2017 Random RP Archives
The grand Airship that sails Revaliir's skies, it stops in many cities, and offers a good means of non-magical transportation between the continents.
Treacherous marshes, fertile wetlands, disease, dangerous animals and monsters, there are many dangers that lurk within the delta of the river Casteral. But some things are worth the risk.
A vast bamboo forest that can be beautiful or terrifying, depending on your intentions.
A vast treasure hoarded by an ancient dragon, the nearby dwarves of Baltil guard the only hallway leading into the dangerous, but beckoning, caverns.
The arid Sarchu Valley was formed by a colossal river that once ran through Canelux. Though the waters dried up thousands of years ago, the canyon walls are riddled with limestone caves. Many adventurers brave the desolate lands in search of the fossilized remains of ancient creatures, as well as treasures hidden more recently.
An island situated between Canelux and Parvpora, a place where many cultures from both continents collide.
A tranquil public bathhouse that offers not only its hot water but also massage services. This building is ornate and service some of the most top ranking officials in Abed.
An inn on the road between Tarishitar and Wyllmochvar, it was once the best place to stay before airships started sailing the skies. It still caters to travellers on the road, though whispers of hauntings plague the area.
Within the largest of Parvpora's Dead Zones sits a barren land where life is harsh. Nomadic tribes, terrifying wildlife and the only known location of an ore that is so valuable, many will kill to possess it. Dare you risk all for the prize?
A tall tower that goes into the clouds. It is a large structure that gives its respect to all Gods that have fallen of both Canelux and Parvpora. This is where priests and priestesses go when they still want to teach about their god regardless if that god is no longer in the conclave.
The mighty roaring falls of Canelux's forest region. A tale of two raging rivers that created something beautiful in their wake.
A massive cave complex accessed by a mysterious entrance carved into the side of the mountain, Tenebrim Dungeon draws adventurers by rumors of treasure guarded by vicious orcs.
[Life/Love] This realm is massive. One of the largest and most beautiful godly realms in existence. It can be short or it can go on for days depending on your heart. This place heals you both in body and mind. It is also a never-ending source of food for the people of Revaliir when food is in shortage. Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love, or The Mother.
A realm cast in perpetual sunset, the Storm Wolf rules absolutely over the creatures and storms that wander her home. Moliira is The Storm Wolf and the Huntress
[Death/Desire] The Underworld of Revaliir, Porta Inferni is home to the Circulorum Inferni, where the lost souls of the mortal plane spend their days in eternal torment. The Reaper of Souls dwells here in the Domus Tenebris. Dalanesca is the Reaper of Souls, or The Siren.
Event Forum Within Inferos, the realm of the Underworld, there exist nine circles where the souls of the damned are tormented.. Fight your way through the Nine Circles and make it to Domus Tenebris, to defeat the Nightmare and beg the Reaper to have mercy on the afflicted!
Event Forum Created by the remains of the greed stricken frost wyvern and the surrounding mountainside of Itjivut, this stronghold holds both the beast's luxurious horde and that of the power keeping Canelux in an endless state of Glaciem.
The realm within Angela's Soul-Stream has been opened. A land that doesn't quite make sense and is filled with oddities. A darkness is lingering behind the madness of the Soul-Stream. Event: Madness of the Soul-Steam
[Chaos/Darkness] An array of ever changing, floating islands high in the heavens, the Cradle lies in the very center of them. The unpredictable structure is governed by Xunatar, the King of Nightfall or the Walking Paradox.
[Exploration/Motivation] Located in the depths of Virens Forest, Ssriryuu-Ra, is one of those places that often finds you before you find it. Weary travelers that pique this land’s interest can often be pulled into its spatial grasp imperceptibly as they journey onwards...to be greeted by a calming respite that can only be described as an arborial paradise. It is presided over by Ivacus Manaclaw, He Who Walks the Endless Road, Pathfinder Supreme, and the Strength of the Weak.
Located off the western coast of Canelux, these areas are largely isolated from the mainland, and from each other. The region is as large as it is diverse.
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