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Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
A plane of black with a tangible soul-stream that connects Porta Inferni to the Sundering Gardens. This circle is guarded by the soul known as the Pale Death - a being that takes the form of a beautiful little girl, the daughter that Dalanesca lost before she could truly know her. This circle is where those who hold no spiritual connection find themselves, reliving a mundane life over and over again.

The lustful are beautiful in their own way - even in death. Strong hues of red set this circle apart from all others. The buildings crafted from sunstone and volcanic black salt are abundant, but all seem to be heavily damaged by the strong winds the gust through the circle. The winds blow the souls of the damned back and forth so that they may never find rest or peace. If the winds were to topple the buildings on top of one of the souls, they would forever be crushed, only to re-live the excruciating pain for all of eternity. Those that find themselves here are the lustful and the adulterers. This circle is guarded by numerous domineering succubi and incubi.

Gula, the third circle of Inferos, is a beautiful tavern. The circle is stacked as high as one can see with delicious looking food and drink. The souls damned to this place have committed the sins of gluttony, gorging themselves on life’s luxuries to the point of personal degradation. They are forced to eat and drink until the point where they vomit - at which point they must start over again, or one of the five Cerberus guarding the circle will devour them, only for them to be reborn to live the cycle again. 

The circle of Cupiditas is more like a giant network of never ending mines filled with gold coins, gemstones, and other treasures. Those who have lived their lives with greed are sent here to push carts of treasures to the surface, only to watch as the things they love most are devoured by a river of lava in a giant vault, at which point they must descend and refill their cart once more. This circle is guarded by a large Sphinx, taken by the greed of knowledge.

The fifth circle of Inferos, Quinque, is guarded by banshees who suck away every emotion but the anger one lived their life with. It is a plane filled with fighting arenas, circles of vicious fights, and injuries that should give way to death but do not. Injuries sustained here never heal, and the urge to fight never leaves.

”Haeresis, the sixth circle in Inferos, is a world where rumors fly with the wind. Those who, in life, wove nothing but lies and deceit, find themselves here. The lies that they told fill the air for all to hear. The people who find themselves here have either had their tongues ripped out of their mouths or their lips sewn shut so they cannot stop the screams of their lies. The circle is filled with burning bushes of Bittersweet. The land itself is made of red dirt and broken houses of crumbling cobblestone. Guarded by the dark being known only as Zelus, he transforms into the person that you resented the most, the one you lied to the most. He holds every single trinket, every item, every bit of knowledge that made you hate that person in the first place.

This land is filled with rivers of lava that shoot fireballs high into the unending black sky. The heat in this circle is almost unbearable, but one will find no comfort from any source of water you may find. Those who find their way here by method of suicide are hung from trees where they are feasted upon by the guardian harpies that never stop stripping the regenerating flesh from their bones.


Fraudulenti is a desolate village filled with beds of nails and food with glass in it. Everything that appears to be delicious is in fact rotten, and things that appear comfortable are made of things that hurt you. Everything here is a lie. Surrounding the village is nothing but a river of nails, shards of glass, and hot coal. A plentiful village is on the other side, but you are never quite able to reach it. This place is guarded by a single being known as the Judgment - a being that decides how you suffer based on the way one has been fraudulent in life.

The ninth circle of Inferos is home to those who were despicable in life - the ruiners of the innocent. It is a world of tundras, a place that can never be warm. Even if one found a way to create a fire, it would never be warm. Body heat is sapped instantly as Frost Maidens, the guardians of the circle, come to steal it away with their powerful ice magic.


The tenth and final circle of Inferos, one must defeat the guardian of the circle in which they were placed upon navigating the Dolor Fluvium. It is a world of darkness and shadows. The only way one can see through the darkness is by grabbing a singular lantern that fades into existence at the entrance. If one stays inside the light cast by the lantern, one will be fine until they reach the Brimstone Gates of Domus Tenebris. Something lurks in the shadows, and should one stray from this light, one will encounter the Nightmare - a being sent to guard the home of the Reaper. The embodiment of Darkness itself, this is the being that parents warn their children about. This is the being that hides underneath the bed. This is Fear.
The road to Domus Tenebris is lined with bricks of silver. The flecks glow in the light of the lantern, illuminating the path much like a trail of breadcrumbs. If one can see through the darkness, they can see that the path is lined with thorn bushes, the light causing the foliage to retract and protect its carrier.
Upon reaching the gate, the area is much more illuminated before. A crooked shepherd’s hook is jammed into the ground for one to hang their lantern from as they will no longer need it upon entering the courtyard itself is lined with the many plants that line the Dolor Fluvium. The entrance to the palace itself is made from solid bricks of silver, and the handle is crafted from onyx. Upon further inspection, the entire structure is made from these two materials. It is a large, gothic style manor, with elegant designs of silver adorning every column supporting the structure.
It is here, in Domus Tenebris, that you can make your plea with the Goddess of Death and Darkness for her to end the suffering in Adeluna!

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!

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