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Character Info
Name: Tower Charlot
Age: 27
Alignment: CG
Race: Linessian (human)
Gender: Male
Class: Bulldozer/Tank/Bard
Silver: 8
It seems Tower arrived in Adelunda just in time. The city was under assault by the afflicted. Luckily for the clumsy guards and especially the civilians Tower Charlot has defended quite a few villages and cities back in his day. So he went to work as soon as he could, not only to help but also to let everyone know that the immortals are here to stay. These afflicted must either have been untrained or stupid because most of them stood still when Tower charged into them to quite litterally crush them between his shoulder and a wall or when he swung his sword around around him, hitting anything in a wide radius. After killing more of these misfits than the underpaid guards ever could all while cracking bad puns and such to add insult to injury to great annoyance of his wife who was doing her best not to get hit and stay out of trouble, for now, her hardened spider exoskeleton served her well in protecting her agains the occasional misfit that could slip past her husband. Eventually they broke off their assault, most likely to reorganize and plan new tactics. During this Tower was notified by the guards that his help wasnt needed and he could leave (realistically they were most likely tired of his dumb jokes)… Fine, he left the city with Charlotte and traveled to what he was told was the means of ending this. But he wouldnt enter like this, he didnt know the way in there so he set camp up in front of this giant gate practically screaming for people to stay out and waited for a traveler to enter that he could travel along with.

Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
Vinsue came alone in her human form. Her simple brown robe on with its hood up. Her sword sheathed and hanging from her belt. the world was going mad and she had to fix it. the riddle that the goddess spoke was rather simple to the dragon as the 9 circles of death are known for the contracts tat she stated. she was reluctant to go do to her hatchling but it would be safe for now but not for long.

She stopped at the gate and looked at it. she had here sack and a possible gift or trade idiom in it. She learned her lesson on going to gods that looked to torture or kill you without a gift or trade idiom. She noticed the man but ignored him as she stepped through the gate and kept walking.

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

Character Info
Name: Tower Charlot
Age: 27
Alignment: CG
Race: Linessian (human)
Gender: Male
Class: Bulldozer/Tank/Bard
Silver: 8
Tower was laying on his back and looked on his side to see Vinsue. He raised his arm and waved at her. Vinsue never met him but Tower was Sylvia's best friend and supervisor and finding the elven maiden was one of his side objective, merely to check up on her that is. He hadnt seen her in a long time as she was more eager to leave to Revaliir than he was. But now his wife was along he didnt have a problem with going on vacation. It was a shame too that Vinsue was in her human form otherwise Tower would have recognized her by the description Sylvia gave him. But now that he knew where to go he beckoned Charlotte to follow him into the gate.

Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
Vinsue noticed the two fallowed her but kept the same paste and stopped when she noticed a young girl. The girl was suppose to be the beast that guarded the first circle. "Defeat the pail death and find your gods." The girl she knew was pail death but she did not know how to defeat her. she knew of the gods but did not worship any. she was in ones debt. she was a friend of another and she was at the mercy of the third she had met.

She watched the others step up and held her sword in her hand incase the girl attacked. she had got use to not using her powers and was scared to think that her powers would not work. the light of the lost soles where a bit creepy but she stepped into the circle and than slowly continued in hope that the girl that would think her in the wrong place and let her pass to the "right" one. the ones that she fit in scared her most but she stayed strong.

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

Character Info
Name: Tower Charlot
Age: 27
Alignment: CG
Race: Linessian (human)
Gender: Male
Class: Bulldozer/Tank/Bard
Silver: 8
Tower and Charlotte stepped up their speed to catch up to the young girl ahead of them. Mostly because Charlotte insisted on not letting a child go into a dangerous area like infernal hellpits alone. "Hello! Little one, do you know more of the area? My husband is looking to pass through here as well." The woman looked odd, she had light purple skin and five purple eyes, one of wich was on her forehead. She also had a large spider bottom half for body, almost black purple. the large man in the background waved and yelled something at his wife about elves and rangers. "Oh yes, we're looking to find an old friend of ours. Have you met an elf names Sylvia somewhere?" The other man in armor soon caught up to the two talking.

Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
She stopped and turned back and met the two before the dangers came out. two late the child looking guard attacked just to get a jolt of electricity When she fell Vinsue turned to the new traders. "Names Vinsue and I only know what the books tell" she said sure to not look like a threat but stay on edge incase the act of shocking an 'innocent' child looked as bad as it sounded.

"That was the guardian of the first circle. the place those that the godless end up. but you mentioned Sylvia is she in danger?" the elf had helped her a lot when she was little and now she may need to repay the debt. not that anyone was keeping track. She may be willing to help the two as they where friends of a friend. "Is Sylvia here?" worry for her friend showed on her face.

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

Character Info
Name: Tower Charlot
Age: 27
Alignment: CG
Race: Linessian (human)
Gender: Male
Class: Bulldozer/Tank/Bard
Silver: 8
Too bad the joker already caught up to the two. The conversation would take on a different dimension very soon. "we dont know if she's in danger or not." "Yeah, presumably not though. I've been her supervisor for a few years now and she recently came to Revaliir because our country is at full peace and we dont need warriors like her anymore. We were supposed to leave together but she went ahead and told me to come find her wich was nice of her seeing how this continent is massive."

Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
"Well I do not think that she would be hear, unless" she stopped mid sentence as she tough of reasons she may be close. "Well she may try to reverse the curse that man has brought upon itself. Normally I could care less but it can as it has change the world in an supper unsafe way." She stopped and closed her eyes as she tried to since the aura of her old friend. There was no use as the place was two large and two full of strange auras.

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

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