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Character Info
Name: Logan
Age: Around 230 years
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Paladin
Silver: 218
He was not wholly sure how long it had taken to arrive here, but it didn't matter.  Not truly.  He carefully hung the lantern upon the shepherd's crook outside the manor, and cast his mind back to the trials he had passed to get here.  Would she be surprised to see him?  He hoped she would be at least somewhat pleased at what he had to request.  He resisted the temptation to run a hand along plants.  Logan knew far better than to touch them.  Instead, he took the path up to the manor, appreciating the dark beauty of the building. 

Remaining outside, he posed his question to the Lady that he knew had to be listening.  There had been fewer and fewer people through the circles, and he had not seen another soul in hours.  But that suited Logan just fine for what he wanted.  "Milady, the people of Adeluna cry for you to lift this curse.  They beg you for mercy.  But why should you grant it?  I only ask as the devil on your shoulder.  But I beg that you consider if they even deserve your mercy," Logan said, speaking to his Lady.  What her answer would be, he didn't know. 


Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
Something triggered within Dalanesca's mind, signalling to her that someone had reached the gates of Domus Tenebris.  However, this was unlike those unexpected visitors that were sure to be making their way to the palace through the circles.  Many, most to be certain, would fail, but there would always be those who would have the courage and vigor to make it through.  This particular person who had made it, however, was one of her own.  A few moments of concentration allowed her to deduce that it was none other than Logan, one of the newest of her small, trusted group of above-ground bidders.  

Within moments, she moved herself to the part of the palace he was in.  She did not make herself known to him, not yet - for she was quite curious to find out why he had decided this was a time in which he needed to speak with her.  From the shadows she had melded into, she could hear him calling out to her.  He regaled the stories of what was happening above ground - the mortals were begging for her to end the tragedies taking place in Adeluna.  But something more sinister had brought Logan to her.  At this moment, it seemed as though he were asking her to reconsider lifting the dark happening after all.  This interested her, and she allowed the shadows to flow away from her and stepped out towards him, approaching from behind.

"Hello, Logan," she said as she fell into stride with him, snaking an arm about his shoulders.  "I was about to ask what brought you here, but I see that you have already made that apparent," she said, and her eyes turned a strange mixture of their icy blue and violent crimson that they sometimes took when her emotions were mixed.  "Are you doubting my judgment, Logan?" she asked, a sure threat apparent in her tone of voice.  "Perhaps I should make you become a part of one of the trials for the duration," she added, her arm tightening a bit about his shoulders.

She laughed suddenly, loosing her grip on him.  "Of course, I'd lose one more person to do my bidding above ground if I were to do that, wouldn't I?" she asked, with a chuckle.  "So tell me.  Why are you so keen to let the people of Adeluna suffer?  Why should I keep this happening, rather than ending it?"

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!


Character Info
Name: Logan
Age: Around 230 years
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Paladin
Silver: 218
Ducking his head in a quick bow, Logan waited a moment, allowing his lady to have her words.  Her reaction would allow him to better decide how to pitch his own words, and he had learned to listen carefully.  "Not your judgement, milady.  Their worthiness.  I only ask you are certain when, or if, you revoke what you've done.  It is easy in the heat of the moment for people to claim they have changed, but only time tells," Logan said, trying to choose his words carefully.  A chuckle escaped his throat at the mention of becoming a part of the trials.  "That might be interesting, truth be told.  Seeing what people have to say and how they plan on gaining your favor," he added, being truthful.  There was an element to humanity that fascinated him, something he had lost a long time ago.  While he did not search for that altruistic spark within himself anymore, he always looked for it in others.  And for the best way to extinguish it.

His shoulders had stiffened at her touch, tensing for a possible punishment that never came.  When the grip loosened, his shoulders again relaxed.  "It would be a trial for the masses.  And a chance for people to truly prove themselves worthy.  If you just lift what you've done at their whims, then it seems logical to assume they would be you for more favors, more trivial desires.  But if it is done whenever you desire, at your own wishes, then they will know who truly is in charge," Logan said.  In his mind, it was better that the curse be lifted when she was ready, rather than when the mortals thought they were worthy.


Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
The goddess could not help but to snicker as Logan bowed his head in respect.  In truth, it actually bothered her quite terribly when people were overly formal with her, but it was a necessity for her to show her power over others.  She may not have enjoyed it over much, but requiring those that served her to show respect was just something that needed to be done.  It was rather clear to Dalanesca that he was choosing his words very carefully, so as not to offend her in any way.  She narrowed her eyes at him as his interest seemed rather piqued at the thought of joining the trials.  "I don't think you're understanding me, Logan… I will banish you to a circle, in which you will become a part of the trial… permanently," she said, her words taking on a much more sinister tone, with a flash of crimson in her eyes accompanying the words.

She could feel his form stiffen as her arm snaked around him and it gave her a bit of amusement.  Listening to him, she could see that he had a point - but there were much more intricate things at work here than anyone save the deities themselves could understand.  "I am not doing this to demonstrate my power… people already know what I am capable of, if you recall the battle between myself and Angela Rose - perhaps you were living under a rock and did not see this?" she said, quirking an eyebrow at him.  "I may reign over darkness and death, Logan, but I am not a horrible person.  This is just my way of letting nature run its course.  These…. mortals… need to be taught that there are some things that should not be tampered with.  They saw what this was doing to their friends, their families… yet they still chose to partake in the unknown substance."  She frowned, and ran a hand through her wavy hair.  

"If you are under the impression that I am going to make everything stop after just a few heroes have made their way here on behalf of the people of Adeluna, you are mistaken.  I will make it stop when I feel that the people have learned their lesson."  She paused, realizing now that Logan wanted to see the chaos ensue from order unraveling as the Afflicted grew in numbers.  "There's nothing stopping you from going to the surface and spreading a bit of discord, you know.  Encourage people to try the Sanguine Tenebris.  You can even try it yourself - of course, your ties to me will keep you from harnessing the bad side effects… but you could experience that euphoria they say happens at first.  Besides, I've been told that my blood is rather… delicious, I suppose you could say," she said.  

"I will end this when I decided the time is right," she repeated.  "But in the mean time, use it to your advantage, Logan.  Have some fun with it!"

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!


Character Info
Name: Logan
Age: Around 230 years
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Paladin
Silver: 218
Understanding showed in his eyes, and he nodded.  That was a place he much preferred to not return to.  And he was thankful that she did not force that move on him, Logan had learned long ago it was better to move on from such missteps.  His head was canted to one side as he listened to her mindset as to the whys and where-to-fors of what she was doing.  It made sense, in its own way.  And he had heard rumors of the battle between her and the Goddess of Life.  He had simply chosen to avoid being a part of it.  "I see.  And there are many times that people seem to understand they should know better than to do what they should not, but they go and do those things anyway.  You've just added a sure consequence to that action," Logan mused.  It was a good lesson.  Bad things didn't always happen after certain actions, but in this case, they did.  

The cold smile on his face showed his satisfaction to her answer of when all the chaos would end.  It was the answer he had hoped for, and Logan was heartened to hear it coming from her mouth.  He perked up at Dalanesca's suggestion, it wasn't something he had even considered.  But now that the idea had been planted into his mind, it was far too fun to resist.  "Oh, you've given me such a lovely idea, milady.  I will most certainly have some fun with it.  And thank you for easing my mind of what you've chosen to do.  I rather enjoyed seeing the trials you've set in place, I can only imagine it will be some time before you choose to end it," Logan said, his demeanor clearly more cheerful now that he understood just what was going on.  "If you've nothing else for me, I will depart for Adeluna to have my fun," he said with the cold smile still on his face.  It was clear it would be fun for him, and precious few others.


Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
A devious glint appeared in Dalanesca's eyes as she watched Logan process the information she gave him.  She enjoyed instilling a bit of fear into him, as she could easily read it on his face - but in truth none of it was said in a serious manner.  She had no intentions of harming Logan, as he was so willing to serve her and bend to her every whim.  "It's always fun to watch people suffer the consequences of their own selfish actions and decisions," she said, taking a few steps towards him and closing what little distance between them.  

"I'm glad you think my idea is suitable for you," she said, narrowing her eyes at him slightly.  "The trials are my pride and joy.  They go right down to the core of the sins that people have committed… though I have taken a few artistic liberties, I suppose you could say."  She gave Logan a rather sinister smile.  "But in the end, they do their purpose - they torture those who have done wrong in their life and make them realize what worthless individuals they are."  The red light flashed in her eyes once more.  

She placed her hands on either side of Logan, palms resting on her shoulders.  "I've plenty more for you," she said, pressing her chest and body up against his own, looking up at him.  One of her fingers traced down his chest from his shoulder, a flirtatious look in her eyes.  "However," she said, pulling a bit away from him, her other hand dropping from his shoulder.  "I'm not one to split myself among men," she continued.  "Not now, anyway," she said, the crimson flashing once more as she toyed with him.  

"You may go," she said, taking a step further back from him.  "But listen for my call - you never know when I will beckon you." With another sinister smile, she turned her back on Logan and walked rather slowly back towards the palace, a satisfied grin remaining on her lips.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!

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