear of disturbing it and instead began to stiffen in fear. She continued on with her mentor as best she could and maybe would have been able to pass their den without incident if she hadn't trodden on another one of their tails in her state of distraction. It hissed agressivly and she jumped violently, causing the creature on her shoulder to fall.

It reacted very unhappily and immediatly used the power of the ice to freeze her ankle. Not only was this ridiculously cold, it also fixed her firmly to the floor. She yelped in pain and panic, tugging and struggling. This seemed to rile up the salamanders even further and they began to stalk over. The girl leaned down and lit a flame in her palm to start melting the ice. However, the cold made this magic more difficult to maintain than unusal and soon the salamanders where breathing horrible all over the exposed skin.

The poor girl felt close to hysteria and tears brimmed in her eyes. "Kisses! Help!" She cried in distress, "I can't get out! They breathing on me!"

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