Through the foliage of the Rain forest a man, who wears mostly plate armor with the exception of chest which is made out of scales and bones of a dragon and, insted of Vambraces he weares full plate gauntlets, the rest is kind of normal with exception of the helmet which looks somewaht like an metal hat with metal mask attached to front of it, and on the back there is a chainmail hood, under which is also a leather hood. The front plate of the helmet has two somewhat narrow slits for eyes and few very small holes in the region of the mouth for breathing, the top of the helmet has a medium sized brim, and forgive me for the using this comparison again, like that of a hat. This man also wears a simple sleevles robe,over his armor. Also robe clearly isn't sleevless by design, no someone or something must have torn the sleeves from the robe, but is one would to look near the belt region of this man body one could easliy indetify the person who is the perosn responsible for this robe's lack of sleeves, for this man wears an improvised belt made out of torn out sleeves, to this belt is also tied simple but sturdy mace, on his back rests a simple backpack. was wondering alone. This man, who is of no fame at all, is known as Alexander Kreiger, wto whom he is known ? Well mostly to himself and some complete randos who met him before and probably forgot about him, was walking around this forest while constantly looking down as if looking for something which was case you see this man was looking for certain materials, materials that if brought to certain forge would allow him to gain quite powerful or at least rare weapon, this weapon being a Radiant Saber a sword with a blade created from solid light which meant that it was very shiny and very light since light doesn't have weight, so it would be a nice weapon to have. Right now he was scouring this forrest to find some Corundum which he needed seven of to be able to create the weapon.
Kriv Noxirious
Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:13 PM Post Subject: Hunting for Materials:Corundum[O][R because of posibility of foul and strong lanquage]
‘How did he manage to end up here?’ Kriv mused. This was not his preferred region nor his preferred climate. Too humid on such a hot day. Kriv liked heat with no humidity, and humidity with no heat, but not this. This, abhorrent weather was stuck all around him, and Kriv needed to take a swing at something with his double-headed war axe named Soul-Splitter. If he did not, he would probably have gone crazy. So he swung. The axe blade bit deep into the trunk of a great tree, and Kriv had to use some muscle to yank it out. Then he swung again. And again. Even when the glorious tree was laying and dying at his feet did he not stop swinging. Finally, after a good break and having gained himself a stack of firewood, did Kriv only stop swinging Soul-Splitter.
Setting up a slow fire, but then realizing that he had no food to eat with him, he stood up and went to “stretch his legs”. He came across some majestic looking parrots who would have made great pets, a jaguar that was circling him which brought upon it death by splitting (it was chopped in half with Soul-Splitter), and a lone alligator who Kriv decide would be part of his dinner. So he fought with the scaly creature. Not surprisingly, Kriv won the battle without even breaking a sweat. Dragging the carcass, he made it back to where he had hidden the halves of the jaguar. When he had clambered back to his campsite, he sat down and skillfully skinned, and gutted, and roasted his catch. Kriv was satisfied with his hearty meal, and went to sleep happy because he was going to sleep with a full stomach for the first time in approximately a fortnight. What a day it was. And tomorrow he would go searching for jewels that supposedly were easily found here. Jewels that could change his style of living for the rest of his life. It was a great day, but tomorrow was going to be even better. He assured himself. Then he went to sleep, with the only thing scaring away predators being the fact that he had hung the skins of his kills around his campsite to show who was better, who was boss. He was!
“ ‘I Am Dragon’ ‘No Retreat, No Surrender’ Remember these, for they will be the last things that my enemies shall hear…”
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