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Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905
The massive airship that sails through the skies of Revaliir was originally commissioned as a ship to travel between Tarishitar and Wyllmochvar. People were looking for a means of transportation to move many people at once between the two great cities. Constructed from teak wood and mithril to channel the phlogiston spellfyre ring, it was meant to be a standing marvel of airship construction. The ring has a white-hot glow while the ship is in motion, and the color of candle fire while idle in port. Cabins on the upper decks built with comfort in mind for those who could afford it, and with lower decks were filled with benches for people who had less coin. It remained without a name as a means to show that it belonged to neither city.

When the veil around Parvpora fell, the airship was pressed into greater service. It soon became the quickest way to travel between continents without hiring a mage, as well as one of the safest. Soon the airship was known as the Continental Airship, and its route became well known. The lowest decks were modified to carry cargo, opening a whole new line of trade between the cities. Starting out in Tarishitar, it then journeys to Wyllmochvar, onto Srendnyimor, across the ocean to Vilpamolan, then to Adeluna, and Egjora before crossing the Nyella Ocean and returning to Tarishitar. The round trip takes approximately a week to accomplish, and each city has built an airship tower capable of allowing the Continental Airship to dock.

While pirates often attack airships, they do have the common sense to not attack the Continental Airship, given that they would have several armies coming down on their heads. Each of the major cities that the Continental Airship visits has a small detachment of soldiers aboard to show their commitment to keeping it, the passengers, and the cargo, safe.

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