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Character Info
Name: Raeguel
Age: Appears 27
Alignment: CG
Race: Daywalker
Gender: Male
Class: Radiant Knight
Silver: 836
Much had changed over the course of falling from one realm to another for Raeguel. He had spent much of his time trying to atone for his centuries and centuries of sins against others. No matter how small the good deed was, he would seek to do it. Staring out into the open sky they were sailing through, his thoughts went to his children who were growing into their own persons. Nerezza was engaged and Lucian was making his way into becoming a knight in his own accord; he couldn’t have been any more prouder of either of them for making their own paths. His relationship with Reaver was still rocky, but the two had a better understanding of one another, or at least he had hope it was the case now. And Melina was finally able to explore outside Angela’s temple for the first time in her entire life, and he figured what better place to take her then an airship?

It had been ages himself since he had traveled abroad one of them, and this seemed like a perfect idea to surprise her with as they were on the deck of the ship“How does it feel?”, Raeguel asked Melina as his hand glided over to her shoulder and smiled. “Ever thought you’d be among the clouds before now?” He turned back and leaned against the rails, breathing in the fresh air seemed relaxing now than it had ever been. For this moment, he felt no weight bearing on top of his soul and mind. Instead he was enjoying life for once without any burden of his past. The world didn’t seem so bad as he looked down to gaze at the lands they passed over by. “Just don’t looked down too much, might get a little nervous.” He wouldn’t let her fall though, she needed not to worry about her safety as long as he was with her.

“Everything seems so at ease up here. You can truly see how beautiful this world we live in is. For you, this is but the start of see just that. We still have plenty of places to see together.” His face was beaming with delight as he looked at her before continuing to observe the sights.

The Daybreaker

Character Info
Name: Melina
Age: Looks 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Human (blessed)
Gender: Female
Class: High Priestess of Life
Silver: 380
In her opinion, real air was the same as Angela’s Temple. Though it didn’t shock her too much. The first time she ever inhaled she felt a slight burning sensation. She wondered if the high skies were much more different than this. She had heard that Angela was terrified of heights and she wondered why, the most innocent part of her could not understand. She was completely jittery as they boarded the airship. Adeluna had been a trip for her just walking through the streets. Being raised in a temple you got used to people but here there was just too many. She held onto Raeguel’s hand and looked up at him. They paid her no mind but the sudden shift towards her always made her jump.

She had managed to leave the temple in a plain blue dress, much to Angela’s dismay, and her long brown hair was slightly pulled back with a silk ribbon of the same color. She did look much younger than Raeguel but she also knew that she was still new into her life. Her eyes of dark oak, evergreen, and gold stared at him for long periods of time as they boarded the ship. She was so nervous as he led her over to the railing.

The take off scared her and she moved to cling to him for a long while before she became use to the ship in the sky. The air was most definitely thinner as she breathed deeply in. This was certainly much different from the air of the temple. She took a moment to looked down at the features below and got dizzy as she gripped onto the railing. “I don’t feel like I can breathe well but I don’t think that’s what you mean.” She chuckled a bit as she gave a smile. “No, none of this was ever possible before you.” She said it with certainty in her voice.

“I think I am already very nervous.” She chuckled lightly before leaning her head against his shoulder. She was glad that Raeguel was happy and she was glad that the children didn’t mind their relationship. Actually they didn’t even bother to mention it most of the time and that was shocking since Nerezza was normally the gossiping ones. 

She stared down at the fast approaching ocean. She thought she could smell the sea salt in the air now. Only when in Angela’s study did she ever find such a smell and normally it was for potions. The smile stayed on her face as she chuckled a bit more. “You look so happy Raeguel. Happy and free.” She moved to kiss him lightly as she wrapped herself up in him. She was content to stare at the world below. “I want to see it all. I want to know it all. My family hasn’t set foot in Parvpora since… Well a long time ago.” Their home had been Kurayo. “Do you think their home still stands in Kurayo? Do you think their bloodline exists somewhere?” She was curious of what vampire family she might have had but it was clear she wasn’t ready to go find out just yet.

She reached up and ran her fingers over the black curse mark. She was trying to make sure it was still there but she knew she wasn’t dreaming. Raeguel had the key to her freedom but he himself was also like freedom to her. “Where are we headed first? I heard the airship goes to a bunch of places!”

OOC: Brittlez

Character Info
Name: Raeguel
Age: Appears 27
Alignment: CG
Race: Daywalker
Gender: Male
Class: Radiant Knight
Silver: 836
It took some time after they set foot into Revaliir for Melina to get used to it. He made sure that he was near her at all times to make sure that she’d be alright in case she fell during one of her spells. Being high at these altitudes for the first time could have some unsavory effects, he knew that to be very true. “It’s alright, it’s not easy at first, but in time your body will adjust to it, I promise.” He held onto her to help stead her during the ride. He had forgotten of how it must had felt given that it had been at least decades since he could recall his first time on an airship. Another time, another life really. Shaking himself of those thoughts, Raeguel watched her as she looked on amazed at the open sea. “The scenery fits you”, he offered, pointing at her dress. “It looks lovely by the way.”

If he could have, he would have blushed a little at her comment; but he settled for scratching at the back of his head at the awkward moment. She was right though, this had been the first time that he was unconditionally happy in a long, long time. It was like when he sated his bloodthirst or obtain more power and conquest, no this was a moment that was genuine. He was with someone that cared deeply for him and that he cared for, flying through the sky and surrounded by a peaceful, beautiful scene. His guilty felt light like a feather and he didn’t need his sinister and terrible habits any longer to feel something. While by no means did it meant that he had fully forgiven himself for his crimes, he was rather coming to terms with them and would do this world better. He would do everything in his power to protect this realm and not given into temptation of power and control again. Melina brought great comfort and resolve as far as helping him to keep that focus. Unlike Andrea, he would make sure that she didn’t fall victim to the corruption of evil.

He took on her brief but meaningful embrace and held onto her firmly. “They…well, they could still be thriving, maybe even passed on their bloodline.” It would surprise him, after all he and his children were the last of the Shiran line, him being pure while they carried only half the potency. Perhaps her family have gifted the blood to others for sure. “It is very possible, though locating them won’t be easy, I think.”

“The cruise said that it was heading to Abed. Never been there, but heard wonderful tales about it”, he responded, though there had been darker stories he had learned recently too, but for the most part, it was worth the trip. 

The Daybreaker

Character Info
Name: Melina
Age: Looks 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Human (blessed)
Gender: Female
Class: High Priestess of Life
Silver: 380
Melina was staring at the surroundings when Raeguel’s words met her ears. An immediate blush came to her cheeks as she looked up at him. “Angela made it. Despite her pleas for something less.. plain? I suppose is the word. She said it would be easy to travel in for me.” She reached up and kissed him gently. 

A laugh left her lips as she watched Raeguel with added interest. He was very good at saying how he felt sometimes and other times he would hide it behind his eyes or in his gestures. She snuggled up to him and listened to his words. They were comforting as she nodded along. “Maybe not but we can always hope for the best Love. Sometimes that is all people like us can do in situations like that.” Finding her family wasn’t at the top of her list nor was it safe. There was no guarantee that they would accept her or even let her live. Her side of the family for the most part had… betrayed them.

She began to think about Abed and her eyes lit up. “Oh! I’ve heard such wonderful things about Abed! The food is suppose to be some of the best, though spicy. Their clothing is absolutely adorable. I’ve seen Angela wearing a saree for a meeting in Abed once! It was so beautiful. The music is suppose to be to die for.” She was so excited that she blushed and quieted down. “Sorry, just really excited to finally go there.” She chuckled and snuggled up to him more. “I can’t wait for it to touch down.” She looked back out over the ocean. “I never imagined it to be so salty though..”

OOC: Brittlez

Character Info
Name: Raeguel
Age: Appears 27
Alignment: CG
Race: Daywalker
Gender: Male
Class: Radiant Knight
Silver: 836
”I fear that practicality is all but lost of her kin, I wouldn’t fret over it though”, he shrugged. Rosenites weren’t known for their subtlety, they both knew that much. Still, she had at least respected Melina’s want of wearing something more suitable for the situation, though after some thought, Abed seemed to follow the same protocols that they had. Regardless, he himself had referred her taste of clothing, leaving much to be for imagination.

Family wasn’t a field he was strong at; to be frank, he still believed himself quite terrible at it. He was getting through living with Nerezza and Lucian and had attempted to be more in a civil standing with Reaver, but aside from that, his twisted views from before made him have doubt if he could truly solidify that concept. Among those that had once been called family, he had manipulated many, killed a few and broken some of them. He wished that he could have told her to seek out hers, but he couldn’t doubt her view that they may have still been as they had long ago. He didn’t want Melina in harm’s way, especially by those of her blood. “There’s no arguing that. Maybe one day you will find such answers, and I pray that they will be the ones you would be wanting to seek.” Hope was a thing that once a upon a time he thought was nothing more than a fool’s plaything, but in recent times he has came to see as what others had of it. It was a beacon of light that shined even through the darkest of days, called often for times of strength and resolve. He kept such things close to him each day as he went to right the wrongs of this world to keep those closest to him safe.

He was appleased that Melina was overly ecstatic over the trip. She was still young so it wasn’t strange to see her eyes light up like a child’s and spoke rather quickly over the excitement. His hand fell onto her back, caressing her as she came closer. “I had a good feeling that it would be a great place for you to see first. I am glad you approve of it then, Melina. It should only be a day’s travel before we reach it.” He looked back to the clouds around them and imagine the land they would be coming down to later on.

“It’s been awhile since I was in Angela’s realm. Anything happened while I’ve been gone?” He expecting nothing less than the typical gossip that the others around her would spread or perhaps even something to do with his children, especially his daughter and her fiance. It had been a long while since he saw those two and wondered if Kaiser had been driven mad yet by her hand. Lucian, he would expect to have continued his studies and training, likely awaiting his arrival once more. But he did ask to also hear about what Melina had been up to as well.

The Daybreaker

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