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Character Info
Name: Adraejen "Drae" Porthyrius
Age: 32- Immortal
Alignment: CN
Race: Half Elf Were Bear
Gender: Male
Class: Blade Pact Warlock of the Fiend
Silver: 49802
Situated in a triangle around Tar Eisalae on the edge of the Jasumin Plains are three challenges for the Keeper's Debut:

The Shtahu Labyrinth:
Designed to test the wit and intelligence of the challengers, this shifting maze with walls of thick black and purple-veined hedges is full of creatures, tricks and puzzles to hinder the advancement of each individual. Back-tracking is next to impossible as the maze will change as if on its own accord, opening up new areas that were not there a turn ago. Guarding the exit of the Shtahu Labyrinth is an elegant sphinx. To get past her, one must correctly answer her riddles, or find a way around her without gaining her attention. But challenger beware, should one choose to answer a riddle, and answer incorrectly, that person will find themselves teleported back to the beginning of the Labyrinth. 

Heka Arena:
Crafted of the same black stone as the Keeper's Gates that brought them to the challenges, the Heka Arena is a massive amphitheater where individuals can showcase their magical abilities ans prowess by way of duels and displays of talent. The Keeper has even provided live sources of entertainment of various sorts to pass the time. All around the Arena, vendors of all sorts have set up stalls to peddle their wares, magical and mundane to those who may wish to show off their abilities in the eye of the public.

Hemut Workshop:
As a fianl offer of challenge, a massive wall-less longhouse has been constructed of the hardest and most durable wood. The Hemut Workshop is fill with various crafting and forging stations that would make even the most prestigious of Dwarven Artificers and Blacksmiths ripe with envy. Stocked with any raw materials a mage or smith could want to forge, sew, enchant, or build their magical artifact, mages and warriors alike are encouraged to try their hand at crafting their own magical items.

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