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Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
Monster. Scum. False God.
Every name in the book they could think of, the denizens of Canelux would use them to call Xunatar for his actions. But in truth, the freezing weather and snowstorms had been an unforeseen side effect of his goal. Not that he minded it of course; the Lord had saw this as an opportunity to test the mettle of the people and see if they would cave into the cold and the greed that was sure to spread, or if they would persevere. His main objective was to transform the former great wyvern into a fortress to safeguard the treasures for the time being. As to what would become of them after that? Even he was uncertain of their fate.
It had been some time after the creation of the Vault and he remained, unmoved by the bitter frost and low temperatures. Physically, signs of frostburn draped his hands and frost collected around his face but he was undeterred. He had been through far worse things, which only helped to make him even more unsympathetic to the blight everyone else was facing. For a good while, he sat upon the iced over throne and watched the beam of chaotic energies continuously shoot out into the open ceiling and scatter into the sky. It would serve to continue the Glaciem state that nearly everyone was loathing until they could find someway to stop it. The God would notice every now and then that it would started to fade a little bit. Ever so often, it would phase out and that’s when he knew that they were coming in by the flocks, determined to survive. Such motivation brought forth a snide smile across his face as he felt them come in, but leaving here unscathed would prove more difficult than imagined. If the traps and the creatures didn’t get them, then that was dandy- the true enemy to be face would be no other than themselves as Gifre’s curse would see to it that they were all greed stricken like the beast had once been.
Leaning back into the seat, Xunatar’s eyes closed for moments, listening to the screams and shouts of the Vault’s guest as they fought themselves as well as other things this place had to offer.
Abomination. Beast. Fool.
The insults, like the cold, did nothing to sway him. It was true that this was his fault, but an apology was out of the question, much less bring a solution to this. They were getting what they deserved and he refused to hold their hands like they were children. Even towards his own he didn’t spare them the rod nor coddled them. He taught them to be strong to handle their own problems and in a way, he was offering the citizens a way to become stronger too. But it didn't really surprise him at how the masses were taking this all in. But he couldn't fault them for behaving in a way that they have been for eons. No matter the generation, it was plain to see that none of them could ever see the bigger picture until it was too late. They'd rather come under the guise of partaking in the righteous path when in truth it was a selfish attempt to save themselves.

After a while, he grew bored and slipped away down to the Black Hall. Typically it would be filled with goblins and such pillaging as much as they could get. They had already been heavily tainted with the greed curse as they fought among themselves in order to collect their works. Tonight it was rather quiet save for the roaring fireplace that burned the cold fire in it.      
Heading straight for it, he held no hesitation as he put his hand up into the blue flame. It didn’t burn whatsoever and he plunged it further only to be greeted with a similar response. The god smiled devilishly as he withdrew from the fireplace and carefully stepped over the magic books and other things that were littered about on the floor. 

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

Character Info
Name: Scarlett Al'teran
Age: Early to Mid Twenties
Alignment: CN
Race: Fire Genasi
Gender: Female
Class: Artificer Alchemist
Silver: 3152
The pale blue flame cast an eerie glow about the vault and put the God of Deceit and Chaos into a rather unflattering light. It made him pale and pasty, and it didn't help that the fresh coating of ice seemed to remain, yet he seemed unphased. He seemed unbothered by all of it. Was that what it took to be a god and achieve one's goals; by allowing yourself to be unashamed by the demonization of the mortals that surrounded him. Demonized, ha… could one demonize a demon any more than they already were?

Still… she was her demon. 

The pale light of the cold fire was contested by the warm glow of the far more natural red fire that radiated from her being to combat the cold, and cast the Lord of Lies in a much better light than the one he had chosen to illuminate the Vault. The curse of greed didn't phase her like it did the others that had come crawling to claim the treasure of this place. Like dwarves and dragons, Fire Genasi had a certain level of natural greed and a lust for fine things, but they had the capabilities of resisting the otherwise strong impulses when it suited them. As it happened, Scarlett had not the will nor the wish to want to contend with the other denizens of this cold and frozen burial ground. She had far better things to pursue. She walked up behind Xunatar, knowing that he was fully aware of her presence, and she wrapped her arms around him, and allowed the warmth of her flaming body to wash over him, chasing away the frost that coated his form. 

"As beautiful as you are when you are giving the world the cold shoulder, my love, I'm not sure how I feel about your icy exterior…." she said smoothly, as the flames on her arms sputtered and steamed as it combated against the frost that covered him. 

Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
It was funny what one little wyvern could do, especially the corpse of one. That and a little juice of divine power was able to turn a part of the world upside-down. The mortals were being tested and so far they hadn't failed him yet. It did the world good to be self-reliant at times and the thought alone made the god's frosty lips curl up. If it meant him becoming a social pariah, then so be it. His work meant more to him than most of the people of this world. One of those that were free from that group came to him. Admittingly, he didn't suspect that Scarlet would be wanting to come here, especially during this hour. He felt her embrace warming him literally. Any of the frost that clung to him was eroding away and he looked to her with appeasing eyes.

"I'll admit that I haven't been too vain these days. I suppose that I look like a mess from being out here for far too long." Time was something that he had forgot to take into account of. Perhaps his time away from home had been longer than he had assumed. "You'd be safer back at the Cradle, darling. Its far enough from the mainland to keep from being affected by the Vault's effects." But he suppose she knew it and still did not care. The Lord pondered whether she would face biases from peers and those that purchase her services because of their relationship. For their best interest, it would be ill advised to treat her with such lest they face his temper.

He reached up and tilted her her towards his own. "Forgive me for worrying you. I merely been out here to see what becomes of this stronghold and if the people are strong enough to end the endless storm. How have you been faring throughout this, Scarlet?" Given her power, he assumed that she was doing better than the rest and smiled.

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

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