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Character Info
Name: Logan
Age: Around 230 years
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Paladin
Silver: 218
He had to smile, pacing through the Circles.  Even though Logan had no desire for the battles, there was still gain for him.  After all, it was a trial in honor of the Goddess he had chosen to devote himself to.  And he viewed it as another means of earning her further favor.  The Circle of Greed had trapped some fools, and Logan only watched them before moving on.  He had no interest in aiding them, not with his own goal in mind.  He knew enough about this particular Circle that his blade was of little use, and Logan left it at his side.  He walked on, seeking the Sphinx, plying his memory for a suitable riddle to tell the creature.  

But things were never simple, and Logan found himself moving around people filling carts and wailing in despair as those carts tipped over, spilling contents into the lava below.  It happened so suddenly that the people had no chance of rescuing what was lost, and he could tell they were compelled to return down the path, and begin filling them once more.  But eventually Logan could hear the bellowing of a large creature, screeching at some unfortunate soul whose riddle had not been satisfactory enough.  He was still wracking his brains, trying to think of something, anything that might do.  Then the answer hit him.  But given the nature of the trials his Lady had set forth, there was a small crowd already present before the Sphinx when he arrived.  Logan would have to wait his turn.


Character Info
Name: Freya Norcross
Age: Appears early 20s
Alignment: CN
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 202
When it came down to it, there was not a single care in the world within her for Adeluna, its people or stopping this utter nonsense that the goddess had started in. As far as she could care, they deserved the punishment they got and also this trip to hell for being addicts to the Reaper blood. But while everyone else was scrambling about, trying to save the day or something, Freya had learned that her very sin would damn her someday to the confines of this endless mine. But what stroked her attention much more was of unlimited amounts of wealth that stemmed there. Oh, that got the young woman's blood pumping as she envisioned all that gold and gemstones at her disposal, and without even thinking twice, she set off for the Circle of Greed. 

Nothing else mattered to her at that precise moment as she pushed past all of the victims and bystanders. Her cool blue eyes danced about that amazing scene as her heart ached to have them all. She wanted every single trinket she could carry. No, she wanted every one of them. There was a problem as it turned out, and it wouldn't be seen by her until she stole one of the carts that was filled with the beautiful coins and treasures. For some reason, she was made to push it all the way up, only to watch with clear horror as she dumped them into that infernal lava. She was about ready to scream her head off as she watched all of them melt into nothingness. "This place is absolute horrid!" She went ahead and stole another cart from someone only to perform the same action. After the fifth or sixth time of trying, she was gathering what was going on and she winced as if she was in pain. "This is the worse punishment ever!"

Freya had to scheme a pain to not only successfully hijack these carts, but to also find a way out before she was compelled to commit such hellish actions again. This was a nightmare that came true for her, the greedy little frog as she sat onto the ground and just pondered and thought of something she could do to get what she wanted. Many of the people that passed her by went largely ignored and she couldn't help but to keep her eyes on those beautiful lovelies. Her mind wouldn't let her focus on anything else but then she broke her trance when she heard the screeching of the sphinx as some fool had tried to appeal to it. She studied the situation that came afterwards with another that tried to give it a riddle that was easily solved and she got up and pushed past the flock of people and listened to a few more failures before it was her turn. The creature was definitely scary looking but she wanted the collection that existed all around them. The sphinx tilted its head in waiting before she opened her mouth. "What has one eye but can not see? It has no limbs, yet can outrun nearly everything?" The creature's eyes narrowed at her for a few moments before replying, "A hurricane." She cursed her luck as the beast screeched at her. Whether it was good or bad, had remained to be seen, yet she was not torn to shreds, so she took it as a good sign and scurried off to see if she could find something of use to and a route to make her escape with the treasure.

Character Info
Name: Logan
Age: Around 230 years
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Paladin
Silver: 218
Many seemed to fail the challenge presented by the Sphinx, but Logan realized that the real test was to give the creature a riddle it took more than a moment to answer.  That would gain enough time to scurry past, and onto the next circle.  Or into the closest pile of treasure, depending on who was involved.  He watched as a woman scrambled past the Sphinx, but not to the next circle.  He watched her for a moment before being pushed in front of the massive creature by the crowd behind him.  Logan cleared his throat as the Sphinx eyed him expectantly.  Or like she was measuring him to be a snack, one of the two.  "We hurt without moving, we poison without touching.  We bear the truth and the lies, we are not to be judged by our size.  What are we?" he asked.  It was a riddle he had come across a long time ago, and the answer was obvious once anyone thought about it for a few long moments.

And it was just long enough for Logan to dart past and towards the woman who had still not left the Circle of Greed.  The scream of the Sphinx came after him, but she had found the answer.  "Who knew that a one answer riddle could cause so much anger?" he asked the woman with a chuckle.  Logan glanced at the piles yet untouched, then back to her.  "And just what are you hoping to accomplish here?  You know nothing leaves this place," he added, curious as to what her answer would be.

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