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Character Info
Name: Vicyeth Pettalocks
Age: unknown.
Alignment: LN
Race: Mermoron
Gender: Female
Class: Healer/Adventurer/Proffesional dumbass
Silver: 0
Noise, usually never a good sign… Especially when it sounded like braindead screeching from inside a vault that seemed to be cursed… Upon investigation of the cault, there seemed to be a trail of water leading deeper inside. This was left behind by the healer that mindlessly ran around inside the vault, slapping her tail into anything behind her, knocking over and breaking anything that was in her path. Running through the vault, not out of panic but more out of a hyperactivity fit she set off a bunch of traps that didnt even hit her because she was running too fast for the traps that were ment to hit carefull explorers, not an idiot running through the hallways as fast as she could. Soon she stopped though as she entered some sort of room that held an obviously rigged piece of treasure. Her eyes grew in size by a ton, her tail fell on the ground, her mouth fell open and she slowly walked to the rigged piece of treasure with her arms forward like a child wanting something badly.

Ignorance (stupidity) is a blessing and this particular healer is very blessed.
also got a song that suits her pretty well:

Character Info
Name: Vallano
Age: 29
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: The Law
Silver: 578
The lawman had strayed drastically off course, trying to gain his bearing with limited understanding of the environment. What he had been searching for was shelter, and he had found that but had traded it for something else entirely. Probably even worse. He had initially thought the cold he felt when he had come close to this place was simply a strange change in weather, but now he was starting to think that it actually was this place itself. It had only been a couple of days here, but he had found a good corner and set up camp the day before, where he had remained silent trying to avoid the salamanders he would occasionally hear, and one that he had seen himself.

He stayed close to the fire and the walls,his expression relatively grim. He needed to find his way back to entrance and be done with this miserable place so he could go on about his business. His eyes quickly shot up as he followed the movements of  a lunatic breezing past him as he chewed on his roasted rat. He quickly rose to his feet. That was the first person he'd seen since he got here.

Character Info
Name: Kisses Wounds
Age: N/A
Alignment: TG
Race: Anthro Wolf
Gender: Female
Class: Druid Healer
Silver: 0

Vallano would then notice what was a dog, walking on her hind legs, holding a staff. She wore nothing but a chest wrap over her moderately endowed breast, and a loincloth which hung from a belt with a single pouch on it. Her fur was covered in various blue markings that looked to be made from a dye of blueberries. As she hurried after the strange lunatic, he could hear her mumbling. "Why me? Why is it always me that has to help these people," She almost whined as she walked past the spent traps. Wasn't hard to find her. Follow the sprung traps and you'll eventually get to where she stopped.

When Kisses Wounds finally caught up to the strange fish girl, Kisses could immediately tell what she was going to do. "Oh no you don't!" She said, taking a few steps forward, lifting her staff and cracking it across the head of the fish girl. "Thine goddess shall forgive me for that, as your skull is too thick for it to be considered a violent act! You stupid, dim-witted, unthinking, puerile, doltish, half-baked, brainless, imbecilic, idiot!" the frustrated druid yelled, grabbing the merwoman and pulling her away from the treasure. "I have had to heal you at least twenty times now, and I cannot seem to get anything done in my mission to purify this cursed place, with you running around getting stabbed, shot, poisoned, bitten, burned, and frozen all in the matter if minutes! Sit down, and please, for the love of the Forst, STOP TOUCHING THINGS!" She yelled, clutching the fur on the back of her head. She had never in her life known someone to be this frustrating.

Character Info
Name: Vicyeth Pettalocks
Age: unknown.
Alignment: LN
Race: Mermoron
Gender: Female
Class: Healer/Adventurer/Proffesional dumbass
Silver: 0
She almost had the piece of treasure, it was a small golden statue with rubies on it to make it look like a creature a bit. Of course Vicyeth didnt want it because of it's value but rather because it looked something like a plushie. A gold, heavy, cold plushie that she would do little with other then hug it before going to sleep. She was beaten over the head though wich in addition to making her fall and keeping her away from her metal plushie also made her cry….loud. "WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"

Ignorance (stupidity) is a blessing and this particular healer is very blessed.
also got a song that suits her pretty well:

Character Info
Name: Vallano
Age: 29
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: The Law
Silver: 578
Vallano blinked as the wolf walked past him, but he did not say anything to it as it passed. He wasn't quite sure what to make of it. He had traveled lands but anthropomorphic beings were something he had only seen one time before as a young lad. He remembered that one in particular had large wings, like an owl. He had a bit of experience with non human races but he had only gotten his license recently after a lifetime of keeping peace in his home city, which was a predominantly human and elven habitat. He picked up his gear, not wanting to let it out of his sight, and kicked over his campfire to put it out. The smoke was beginning to cramp the area anyway.

He followed after the creature as it chased down something else, yelling at it. Vallano watched with bemusement as the wolf grabbed another creature away from what he had believed to be a decoy ches the first time he saw it, then bonk it over the head. It was another creature even stranger than the she wolf with the surprisingly attractive figure. A fish that had very little focus to it's appearance, though he couldn't quite make what it was. He stopped just short of the two as the fish creature suddenly began to loudly wail. It startled him at first, thinking it was some sort of battle cry, but the longer it went on the more obvious what it was became.

He looked betwen the two with a bemused expression, raising a hand in greeting.

Character Info
Name: Kisses Wounds
Age: N/A
Alignment: TG
Race: Anthro Wolf
Gender: Female
Class: Druid Healer
Silver: 0
Kisses Wounds just rubbed at her temples. "Goddess, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to tell the difference…" She muttered, letting out a deep sigh. It was hard, being an entity. One that had to help those around them in any way they may need. "Please stop your crying… I do not know what kind of creature it may attract," She urged, looking around the room until her gaze landed on Vallano as he raised his hands to greet the two women.

Kisses Wounds just looked at him, then sighed again. Another person. Likely someone who would need her help in this forsaken place eventually. She had a job to do! She could not be taking her time to heal all of these harried people!. She looked at the mermoron, then lifted her hands to the man in a pleading fashion. "Please… I will give you whatever it may be that you desire, but could you please make sure this creature does not hurt herself further? I have been unable to finish my task, as she persists on continuing this idiocy of springing every trap in the vault. Just… Bind her or something?" She asked, frowning. She was going to become a greymuzzle at this rate before she ever got out!

Character Info
Name: Vicyeth Pettalocks
Age: unknown.
Alignment: LN
Race: Mermoron
Gender: Female
Class: Healer/Adventurer/Proffesional dumbass
Silver: 0
She soon recovered and stopped crying soon enough. Though her not crying and making enough noise to pinpoint her current location without having to pay close attention to her exact whereabouts soon proved to be just as dangerous as having her make enough noise to attract unwanted attention. After not looking at her for 2 minutes it was suddenly suspiciously quiet… And it soon turned out why, she stood in front of the altar. Before even being able to look back at her the silence was cut by a loud noise followed by the noise of stones grinding against eachother as the doors shut, turning the room into a death trap. Vicyeth stood there with the idol in her arms like a plush animal, pressing her face against it. "So cute, i love ittt."
Soon two big faucets on the side of the room slid out of the wall and waterbegan pouring out of it. Vicyeth, failing to see the seriousness of the situation cheerfully jumped in and began swimming around, splashing water at Kisses and submerging herself under the water to see how long she could hold her breath, despite the fact she had gills and could breathe underwater.

Ignorance (stupidity) is a blessing and this particular healer is very blessed.
also got a song that suits her pretty well:

Character Info
Name: Vallano
Age: 29
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: The Law
Silver: 578
Vallano looked at the fish creature as the she wolf spoke, smirking in faint amusement. He didn't think he would find anything in this place that would make him smile. He looked back to the wolf, shaking his head vaguely. "I apologize, but I cannot bind a citizen without due cause.", For all he knew she was not a citizen of any state and could in fact be a roaming criminal, but it was not an assumption he would jump to to take action, though he did wonder what could be so infuriating about the fish creature that would require her to be tied up. Surely no one could be foolish enough as to not be able to take care of themselves and still end up somewhere as dangerous as this, unless there was something more nefarious at hand?

The sound of the grinding stone and the vibration of the floors had Vallano's hand fly to his sword immediately, which he drew, "Lady Earth's tits!", he cried out in surprise, looking around. As he did, the room began to fill with water and he observed that the fish creature had retrieved the item from the chest. The one he had pointedly tried to avoid for it's obvious placing as a trap. "Pardon my language…" He absentmindedly said to the two females as he looked around the room. He had more than a few words for the creature who had set this chain of events into motion, but speaking was pointless now. He had to find a way out of here first. Confirming that there was no enemy, he sheathed his wepaon, and began walking around. He would ignore the fish creature for now, and after he found a way out of here he would give it a piece of his mind.

A part of him would feel a lot more at ease to know that the action was intentionally malicious than to believe that there were beings this incapable of taking care of themselves. The carelessness and lack of discipline was upsetting to him.

Character Info
Name: Kisses Wounds
Age: N/A
Alignment: TG
Race: Anthro Wolf
Gender: Female
Class: Druid Healer
Silver: 0
Kisses Wounds prayed for the violent thoughts she had the moment she heard the idol being removed from the pedestal by that Mermoron.  Then she heard the man yell about 'Mother Earths tit's" and she could only bear giving him a very dark look. "Really? Of all the things you could curse, you picked my matrons breasts?" She asked, cocking a hip in a none too impressed way. Then she sighed. "The Forest Goddess is merely testing my resolve." With that said, she looked around, ignoring the girl splashing her with cold water. Her feet were already soaked, and that was not good in cold such as this. She needed to figure out a way to get the both of them out. The moron could breathe underwater in all likelihood, given her aquatic appearance. Why would someone look like a fish if they could not breathe underwater?

She had to think fast, but then an idea struck her. With enough speed to indicate she was moving with purpose, but not enough to trip her up in the ever-rising water, she walked towards Vallano, gripping his arm lightly. "If you would… Do not get started. I need to pull us out of here before the water rises above what you can breathe," She explained, taking a moment to compose herself. It was merely a moment to gather her strength so that she could get the two of them out. Then, she would work on a way to get her out. She was not going to be able to tame her in this way. Not with the water rising up to her waist now, and the girl so gleefully swimming through it. No. She would have to find another way to get her out. Her priority had to be that of the man.

Character Info
Name: Vicyeth Pettalocks
Age: unknown.
Alignment: LN
Race: Mermoron
Gender: Female
Class: Healer/Adventurer/Proffesional dumbass
Silver: 0
She was cheerfully swimming around when she suddenly noticed she was alone in the room. She looked around with a sad face and enlarged pupils, she was possibly wailing out loud fortunatly the water drowned out her noise so it couldnt be heard through the thick walls. Not that it would last very long though, she wasnt focused enough to actually stay upset ofer something this long. Soon enough she found herself playing around in the water by throwing the idol up and swimming to catch it before it hits the ground.

Ignorance (stupidity) is a blessing and this particular healer is very blessed.
also got a song that suits her pretty well:

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