Searchign for a ship wasnt as easy as it sounded, sure a ship was big and hard to miss but when the ship is cursed and would most likely be underwater until she could reach it somehow. For now she would have to deal with the drawbacks of the curse. Dont come out when it was a full moon or an eclipse and alway suffocate when the sun was shining brightly. Despite the cold, the sun was all the way up in the sky and Kat felt the same sensation as when she last died when she fell of her ship and didnt have the strength anymore to swim up. She secured the bandana for the fifteenth time to assure her apearance wasnt off and finally saw a vault in the distance. It wasnt anything luxurious and she would be in luck if it was even open but she couldnt complain really. She rushed to the vault kicked the door open, and once she got into the shade of the vault she could breathe freely again. Seeing how it wouldnt be night any time soon she chose to explore the vault now that she could. "Make a pact with Davy Jones they said…" She grumbled as she wandered deeper into the vault with her large crossbow loaded with a metal pellet in her hands. She thought she was alone but with the darkness it was hard to tell really…
Sat Jun 17, 2017 11:29 AM Post Subject: Pirate booty (private thread)
The pirate was not alone. Kisses Wounds had been just outside the Vault, resting from her most recent attempt at consecrating the area. Those of her party were off doing their own things to accomplish the task, but Kisses needed a moment out of the vault to recollect herself. Then she saw the pirate, who seemed to be completely oblivious to her presence, walking towards the gate with a purpose. Quite the purpose, mumbling about making a deal, and someone named Davey Jones. Kisses could see what the woman was about to do, right before she did it. Raising a hand, about to call out to the girl, the wolf avatar was too late to stop her from kicking the massive gates. The druid sighed, watching as the gates opened like they would have anyway, just in time to make it look like the small girl kicked the gates open with her own strength. "Yep… She has frostbite now…" The wolf mumbled, walking towards the vault.
She followed behind quietly, staff in hand, trying to catch up to the strangely dressed girl who was driven by some demon strong enough to make her ignore her frozen foot somehow. She followed her all the way to the Black Foyer, where she decided to finally make her presence known. "Excuse me… IF you do not stop and let me look at your foot, then I cannot save it from the frostbite that is currently trying to take it. I can rejuvenate, but if you lose the extremity, I will not be capable of helping you…" She said, her voice soft, but carried well, even in the crippling darkness and despair that was this cursed sanctuary.
Sat Jun 17, 2017 12:28 PM Post Subject: Pirate booty (private thread)
The curse over her was indeed powerfull. Placed on her byt the sea devil himself, everyone who died at sea would have to deal with him, but she was the first female pirate and her rampage of theft and destruction has earned his respect so he offered her a way out of his locker and away from the grim reaper's claws… He would scatter her ghost crew, her ship and an epic amount of treasure around the world that she would have to gather before her soul, body and life would be united once more. She wanted to start with the ship and the crew to make the treasure hunting easier. She soon heard something behind and quickly turned around, kneeled down into a sniper crouch and aimed her comically large crossbow at whoever tried to sneak up on her. "Try anything and i will send you to the locker…"
Sat Jun 17, 2017 12:58 PM Post Subject: Pirate booty (private thread)
Kisses Wounds didn't seem to flinch when the woman pointed the crossbow at her. Instead, she just continued to look the girl over. Maybe this one didn't fully hear her? Maybe she could tell the healer was very much so not one who was going to attack. Maybe she could just no longer feel her foot? "Yes… The Locker. Anyway, I would strongly advise you let me tend to your foot, before the frostbite sets in. You kicked the gates before they could open, and thus your foot will likely be afflicted," She explained, not knowing what else to do.
Sat Jun 17, 2017 1:23 PM Post Subject: Pirate booty (private thread)
She didnt believe her but yet briefly looked at her leg wich seemed fine… It seems that being Davy Jones' personal plaything did have it's benefits as she would not die or be set back as easy. It was just the insane mission she had to complete that made it less desirable. "Im fine…So, before my crossbow ends the conversation, try introducing yourself to it…" She had a stern look on her face the whole time and even under the darkness, the bright colors of her eyes were still dominantly visible under the shade of her hair. She was hunched down and looked much smaller than she really was…
Sat Jun 17, 2017 1:46 PM Post Subject: Pirate booty (private thread)
Kisses Wounds stared at the girl, slowly tilting her head. Part of her said this woman was lying, but most of it told her she didn't need to care anymore. She could not heal someone who did not wish it, no matter how hurt they were. So, sighed. "Violence will not solve anything. You need not worry about my actions towards you. I am under vow to not take violent actions towards another. Within reason of course. Though, if you wish to continue threatening violence, then I shall leave you to your fate, whatever it may be. I hope you do not require my help in the future…" The wolf woman sighed, turning around slowly.
As she walked away, she pondered the idea of why people were so distrustful. Kisses took her what some would say downright tribally skanky appearance simply so that people knew she was not aggressive or hiding weapons. She was trying to exude a sense of helplessness so that those who looked at her always felt they were at a combat advantage, simply because they were. So, Kisses took this time to return out of the vault, and return to her resting so that she could continue to consecrate the lands.
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