Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Fri Sep 9, 2016 11:06 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca did not say much as she and Marth entered the quarters to which Martin had been moved.  Though she had established a friendly relationship with Martin, she knew that the two of them had much more history and much more in common than she ever would with Martin, especially now.  Allowing he and Marth to converse mostly alone made the most sense, but she remained present in case her input was needed.

Marth posed his question to Martin, which was met with slight confusion as he had expected.  Dalanesca just sat back, until their conversation was finished and he offered her his congratulations.  She stared at him for a moment before giving him a warm smile.  “Thank you, Martin.  And don’t hesitate to call on me for help with anything you may need - as long as you drop the damn ‘lady’ from before my name,” she said with a wink as she ducked out of the room.

She transported with Marth to his tower, where the Skylance was ready for them.  Stepping onto the platform, she nodded at Marth in indication that she was ready to head to Wyllmochvar.

Author: Marth, Posted: Wed Sep 7, 2016 3:44 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth followed Dalanesca to the room Martin had been placed in. Luckily, he had woken up again, and was nibbling on a piece of fruit as Marth entered. “So… That was not a dream.” Marth gave Martin a sad smile. “No, it wasn’t.” “She’s really a god.” “Yes.” “She’s really going to marry you.” “That’s the plan.” “And you really knocked her up.” “Goddess of fertility said so.” “And you need me to be your best man.” “Best man for the job.”

Martin sat in silence for a brief moment, before sighing, resigning to the truth. “Alright. Was there anything else?”

Marth replied with a firm nod. “I didn’t just bring you here to share news about my lovelife… And its results,” Marth said half-jokingly. “There’s another matter. We need a voucher for two thousand silver, cashable in Wyllmochvar.”

This provoked a raised eyebrow from Martin. “Two thousand? Marth, you have a goddess beside you. What on Revaliir would you need that much money for?”

Marth, in reply to this, shook his head. “We’ve counted up commodity gems to compensate. The money is secondary, see, it’s the voucher that matters.”

Martin looked confused. “I don’t follow.”

“My plan involves confronting my old mentor, a man by the name of Kavesz Morlaverli. He’s a senator in Wyllmochvar now, and his position is consolidated. It’d take a lot to force his hand and make him slip up,” Marth replied.

“Senator? Oh… Paper trail. You want a paper trail that’ll spook him.” Martin looked like he was catching on.

“Correct,” Marth responded. “One that can be traced back to a known demon-hunter organization, perhaps. And two thousand is a substantial amount. By the time he picks up the paper trail, enough time will have passed for me to have put that money to use. That’ll force him to make a move,” he continued, smiling slyly at Martin, who by now understood what marth needed the voucher for.

“Adeluni trade guild cheque should do it. I have a few on me, hang on.” Martin wrote up the cheque and handed it to Marth, with a firm nod. “Don’t spend it all in one place,” he joked.

“I won’t”, Marth said, with a grin. “My steward will see to your compensation. For now, Dalanesca and I have to leave,” he said, stuffing the cheque into a pocket in his sleeve.

“Not bringing me along?” Martin asked.

“Not this time,” said Marth. “Dalanesca’s origins are unknown to Wyllmochvarian authorities. You’re too high-profile,” he said. “But we’ll be fine. I have a plan.”

Martin nodded. “Alright, then. I’d say ‘gods be with you’, Marth, but it seems they are so much more than that,” he said, finally able to chuckle. “Oh, and lady Dalanesca… Congratulations,” he finished, as Marth and Dalanesca left the room.

“Okay,” Marth said, smiling at Dalanesca. “Down to business.” He closed his eyes. “Take us to the Skylance,” he commanded, and the realm complied. Within seconds, Marth was plotting coordinates and preparing the Skybridge. “Ready, milady?” he asked, as he took his place on the platform and held his hand over the button that would launch them into Pravpora.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Wed Sep 7, 2016 2:03 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca calmed a bit more as Marth slid into bed next to her.  She was grateful for his silence until her crying had receded, for she had just needed a bit of time to let her emotions take over.  When she had calmed even further, Marth spoke to her, and she responded softly.  “Of course I promise those things… I just wasn’t expecting this to top everything off,” she said, a hand coming to rest on her still very flat stomach.  Of course, it would be some time before the fact that she was carrying a child would show - they had conceived a child only hours ago - but the thought that there was already a tiny sprout of life forming inside of her was still alien to her.  “We will be fine - I know that.  It’s just going to take me a bit of adjustment time for the idea.  After all, it wasn’t planned,” she said, with a knowing smile.

She turned to look at him willingly when he pulled at her, enjoying the quick kiss that he gave her.  “You’re right,” she said, sitting up and wiping the few remaining tears from her eyes.  “Wedding planning can wait and we’ve got quite some time before we will be parents - let’s deal with Kavesz,” she said, and it was clear on her face that she meant it.  Destroying the shards was still high on her priority list, even with all of the other events taking place currently.  She straightened out her clothing and stood up, walking to the door.  Grabbing the handle, she cracked it open, and turned back to him.  “After you, love,” she said, gesturing out into the hallway.  She assumed that Martin would respond more favorably to Marth’s appearance first, if he were awake, after having gone unconscious so suddenly.

Author: Marth, Posted: Wed Sep 7, 2016 1:35 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth looked at Martin, slumped on the floor, and sighed. “Yeah. In my defense, there was no way to blunt that blow for him.” He stepped out into the hallway, and hailed a magister, arranging for Martin to be moved to a separate room and cared for. When he came back, he saw Dalanesca slumping into bed crying, and with a sad smile, he went over to her and crept into the bed next to her.

As he was laying in bed spooning her, he thought about the ramifications of the news. It would be a challenge, to be sure. Balancing their duties with raising a child would be difficult for the both of them, and Angela had risen some concerns. However, Marth was, all things said and done, optimistic. He waited until Dalanesca’s sobs calmed down a little before speaking again. “I know it’s a lot to take in, milady. But I’ll promise to pull through as a father and husband, if you promise me to do the same as mother and wife.”

As Dalanesca calmed down, Marth eventually tugged at her shoulder to get her to look at him, and gave her a quick kiss. “Come on. You may be pregnant, but there’s still a job to do. If Kavesz is actively looking for more shards, he needs to be shut down.” He climbed out of bed, and began readying himself for travel again. “Let’s go see if they’ve shaken some life into Martin. We need that voucher if we’re going to force Kavesz’s hand before he learns about you.”

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Wed Sep 7, 2016 12:45 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca took in everything that Angela said, blinking slowly and nodding automatically as her fellow goddess spoke to her.  She had seen Angela go through her pregnancy with Rohan and it seemed as though she had no difficulty with it - but how many time had Angela given birth?  This was something that Dalanesca had never experienced, let alone even thought about in more than a fleeting manner before.  It was a lot to take in, but she was strong willed enough to handle it, even if she felt a bit light headed at the prospect. “I won’t hesitate to contact you if I need you, Angela, you are well aware of that,” she added, with a bit of a smile.  She was certainly not hesitant to request Angela’s help when it was needed - help with her pregnancy would be no different.  Her smile faded significantly as she shot Marth a disdainful look when he mentioned telepathic screaming.  “Let’s not talk about things like that just yet, yeah?” she said, nudging him back a bit.

When Angela shifted the subject to her marrying the two of them, Dalanesca simply beamed.  “Do you think I would want anyone other than you to do it?” she said in response.  The thoughts of her pregnancy still spun in her mind, but she welcome the change of pace with the change in conversation.  Her attention turned to the exchange between Marth and Martin, and she could not help but realize the gravity of the situation as Martin spilled it all out in a very calm voice.  

She found herself quite surprised that Martin was taking things so well, and almost laughed at the misgivings in Marth’s voice as he spoke to the young nobleman - though her laughter quickly turned to a quiet noise of surprise as Martin flat out fainted in front of them.  Marth’s lack of worry for the man’s well being took her off guard for a moment, but she soon realized that her emotions were running high and a mortal human fainting was really nothing to worry about.  

“It is a lot to take in, for anyone… let alone a mortal who has just had his world view completely changed,” she said, with a slow nod.  Marth’s next question for her gave her slight pause.  “Suppose I’ll ask Moliira,” she said.  “One Triune officiating, one being married, and one as a witness, it seems only fitting, does it not?” she asked.  At that moment, Angela expressed her weariness and after offering the couple another congratulatory gesture, took her leave with Rohan.

Dalanesca glanced at Martin once more, sighing.  “I suppose we should get him taken care of, yeah?” she asked Marth.  “Shall we summon some magisters to tend to him, or would you rather take it upon yourself?”  Waiting for his answer, she wandered back over to her bed and sat down, the weight of her newfound information settling on her shoulders.  She could feel her eyes burning, and was suddenly hit with an overwhelming urge to cry - and she did.

Sobs wracked her body, and she lay down sideways on the bed, resigning to let Marth deal with the Martin situation.  It was just too much for her to deal with at the current moment, and letting her emotions out was surely going to be more helpful than bottling them up.  Pulling her knees up to her chest, she curled up, the sobs quieting but tears still streaming from her eyes.  It was clear that she was not sad - she just had far too much to deal with it, and much like how Martin dealt with it by fainting, she was dealing by crying. 

Author: Marth, Posted: Sun Sep 4, 2016 1:53 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth hugged Dalanesca a little tighter as she replied to him. “Wow. Yes, that is a bit sappy,” he said with a smirk, and proceeded to listen to Angela’s explanation of what to expect in the coming months. After she was done, and had announced her desire to perform the ceremony, Marth finally chimed in. “Like you said, Angela, as long as we keep you within earshot we should be fine.” With his arm still around Dalanesca, he nudged her. “And if push comes to shove, I’m fairly certain you’ll hear her when she telepathically screams for help,” he said, jokingly.

He then went over to Martin and nudged him. “Hey, Martin. I’m going to need a best man, and as it happens, my old mentor is… Well, excluded from such duties. Would you fill in?”

The young lord sighed, and stood up. “Let me get this straight. I, a mortal man, am to be the best man in a wedding where the bride and minister are both goddesses, standing beside you which are now my spiritual superior despite being an atheist a few months ago, quite probably in a temple-realm in which I would not dare trespass for more than a few hours, and be seated next to - and engage in casual conversation with - the very gods and goddesses I have spent my entire life worshipping as superpowerful, immortal, mysterious beings far above the capacity of my mortal understanding - the same kind of deity which you, my mortal friend, have just made pregnant on top of everything else. Did I miss anything?”

Martin looked calmer than he ever had, but his voice had a slight edge to it - showing that he wasn’t far away from going completely into shock. This resulted in marth standing in awkward silence for a few moments, before hesitantly stammering. “N-no..? No, I think you’ve got it.”

Martin nodded firmly, and said “Good. Just checking,” before promptly slumping to the floor, fainted.

Marth turned to Angela and Dalanesca, sighed, and shrugged. “Well. I suppose it’s a lot to take in for him,” he said, too awkward to do anything but state the painfully obvious. He then looked at Dalanesca, pondering. “Who’re you going to pick, Dalanesca? For maid of honour, I mean. Obviously, Angela won’t be able to fill both roles.”

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Thu Sep 1, 2016 1:14 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Angela took her baby back gleefully as she held onto him. She had sensed what she said next from the moment she entered the room. She had gone through how she would tell them a million times but she settled on just blurting it out. “Oh, I wouldn’t be so quick to say that.” She chuckled towards the very shocked Dalanesca as she said Angela was mistaken. It only took the goddess a few moments to figure out that Angela wasn’t trying to pull one over on her.

Letting Marth and Dalanesca have their moment Angela looked down at Rohan. He had other plans as the child’s song filled the room. It was an amazing melody, much like the one he performed at his own name day. “Yes, you are pregnant,” Angela mused as she snuggled Rohan against her. 

Listening to Dalanesca’s words she chuckled, “Now that is sappy. I thought I heard all the sap from Drae’s mouth.” She was teasing once more. “You’ve only been pregnant a few hours. My record time of telling someone they’ve conceived was within four hours. You can thank my niece for that one. She just gave birth to beautiful twins.”

A sly look came to Angela’s face as she thought about it. “Maybe I should lie to you! I jest, it is hard. You will hate on your spouse most likely. Keira got a hold of vases and other breakables. If Torn wasn’t so nimble he would have been nailed a few times. It’s painful but it is over rather quickly as long as we don’t have a breach or problem. If it is too big of a problem I have to get the babies out by force…” Her mind went to Bryony and she frowned. “There are cases when the babes don’t make it. My oracle just had that happen to her. Her spouse is still trying to tell her she was pregnant… If the baby doesn’t make it then you are left to either give birth to the dead baby if it is far enough along OR I take it out surgically. Never the less, you are a goddess and I’m sure the baby will be healthy. There are risks even we have. I’ll want to see you every few weeks up until the last trimester then we will see each other every few days. Your body might be too powerful for the baby and I’ll have to balance you out. It all depends and everyone is different. You wanted to know what it’s truly like and I’m not about to sugar coat it. I’ve never lost a baby and I don’t intend to. Those I do cut out dead are usually like that when they get to me. I’ve never lost a mother either. My daughter Gissa died during labor but I wasn’t home… So just make sure you get to me. Call me. Whatever.”

Switching back to a happier topic she just smiled, "I also want to marry you two."

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:55 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca stood rooted to the spot momentarily as Marth embraced her, still in shock from the news which Angela had delivered to the pair.  She was not necessarily upset by the information, but mostly taken aback by how suddenly Angela had just brought it to their attention.  Had she told the pair that there was something important she must tell them and softened the delivery a bit, she may not have been so shocked - but that was not the case. After a moment, her body lost some of its tension and she let herself melt against Marth, taking in the comfort of his arms wrapped around her.

The laughter that came from Marth set her at ease somewhat - he seemed downright thrilled with the prospect of becoming a father.  Motherhood was not something that she had ever planned on going through, but with the idea of it planted in her brain now, she could not help but smile a bit at the thought - and besides, she could not think of a better person to start a family with than the man she had now pledged to marry.  

She could feel tears beginning to form in her eyes, and quickly snuck a hand up to wipe them away.  Marth finally spoke to her, the tone of his voice and his words assuaging any worry that she was feeling.  She nodded weakly at his words.  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” she said, a strong smile creasing her lips.  “With you by my side, I can be ready for anything,” she added, well aware of how absolutely sappy she sounded - but it was true.  Had she found out this information when Marth had not been with her, she was unsure of how she would have been able to handle it.

She glanced to Angela again.  “Well, now that you’ve dropped that bombshell on us… how long have I been pregnant?” she asked.  She was curious as to when their many consummations had resulted in her impregnation.  “And can you give me some idea of what to expect?  You’ve birthed about seventy million children,” she said with a laugh, exaggerating slightly.  “What’s it like?”  She pressed back into Marth for support, drawing his arms in closer around her as she waited for Angela to respond.

Author: Marth, Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 6:35 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth looked a little dumbfounded by Angela’s statement, his mouth open but not forming any words. Martin, on the other hand, rolled his eyes in exasperation. “And of course Marth has knocked her up, to boot. Would be silly of me to expect less.” The young lord just meandered over to a table, and began picking at the snack fruit present, apparently intent on locking the world out for a moment just to process all this new information.

But after a brief while, Marth looked at Dalanesca, and exhaled sharply, still surprised. He collected himself, however, and with a stoic expression, walked over to her, and picked up Rohan, handing him back to his mother. Once the baby was out of harm’s way, the mage virtually threw himself at Dalanesca, embracing her tightly, and laughing. In short, he took the news with enthusiasm, and quite a lot of it. He calmed down after a few seconds, but still held her tight. He was silent for a few moments more, not quite able to find the right words. Finally, he managed to find a few he figured Dalanesca might want to hear. “I’m ready if you are.”

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 11:46 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca felt a small wave of relief as Martin expressed his understanding.  She was grateful that Angela had come to assist her and Marth with getting Martin to understand.  She gave Martin a quick smile when he stepped closer to her, intent on getting a closer look at Rohan.  The words of fealty that Martin spoke were quite welcome.  “Balance is lucky to have someone like you on its side, Martin,” she said, her voice taking on a fairly official air.  “And it would be only fitting for Marth to take a place at that council - unless it will retract from his duties as my Redeemer and Destroyer,” she said, her voice filled with playful warning.

She smiled warmly at Marth as he came to join her, laughing softly at his awkwardness with Rohan.  When the baby began to fuss from the magic resonating from her companion, Dalanesca gently bounced him as Marth stroked his forehead.  When Rohan had calmed, she smiled and held him for a moment longer.  As Marth wrapped his arm around her, she passed Rohan back to his mother and pressed into Marth, smiling warmly as he presented the news of their relationship to Martin, as well as the news of their engagement to both Martin and Angela.   

Martin’s reaction was about what she had expected, and she could not help but laugh as he said that nothing would surprise him anymore.  It was at this time that Angela chimed in, congratulating the two of them on something completely different than what they had been discussing.  “…What?” Dalanesca said, staring at Angela in complete and utter confusion, her mouth staying slightly parted.  She had heard the words spoken by her fellow goddess, but they were not making sense in her mind.  “I think you misheard Marth, Angela,” she said, her voice wavering slightly.  “We’re getting married, not having a b- oh,” she said, her voice becoming quite small.  She stood still for a moment, before opening her mouth to speak again.

“Are… are you telling me that I’m pregnant?” she asked Angela, her voice shaking slightly.  She looked at Marth out of the corner of her eye, for any sort of response to the information that had just been revealed to the pair.  The two of them had not really discussed the prospect of having a family together, and she had not put much thought into the matter herself.  In all honesty, there was no lack of opportunity for her to have become pregnant, but it had been the furthest from her mind.  She was not necessarily afraid, but more worried about what Marth’s reaction to the news would be.  She cast him another glance, pleading with him to say something - anything - to clue her in on his thoughts.  

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:38 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Angela gave Martin a smile and was in love with the way Dalanesca was holding onto Rohan. “Isn’t he though? He looks much like his father, for that I am glad. I have many daughters running around who look like myself.” She chuckled towards Dal and Marth before giving Martin a smile. “Motherly is a used many use for me yes. I have a new title as well. My domain has expanded but Dalanesca can tell you of that later.”

Listening to Martin she just nodded. “I remember your family name and crest. It is the least I can offer up since I have many families who pilgrimage to my temple over the decades. Please do not be offended by that. I can assure you that Dalanesca has taken Mendean’s place as Triune with Moliira and myself. This is our way. When one falls another much rise.”

Angela gave Marth a wary smile as he announce that Marth and Dalanesca were a couple. She was more amused with how Rohan was playing with Marth now that he had calmed down. “He sings you know. If you are patient with him, he sings a song only a skilled bard would know. Very talented for a baby.” She let Martin finished speaking.

“Is that a challenge?” She looked at Martin and smirked a bit. “I must say, congratulations are in order. Dalanesca… Marth… Congratulations on your baby.” 

Author: Marth, Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:18 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth went over to Martin, who by now seemed to have somehow shorted. His awe, even his surprise, was replaced by something more reminiscent of muted acceptance of the scene unfolding before him. All his intellect, the way he was raised - the scene before him defied reason. And yet, in this realm, he could not help but feel the power resonating from the two women, who up close seemed so very human. Marth gave him a slight push to jog his senses and snap him back to reality. “You alright, Martin?”

The armoured knight rubbed his neck. “I’m fine. It’s just… It’s a tough nut to swallow,” he said, looking at Angela. “Without a doubt, that is the Earth Mother.” The young man walked over to Angela and Dalanesca, his apprehension gone. By his deep bow as he approached, he was still being respectful, but there was no longer any fear. Awe had given way to friendliness. The lordling looked at Rohan, and found himself smiling. Since it was Dalanesca holding him, he felt comfortable enough to step close enough to have a proper look. “All these years worshipping the Earth Mother, goddess of fertility, and never once did I even contemplate how very… motherly you are,” he said, looking at Angela with a smile. “I am Martin du Reolar, a nobleman of Adeluna. My father took me to your temple-realm on a pilgrimage some years ago.” He looked at Rohan again, chuckling. “I did not believe Dalanesca had become a deity, I must admit,” he said, and took a step back, kneeling before Dalanesca. “I know you’re not a formal person, so let me just say that I am at your service, as friend and devout believer.” He stood up, smiling. “Naturally, the Fellhunter Fraternity is at the beck and call of our gods, and as your high priest, Marth will immediately be nominated for a seat in the Fellhunter Council.” He then turned to Marth, remembering. “Speaking of which, you had something else to say?”

Marth went over to Dalanesca, smiling. He looked slightly embarrassed at the whole situation, but he took his time to look at Rohan properly. He wasn’t experienced with children, however, and with the child so sensitive to magic, it must have picked up on the draconic forces in Marth body, for it began to wail. Lucky for Marth, his voice was a relatively soothing and pleasant one, if not necessarily friendly in tone. “Shhhh… Like your rosenite kin will tell you, child, not all dragons are evil,” he said, stroking the babe’s forehead until it settled down. It was not before then that Marth put his hand around Dalanesca. “Well. As Angela most certainly know, and you probably have deduced by now, Martin, Dalanesca and I are, as you Adeluni say, ‘an item’. We’ve been together for a while - since we recovered that first shard,” he said. He took a sharp breath, half expecting an inhumanly loud whine of excitement from Angela. “Last night, I asked for her hand.” He looked at Dalanesca with a smile, before returning his gaze to Angela and Martin. “And she said yes.”

Martin just shrugged. “Wyllmochvarian mage, who I thought was an atheist until ten minutes ago, is marrying the goddess for which he is high priest - both of which I consider friends. It’s official. Never again will anything surprise me.”

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:50 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalaneseca immediately walked over to her bed where she sat down on the edge when the three had been transported to her quarters.  It was very odd for her to be in her room with Marth and the two of them not be alone - usually they had the place to themselves.  She did not dwell on said thought very long, however, as within moments of their arrival, Angela had also appeared in her quarters, holding Rohan.

Dalanesca beamed at her fellow Triune goddess, getting up and walking towards Angela and Rohan.  The babe seemed a bit on the fussy side, and Dalanesca frowned, reaching out to take the infant from Angela.  “I think maybe you’re right,” she said, smiling sweetly down at Rohan and holding him close to her.  She glanced up at Marth, a smile on her face, and walked over to him, forgetting momentarily why they had summoned Angela.  “Here he is,” she said, using her free hand to stroke a finger down Rohan’s cheek.  “Look at him… pure perfection in his little face,” she said, her voice nearly swooning.

After a moment, she returned her attention to the other parties present in the room.  “My apologies, but I was distracted by my godson.”  She gave Angela one more smiling glance, and turned back to Martin.  “Martin… I know this is a lot to grasp.  Last you saw me, you were still under the impression that I was nothing more than a human, aiding Marth in his quest.  Now, I stand before you claiming to be a Goddess.  You are not a daft man - you are intelligent, and it is this intelligence that breeds your skepticism.  I understand that.”  She turned to Angela for a moment, now addressing her.

“Angela, Marth has brought you here to assist us in showing Martin here that I am, in fact, divine - not just divine, but a third of Triune, as well.”  She glanced to Marth and Martin, then back to Angela.  “Of course, getting to see Rohan is an added bonus,” she said, grinning.  Her smile faded quickly.  She took pause once more, and it was clear that she was at a slight loss for words.  “Marth?” she said, inviting him to take over the conversation.

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 5:17 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Angela was in Rohan’s nursery when she got the message from Marth. She hummed a bit and picked up her little ball of joy. He was fussing at her. “Please Love, we’ve been at this all morning.” She chuckled a bit and held him to her. He calmed his fuss and kissed Rohan’s little nose. “There we go.” She didn’t want him to be all snotty when he met Marth for the first time. She decided to keep him in his night clothes and wrapped him up in a silky soft blanket just for him.

She peeked in on Iva who was still asleep and sighed a bit. “I’ll get her dress then.” She closed the door and her nightgown shifted into a beautiful ruby robe set. It matched her hair. Her hair was pulled back and it was obvious she just didn’t think she had the time to look completely glamorous. 

Bouncing Rohan, she appeared in Dalanesca’s room with a smile on her face. She looked to Marth, Dalanesca, and finally made a face at Martin. “I know your family from somewhere.” She couldn’t put her finger on it but she shrugged. The magic from the shifting realms made Rohan start to fuss and cry lightly. “Easy kid, it was just a gate spell.” She began to shush him. “He is so in tune with magic. It’s incredible.” She smiled at Dalanesca. “Marth this is Rohan.”

Angela gave another smile and kissed Rohan’s little nose again. “He’s been upset for hours. He just can’t figure out what he wants. That is the worst kind of crying. First, he wanted music… and then he wanted food… And he was tired so I let him nap and he wasn’t pleased with all that I picked him up to bring him here.  Maybe he just misses you, Dal.”  

Author: Marth, Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 4:58 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Martin looked at the Blinded Scales, eyes wide open in awe. As a demon-hunter, he also had witch-hunting talents, and so he could, with confidence, say “This is no illusion. This place is real.” Marth grinned and gave the lordling a pat on the back. “Indeed it is. Welcome to the Blinded Scales.”

Marth spent some time pointing out the landmarks and explaining to Martin how the realm worked. “… and that’s the courthouse, where Dalanesca has her quarters.” Martin was still awestruck, but his expression soon receded into light skepticism. “Okay, Marth, you have my attention now. All of this is… Fairly compelling.” He turned to Marth again, his expression troubled. “But I am afraid I must ask for more confirmation. Not for myself, I believe you, but to present to the fraternity. With a secondhand account from a person of enough influence, I can assure both of you get high-ranking positions and privileges in the fraternity. Especially you, Da - eh. My lady.” Martin made an awkward bow, and Marth thought on it for a moment. “You have a portrait of the Earth Mother in your hall. Am I correct in assuming you’ve met her?” Martin looked up at Marth with a shocked expression, like Marth had just asked the queen of Adeluna for an audience so she could measure his penis. “Are you saying what I think you are? Triune deities arn’t people you just summon, Marth!” In reply, Marth smirked. “Like I said, she and Dalanesca are fast friends. Besides, Dalanesca is now a triune goddess herself. Furthermore, lady Angela just gave birth - and with Dalanesca as the godmother, I do believe it is time we met,” he said, to Martin’s horror.

Marth closed his eyes and focused on his connection to the Blinded Scales. “Blinded Scales, obey your Redeemer and Destroyer. Let a message resonate to the divine temple-realm of the Sundering Gardens.” A glow appeared in the sky - the realm tapping into Dalanesca’s connection with the other gods, and Marth in turn tapping into the realm. “Lady Angela, I apologise for calling you at this early hour. Dalanesca and I have news, and we have a friend we need you to meet. If you have time, please - meet us in Dalanesca’s quarters. And bring Rohan, I’d like to meet him. Oh, and I finished Iva’s dress.” The call started very formal, much to Martin’s relief, and proceeded to become more casual and personal, to his horror. Marth then grinned, and grabbed Martin’s hand once more. “Scales, do teleport us to Dalanesca’s quarters, please.” The realm immediately obeyed, and Marth, Dalanesca, and Martin found themselves in Dalanesca’s suite.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 3:46 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca furrowed her eyebrows momentarily.  She could understand why Martin would not be quick to accept what Marth was explaining to him, but it did catch her off guard that he was so quick to dismiss them.  She could see the skepticism on Martin’s face as well as the faces of his men, and she felt a bit put off by the entire situation.  As a deity she resonated a certain aura, but it was something that could easily be shrouded by disbelief if she was not purposely exerting her power.  She supposed that Martin’s disbelief at the situation would have been more than enough to do such.

She let Marth continue to speak, knowing full well that Martin would more than likely believe what he had to say before he would believe her.  When the nobleman had dismissed his men, she sent her magisters away, to hang back for the time being.  If Martin wanted privacy to discuss the matter at hand in, then she would do everything to facilitate it that she was capable of.  

Instead of interjecting with some elaborate gesture to prove her divinity, she let Marth have his discussion with Martin.  She did feel displeasure at the lack of trust in the two - she would have wholly understood if she had been the one telling Martin the information, as she had not known him for very long, but he had a history with Marth - and the two had been through a lot.  Marth would gain absolutely nothing by lying to Martin - especially such a ridiculous lie that could very easily be unearthed.  In her opinion, her lover did a wonderful job of explaining how things had happened to Martin - so much so that the young man had agreed to allow them to show him the Blinded Scales.

Dalanesca felt a smile creep over her lips as Martin agreed to travel with them, and she gestured to the magisters that had fallen back a ways for them to return to the Blinded Scales, each of them disappearing without so much as a sound as they understood her signal.  After Martin and Marth had disappeared from the moral plane, she too disappeared silently.  

When she had reappeared back in her own realm, she immediately dismissed the magisters that had travelled with them, and sent them off to take care of other duties.  “Myself or Master Coralax will call on you when we are ready to travel once more,” she said stiffly, and the magisters hurried off to take care of different things.  She had appeared a few meters away from Marth and Martin, so she walked over to the pair, taking in the expression on Martin’s face.  

“I can let Marth show you around without me, if you would be more comfortable,,” she said to Martin, trying to sound as casual as she could.  She remembered how difficult it had been for Marth to accept at first, so she was understanding as to why he would be skeptical- but there was no limit to what she could show him if necessary.  “I am happy to accompany, however, if that would help more,” she added.

Author: Marth, Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:53 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth simply smiled at Dalanesca as she scolded him for his theatrics, knowing full well he was making her a little uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Martin’s men looked at Dalanesca with various expressions: Some with disbelieving disdain, others with awe - but the most prevailing expression by far was sceptical apprehension. Martin himself looked shocked - in part because he couldn’t comprehend why Marth was lying, in part because he thought that he did lie - and as such was guilty of blasphemy. Marth decided to chime in before his stunt alienated their noble friend.

“It’s difficult to believe, I know,” Marth began, approaching Martin carefully. “I, too, was doubtful at first - being Wyllmochvarian, I never put much stock in gods,” he continued, looking at the young noble with an understanding expression. “But make no mistake, you are addressing the Justiciar, and I am her Redeemer and Destroyer, her high priest.”

Martin looked long and hard at Marth and Dalanesca in turn. After a brief silence, he waved his men away. “Leave us in private. I wish to speak with them alone.” The men grumpily complied, putting some hundred metres between themselves and Martin, Dalanesca, Marth, and the magisters. Martin rode up to Marth, with a stern expression. “You claim Dalanesca has undergone apotheosis and become divine. When did this supposedly happen?”

Marth sighed at Martin’s behaviour, clearly disappointed. “I have no reason to lie to you, Martin. You could at least do us the courtesy of giving us the benefit of the doubt - and keep in mind that, if we are lying, such a tone might incur disapproval by a goddess.” The cold, formal, threatening way Marth replied to Martin gave the young cavalier pause, for while powerful and, in his own way wise, he knew that Marth was more formidable still - he had seen that firsthand when Marth’s hand slew his father and uncle. Marth dropped the threatening tone as he continued, however, elaborating in a more amicable fashion. “Like I said, I too was sceptical at first. Dalanesca told me while we were staying in your home the last time, when we were hunting Borza.” Marth began to pace back and forth. “To convince me, she took me to her divine temple-realm, the Blinded Scales.” Marth looked up at Martin again. “I am well-versed in magic - that place is no illusion. You, too, can go there - both Dalanesca and I can move in and out of the realm at will,” he explained. The young lord still looked sceptical, but nodded, as if to urge Marth to continue. “During my time there, I have met the Earth Mother a number of times - Angela. She and Dalanesca have become fast friends.” Martin immediately looked at Dalanesca, surprised. Marth just kept talking. “If you still do not believe us, we can take you to the Blinded Scales - right now. If Angela can find the time, she may even appear to confirm Dalanesca’s ascension, though I believe the Blinded Scales will be enough.” Marth offered Martin a hand, smiling. “On your word, we can go. And we can give you the rest of the news once you’ve accepted what is going on.”

Martin looked at Marth, somehow awestruck at the gravity of what the warrior-mage said. He was still skeptical - even doubtful - but he had never known Marth to be a liar, and saw no reason for neither the mage nor assassin to be lying. He tentatively took Marth’s offered hand, giving his reply in a steely voice. “I will see what you have to show me, and then choose whether or not to believe you,” he said, his gaze stern despite the awe he was feeling. “But so help me, Marth, if you are lying… Your words would be a terrible crime,” he said.

Marth, in turn, simply grinned. “I’m shaking in my greaves,” he said, and took Martin to the Blinded Scales.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 2:29 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca raised an eyebrow at Marth.  “Angela gave you those?  I was wondering where they appeared from,” she said, with a bit of a laugh.  “Leave it to her, worming her way into everyone’s bedroom when she’s not even there,” she said with a chuckle.  Angela was by far one of her better friends, but the goddess had a strange obsession with the personal lives of others - she could not blame her, as Life and Fertility seemed to go hand in hand with what happened in the bedroom.  She thought on it a moment, shrugging her shoulders and letting it fall from her mind.  She looked forward to the two of them heading to the Sundering Gardens together, and she was even more excited about sharing the news of their engagement with her fellow Triune goddess - at which point she realized she would need to inform Moliira, as well.  She mentally added it to her list, and turned her attention back to Marth.

“Fine then,” she said, with a bit of a fake pout.  She had, of course, been joking on the prospect of more time alone with Marth, but she knew that they had other things to attend to.  She listened intently as he gave his explanation for not worrying as much about the time, and it brought a smile to her lips when he mentioned that she was generally the reason for being late.  “But what will I do without my strict, overly-punctual Redeemer and Destroyer?” she asked, sticking her lower lip out playfully.  As soon as he was ready, she followed him out of the room and to the Two-Faced Tower, where they quickly used the Skylance to project them to their destination. 

The site that befell her upon their arrival had her at a loss for words.  She could see Martin along with several others - the others being dressed in the exact same manner as the magisters accompanying Marth and herself. She opened her mouth for a split second to say something to Marth, but snapped it shut when Martin called out to them.  Her eyes widened slightly and she looked to Marth for assistance, but it seemed that he was at just as much of a loss as he was.  When Marth confirmed with Martin that they were, indeed, headed for the Blinded Scales, she let out a breath of air and brought a hand to her forehead, looking away for a moment.  His explanation of a pilgrimage furthered Dalanesca’s incredulity, and she let out a barely audible sound.  

When Marth made a show of introducing her, she nearly rolled her eyes.  She gave Martin a little wave, before quickly turning to the magisters.  “Get up,” she said, waving her hands at them.  “You know I hate this nonsense,” she added.  The magisters quickly stood again, and Dalanesca turned to Marth.  “And enough with the theatrics, love,” she said, her voice mildly scolding.  “I’m divine, not a celebrity,” she added.  She turned back to Martin.  “No need for a pilgrimage, Martin,” she said with a smile.  “Pretty sure you’re already in my good graces,” she added with a grin.  “Part of the reason we’re here was to tell you of my ascension,” she added, and turned back to Marth.  “Among other things,” she said, leaving the discussion open for Marth to chime in.

Author: Marth, Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:32 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth was shovelling bread, bacon, and a chunk of omelette in his mouth as Dalanesca replied to his queries. “That would be amusing. Some magister drops by with paperwork to see a tag reading ‘The Master is in the Lady’ hanging on the doorknob.” He chuckled as he wolfed down another mouthful of food - he was clearly ravenous. He was already halfway through the portion when he deigned to open his mouth again. “Jokes aside, I think Martin should be informed. As for Angela… you and I are going to the sundering Gardens to share the news together. I have to thank her for the cuffs and paddles, anyway,” he said, before devouring the last scrap of food on his plate and immediately refilling it.

Marth smirked at Dalanesca (with his mouth full) as she mentioned may having to keep Marth in the room for quite a while. He wolfed down another mouthful before speaking with a sly grin. “I know I informed the magisters we may be a little late, milady, but I doubt I could satisfy you before we’d spent the entire day. It’ll have to wait.” He finished his second portion. “And I’m not feeling lazy, just… When I was a lieutenant - and captain - I always had someone to answer to, someone else’s schedule to keep. Now that I only answer to you - who are my primary reason to be late in any case - I’m trying to learn to ease up a little bit. Besides, with magisters and priests to tend to our needs, an hour is a lot more than before,” he said, his smile more innocent. He then moved over to his armour, kitted up, grabbed the Dragon Lance, and was ready to head out.

Marth and Dalanesca, despite the long dinner, arrived at the Grey Square just as the bells began to chime eight times. As instructed, four magisters were present, ready for travel. Marth looked over them and gave them an approving nod. “To the Tower we go.” They walked towards the Two-Faced Tower, where the Skylance was prepped and ready to beam them down - and so it promptly did.

The group appeared just outside Martin du Reolar’s castle town, appearing just in time to see the lord and his escort heading out, all clad in tabards half black and half white. The astonishment on Martin’s face when Marth, Dalanesca, and the four magisters appeared mere metres away from them would have been hilarious to any outsider. “Marth! Dalanesca! What are you - did you hear about my pilgrimage?” Marth opened his mouth, but was momentarily lost for words. Then he realised that they were accompanied by four magisters - clad in black and white, just like the tabards on Martin and his escort. “You’re… You’re headed for the blinded scales?” Marth asked, to which Martin gave a nod - still with a somewhat spooked expression. “Yes. The moment I heard other gods had appeared, I prepared to make a pilgrimage. Why are you here?” Marth opened his mouth to speak. He then looked lost for words again. Then he just laughed. “Well, Martin, let me save you the trouble and bring your pilgrimage to an end.” He stepped forward, and slammed the Dragon Lance in the ground, letting off a flash. “Let me introduce to you the Justiciar, She who Maintains Order and Balance… Dalanesca.” The magisters immediately took two steps to either side of their goddess, and took to the knee.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:24 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca raised an eyebrow at Marth as he informed her of how much time they would have, but said nothing. It was a bit odd to see him not rushing to meet a deadline. She brushed it off under the assumption that he must still be exhausted from the previous day’s transformation he had undergone. Instead, she stood back and watched him rise from bed, her eyes widening slightly at the obvious changes in the many tattoos and markings on his back. She thought about mentioning the changes, but figured she would leave it for a later time. If she were to be perfectly honest with herself, she was unsure whether Marth would care about the changes at the current moment.

At the knock on the door, Dalanesca turned to face it, listening to the voice that came forth. It was unfamiliar to her, but so were many of the voices attached to her multiple magisters. There were just so many of them, it became quite difficult for her to keep track of them all. However, when Marth addressed the assumed magister at the door, she furrowed her brow for a moment. The apologetic look on Marth’s face gave way to the fact that this Clive was obviously his steward or squire or something thereof, being shortly confirmed thereafter. She sat back quietly and listened to the exchange between the two, giving Clive a quick smile to let him know that she was most certainly not upset by his presence. When he departed, she turned back to Marth, giving him a bit of a head shake.

“Don’t worry about it, love,” she said, with a bit of a smile. “However, I must say… is Marth Coralax being lazy?” she asked, her tone becoming a bit playful. She walked over quickly to where he was getting dressed and stood on the tips of her toes to plant a quick kiss on his lips as best she could given their height differences, and walked away, sitting herself down on the edge of the bed. She could not help but to laugh as Marth listed off the various signs they should obtain for the door, and she giggled softly as she added one of her own. “Perhaps we need one that says the Master is in the Lady?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at him.

Moments later, their food had arrived. As Marth began arranging his own food, she began to scoop her own onto a plate, feeling a bit famished from the strenuous activity she had undergone the night before. While Marth spoke to her about a ring and the implications behind it, she smiled. “I see no need to hide it,” she said, the light in her eyes clearly reflecting the joy she felt at the prospect of their union. “Maybe we can find a beautiful ring somewhere in Wyllmochvar?” she asked, her voice lightening more.

“However - we do have things at hand that need tending to. Perhaps we make an official announcement upon our return from Wyllmochvar?” she said, with a smile. “Granted… might be fun to tell Martin,” she added, her eyes darkening a bit. “It might soften the blow of the information of my ascension,” she said, laughing softly. “ ‘Hello, Martin, good to see you again - what’s that? Oh yes, I’m a goddess… also Marth and I are getting married,’ “ she said, her voice taking a lofty tone of humor. “I’ll leave that up to you, love,” she said, in terms of informally letting others know of their new status. “However, I’ll have to get message to Angela sooner than later… she’ll kill me if she doesn’t find out from me,” she added.

“Finish up and eat, love,” she said, after a moment. “I know you’re feeling a bit lazy today, but I’m very energized and very excited about the prospect of marrying you. If you make me wait too much longer to leave… it’s going to end up being a very long time before I let you out of this room,” she said, narrowing her brow playfully.

Author: Marth, Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 8:37 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth got stirred from his slumber at the sound of the bells, but didn’t really wake up entirely before Dalanesca pecked him on the cheek. He groaned, clearly not in the mood for hurrying at the moment - small wonder, considering how energetic the pair had been the previous evening. He also fell sort of hung over, a side-effect of all the things that his body had underwent the previous day, and so he was in no mood to rush. “Relax, Dalanesca,” he groaned, as she began hurrying to her bureau and getting dressed. “We have an hour.” He sat up, groggily, from his position, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. “We’ll have time to eat before the rendezvous with the magisters.” He got out of bed, his naked form showing something slightly peculiar. The tattoos on his back had grown slightly more pronounced, particularly the older ones, as if the previous day’s metamorphosis had refreshed the ink in his skin. While that wasn’t technically the case, Marth couldn’t exactly see his own back, so he was unaware of the phenomenon himself.

Just as Marth were about to go get dressed, there was a sharp rap on the door. The voice on the other side belonged to Clive, the acolyte which served as Marth’s steward. “Excuse me, my lady Dalanesca. Pardon my intrusion, but is master Coralax with you?” Marth made a half-hearted apologetic gesture in Dalanesca’s general direction. “I’m here, Clive. You may enter.” The young man opened the door, to find his lady dressed and his master not. This didn’t seem to phase him in the slightest - Marth and Dalanesca’s relationship was public knowledge at this point, and being Marth’s steward, Calvin had pretty much seen the whole show already. “Master Coralax, I heard you’re leaving for a mission. Is there anything I should arrange before you depart?” Marth gave a yawn before he properly replied. “Breakfast. And go to the treasury, I need two thousand crescent’s worth of valuables. Make them commodity items - it’s for a transaction.” The young priest nodded, and gave a bow to Marth and Dalanesca in turn. Marth added an afterthought. “And inform the magisters in the Grey Square there’s a chance lady Dalanesca and I will run a little late.” The young priest nodded in affirmation. “Breakfast, Two K silver, may be late. Got it.” Marth smiled weakly at Clive. “Good man.”

When Clive had closed the door and left, Marth turned to Dalanesca, smiling weakly. “Sorry, milady. But I really do need some food before we go - and since we’re unannounced visitors to martin anyway, we can pick our own time.” He went over to the stand where he kept his equipment, and began getting dressed. “And I instructed Clive to look here, if I am not in the Tower and he needs me for some reason. Which reminds me, we should get labels for the door or something.” Marth chuckled a little as he half-jokingly listed the labels that would be good to have. “Do not Disturb. The Lady is in. The Master is in. The Lady and Master are in. Noone is in. Do not Disturb but Feel Free to Listen.”

Just as Marth got properly dressed, a soft knock on the door announced the arrival of food. Doors were opened, tables were set, extra cups of mint tea where ordered by a still somewhat groggy Redeemer and Destroyer. When all was said and done, it was barely a quarter past when Marth had his customary over-easy fried egg, crisp bacon, and dark bread on the plate in front of him. Today, he’d also chosen to partake in a fresh salad with shrimp and mayonnaise, to kickstart the day. As he was arranging his food, Marth looked up at Dalanesca again, his smile wider. “So, milady. I will have to get you a proper ring, of course, but… An engagement is an official thing.” He let the implications hang in the air, for a moment silently terrified that Dalanesca had somehow forgotten.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:28 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca was quite grateful that Marth had not seemed offended in the slightest by her lack of mentioning her further ascension until just now.  A playful squeal emitted from her lips as Marth held her down by the back of her neck, her face pressed into the pillows of the bed.  She could hear the jingle of the chain on the handcuffs as Marth grabbed it, professing to her that she deserved to be taught a lesson.  Her eyes narrowed deviously, and she reached her arms out behind her, allowing for Marth to cuff her wrists together.  “Then by all means, please teach me,” she said, her voice low and sultry.  With a few swift movements on Marth’s end, she soon had her face pressed into the pillows once more, moans and screams of mixed pain and pleasure muffled by their fabric.

“Good does not even begin to describe it, love,” she said, her eyes closing as his hands crossed her chest.  Her wrists were a bit achey from the handcuffs, though the pain was subsiding.  Her hands had begun trailing their way down his chest, intent on reaching a destination below his waist.  She frowned when he kissed her neck and sat up, moving away from her to speak to the realm.  Reality set back in  as his words reminded her that they had things they needed to attend to in the morning.  When he climbed back into the bed, she smiled as he moved in close to her, his lips on her earlobe eliciting a shiver from her.

“We are ready for tomorrow, that is true,” she said, the devious glint returning to her eyes.  “But I don’t think I am quite ready for sleep… not as of yet, anyway,” she said, maneuvering herself and urging Marth into a position so he was lying flat on his back.  She climbed atop him, straddling his torso.  Playfully leaning down, she pressed her lips hungrily into his own, her breasts brushing across his chest.  After a moment of her lips against his own, she moved her mouth to trail across his jawline, lingering on his ear for a moment before tracing down his neck.  

She shifted her body lower along with her lips, lingering on his chest for a while.  Her hands trailed down beneath her, finding their intended destination from before, successful reaching it this time.  Her lips continued their movement for a some time, and before long her mouth had taken over the work of her hands.  Some time after that, she crawled her way back up to him, connecting her body with his own in another manner.

Some time passed, and with a panting sigh she lay down next to him on the bed, her naked skin glistening with beads of sweat in the pale moonlight that now shone through the windows.  Nuzzling her face close to his ears, she closed her eyes.  “I love you,” she whispered, and with that she drifted off into a blissful sleep.


Dalanesca’s eyes fluttered open to bright sunlight streaming in through the windows.  She lay still for a moment, relishing in the weight of Marth’s body next to her own in the bed.  Just then, bells began to time.  She listened, counting them, realizing when the seventh and final bell chimed, she realized that she and Marth had overslept.  Magisters had been instructed to meet them in the courtyard at eight bells, and they were going to need to rush to get ready.

She leaned over and placed a firm kiss on his cheek.  “Wake up, love,” she said, softly, so as not to startle him.  “We need to head out, we’ve slept to long.  It’s already seventh bell,” she added, and climbed out of bed, hurrying over to her bureau.  She had opted against her armed dress, this time, and was clothed neck to toe in black leather armor, her harness fitting properly over it.  “I’m afraid we won’t have time for breakfast,” she said, approaching him.

Author: Marth, Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:08 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth grinned broadly as Dalanesca gave her yes, his heart leaping. He accepted her kiss greedily, and while he paled a little at the prospect of planning a divine wedding, his smile remained. He didn’t even seem phased by the fact that Dalanesca had ascended to become a triune goddess. “Wow, you waste no time planning the wedding without giving me so much as a word,” Marth joked, grabbing Dalanesca by the waist and hoisting her off, taking great pleasure in grabbing the back of her neck and pushing her head into the pillow. “I think, perhaps, that such… rampant autonomy and secret-holding, constitutes a lesson in humility!” He exclaimed, grabbing a pair of handcuffs (a gift from the goddess of fertility), resuming the couple’s earlier ‘game’.

A good hour later, Marth was spooning Dalanesca, once again with a tender hand on Dalanesca’s bruises. His hands reached up, massaging Dalanesca’s breasts as he spoke. “We’re really good at multitasking, aren't we?” Marth joked, clearly referring to their love story in the middle of the demon hunt. Outside, the sun was finally setting. Marth waited for a moment, before kissing Dalanesca’s neck, and turning away. “With that in mind…” Marth sat up in the bed, and addressed the realm itself. “For the notice board: Two female magisters - one light, one dark - and two male magisters, again of different alignments, are to meet lady Dalanesca and the Redeemer and Destroyer in the middle of the Grey Square by eight bells tomorrow morning, prepared to travel.” He got back into bed, and snuggled up to Dalanesca again. “There. All set for tomorrow… My beautiful fiancé,” Marth said, grinning and nibbling on Dalanesca’s earlobe.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Tue Aug 9, 2016 12:26 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Regardless of her divinity, Dalanesca’s body ached all over as a result of their intensity together.  She relished in the feeling, and even more so in the feeling of his hands brushing against the areas with bruises surfacing.  His declaration of love to her fell on welcome ears, and she nuzzled her head against his chest.  “I love you, too, Marth… I really do,” she said, her lips brushing his chest in a soft kiss.  The next words he spoke, his further compliments for her, brought a smile to her lips.  “I know that you love me, you show it more than you think,” she said.  It was true - no matter the degradation that he doled out to her during their love-making - if one could even refer to it as such with what had just happened - she always knew that he loved her.

“When I say that I love you, it means all of you,” she said, her hand trailing down his chest lovingly.  “Every flaw, every insecurity… I love the downsides just as much as the upsides,” she said, her voice soft and affectionate.  His next words, however, drew the breath from her lungs and froze her in shock for a moment.  A marriage proposal was not exactly what she had been expecting, considering she had been pinned down and ravaged only moments ago.

She sat upright, staring at Marth, a ridiculous smile falling across her face.  “Marry you?” she asked, her voice taking on a slightly higher pitched tone.  With zero hesitation, she answered.  “Yes!”  She threw herself down onto him and smothered his lips with her own, ignoring the shooting pains that jolted to the bruised areas of her body.  She pulled away, perched above him, and stared into his eyes for a moment, the smile on her face widening.  The thought of a ring did not cross her mind - nothing crossed her mind other than the absolute happiness that his asking had given her.  “Nothing would make me happier than to know I would be spending forever with you,” she said, paying no attention to how cliched the words sounded as she spoke them.  

“Of course we’ll have to wait until after we go to Wyllmochvar… And of course you’ll need to alert the magisters, there will be so many people!  And Martin, of course, we’ll have to have him there!  And Myter!  We’ll have to invite so many people, Marth!”  She paused, chuckling at herself.  “Sorry… getting a bit carried away here!  But it’s going to be amazing!  And Angela!  Angela can officiate the ceremony for us!” she exclaimed, clearly rambling on a high of euphoria.  “It would only make sense, given as-” she paused, realizing that she hadn’t shared the latest tidbit of information with Marth.  “Given that my ascension has furthered and I’ve become the third Triune,” she said, softly, hoping that the lack of explanation until now would not upset Marth.

Author: Marth, Posted: Mon Aug 8, 2016 10:59 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth opened his mouth as if to protest when Dalanesca ducked away, but was left grinning when Dalanesca went to disarm. While she did, he managed to get out of his armour - without assistance, this time - leaving his robes on on the off chance Dalanesca misunderstood completely. As she appeared naked, however, Marth grinned even wider, and disrobed himself, as well. His eyes were still slits in molten gold, and they drank in Dalanesca’s form. He walked over to her, and gently ran his hands down her sides, before gripping her waist with a growl and throwing her onto the bed, launching himself after her as she landed. He had a hunger, and while the time was just barely past noon, he knew he could feast ‘till nightfall.

Several hours later, the screaming in Marth’s cells was finally subsiding. He was lying in bed, holding around Dalanesca, his eyes normal once again and his voice soft and gentle. “I love you, Dalanesca,” he was saying, gently massaging the damage he had inflicted. There were some bruises, but Marth had said some things that might have stung a bit as well. “I love you, and you’re a beautiful, intelligent, desirable woman. Whatever else I’ve said tonight, know that this is honest,” he said, snuggling closer. In that instant, Marth realised why Dalanesca was so good at keeping him balanced - it wasn’t her divine powers, nor the mere fact that they were together - it was that she accepted all his extremes. His anger, his fears, his joy. Hist lust, his willingness to serve, his desire to dominate. And in doing so, Marth could express himself fully, give resolution to his impulses and still have a safe place to return to afterward. He hugged her even tighter, the realisation tugging at his heart, and he spoke without thinking.

“Marry me.”

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Mon Aug 8, 2016 10:22 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca was about to open her mouth to tell Marth that money was no object, when he further explained his reasoning behind wanting to withdraw silver while they were in Wyllmochvar.  “Makes sense,” she said, taking another bite of the meat that was now dwindling on her plate.  She chewed for a moment, but let out a laugh when Marth reassured her that her eating habits were not abhorrent to him.  “Good to know,” she said, before having fully swallowed the bite in her mouth.  “I suppose we’re past the point of me trying to impress you, anyway, aren’t we?” she said with a bit of a smile.  

“You know, another thing I’d rather we not hide from Martin any longer, aside from my ascension,” she said, her voice softening, though she trailed off as Marth walked over to her, with his arms wrapping around her.  The feel of him against her neck was comforting, and ignited something else within her.  “Is that so?” she responded, her voice soft and playful.  “I suppose that Martin can wait one more night, can’t he?” she said.  

She ducked out from his arms and stood up.  “Let me disarm,” she said, with a smile.  Though she had removed her overcoat, she still wore a harness over her dress with a few blades slung in it.  “I’ll be back in a moment,” she said, drinking in the golden hue of his eyes.  She turned and slinked away from him, ducking behind the changing screen positioned in a corner of the room.  The sounds of metal clanking on the floor could be heard, along with the rustling of fabric as she disarmed.  

A few minutes later, she emerged from behind the screen.  Not only had she disarmed, but she had completely disrobed, as well.  She stood a few feet away from Marth, near the end of her bed, the sunlight shining on her naked skin.  “I don’t suppose this is what you had in mind?” she said, her tongue darting out to lick her lips in an inviting manner.  “Forgive me if I misread,” she said, though the dark intent in her eyes proved that she knew she was absolutely correct.  

Author: Marth, Posted: Mon Aug 8, 2016 10:08 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth seemed hungry, so it took a short while before he began answering questions between mouthfuls. “Martin may come, but it’s not necessary. It all depends on his own preference,” he said, somewhat unclearly thanks to the food in his mouth. “What I need from him is a bank note, so I can withdraw silver in Wyllmochvar that can be traced back to the fraternity.” Marth took a large bite of bread before continuing. “That way, if we’re investigated, we’ll be legitimized as demon hunters, giving us a leg up if Kavesz decides to sic law enforcement on us. It’ll also serve to lend his own actions some urgency. Kavesz is an academic, but he can be aggressive and impulsive - I’m betting on him making a mistake in his hurry,” Marth explained. “And don’t worry about how you eat when we’re in private, milady. I have seen hungry soldiers eat - you’re nowhere close,” Marth emphasized with a grin.

The rest of the meal was eaten rather… efficiently, on Marth’s end of the table. Each cell in his body was screaming for nourishment, his recent transformation having been his first. After the meal, however, Marth felt a great deal more energized. “Well, food is out of the way. Now, I have some… Early concerns, about our travel plans,” he said with a disarming smile. He got up from his chair and walked over to Dalanesca, wrapping his hands around her, snuggling her neck. “That metamorphosis I just underwent got me all pent up,” he said, the tension in his muscles and heat of his skin betraying the truth of his words. His voice tensed a little as he spoke - heavy with affection, but also laden with every tension he was carrying - fear, anger, desire. “So I was wondering if it was quite necessary for us to leave right this instant,” he hinted, his eyes golden slits should Dalanesca look into them.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Sun Aug 7, 2016 4:44 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca closed her eyes as Marth wrapped his arms around her waist, relishing in his welcome closeness.  She nodded in agreement with his words - there was no use in stressing herself out over what had been and what could be.  They needed to replenish their stamina and nourish themselves, or they would absolutely useless out in the field.  His words on which magisters to bring with made sense to her - bringing a good balance with would further help in the order of their party for travel.   

She smiled when Marth told her not to worry about whether or not Martin was going to believe that she had become divine.  She could not blame herself for being trepidatious about the prospect of revealing such to another, as she could easily recall what had taken place when she had attempted to reveal her divinity to Marth.  He had essentially looked at her like she was a stark raving lunatic, and it had taken some serious proof to convince him otherwise.  She nearly chuckled when he mentioned the Earth Mother - her fellow deity, Angela.  She had more in common with Angela now than Marth was aware of, but she did not feel that this was the time or the place to share that with him - not yet, anyway.  It was not that she wanted to hide it from him, there were just other pressing matters at hand and the information she was withholding had no bearing on such matters.

She made her way over to the table that Marth had brought the food to and joined him, not taking anything but merely staring at the spread that had been brought to him.  She shifted her gaze to watch him arrange his plate, and at this moment realized just how much she loved each of his little habits that he possessed.  “I’ve no intention of lying to Martin,” she said, offhandedly, as she reached out and grabbed a hunk of cheese off of the tray that had been brought to them.  She bit into it and chewed thoughtfully for a moment, before continuing to speak.  “I don’t think it will be too difficult,” she said.  “I’m much more in control of my power than I was at first.”  She finally reached out and began to fill her plate with food, after realizing just how hungry she actually was.

“Will we be asking Martin to join us when we travel to Wyllmochvar?” she asked, before beginning to devour the food on her plate much more quickly than Marth had ever witnessed her eating before.  She hadn’t realized it, but her food consumption had dwindled a respectable amount since her ascension - she had been busy, after all.  Having a good, square meal in front of her was a welcome feeling.  After a moment she froze, and laughed at herself.  “Sorry, I’m eating like a soldier,” she said, chuckling.  “Guess I keep forgetting to eat,” she added, lightheartedly.

Author: Marth, Posted: Sun Aug 7, 2016 1:20 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth smiled a bit as Dalanesca sat down next to him, placing her hand on his. “Of course, I know that.” He then let out a sigh. “But the strategist and academic in me cannot help but worry about the consequences,” he continued, rubbing his forehead. “But of course, you’re right. We have to get those shards - they’re disasters waiting to happen, every last one.” He savoured the brief while she was sitting next to him, letting the safety of the Scales settle in again.

He looked at her as she moved over to the window, once again thinking about how lucky he was. But he snapped out of it when she begun to speak - they still had practical problems to deal with. Marth got up and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Easy. We eat, we rest up a little, then we go. We bring four magisters - two male, two female. Two black, two white.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek, before pulling away and relieving himself of some armour pieces. “Don’t worry too much about it. Martin will come around - he’s a devout young man. If you have a hard time, the Earth Mother will be able to convince him beyond a doubt.” Just then, a magister knocked on the door, and Marth went over to fetch the tray of food.

Marth placed the food by the table, and began setting up his meal. “Don’t overthink this aspect too much, milady. We don’t really need to tell Martin about your ascension to get resources, and he knows that I know this. We have no reason to lie about it.” He began arranging his food as per his habit, his mood lightening. “Besides, we still have the Skylance and your own abilities. We have time to resolve this properly,” he finished, as he began to devour the meal. He was eating quickly, recent events having clearly whetted his appetite.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Fri Aug 5, 2016 12:35 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

No matter the situation she found herself in, Dalanesca always felt a sense of relief when she returned to the Blinded Scales.  Her life had not been particularly at risk on this mission, but the familiarity of her chambers was warm and welcome.  She was pleased that Marth requested lunch for the pair, as she would have done so had he not.  It had been a long morning, and food sounded pleasing at the current moment.  She watched Marth as he went to lay on the rug, frowning slightly at how tired he seemed to be.

While he took the time to describe to her what had happened when she had been absent from the mansion, her frown deepened.  He seemed truly worried about the transformation that he had undergone.  While she had not experienced it herself, from his description she too felt some worry.  If Reaver were able to take over control when Marth had undergone such a change, the devastation would be irreparable.  

Dalanesca situated herself on the floor next to Marth, her hand coming to rest over his own, though it was clenched into a fist.  “Marth, you know that I will do everything in my power to avoid that from happening,” she said, solemnly.   Her fingers trailed up his arm a bit, in a subconsciously comforting manner.  “That is why we must fight, with all the capability that we have, to destroy every shard,” she added, still just sitting next to him. 

After a moment, she stood, walking away from Marth.  She removed her overcoat as she walked, draping it over one of the bed posts.  She made her way to the window and placed both hands on the window sill, leaning forward slightly as she looked out over Sanctus and Malum.  She was frowning, thinking about what Marth had said.  True, she was a goddess and her divinity kept Reaver in check while they were in her realm - but when they ventured out into the mortal realm, it was unpredictable. She parted her lips to say something to Marth, though she merely drew in a sharp breath and decided against saying anything.

After a moment, she spoke, her voice soft and unsure.  “When do we want to depart to see Martin?  And how many magisters shall we bring with us?” she asked,  attempting to focus on the task at hand.  All of the talk about his change had made her feel a bit sad, but she was trying not to reveal her emotions to Marth.  Every so often, the subject of Reaver made her envision what life would be like without Marth - and she did not want to think of such things.  He had not been a part of her life for very long, but the time that he had been was very crucial to her.  She could feel the heat in her cheeks and the burning in her eyes as she attempted to brush the thought away.  

Author: Marth, Posted: Fri Aug 5, 2016 11:31 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth opened his eyes again, to find that the realm had put both him and Dalanesca in the goddess’ personal chambers. He put away his lance before calling on a magister, telling her to provide lunch for him and Dalanesca. Once that was done, he lied down on a rug, stretching a little. His blood was still singing with fatigue after the brief metamorphosis - and Marth suddenly realised that Dalanesca hadn’t seen what had transpired within Borza’s mansion.

“I transformed today,” he began, his voice somber. “For the first time I was completely transformed. Not into Reaver - not even close - but I…” He held up his hands, looking at them, mesmerized. “I grew claws. I grew taller. I grew scales. I could feel the weight of wings on my back, my sense of smell sharpened.” He put his hands back down, sighing. “I’ve seen it happen before. Whenever a fight got intense, Kavesz would undergo the same transformation.” His hands involuntarily curled into fists. “It was terror to behold. He lost all grasp of arcane magic - there was only the blaze of his breath, the beating of his wings, and the tremendous strength of his arms.” Marth remained quiet for a long time. “I certainly hope Reaver cannot take over when I am in that state,” he concluded, visibly paling at the idea. “The results could be devastating.”

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:30 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca scoffed at Marth, making a ‘tsk’ sound.  “No, not at the moment,” she said, laughing softly.  “Besides… this garment is a bit more difficult to get on and off than you would think,” she said, in reference to the dress that she wore.  She raised an eyebrow again.  Tinkering sounded as though it could be dangerous - but she had trust in Marth to be safe while he was working on things, and she knew that the realm would stop any true disasters from taking place.  “Exploitation?” she said, feigning shock with a wry smile.  “You continue to surprise me every day, Marth Coralax,” she said, a silly air about her voice.  She wrapped her hand in Marth’s and walked along with him, enjoying the peaceful silence between the two as they made their way to his Tower.

When they entered the Tower, Dalanesca remained relatively quiet, not saying anything to Marth.  She drank in the differences in the Tower between the last time she had been there and now, noticing that it was much less cluttered and much more organized.  Of course, the large telescope in the middle drew her attention, and she followed Marth to it, listening to his explanation on what she would soon know as the Skylance.  Not only was she intrigued by the apparatus itself, but also by Marth’s demeanor towards the situation as a whole.  Dalanesca knew that Marth was an intelligent person, but she still found herself surprised by the sheer brainpower that had to go into creating something like the Skylance.  “Impressive,” she finally said, her voice quiet.

She took no note of the violent glint in Marth’s eyes - she was not worried about his behavior - at least not while they were in the Blinded Scales.  She was fairly certain that, unless given a catastrophic event occurred, she would be able to help maintain at least some semblance of balance for him outside of the realm, as well.  She was glad to hear that he had safeguarded the contraption to only be functional for Marth or herself.  “Good fail safe,” she said, giving him a smile.  “It’s impressive, love,” she said, though her voice sounded a bit more proud this time.  She leaned up to him, planting a quick kiss on his cheek.  “For good luck,” she affirmed, before reaching her hand out and bringing it down on the ‘TRAVEL’ button, putting the Skylance to the test.

Author: Marth, Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:27 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth finished adjusting his armour, grabbed the Dragon Lance, and accompanied Dalanesca out of her bedchambers. "If milady so desires, I could always find a flat surface to accommodate your needs," Marth said with a sly wink. "However, I've been tinkering a bit, trying to figure out how the laws of the Blinded Scales and Revaliir differ." He looked at Dalanesca with a big smile, showing that his research had indeed made some progress. “And more to the point, how said differences can be exploited. And I’ve come to a number of conclusions, which has allowed me to build a rather particular magical device.” He continued to smile, excited to show Dalanesca the fruits of his research. “I can show you in greater detail once we get to the top of the Tower.”

Marth elected to take the rest of the trip in relative silence, though he opted to take Dalanesca’s hand in his own as they walked. The journey to the Two-Faced Tower was short, though, so the silence only lasted for a few minutes. A long flight of stairs later, and Marth and Dalanesca stood in Marth’s observatory, dominating the top of the Tower.

The observatory was not as laden with books and paperwork as one might imagine. In fact, there was only a single shelf, filled primarily with charts and notes, and a single chute down to the library in Marth’s study. The rest of the room was covered in small tables, upon which were situated a number of gyroscopes, globes, measurement devices and some intricately interconnected crystal balls, shards, and rods. The walls appeared to be movable, and the room sported a large number of valves, levers, and pulleys. However, there was another feature which dominated the room entirely - a massive telescope, seemingly connected to the room’s array of crystals, inscribed with arcane sigils, and a star-chart around the bracer ring of each lens. At the base of the telescope was a platform, inscribed with yet more arcane symbols; Apparently rotatable, these symbols seemed to correspond with coordinates on Revaliir itself - latitude, longitude, and even elevation.

“I call it the Skylance,” Marth explained. “It allows me to see any part of Revaliir I desire. By stimulating the magic circle with magic energies, I can adjust the Skylance to point anywhere I desire.” He stepped up to the platform, in front of a table of instruments, and demonstrated. He channeled magic into the instruments as he turned them, causing the magic circle to shift into a different shape, corresponding with different coordinates. As a result, the whole observatory began to shake, and the round room slowly rotated fourteen degrees counterclockwise, and the Skylance lowered itself by a few inches. “There, the telescope now points towards a market square in Egjora.” He stepped aside, to allow Dalanesca to see into the lens - which indeed showed a bird’s-eye view of an Egjoran market square. “This is not all, however,” Marth continued. “The Skylance also functions as a cannon. Energies that would rapidly deteriorate or grow unstable on Revaliir, can here be harnessed safely and efficiently. That’s what the crystals are for,” he explained, gesturing towards the crystal array. “For now, I have only managed to code two magical patterns into the Skylance - one of which is an interdimensional bridge,” he continued. “While you can travel essentially anywhere you want - and send me anywhere as well, most likely - I have found myself unable to travel in any way more complicated than to one of the Blinded Scale’s wayshrines, or the location on Revaliir in which I last found myself. The Skylance overcomes that problem,” he elaborated, as he pointed at a button marked with ‘TRAVEL’ in a plain, boring font. “However, the Skylance, like I said, also has a second function,” Marth said with a grin, and pointed to another button - red, with a plainly militant font forming the word ‘DEVASTATE’. Marth smirked slyly as he explained this second button. “This collects the strongest energies from Malum and Sanctus respectively,” he said, pacing a little back and forth. “Energies that, when unleashed upon Revaliir, can no longer coexist and results in a violent magical storm at the point of entry. Imagine, if you will, a sandstorm, with grains of sand both hot as the sun and cold as the grave, ten times as fast and violent as any natural storm.” He looked at Dalanesca with a violent glint in his eyes. “This is what happens when the Skylance fires. On Revaliir, I would be forced to expend a lot of energy to remotely control the Skylance, but it allows me to call in a magical artillery strike capable of leveling a house in seconds.”

Marth let his explanation sink in for a moment, before his smile turned more innocent. “I have, of course, employed safeguards to prevent accidental firing. The remote control will only respond to my magical signature, and the button will not budge unless it is your hand or mine pushing it,” he explained. “Furthermore, I have connected the firing mechanism to the Blinded Scales itself - meaning it cannot fire at a target you would be inherently reluctant to harm,” he explained. “Such as civilians or a close friend.” Marth grinned at Dalanesca, clearly quite pleased with himself. “So what do you think? If you want to start the teleportation process, feel free to do the honours,” he said, pointing at the button that read ‘TRAVEL’.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:44 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca quirked an eyebrow at Marth as he looked her up and down, wondering what thoughts were racing through his mind.  The look in his eyes was certainly not indicative of thought regarding their upcoming journey, but something a bit more carnal.  When he stood and lifted her up, she let out a bit of a laugh, as she could tell what was coming when he began to carry her over towards the bed.  “Is that so?” she asked playfully, as he laid her down on the bed.  She shifted her body to easily assist him in lifting her dress as well as loosening the top, eventually emitting a soft sigh of ecstasy as his lips met her skin.

She sat up as Marth got up and walked away from the bed, softly laughing at Marth’s words.  As he smoothed out his clothes, she in turn resecured her own clothing, tightening the bodice and smoothing out the skirt of her dress, before pulling her jacket back on.  “I have no complaints,” she said, standing up from the bed as well.  She could not help but smile at the grin on his face.  “I know it does,” she said, confidently, without an air of arrogance.  “I wouldn’t wear it if it didn’t,” she said, and there was a soft truth to her words.  She was not an overly vain person, but she cared enough about her appearance where she paid attention to the clothing she wore and how it fit her.  “And thank you,” she added, giving him a smile.

After she had arranged herself properly and had a long drink of water, she stood near the doorway, waiting for Marth to finish readying himself.  His armor was a bit more time consuming to put on than her own, but it seemed that he had learned from his past mistake and he requested Dalanesca’s assistance.  She smiled and obliged him happily, walking over to him and assisting him with the cuirass.  “Sounds lovely,” she said, helping him fasten it into place.  She caught his wink and raised an eyebrow at him.  “You seem awfully excited about whatever it is that you’re going to show me… how do I know you don’t just want to have your way with me there, as well?” she asked, a devilish glint in her eyes, though she knew that was most certainly not the case.  “In all honesty, however, I’m quite interested to see what it is that holds your attention so much,” she said.  She smiled at Marth, feeling happy that he had begun to make the realm his own, in a sense, creating what he wanted created - he seemed happy - much happier than they had when the two had met, and she liked to think that she had at least a bit to do with that.

She stepped out into the hallway, standing just outside the door.  “But after you show me… whatever it is… To Egjora?” she asked, waiting for him to join her and lead the way to the Tower.

Author: Marth, Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 7:05 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth looked upon Dalanesca’s disguides visage as she returned, saying nothing as she explained the various parts of her new attire. He looked her up and down, realising he’d never seen her in a dress before. It’s… Quite becoming, he thought to himself, managing to forget the mission at hand, and indeed the plate of food right before him. He simply sat there, drinking in the details on Dalanesca’s new dress, his calm expression masking the sensation brewing within him: lust.

Suddenly, he stood up, walked over to Dalanesca, and swept her off her feet. He promptly carried her to the bed, his face calm, collected - one might even say relaxed. “I apologize, Dalanesca, but that dress has many virtues, all of which serve to enhance your own,” he said, before putting Dalanesca down on the bed, lifting the skirt of her dress. As he did so, he finally allowed his face to reflect his true feelings, grinning broadly. “And seeing that dress on you… I simply must have you,” he said, as he counterproductively worked on loosening Dalanesca’s bodice. “Or you are certain to drive me crazy throughout the day,” he finished, as the top of the dress finally came loose, and Marth could begin kissing the flesh beneath.

Roughly fifteen minutes later, Marth untangled himself from Dalanesca’s legs, having spent himself in Dalanesca’s embrace. He took a moment to catch his breath, before he finally stepped away, giving an ever so slight moan. “I’m sorry,” he said between breaths. “I just… You… Wow.” He shook his head with a bit of a laugh, smoothing out his clothes. “I don’t know what came over me! I hope you enjoyed yourself, despite the brief nature of my service,” he said, as he walked over to his armour to strap it on. He looked up at Dalanesca again, with a grin. “In my defence, however, that dress is absolutely gorgeous,” he said, as he buckled his plates into place.

Finally, the time came for his cuirass. Marth was proud of the fact that he learned from his mistakes - his mistake last time was trying to put the cuirass on without help. He looked at Dalanesca, who seemed more or less ready to leave. “Can you help me with this, milady? I seem to recall the solo effort going rather poorly last time,” he said, his smile now warmer, as his body no longer screamed for him to claim Dalanesca’s affection in such a physical fashion. “After that, I can give you the tour of my… Customizations for the Tower,” he finished, winking at Dalanesca slyly.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:31 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

As Marth shook her awake, Dalanesca slowly opened her eyes and allowed things to come into focus.  She lazily watched Marth walk back over to the table where their breakfast had been laid out.  She noted that he was already dressed, which indicated that he had been awake for some time before he had roused her.  “Morning,” she called out softly, fighting the urge to stay in bed.  She pushed the covers off of her and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, sitting up.  She sat there for a few moments, fully unclothed and partially awake, and stared groggily at Marth as he spoke to her.

She got up off of the bed, dragging one of the soft sheets with her and wrapping it about her form.  It was clear that she had slept quite soundly the night before, and even as a goddess was struggling with grogginess.  She made her way over to Marth, still wrapped in the sheet, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting down at the table.  She eyed the food for a moment, before reaching out to grab a chunk of bread off of the tray.  Raising an eyebrow at Marth, she asked him a simple question.  “You want to show me something?” she questioned, watching him arrange his food and finding comfort in his small habits.  “What have you done to the tower now?” she asked, with a bit of a smile.  

She bit off a chunk from the bread she held, nodding at his comment regarding a book easing them through customs.  “That sounds like it will work,” she said, as soon as she had swallowed the bit of food that she had been working on.  “On that note, you’re not the only one who has requisitioned something specific,” she said, with a quirked eyebrow.  Setting the bit of bread that she held down on the table, she got up, dropping the sheet and headed off into the separate part of her room where her bureau was kept, without saying another thing to Marth.  

A few minutes later, she came back, fully clothed, in an outfit quite unlike anything she had worn around Marth before.  The garment was a very elegant looking dress, with a bit of her own flair thrown into it.  The bodice at the top was a corset constructed from black leather, and lace, with the skirts falling in an A-line around her legs, also of black.  Over the dress, she wore a jacket of sorts, also made of black.  She wore her typical boots on her feet beneath the dress.  She gave Marth a smile.  “What do you think?” she asked.  She formed her right hand into a fist and rapped on her sternum, an odd metallic clang sounding out.  “Light plate, streamlined into the bodice, front and back,” she said, with a proud grin. “And,” she said, lifting up the skirts of her dress.  “Underneath as well,” she added, showing that her legs were protected in black metallic plate.  “I’m not sure what material the smith used, I did not indicate - but so light, I can’t even tell it’s there,” she said, with a grin.

“I assumed something like this would be useful,” she said.  “It works as a disguise of sorts.  A bit less conspicuous when compared to the assassin’s garb I normally wear, wouldn’t you think?” she said.  She grabbed a leather strap off of the vanity near the table and wove her hair into a plate falling to the side, tying it with the scrap of leather.  “Now,” she said, standing near the doorway.  “Shall we head to the Tower?” she asked.  “I can’t wait to see whatever it is that you want to show me… I’m sure whatever it is will be quite impressive,” she added.

Author: Marth, Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 8:56 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth welcomed Dalanesca next to him in bed, wrapping his arm around her. He chuckled a little at her statement, grinning as he answered. “Speak for yourself. How Reaver ever let me rest at all - before you entered the picture - is beyond me.” He kissed Dalanesca’s forehead, before sinking back into his pillow and drifting off to sleep. “Love you, too,” he mumbled, before blissful rest pulled him away from the waking world.

The next morning, Marth woke up before Dalanesca. He’d always gotten by with relatively little sleep, but by the light entering the windows, even he had been sleeping longer than usual. He gently freed himself from Dalanesca and crept out of bed, spending the time between his waking and Dalanesca’s grooming and washing himself. By the time hit seven bells, a magister knocked on the door, and Marth was dressed in his robes. He opened the door slightly and accepted the platter the magister delivered - complete breakfast for two, with Marth’s choice continental breakfast and a note upon which ‘Dragonfire’ was indeed written. Smiling to himself, Marth went over to the table and put the platter there, before heading over to the bed and gently shaking Dalanesca awake. “Breakfast is served, my lady,” he said with a smile, before heading back to the table and helping himself to his own breakfast.

“I sent word ahead to the Tower. I want to leave from there, to… Double-check something. I also want to show you something up there,” he said, while arranging his breakfast according to colour and nutritive value as per his habit. He’d received word that the observatory’s mechanisms were now running, and he was eager to show Dalanesca - he was proud of his brainchild, and to him it was important that Dalanesca was at least slightly impressed by the initiative. He wasted no time eating - while courtesy dictated he should wait for Dalanesca, he was hungry, and he didn’t figure she’d care much at any rate. “I figured I’d grab some book from the library as well, and bring it through customs,” he said between mouthfuls, elaborating on his plan for Egjora. “By declaring it as an import, a parcel for Borza, we can get his address, and should anyone question why we’re on his property - a passing guard while we’re entering or leaving - we’ll have a receipt showing we’re delivering a package.” Marth had actually gotten that idea from a shady-looking prospective priest. Upon remembering that fact, he made a mental note to keep records of each prospect’s profile, and make sure to talk to people of various backgrounds to learn new things. This position may prove more fascinating than I originally anticipated, he mused as he chewed a bit of bread, butter, egg, and bacon. “It’ll also provide us with an excuse should we find the house occupied for any reason,” he finished, before looking at Dalanesca for confirmation. “Good plan?”

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:54 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca sighed, making her way back over to Marth and turning around, leaning her back against him in the water, and pulling his arms to wrap around her.  “I may venture to speak a bit more eloquently than that depending on who I address,” she said.  “But the thought remains the same.”  She fell silent for a moment, peacefully enjoying the feeling of her skin against Marth’s in the bath.  While she was happy to be with him, the thought of Marth being known as only her ‘lover’ seemed off to her.  He was already so much more than that, but unfortunately society loved to put labels on things, and something would have to be said if the situation arose.  She did not necessarily like the idea, but it would do - for now.  

Marth’s words caused Dalanesca to take pause.  “I would not want this if I thought there was an end in sight,” she said, softly.  “I don’t expect us to be wed tomorrow, by any means… but knowing we are on the same page is nice,” she said, though her words were masked with a shadow of sadness.  She did, however, laugh softly when he made the comment about snooping in his requisitions.  “I’ve no desire to see what you’ve asked the smith for,” she said.  “But when that time comes… nothing too showy, okay?” she said, playfully.  As he held her close, she pressed against him, resolving herself not to be bothered by the situation.  “No need to be sorry - you should feel comfortable speaking your mind to me,” she said.  “Even if I don’t like hearing what you have to say,” she said, as a side note.

She remained in the water, watching Marth as he dried himself off and walked towards the bed, a small smirk on her lips.  “They will learn to keep their mouths shut, or I’ll…” she paused.  “I don’t know where I was going with that - but I’m guessing they would not like what I would do,” she said, laughing at how ridiculous she sounded.  “No falsehoods,” she repeated, climbing out of the tub and drying herself off. She stood in the middle of the room as Marth made his request of the realm, quirking an eyebrow.  “I imagine it would work,” she said.  “The realm takes heed of any of my requests, therefore I would assume you would be indirectly linked to that as well,” she said.  “So essentially, if I will the realm to cater to your every request, then it should be done,” she said.  “It is a good idea - I hate having to chase them around to get them to do what I want,” she said, with a bit of a laugh.

She dried her hair a bit, before venturing over to the bed and sliding under the sheets next to Marth, pressing her naked skin against his.  Her hands splayed out over his chest, she nuzzled her head into his neck.  “Knowing how good it feels to lay next to you… how did I ever sleep before we were together?” she asked, her voice soft, as it was clear she was quite tired and that the throes of sleep were close to overtaking her already.  “I love you,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyelids closing.  Soon, her breathing steadied and it was clear that she was asleep.

Author: Marth, Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:40 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth smiled wearily and shook his head as Dalanesca answered his suggestion. “No, you’re right, of course,” he said, tilting his head back and enjoying the hot water. “I wouldn’t feel comfortable with it either,” he continued, sinking a little deeper into the tub. He contemplated the situation, before letting out an exasperated sigh. “Why am I even thinking about this?” he asked, knowing full well that he was, in truth, still affected by the political scene he’d been a part of as a Wyllmochvarian officer. “You’re right, you’re a fucking godess. Noone has moral authority over you, and by extension, noone can claim that same authority over me, either - save you, that is.” He straightened up again, looking Dalanesca in the eyes with a slightly cheeky grin. “Alright, if anyone asks, we’ll just say we’re lovers, and tell them to fuck off. How’s that,” he asked, and made a gesture, inviting Dalanesca to snuggle up to him, in a hope that she’d approve of his suggestion.

He sat there in silence for a while, before continuing. “I’m glad you’re not unwilling to take that step when the time comes, though,” he admitted, figuring there was no point in leaving the topic. “I don’t think we’re quite there, yet, but like I said, I hope this lasts.” He chuckled a bit. “So don’t go snooping in my requisitions for commissioned items from the smith,” he said with a sly grin. “One of these days, there might just be a ring on said list,” he finished with a smirk. He cuddled up closer to Dalanesca. “I’m sorry about that,” he finally said, kissing her cheek. “I guess… I guess I’m a bit paranoid by the whole deal,” he said, hugging her close.

After finishing the bath, he dried himself and went over to the bed. “I’ll tell the magisters and prospective clergy that any questions regarding our… personal affairs, are to remain unanswered. That way, if
they jump to conclusions, at least they won’t misinform others.” He looked at Dalanesca with a tired smile. “No falsehoods, right?” He got beneath the sheets, and slumped his head down on the pillow, visibly tired. He looked up at the canopy of the bed, thinking. Pondering. “I’m going to try something,” he said, and cleared his throat before speaking aloud. “Blinded Scales, I bid you notice the magisters to bring breakfast for two in the morning, delivered with a note upon which the word ‘dragonfire’ is written,” he said aloud, before looking at Dalanesca. “If by command an entire realm can be conjured and altered, maybe we can create something akin to a notice board, that the magisters and clergy can get the latest updates and requests without us actually having to do any paperwork,” he explained.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:32 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

She nodded, feeling a bit of a thrill that she was going to get to tap into the skillset she possessed before her ascension.  An impish glint came to her eye, and it was obvious that the darker part of her was looking forward to it.  “I’ll get us where we need to go,” she said, with the utmost confidence.  “I can pick a lock so quickly it looks like I’m turning a key,” she said, giving him a bit of a wink.  “We’ll have to be careful, though,” she said, continuing with a furrowed brow as she thought about things.  “We don’t know the layout of the mansion,” she added.  “The good news is that, since we will be the only two undertaking this mission, I will be able to use my new… position to my advantage,” she said.  

She nodded when Marth requested a bath - fortunately, a magister had recently placed a cauldron of water over the fire and it was already heating up.  Grabbing the leather gloves that lay near the basin, she grabbed the pot and dumped the water into the washbasin, bringing the cauldron back to the hearth and hanging it up.  She glanced up at Marth, pulling the gloves off of her hands as he began to speak .  She felt relieved - she had wanted to speak on the matter, but was glad that Marth was the one bringing it to light.  She removed what little of her clothing she had put back on, climbing into the basin before Marth as he spoke.  

She reclined against the side of the basin, closing her eyes and letting out a sigh of mild annoyance - it was clear that the annoyance was not directed at Marth, but rather at situation as a whole.  “Listen,” she said, leaning forward in the water, beckoning for Marth to join her. When he had climbed in, she continued to speak, moving towards him.  “We will conduct ourselves however the hell we want when we’re in public, Marth.  You seem to be forgetting one tiny little detail. I am a Goddess.”  She gave him a smile, pressing her body against his and giving him a kiss.  She pulled away from his lips, allowing him to speak, but trailing her lips along his jaw, neck, and earlobe - though she froze at his next statement and pulled away from him, her body still pressed against his but her face no longer near his own. 

She stared at Marth, trying to find the words to express her dismay at the idea he had presented.  “No,” she said softly.  “I will not present myself as engaged to be wed to you until that time has actually come,” she said.  The look on her face seemed a bit sad, perhaps at the prospect of even thinking about ‘pretending’ to be engaged to marry the man she was in love with.  “When the day comes that we are actually engaged, that is when we will present ourselves as such,” she said.  “I want no part of my relationship for you to be shrouded with lies,” she added.  “When the public knows we are to wed one another, it will be because we are actually going to wed one another - not to keep them from chiding us,” she said.  

She looked at Marth for a moment, before sliding away from him, and resting against the side of the washbasin once more, her eyes looking slightly dejected.  She was worried that Marth’s concern for the public’s view of the couple would end up hindering their relationship, but she did not want to express that to him.  Instead, she cast her gaze to the side, dipping her head back in the water and allowing her hair to fully submerge.  When she emerged from the water again, she ran her hands across her face to push her dampened locks away from her eyes, and leaned back once more with a sigh.  

She looked at Marth for a moment, and continued speaking again.  “However, Marth… if that is truly what want - if that is what will make you feel better,” she said, pausing.  “That is what we will do.  I am willing to sacrifice what I want, for you,” she added.  She would not be overly thrilled, but if he felt the need to put up a false front about what their relationship was and felt strongly about it, she would by all means take heed of his words, even if begrudgingly so.

Author: Marth, Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:01 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth hugged Dalanesca even tighter when she expressed that the love was mutual, smiling. The moment was so perfect; there was of course only a matter of time before it was ruined. Sure enough, a magister soon walked in on the scene. Well, shit, here we go. Sure enough, Dalanesca’s temper flared, and the poor magister was sent packing, mercilessly. Watching the scene, Marth couldn’t help but laugh a bit. “Poor fellow. What did he do, besides bringing you your scheduled supper?” He sat up as Dalanesca began to get dressed, pulling on his clothes and picking up his armour. “Well, there’s no going back, now. If they suspected before, the magisters know for certain, now.” He got up as Dalanesca offered her hand, taking it, and holding it as they walked back to her quarters.
Marth nodded as Dalanesca asked about details of what would be going on in Egjora. “I most certainly can,” he said, before his expression darkened as he remembered Borza’s final words. “Primarily, we’ll be looking for correspondence – any indicators about who hired him, and for what purpose.” He took a deep breath, steadying himself. The idea of his old mentor being a dark wizard – potentially even responsible for the travesty that had been his final mission – was overwhelming, and tough to swallow even for a rational mind like Marth’s. “We’ll be going it alone this time – while I know the language, I have no connections in Egjora. I’ll be relying on your old skills,” he said, looking at Dalanesca. “Locks will need picking and guards will need evading. I trust you still know your way around a lock?” he asked, opening the door to her quarters.
Marth placed his plates in a suitable location and left the Dragon Lance in a corner of the room, looking to Dalanesca. “Mind drawing up a bath for us? I’d like to wake up refreshed in the morning, and ready to leave,” he said, casually ditching his clothing as well. Dalanesca’s concerns about the future had not touched on his mind yet, though something tugged at him and he began to think about it. “And, eh… Regarding us. Now that the cat is irreversibly out of the bag, well…” he took a deep breath. “We’ll need to figure out our conduct.” He suddenly realised how awkward the position was. Traditional minds would likely think less of Dalanesca if the relationship wasn’t ‘official’, but at the same time, Marth figured it might be too soon for that. He stood there, deep in thought, for a brief moment, before tentatively voicing a suggestion. “We could present ourselves as engaged…” he said, looking slightly sceptical.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:19 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

With Marth’s arms around her, Dalanesca felt an incredible sense of contentment and safety wash over her.  She was a bit surprised at how willingly Marth had heeded her words, and even further surprised at the dull throb she felt from the few bruises that Marth had inflicted upon her during their tryst.  She smiled to herself, the small amount of pain she felt becoming nothing more than a reminder of the intensity that had just occurred between the two.  Her smile broadened slightly as Marth’s lips pressed against her forehead, relishing in the moment.  She could hear a chuckle coming from Marth, and found herself wondering whatever could be making him laugh in this situation.  Eventually, he spoke - and the admittance of feelings caused her smile to widen.

The words Marth spoke were not a surprise to Dalanesca - it had been clearly obvious to her that Marth loved her, as she loved him - but for him to speak the words aloud gave an entire new light to the situation.  Having intense feelings for someone was one thing, but admitting them aloud was another.  Dalanesa had experienced some shady situations in the past when it came to love, but something about Marth put her at ease, and made her unafraid to feel that way again.  She turned her head to look up at him, and gave him a soft smile, a hand reaching up to rest on his cheek.  “I love you, too,” she said, contently resting her head back against his chest.  

The two lay in contented silence for a bit, before they were interrupted by a magister entering the hall - the inevitable.  The young man had been carrying a tray of food, headed in the direction of Dalanesca’s quarters - presumably delivering her supper for the evening.  He froze, and the tray went clattering to the floor.  Dalanesca glanced at the magister, and back at Marth, before sitting up, obviously not caring about the fact that she was no longer dressed. The magister was scrambling about the floor, trying to pick up the contents of the platter he had spilled.   “Out,” she said to the magister, who stared at her blankly, frozen in some sort of nervous fear.  She spoke again, this time her voice much louder and commanding.  “Get OUT!” she bellowed, in a voice much louder than she had used before, the emotions in her body running high.  The magister let out a bit of a yelp and ran away, the contents of the tray still laying on the floor.  

She sat in silence for a moment, a hand having come to her forehead to rub at it.  “Leave it to my fantastic staff to ruin such a perfect moment,” she said, the annoyance apparent in her voice.  Turning back to Marth, she leaned up to kiss him, her hand winding its way around to the back of his neck to hold him close to her.  After a moment, she pulled away, her icy blue eyes looking at him with a renewed intensity.  “I suppose I did not pick the most… appropriate location,” she said, after a few seconds of silence.  She chuckled softly, sliding away from Marth and moving to put a few items of her clothing back on.  She thought back on the magister that she had raised her voice to a moment ago.  “They just… they stare, so much,” she said, laughing incredulously.  She sighed, and shook her a head a bit.  

When she was decent enough, she stood up, intent on heading back to her quarters, and held a hand out for Marth to join her.  “Let’s turn in, yes?” she said, with a smile, and began the walk to her room.  “Before we go to bed,” she continued, speaking as they made their way to her quarters.  “Care to at least fill me in a bit on what we’re going to be looking for when we check out Borza’s mansion in Egjora?” she asked.  Her curiosity was piqued, of course, and she wanted a better understanding of what the two were going to be getting themselves into this time.  “And are we heading into this one alone?  Or will we be having outside help again?” she asked.  She knew that the finer details of their relationship still needed to be discussed, but she did not want to force Marth into talking about such things when she knew he had other things to worry about as well - if he wanted to discuss their relationship at this moment in time, she would let it happen by his accord, and not her own.

Author: Marth, Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:37 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth found himself very relieved that Myter took to the idea of functioning as Dalanesca’s recruiter. Not only did he honestly believe it was the best place for Myter to be, he had also been very concerned that Myter would be offended by the idea. Luckily, he seemed welcoming to the idea, which gave Marth a sense of accomplishment. “Excellent, Myter. I am certain you’ll find the mission most rewarding. And we’ll make sure to visit you on a regular basis,” he said, as Myter was led out. As the man left, Marth looked to Dalanesca to see if she was all right – but it seemed he didn’t need to worry. “Yeah, let’s call it a day,” he said, smiling, and followed Dalanesca into the hall.
As Dalanesca offered her quarters for the night, Marth smirked. “I’d love to, my lady,” he said, returning her embrace. I guess she needs Marth now, and not her Redeemer and Destroyer, he thought, his chest filling with warmth at the idea. He stroked her hair during the embrace, softly, enjoying the feel of her raven-black hair on his skin. Then, Dalanesca pulled away, and as she looked to either side of the hall, Marth perked an eyebrow. What now, he thought, but soon he got his answer.
Marth gave a yelp, as he was shoved backwards, finding himself landing with a soft thump onto the sofa. He looked up to see Dalanesca’s dark gaze, his eyes widening. If any magisters come this way, we’re never going to hear the end of it, he thought, and to his surprise, the idea gave him quite a thrill. His heart raced in his chest as Dalanesca straddled him, and he gave the lightest of gasps as Dalanesca began kissing and nibbling on his neck and ear. Yeah, I get that you want me, he thought, as Dalanesca trailed her tongue around his ear. From this position, she might have noticed Marth’s physical response to the plea, as Marth felt his trousers tighten against her. You are mine, he thought, and you know it. So I guess there can only be one thing you want from me…
Marth sprang to, grasping each of Dalanesca’s hands and bringing them behind her back, catching her wrists in a vice grip with one hand as his other raced to Dalanesca’s chest, and Marth found Dalanesca’s lips and kissed her intently. As he broke the kiss, he grinned, his eyes flaring with a desire to match Dalanesca’s. “Oh, I’ll show you,” he said, and in a fluid movement, he spun, pushing Dalanesca face-first into the sofa, with Marth behind her. Marth didn’t flinch from using a bit of strength to keep her in place, grinning, as he wasted no time in working the buckles of Dalanesca’s outfit to loosen it. “You better be careful, Dalanesca,” he said with a grin, “for words like that bring out the Destroyer,” he continued, as he mercilessly bereaved Dalanesca of her clothing, exposing her to Marth’s desires.
A little less than an hour later, Marth was laying with Dalanesca in his arms on the sofa, gently massaging the already fading bruises on her back, rump, and breasts, smiling. He could not deny it had been a lot of fun. He found himself amazed at the feeling her skin on his gave him, a feeling which staved off the chill draft of the Courthouse halls with ease. He kissed Dalanesca’s forehead, and tried to decipher the feeling, though he quickly came to realise that he’d never felt this way before. Or rather, never so intensely… And never mutual, he realised, as he recalled the days at the academy back in Wyllmochvar. He had been something of a flirt back in the day, though it had never gotten so far as a serious relationship. He’d been close, but never quite there. Moreover, in his army days, there simply had not been time. As the realisation hit him, he found himself surprised at how unsurprised he was, and caught himself chuckling ever so lightly. He kissed Dalanesca’s forehead again, deciding on candour. “I love you, Dalanesca,” he said, not worried about Dalanesca’s reply in the slightest.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:08 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca found herself unusually grateful when Marth took over the explanation to Myter.  She could already feel her energy beginning to return, but still felt a bit uneasy.  She frowned when Myter seemed to get a sense of hope on his face.  She felt bad enough that her friend who had helped her out in times of need had to be turned away from her realm, but the guilt was intensified by the fact that Marth was the one turning him away, in her stead.  

Soon, however, she found herself feeling intense gratitude towards Marth.  He had worded the proposition for Myter in such a way that the tavernkeep had taken it as a great honor, and seemed keen on the idea.  She nodded enthusiastically at Myter, mustering a smile when he asked her thoughts on the matter.  “I do think so,” she said softly, her smile warming.  “You know that tavern like the back of your hand, Myter, and you’ve always been good at reading people,” she added.  She gave a bit of a laugh.  “Think about it - you gave me, an ill-tempered failed assassin, a chance at helping you out on busier nights… and you saw the good in me… and now look where I am!” she said.  

Myter beamed at her, as though he felt partially responsible for her accomplishments.  “Well, if the two o’ ya think I’ma good fit fer what yer talkin’ bout… I s’pose I’ll take yer word for it,” he said, with a smug look of satisfaction on his face.  “Besides, I don’t think my bar’d be real good in some otha’ fella’s hands,” he said, looking deep in thought for a moment.  

Dalanesca smiled, speaking up again before Myter was able to say anything else.  “Good, then it’s settled,” she said, standing up from her position on the sofa.  She had recovered quickly from the overuse of power she had attempted while venturing into Myters mind, and she gave Marth a quick nod and a smile.  “There’s a reason you’re my advisor,” she said to him.  She turned back to Myter.  “I’m going to have one of the magisters get you back home,” she said to him.  She stepped forward and embraced her friend, who returned the gesture.

When Dalanesca stepped back, a magister entered the room as though she had known Dalanesca would be summoning her - it was clear that some sort of mental connection ran between the goddess and members of her realm.  “Take Myter back to the mortal plane and safely to his tavern in Adeluna,” she said.  The magister nodded, and stood by the door, awaiting Myter.  

The tavernkeep turned to Marth.  “Thanks, fer it all,” he said, smiling weakly.  “An’ I’m real sorry fer the things I said, I didn’ mean ‘em,” he said, his cheeks blushing with embarrassment.  “I’ll be seein’ the two of ya’, I reckon,” he said, and with that he disappeared down the hallway with the magister, heading for his home.

With that matter settled, Dalanesca turned back to Marth.  “I’ve literally never felt that drained in my life,” she said, in reference to her state when she had finished venturing into Myter’s mind.  She glanced out the window of the room they were in, and she could see that the sun had begun to set.  It had been quite a long day, and she was ready to retire back to her quarters.  “I am about ready to call it a day,” she said.  “I think tomorrow might be time for us to head to Egjora, anyway,” she added, knowing that Marth had seemed quite eager for the two of them to begin the next part of their quest in the destruction of shards of Reaver. 

“Will you share my quarters again tonight?” she asked softly, shifting her body to move closer to Marth, closing the distance between the two.  When his answer assured her that they were on the same page, she leaned against Marth for a moment, resting her head on his chest while standing with her body close to his.  For a moment, she just wanted to feel close to him, as his proximity gave her some comfort.  However, her need for comfort shifted into a need for something else as she could feel the heat of his body against her own.  She turned her body, pulling away from him slightly.  

Her eyes darting to the side to be sure of their position, she reached up and placed both hands flat against Marth’s chest and playfully shoved him backwards so he fell into a sitting position on the sofa.  A dark look had taken over her gaze - one of desire, and need.  She closed the few steps between them and took the opportunity to move herself into a straddling position on top of Marth, one leg draped on either side of his.  

Without saying a single word, Dalanesca leaned towards Marth, her head tilting to one side.  Her lips grazed the top of his cheekbone, trailing towards his ear.  When her lips brushed the edges of his ear, she whispered seductively into his ear.  “I want you, Marth,” she said, the words deliberate and to the point.  The tip of her tongue darted out, tracing down the outer ridges of his ear, before she gently nibbled on his ear lobe.  One of her hands trailed down his chest, landing between his legs, firmly caressing him through his clothing.  

Her lips found their way to his, kissing him roughly, her teeth grazing his lower lip as she pulled away.  She looked at him,  her gaze dark and lustful.  “Take me,” she said, quietly.  “Here.  Now,” she said, her voice becoming much more commanding.  “Show me that I am yours,” she said, the connotation behind her voice one of pure need.  With those words, she crashed her lips into his again, hoping he would oblige her request.

Author: Marth, Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:52 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth struggled a little as Dalanesca helped him with the cuirass, but it finally fell into place and was properly fastened. He looked at Dalanesca, his eyes downcast and his expression mildly annoyed. "Thank you…" He began following Dalanesca towards Myter, but leaned in and said something to her before the two could enter the room. "May I request that we never speak of this embarassing thing ever again?"

The next few minutes were largely spent between Dalanesca dn Marth. Marth looked on Dalanesca's healing of Myter, quite fascinated, but noted the toll it took on her. Surely it will improve with time, but for now, it seems her powers are somwhat limited, he thought, before Dalanesca addressed him and asked him to explain the situation to Myter.

Marth looked at Myter, and took a deep breath. "What Dalanesca is trying to say, Myter, is that…" He took a moment to pick his words. "You're a little 'close', to be a priest." Myter looked about to protest, but Marth held up a hand. "I know, the same might be said for me. But the facts of the matter are that I have all the education and experience needed to be effective while remaining close to Dalanesca." He looked at her with a nod, before turning back to Myter, who looked puzzled. "I've had training and experience in managing groups of people. I speak five languages fluently. You're a tavernkeep, and frankly, you would be more or a distraction than help." He knelt down before Myter and gave him a smile, which puzzled the man even more. "At least, here in the Blinded Scales. There is, however, a skillset you have which would prove most useful."

"Wassat?" Myter replied, looking hopeful. Marth took another breath. "As a tavernkeep, I'm willing to wager you've developed a decent sense of character," he said, placing a hand on Myter's shoulder. "And in a tavern, you see all kind of people from all walks of life. Back in Adeluna, you're well-placed and well-equipped to scout for people who would serve Dalanesca well," he said, gripping Myter's shoulders reassuringly. "Whenever you get a likely visitor, say a prayer and we can check it out. Dalanesca - and myself - would be inclined to visit often, and you can make yourself useful while still keeping your old life," he said. Myter looked a little bewildered at first, but then the old tavernkeep furrowed his brows in thought.

"So I would'nt be a priest or nothin', bu'… Like, a talent scout? Like those colleges 'ave?" Marth nodded at the question. "Very similar, yes." Myter thought some more on it. "Mmmh… Well… I do wan'ter make m'self useful an' all…" Marth nodded, smiling. "Dilligence is the trait of a good and honest man," he said, smiling. "And I really do believe this is how you can prove most useful for Dalanesca." Myter thought about it, but looked a little sad. His expression hardened - perhaps with some newfound resolve - and looked at Dalanesca. "Y'think so too, Dal? Y'think tha' I'm mos' useful back in th' city?"

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:31 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca’s expression mirrored the solemnity that had overtaken her companion’s as he spoke of their impending trip to Egjora.  “Right,” she said.  “Fortunately for us, I believe time passes in a different manner in my realm than it does on the mortal plane of Revaliir,” she said, a flicker of pride in her eyes.   “It affords us time to attend to affairs in both this realm and in that realm,” she added.  “But you are correct - we should not delay much longer.  While time passes differently, it does still pass, and we mustn’t take any chances,” she said, nodding.  Her eyes shifted to the magister that approached them, quirking an eyebrow as her gaze caught the dark piece of armor that the aforementioned magister carried with him.

She stood by silently as the magister addressed the two of them, inevitably giving his full attention to Marth.  They spoke of the cuirass that the magister held, and it turned out that Marth had commissioned the piece.  After the magister had retreated, she listened to Marth as he addressed her, chuckling slightly.  “You needn’t tell me your every move, Marth,” she said, with a smile.  “I trust you to make the right decisions - and that means knowing what knowledge I should immediately be granted, and what things can wait until they came up.”  With that being said, she fixed her gaze back on the armor, taking in the workmanship that had clearly gone into it.  Dragonscale, of course, seemed to be fitting for Marth, with the type of magic he utilized.  “It looks wonderful,” she said, and grew silent again as he explained it a bit further.  

Dalanesca allowed her gaze to wander to each of the components that Marth described.  She could see that a lot of thought had gone into the design, and she was happy to see that Marth seemed to be embracing his two sides, if one could refer to them as such.  “Quite fitting for you,” she said, her voice soft and accompanied by a smile. 

She gave Marth a sideways glance as the two of them continued towards the room in which Myter had been located, seeing that he was somewhat awkwardly attempting to put on the cuirass.  She opened her mouth to offer him help, but thought the better of it, not wanting to seem as though she found him incapable.  When he stopped, she did as well, and stifled a laugh.  “You don’t say?” she said, when he mentioned having never worn such armor before.  “It’s only mildly obvious,” she added, in a tone which was clearly joking and not offensive in the slightest.  She was already moving to help her companion before he requested it.  After a bit of maneuvering, she was able to re-position the cuirass, and assist Marth in sliding it down over his head, arms now through the proper parts.  “That better?” she asked, taking a step back and looking him over.  “You look good,” she said, with a sly grin, her eyes darkening slightly.  “Very good… it’s a pity we have things to attend to right now,” she said, quirking an eyebrow.

After a moment, they came to the room in which Myter had been situated, and she pushed the door open, heading inside, assuming Marth would follow directly behind her.  Myter was seated on a sofa, a cup of hot mead on the table in front of him.  He looked up at Dalanesca and Marth with weary eyes.  “Dal- er, m’lady..?” he said, quickly correcting himself.  “Forgive me, but I ain’t real sure what I should call ye these days,” he said, reaching up to rub the back of his neck.

Dalanesca waved a hand dismissively and went to sit down next to Myter.  “You can just call me Dal, like you always have, Myter,” she said, laying her hand over his own in a gesture purely made of friendship.  He gave her a weak smile.  “Myter, I know you said that you’ve been feeling offput lately, out of balance, to sound cliche,” she said.  He nodded at her, his eyes brightening with the hope that Dalanesca was going to be able to help him.  “Now, I’ve an idea… but you must understand that this idea is untested.  I have never attempted to accomplish something like what I am going to attempt, and I need you to be fully aware of that.”  Myter nodded in a notion for her to continue.  “I am going to attempt to heal your mind,” she said.  “That’s the best way I can think of explaining it, even though that really, truly does not begin to cover it.  We’re not really going to be sure of if it works, I don’t think… but I feel that it is worth a shot.  What do you think?” she asked, drawing her hand away from her friend.

Myter blinked for a moment, his eyes glazed over in contemplation.  He let out a soft sigh.  “This… ya know this is a big lot to handle for a small minded feller like me, dontchya?” he said, laughing a bit.  “But anything’s better’en thiseer weird feelins I’ve been gettin’” he said.  Dalanesca nodded.

“Then it’s settled,” she said.  She glanced at Marth for a moment, as though awaiting his approval.  When she felt that everyone was in sufficient terms of understanding, she laid her hands on the sides of Myter’s head, her thumbs against his temples.  Myter winced, waiting to feel some sort of pain, but ended up sitting there with a dumb look on his face, staring at Dalanesca.  Her eyes had closed, and she was muttering softly, but the sounds she was making were inaudible, if they were even words at all.

Everything was gray.  Dalanesca was in a room with no windows and no doors, and everything was gray.  In a far off corner of the room, she could see something twisted and shadowy, and it gave her an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.  When she spun around, she could see something twinkling in the opposite corner of the room.  The feeling of unease she had washed away, and she felt incredibly happy.  

She stood in the center of this gray room for some time, glancing back and forth between the darkness in one corner and the light in another.  Eventually, after what seemed like hours, she sat down on the floor, placing her palms flat on either side of herself.  As though she had triggered some sort of switch, the darkness began to move towards her - as did the light.  She tried to pull her hands from the floor but it would not work - they were stuck, as it were.  Eventually, the darkness and the light collided, and she felt completely at ease.  Feeling the pressure released from her hands, she pulled them up from the floor, and everything was gone.

Dalanesca opened her eyes and looked at Myter, then at Marth.  She allowed her hands to drop to her lap, and she leaned back again, reclining her back against the sofa.  She felt drained, and very tired. “That was… something,” she said, though the memory of what she had just experienced was already hazy.  “Do you feel anything?” she asked Myter.

Myter still looked very confused.   “I… not really, t’be hones’… nothin’,” he said.  He looked around the room for a moment, before he glanced back at Dalanesca.  “But now that ya’ mention it… I feel a lit’l less frazzled,” he added, with a bit of a smile.  “I think it mighta’ worked,” he said.

“That’s… that’s good,” she said, quietly, her exhaustion apparent in her voice.  “But now,” she said, her voice still sounding strained.  “But Myter… it’s time for us to get you home now,” she said.  He looked at her with a frown, but didn’t say anything.  “I don’t think there’s anything for you here,” she said, clearly having difficulty forming her thoughts into words.  “What I mean to say is…”  She trailed off, her gaze shifting to the magister waiting by the door.  “Some water?” she asked the magister, who hurried away quickly to grab what was requested.  She turned to Marth.  “Can you explain to Myter what I mean?” she asked, hoping that Marth would be understanding enough to abide her request.  It seemed as though whatever she had accomplished on Myter had taken quite a toll on her, and she was having a bit of difficulty coping with such.

Author: Marth, Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 6:43 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth accompanied Dalanesca back to the Courthouse, happy that she chose to heed his advice. "I do believe there's an elegant way to handle this," he said, as the two approached the building. "And I am positive you'll pull through. I mean, getting my head in order - a greater feat than you realise," he said, smiling warmly. His smile soon vanished, however, his expression going grim. "Which reminds me. We should not linger in the Blinded Scales much longer. I believe it is soon time to go to Egjora, and have a look at Borza's mansion. We need to get in there and check his correspondence before news of his death reaches the city." As the two passed through the entrance, Marth was interrupted by a black-clad magister, carrying a dark, elaborate cuirass.

"My lord Redeemer and Destroyer," the young man said, addressing Marth. "And my lady Justiciar." The young man returned his attention to marth, getting straight down to business. "The cuirass you requested, my lord. Forged, enchanted, and engraved as per your instructions." he handed the armour over to Marth, who took it and inspected it closely. "Thank you. You may resume your previous duties." The magister made a stiff bow, and strode off. Marth looked at Dalanesca, apologetic. "Sorry, should have told you. I commissioned a new piece of armour to function as my badge of office. Dragonscale." He showed Dalanesca the armour, with a weak smile.

The chestpiece was made primarily of fused dragonscales - welded, almost, though not through means of fire. "It was made by fusing the scales together using highly corrosive basilisk venom," Marth explained, as he walked towards the room myter was being kept. "As you can see, mithril links allow for more flexibility around the abdomen, easing my breathing." He pointed at the links as he explained, showing how the starlight-coloured links, weaved beneath the dragonscale plates, allowed him to breathe more effectively. "The surface of the cuirass has been polished," he said, showing the engraved surface of the chestpiece. The image engraved into the armour was one depicting a large pair of scales, the symbol of darkness on one side and the symbol of light on the other. In front of the scales was a silhouette - a robed man, half-shaded, half-illuminated - wielding fire in each hand. And behind it all, as well as engraved clearly on the back of the cuirass, was Marth's chosen device - a sunburst set aflame. The cuirass also came equipped with shoulderpads, attatched to straps which also held a sheath for the Guardian Dragon Lance.

As the two walked towards where Myter was being hosted, Marth made a clumsy and rather undignified attempt at putting the cuirass on while they moved. Eventually, however, the plate got stuck at his shoulders, and marth was left blind and with the cuirass stuck halfway down his chest. This forced him to stop, and for a moment, he just stood there, blinded by dragonscales and his arms stuck in an awkward position, one through the arm-hole of the armour and one stuck in the neck opening. The silence lasted for three seconds before Marth, in an utterly defeated tone of voice, spoke up. "I have never worn a plate chestpiece in my life." A few more seconds passed. "This particular piece of armour is obviously unfit for unassisted assembly." Another few seconds. "I beg of you, Dalanesca. Help me."

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 4:43 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca listened intently to Marth with a furrowed brow as he explained the pros and cons - the cons far outweighing the pros - of Myter becoming a member of her clergy.  She had not thought of it in the sense that Marth presented it, but it actually made sense to her.  “I see what you are saying,” she said, her brow furrowing more intensely.  She resigned to accept what Marth said, his words holding much weight with her.  “I am sure he would understand,” she added.  “He’s not the smartest man I’ve known, but he’s got some common sense.  Once we get his mind straightened, I’m sure he will be more than pleased to be of assistance to us in any way possible, even if it is just by sending those who seem balanced of character to us,” she said.  

She could not contain the smile that spread across her lips when Marth referred to himself as her Redeemer and Destroyer.  She knew it to be so, but hearing him refer to himself as something that was her’s only impressed that feeling upon her further.  And although Marth did refer to himself as such, she could sense that the advice he had given her was truly born from an advisement standpoint - not from a romantic viewpoint.  “I appreciate your honesty, Marth,” she said, as the two reached the entrance to the Courthouse.  “I am glad to know that, given what has blossomed between us, you seem comfortable in differentiating between, well, personal and business matters, I suppose one could say,” she said, chuckling slightly.  

She glanced at the door to the Courthouse, and then back to Marth.  “I suppose it’s time to handle this, as it were,” she said.  She grew silent for a moment, deep in contemplation, before a realization washed over her.  “You know, I’ve been making this too complicated,” she said, with a bit of a laugh.  “I keep thinking that helping Myter become balanced is going to be some difficult task, but I think I might be able to just will him to do so,” she said, sighing.  She hoped Marth would understand what she was suggesting - but she knew that, at least in her realm, there would be a way for her to give Marth’s psyche a readjustment of sorts.  

“Do you think this is something I should do alone?” she asked, though she was hoping that Marth would accompany her, for moral support if for nothing else.  After a moment’s hesitation, she expressed this to him.  “Unless you think it would be detrimental, I would absolutely wish for you to accompany me,” she added, with a bit of a smile.  “Besides, I think he is far enough from Malum where his behavior shouldn’t be affected, but in case, I would rather not do this alone,” she said, even though she knew she would be capable of defending herself if the situation arose.

Author: Marth, Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 6:07 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth nodded at Dalanesca's decision to be open about their relationship. "I figured you'd say that," he said, smiling. "You're beginning to trylu speak like a godess," he continued, as Dalanesca showed a resolution to excercise her authority. In truth, he was relieved, for he didn't really relish the idea of keeping the relationship a secret - his desire to express his feelings aside, it would have been a logistical nightmare of epic proportions, possibly complicating even the simplest matters, such as meeting times and meal services. He knew this because there had been many a love scandal in Wyllmochvar's political scene when he'd been a part of it, the juiciest being between educated magi in high-ranking positions fraternizing with baseborn labourers, merchants, and footpads.

After words and kisses had been exchanged, Marth followed Dalanesca to the Courthouse, happy that the affairs of emotion were more or less dealt with. However, the question about Myter remained. Marth thought about the issue, weighing the different angles as he was wont to do, before giving his response. "There is a place in the clergy for Myter, surely," he began, his face betraying his reservations. "If he should truly desire to. I do not feel like I have the right to deny him, should this be the case." He opened his mouth to continue, but hesitated. After a brief moment, his expression hardened a little, as Marth provided the potentially uncomfortable conclusion. "However, I doubt it's in any concerned party's best interest," he said, frowning. "His closeness to you means he'd probably feel a bit betrayed if he was not given a position of trust, but he's not the kind of man, I think, who'd be suitable for such a position." He took a deep breath before elaborating. "He's an uneducated man, unlike me, who has lived his life on the sidelines, serving and listening. teaching him the skills necessary to serve would be difficult, as well, considering his age. I therefore doubt he has the intellectual or psychological faculties necessary to justify the kind of position both he and you would likely be inclined to put him in."

Marth thought for another moment before continuing. "I think the best course of action is to help him regain his balance as best we can, and explain to him that he'd probably be better off continuing his career as a tavernkeep. perhaps by tasking him with the recruitment of likely travellers to your clergy, he'd feel a stronger sense of purpose in life." After a moment, he nodded to himself, confident in his idea. "I do believe that would serve him, you, and this realm best. As a tavernkeep, he'd likely be a good judge of character at any rate - once his temper has been tempered." Marth gave a little chuckle at his own little rhyme. "As your Redeemer and Destroyer, that is my advice. Should you and Myter agree to something else, however, I will of course endeavour to comply." He gave a smile and respectful nod, showing that it was indeed the Redeemer and Destroyer, not the lover, who counseled Dalanesca.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 4:27 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca laughed uneasily at Marth as he mentioned his being appalled at her lack of understanding.  “I don’t trust easily, Marth,” she explained.  “I’ve been wronged a time or two in my life and I am not quick to relax my heart to welcome anyone in, hence the precautions I am taking in speaking to you about this now rather than waiting until a more serious reason to discuss it arises,” she said.  She gave him a smile, so as to show she was most certainly not upset.  When he grasped her hand in his, she instinctively laced her fingers with his own.  A sense of relief washed over her, and she felt much more at ease knowing that her feelings for Marth were not unrequited.  “I don’t think I will have any difficulty becoming more attached to you,” she added.

She listened when Marth began to speak again, her mind processing the words as he spoke them.  She contemplated his suggestions for a moment.  The thought of having their privacy kept was appealing to her - but of course, she did not want to feel the pressure of only being able to express her true feelings to Marth when they were alone.  Each came with a long list of pros and a long list of cons, and it seemed that Marth had now left the ball in her court to decide which path they would follow.  “It seems like it should be such a simple thing to figure out,” she said, and frustration was clear in her voice.  “I don’t want to hide what we have,” she said, though it was clear that this was not necessarily her decision.  “But I also don’t want what we have to be ruined by people’s inability to keep their nose out of places it doesn’t belong,” she added.  She sighed, and grew silent for a moment.  She tried to search Marth’s words for a hint as to which of the two options he would favor, but she could find no such thing.  

After a brief silence, she spoke up again.  “Subtlety be damned,” she said, brusquely, and looked at Marth.  “We’ll have as much privacy as I want us to have, as this is my realm and my subjects will adhere to my will,” she said, her voice a bit more powerful than it had been.  “I’ll not hide how I feel about you when in the public eye because a few dumb twits can’t keep their mouths shut,” she added.  “So, unless you take issue with it, our course of action will be not to hide our relationship, but to embrace it.  I will, however, hold a personal council with the Magisters myself - directly with me - and I will let them know exactly what will happen to them if they speak out of turn about us,” she added, her gaze darkening a bit.  It seemed as though she had come to a quick realization of her power, brought on by the thought of someone meddling with her and Marth’s affairs.  

“Save your choice for it to be so, I can see nothing that will break this bond,” she said, her gaze softening and filling with a bit of emotion.  She paused again, taking a deep breath.  She had stopped walking, and placed a hand on the side of Marth’s face.  “You are the Redeemer and Destroyer - my Redeemer and Destroyer,” she said, repeating herself from earlier, with a proud smile on her face.  “I will not hide the way I feel about you,” she said, matter of factly.  She stood up on tip-toe, pressing her lips against his in an affectionate kiss.  She let her body linger against his for a moment, before lowering her hand and pulling away from him.  

Assuming Marth accepted this, she began towards the Courthouse again.  “I suppose we need to attend to Myter,” she said.  “Have we a place for him in the clergy, once we get his mind sorted out?” she asked, looking to Marth for advice.  “Think of this as the first of many matters of which I will need your advisement on,” she said, with a sly grin, looking to her companion for answers.

Author: Marth, Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:35 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth simply nodded as Dalanesca seemed to regain her bearings. He let her speak, thinking it was better if he simply let her lead the conversation and pick up her own train of thought. After a while, he simply gave a generally agreeing comment. "Work the problem until it resolves," he said, with a nod. He then followed as Dalanesca began walking toward the courthouse.

Marth was taken a little by surprise as Dalanesca addressed her concern about the relationship. What took him even more aback was the length and depth of Dalanesca's monologue, showing that she's clearly had the issue in the back of her head for some time. He was, however, glad that she brought the issue up - he did, after all, want to get a few things clear himself. He began smiling towards the end of Dalanesca's speech, satisfied with her explanation of how she perceived things - for it was much the same as he felt himself.

Marth took a moment to think, before he decided to simply say what was on his mind - a form of straightforward honesty he was typically too formal or careful to exercise. "You know, for a goddess of balance, you have an appalling understanding of the, shall I say 'balance' between us." He looked at her and smiled - there was no cheek in his smile, simply warmth. "Suffice it to say that the road we've set upon is one I hope will be a long and smooth one," he began, before smirking mischievously. "Though I suppose some… 'rough' terrain might do us good, from time to time." He cast her another glance, beginning to weigh his words more heavily again. "What I mean to say, is… The feeling is mutual. I must admit I am quite infatuated with you, but beyond that, I also care deeply for you." He began walking a little closer to Dalanesca, finally grabbing her hand in his own. "So feel free to grow more attached."

As the two approached the courthouse, Marth thought for a moment. "With these words in mind… There is a decision to make," he said. He stopped, and looked at Dalanesca with a serious, yet relaxed expression. "We are on the same page, I think. I want to go deeper, and I think you do as well," he started, picking his words carefully. "And that, in itself, requires dedication. Now, for the sake of this domain and its adherents… Shall we be open about that dedication, or keep it out of the proverbial public eye?" His mind got busy doing calculations, and Marth began explaining his perceived pros and cons of either approach. "On the one hand, your apotheosis was recent, so I doubt many will raise eyebrows about a recently mortal woman having a… lover, boy friend, husband, or similar. As such, I doubt it would have significant long-term impact - and if the bond lasts - which I hope it will - little will change." He cocked his head and looked into the air as he addressed the other option. "On the other hand, keeping platonic in public should afford us more privacy, giving us greater flexibility to work out our relationship as we please, however inconvenient it may be," he said, before looking back at Dalanesca.

"Either way works with me - I'll leave this up to you. But if we do not commit either way now, we might find ourselves in an uncomfortable position later on. So I suggest you come to a conclusion." he held up a hand in a calming manner, realizing his phrasing might have been a bit direct. "Not now, necessarily, but soon. Preferably before the Magisters have time to make up ideas of their own," he said, "Which I think is no more than a few days away."

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:11 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca relished in the feeling Marth holding her close gave her, welcoming the distraction from the events that had just unfolded.  She listened carefully to the words he spoke, focusing on each syllable in an attempt to calm herself down.  Eventually, the more she focused on what Marth was saying to her, the more she was able to calm down, the sobs ceasing to wrack her frame, and the tears slowing from her eyes.  At last, when she had mostly calmed, she regained her footing, though remained standing very close to Marth.  

Dalanesca solemnly nodded in agreement with Marth.  “I know that.  I really do.  I just… I suppose I have not quite figured out how to grasp the entirety of my existence yet,” she said, and let out a small laugh.  “It’s a part of human nature, I suppose, wanting to help everyone,” she said, the tone of her words giving way of how important her humanity was to her.  “I’ll be able to help him,” she said, in reference to Myter.  “I know I will.  I just have to figure out how.”  She sighed.  “Nothing left to do but to fix what’s already been done, right?” she asked, smiling weakly.

Her eyes met Marth’s as he grasped her chin, though she closed them as his lips brushed against her own again. He was looking at her when she opened them once more, chuckling at his chosen words.  “Get shit done,” she repeated, smiling in a much stronger sense than she previously had been.  “Sounds like a plan,” she said, with a laugh.  “Though, I must admit, that vernacular was quite unexpected from you,” she said, quirking an eyebrow at him.  “But unexpected is good,” she added.

A moment of silence passed before she spoke again.  She assumed that Marth had sent Myter back to the Courthouse, as she recalled him quickly getting a Magister to escort him when things had begun to go south.  “I need to figure out exactly what to do for Myter,” she added.  “I need to get into his head somehow,” she said, quite clearly meaning such in a metaphorical sense.  “I’ve got the ability to do things I’m not even aware of, there’s got to be a way,” she added.  

Dalanesca fell into step towards the Courthouse, assuming that Marth would follow her.  She took this as the perfect opportunity to ask him a question that had been in her mind since the Magister had inappropriately introduced the pair at the orientation for the new faithful.  “Marth,” she said, his name rolling softly off of her tongue.  She paused in her gait and turned to face him.  “What is this?” she asked, knowing full well that he would understand the question, but offering more insight regardless.   Her face reddened a bit, as she realized that she may have sounded as though she was asking out of offense.  “What I mean to say is… where is this going with us?” she asked.  “I know that this is new, but you are my Redeemer and Destroyer.  Unfortunately, people of our status do not have the liberty to take their time and see what things become, to an extent… what is the end game in this?”  She looked at him one more, the adoration for him in her eyes coupled with a bit of worry. 

She sighed, looking away for a moment, continuing to speak before he could have a chance to respond, unless he interrupted her.  “I feel very strongly for you,” she said, frankly.  “I feel more strongly for you than I can recall feeling for anyone.  I do not know if it is due to the bond that has been created between us by the realm, or if it is its own, pure thing.  What I do know is that I enjoy the way that I feel about you, and I want that feeling to continue,” she said, smiling sheepishly.  “However, if this is something with less meaning to you… I would rather know that now before allowing myself to fall any further….” she trailed off, rethinking her words.  “Before becoming any more attached to you,” she rephrased, a hint of sadness in the words.  “I don’t need a definition, I suppose… I just need to know whether or not we are on the same page.”  She grew quiet, awaiting Marth’s reply to her words.

Author: Marth, Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:23 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth witnessed the dark mist descend from Dalanesca's palms, but paid the cascading darkness no heed. It didn't seem to be harmful, so Marth's focus was on Dalanesca, who seemed prone to buckle under the weight of her newfound powers, and the stress from the resulting responsibilities. I can scarce imagine how weighty this must be. It falls to me, her foremost servant, to carry what can be carried of that burden, by mortal men anyways. And so he stood there, simply being present, until Dalanesca regained some measure of control. It took a few moments, but she finally stopped emitting the shadowy mist from her palms.

After a short while, Marth felt the convulsions that accompanied sobbing. As Dalanesca began to buckle, Marth took more of her weight, eventually getting to the point where he was almost carrying her. "Nothing is wrong with you. You're not a caster, so your mind needs time to adjust." He held her close, his voice heavy with experience and gravity. "You will learn to control it, the moment you learn what is really happening. Meditation, and practise, will be your most powerful tools." Marth had only a medium level of confidence in his own words - he couldn't be sure, of course, that the magic he'd witnessed was anything like regular magic - but he did believe his words to hold some merit, even when pitted against divine powers.

Marth was cradling Dalanesca's head when she looked up at him with her plea of guilt. Marth listened, as was his duty as her servant, friend, and more-than-friend (Have to figure out where we stand on that issue, he thought), and hugged her close when she was done, sighing deeply, his mind momentarily lost in thought.

"The fall of the gods in Pravpora was brought about by mortals, who tore down their source of power and brought them down in a great inferno." His voice was distant, his mind tracing his knowledge of the past to uncover some shred of wisdom to help Dalanesca regain control. "As they fell, the curse of the gods damned the souls of the warriors who had brought them to heel, trapping them for eternity in the swamp that once was the battlefield." His mind was racing now, trying to pick up the thread Marth so desperately needed - looking for a lifeline, however thin, to throw to Dalanesca. "With their power came ruination and despair, powerful enough to affect the continent through the annals of history." Marth took a deep breath, hoping he was on the right trail. "That was the choice of the gods, a retaliation for the actions of mortals. The gods could have spared them, but didn't." Marth held Dalanesca even tighter - an unconcious act, borne of love, but perhaps also borne of a need to lend his voice some gravitas. "The mortals, too, had this choice - the choice to bring down the gods. For they knew the gods did not hold all power. Great power, certainly, but not all of it."

Marth gently let go of Dalanesca, hoping that she'd have the presence of mind to remain standing as he finished his tale. "You do not have all power, Dalanesca, and that, I think, is something any wise person would be grateful for. For it is not all your responsibility - failure, or inability to act, cannot always be laid at your door. Not all that can be helped, can be helped by you - or your subordinates." He looked Dalanesca in the eye with a sad smile. "But now you are equipped with knowledge of Myter's plea, and thus with the ability to do something about it. If you lose yourself in what was not done yesterday, you'll lose sight of what can be done today. And in doing so, you doom yourself to repeat the failure tomorrow."

After finishing his speech, Marth held his hand gently under Dalanesca's chin, and leant in to give her a kiss. Afterward, he looked her in the eyes again, his smile more optimistic. "So, let's not dwell on it. I think it'd be much better if we stepped up and got shit done." His smile turned into a grin, as Marth felt pretty good about his own motivational speech.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:53 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Feeling Marth’s hands on her shoulders, she briefly panicked - he knew something was wrong, and she couldn’t hide it.  The dark magic blossoming from her palms cascaded outwards, now at a point where she could no longer hide it.  Fortunately, Myter had gone off with one of the Magisters that Marth had summoned, and was not there to witness her loss of control.  

“I can’t,” she whispered weakly as Marth told her to breathe, and to steady her heart rate.  She felt at a loss - her body seemed foreign to her, and the actions it was making were out of her control.  For a brief moment, she found herself able to focus on Marth’s hands, his touch bringing a sense of calm to her - but that was fleeting, gone within moments.  

Dalanesca could hear Marth’s words, but still the magic escaped her palms.  A black mist now veiled the ground around the two, swirling around their feet.  The flow of the magic was beginning to slow, and at least seemed to not do any harm - but it still terrified her.  She looked around at the ground, panicking at the sight.  She felt Marth’s lips brush against the back of her head, a sense of calm beginning to surface.  The heat from his hands grounded her, and she could feel tears welling up in her eyes once more.  The sensation of the heat coupled with Marth’s hands sliding from her shoulders down to her stomach seemed to be working, as she heeded his words - paying attention to everything in her surroundings other than the black mist.  

A few moments later, the darkness had stopped emitting from her palms, the black mist on the ground only lingering.  A sob wracked her body.  “What is wrong with me,” she whispered, coupled with another sob.  Her legs lost their sturdiness and she crumpled, allowing her weight to be caught by Marth.  “I can’t control this.  How do I do this?” she asked, though she knew he could not offer the answers she needed, but only help her to find them herself.  

Tears streamed from her eyes and she wrapped her arms around one of Marth’s arms, as though she were clinging onto him for safety.  For a brief moment, she felt utterly pathetic - what sort of goddess couldn’t control her own magic?  She looked around, noticing that the black mist that she had created was nearly gone, and found herself wondering exactly what it was that her magic had been trying to accomplish. 

With tired eyes, she looked at Marth - probably looking more vulnerable than he had ever seen her.  “I felt like it was my fault - my fault that Myter couldn’t stay from the extreme of either side,” she said, in reference to why she had gotten upset.  “I’ve never felt so guilty in my life… is it my fault?  Am I to blame for all of it?” she asked, hoping that Marth would have the answers - though she knew he wouldn’t.

Author: Marth, Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:08 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth led a somewhat bruised Myter out of the tower, and ensured he kept walking on the Sanctus side of the realm until the trio reached the Grey Quarter. While Wyter was too busy hurting and groaning, marth noticed something in Dalanesca's eyes - and immediately felt a wave of guilt wash over him. Damn you, Coralax, don't go ahead and take such action on your own, he thought, quietly pacing behind Dalanesca, mulling over what to do to remedy the situation. Then, he felt something - a tingle of sorts - coming from Dalanesca's direction. Marth didn't recognize the aura as something magickal per se - it wasn't any form of arcane art he was familiar with - but he did recognize the feeling. It was the same kind of tingle he'd felt every time he stepped into Malum.

Calculations and reasoning was racing side by side with worry, concern, and despair in Marth's mind. Under no circumstances did he want to see Dalanesca brought down, but at the same time, he had a difficult time putting his finger on what could have caused Dalanesca to grow so disturbed over what was, in all fairness, a trivial matter compared to what they'd gone through before. He absentmindedly responded that yes, food was a good idea, and kept on thinking almost until they reached the Grey Quarter before the obvious answer finally presented itself. This is new to her, too, he finally managed to recognize. He gestured for a Magister, and quickly gave instructions to provide Myter with a room somewhere in the Courthouse, and went up to Dalanesca.

His steps were tentative, but his mind had the scenario mapped out. Best thing I can do now is offer her what she has offered me all along - some stability. Tools to deal with her situation. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, and spoke softly - caringly - letting his voice tell her he was there for her, while his words were laced with reason and logic. "Deep breaths. Steady your pulse." His other hand touched her other shoulder, and he began giving them a massage, in an effort to make Dalanesca's mind focus on what was without, as opposed to within. "Magick is released through mental tension. Let go that tension, let your eyes trail along the features around you, drink in every sensation." He leant in and kissed the back of Dalanesca's head, his hands still rubbing her shoulders. "Focus on letting the world into your mind, as opposed to unleashing your mind on the world." The back of his palms began dancing with fire, letting heat shoot up to warm Dalanesca's face - all to give her sensory stimuli to balance her mind. "And remember, that you are in control. You are in control of your abilities like you are in control of your daggers. Here, now, there are no enemies to fight. Let your powers be sheathed, or dropped harmlessly to the ground. Hold it within, or release it with no intent to harm." His hands slid down from Dalanesca's shoulders, down her sides, and across her hips, until Marth finally embraced her and held his hands over her stomach. "Breathe. Steady. You are in total… control."

Marth stood there, holding around Dalanesca, just hoping that he'd be able to help her. Without letting Dalanesca know, he also braced his magickal shield at his front - on the off chance that his lessons wouldn't work.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:30 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

When Marth grabbed Myter, sending him flying across the room, Dalanesca leapt to her feet.  “Stop it!” she yelled, though it seemed that her words went unheard by Marth.  He had undergone a change again, though this one was unlike any that she had seen him undergo in the past.  He seemed much more in control, and his voice was something different, too.  Backing away, she kept her distance from the pair, confusion and anger mixing together into a strange wave of emotions that she had not felt before.

As the events unfolded before her, her emotions began to spike even further, and she could feel whatever power had been granted to her by her divinity beginning to stir.  Ignoring the sensation, she kept her eyes fixed on both Marth and Myter, preparing herself to jump in - though it seemed unnecessary when Myter raised his hands in a sign of yield.

She relaxed slightly when she saw the change on Marth’s face, though she still felt overly tense - off, somehow.  As Myter began to explain how he had not felt quite right as of late, how he was shifting from one extreme to another, and Dalanesca began to feel blame.  She began to feel as though it was her fault that Myter had been unstable.  She could feel tears welling in her eyes, fighting back the urge to break down as she blamed herself for the trouble that had befallen her friend.  She was the Goddess of Balance, and she was to keep everything perfectly maintained… and she had failed Myter.

Marth looked at her, his eyes and voice returning back to their previous state.  When he looked away again, Dalanesca felt a tear slide down her cheek, losing the battle with her emotions.  She was grateful that Marth seemed to be focusing on Myter more than her at the moment, and she furiously wiped at her eyes.  Of course, she failed at completely hiding her sadness, forcing a smile to meet Marth’s when he looked back at her.  ‘Courthouse is fine,” she said, quietly, her eyes red and a bit watery.  

Without the realm unhinging his thoughts.  Marth’s words echoed in her mind, and she turned to leave the Two Faced Tower, intent on heading back to the Courthouse without Marth - or Myter - seeing the emotions on her face.  She assumed the two would follow her, so she did not look back as she exited the room.  

The feeling in her stomach she had felt earlier, when she had begun feeling upset, had returned, now that she was no longer fighting to ignore it.  She glanced down at her hands, and she could see something - dark, misty shadows - beginning to resonate off of her palms.  Quickly, she rubbed her palms at her legs, pulling them back only to see that they substance - whatever it was - had not gone away.  It was at this moment that she realized her emotions were forcing the magic she was now capable out, and she needed to figure out a way to cap it.  When Marth and Myter had exited behind her, she folded her arms across her chest, palms flat against her arms so that the darkness on her hands was not visible.  “Shall I call for lunch to be served to us?” she said, her voice wavering slightly as she addressed Marth.

Author: Marth, Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:26 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth looked, bewildered, as Myter's demeanour changed. As a military officer, he wasn't used to so much insolence in such a short span of time, let alone this form of verbal abuse. With each new affront to his person, and each slight on Dalanesca's honour, Marth's expression darkened. He was just about to act on his anger when Dalanesca finally stepped in, demanding that Myter cease his talking. Marth glared at the man, but was prepared to let him leave peacefully, until he mumbled something. All at once, Marth's eyes turned to slits, and his hand shot out and grabbed Myter by the collar. "You will show some respect to the lady of the Blinded Scales, tavernkeep!" Marth then proceeded to swing his arm in a wide arc, flinging the man across the room to the other side of the tower, where he crashed into a stack of books with a loud thud.

Something was different about his change this time around. The slits Marth's eyes had turned into were not demonic - instead, they looked like shadowed chasms in orbs of lava, his gaze fire. This was in stark contrast to the rings of blood on a pitch black background that was usually the case where he snapped, and his voice as well changed differently. As opposed to when Reaver took hold, and his voice would grow higher in pitch, his voice became more barytone, deeper and more rumbling. "Dalanesca might be a friend to you, but do not presume to challenge her honour or her authority in her own divine realm," he said, taking a few calculated strides towards the tavernkeep. Myter managed to get up from his crumpled position, and held out his hand in a 'stop' fashion. "I'm sorry!" he said, and Marth's expression softened.

"I don't know what came over me," Myter continued. "I've been a right mess lately, sir, hoppin' 'tween happy an' morose for weeks. I came 'ere 'cause I 'eard there was a new god, a god of balance and that," he said, looking both terrified and remorseful. He took a few steps back, his voice quivering. "I promise, sir, I meant nothin' by it! I need 'elp…"

marth looked back at Dalanesca, his eyebrow perked. His eyes returned to normal, as did his voice. He looked back at Myter, his expression now composed. He did a lot for her. He ought to get a second chance. "Hrm. It would seem Malum had a deeper effect on you than it does others. I suggest we move to the Grey Square, or perhaps the Courthouse, so the two halves of the Blinded Scales won't influence you any further." He looked back at Dalanesca, with a saddened smile. "What do you think? If nothing else, he deserves the chance to speak without the realm unhinging his thoughts - don't you agree?"

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Thu Jun 9, 2016 2:20 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

She looked to Marth as he joined the two of them, and met his smile with one of her own, albeit brief.  Myter gave Marth a nod of acknowledgment, his face still in a mild state of bewilderment.  “Aye, she ‘splained best she could, I s’pose,” he said, his voice sounding tired.

Dalanesca glanced at Marth when came to sit next to her, and she could see the apology in his face.  She gave him a smile, deciding that being cold towards him was not worth it - the two would have plenty of time later to have a discussion about things later on.  For the time being, she needed to focus on Myter and what exactly she and Marth were going to do with him.  She felt Marth’s hand brush her own, and she reflexively slid her hand into his own, giving it a gentle squeeze so as to let him know that things were fine and they would talk later.

Myter seemed to notice the touch between the two, and he narrowed his eyes at Marth.  “I knew you were upta no good the moment I set my eye on ya, I seen the way ya looked at her,” he said to Marth, disgust apparent in his voice.  “Y’after her fer nothin’ but what’s got on her body, didn’t need her for no mission or nothin’,” he continued, nodding his head in Dalanesca’s direction.  “She’s too good fer summin’ like that, treatin’ her like y’picked her up in a brothel,” he said, his words becoming more tense with each syllable.  “Now ya got her when she gits all powered up an’ ya git somethin’ outta it.”

Dalanesca’s mouth dropped open.  She glanced from Marth and back to Myter, her eyes wide in surprise at the words coming out of Myter’s mouth.  “Marth’s done nothing of that sort,” she said to him, her voice explicitly offended.  “You will not speak ill of him - not in my realm, not here,” she said, her voice firm.  She glanced to Marth, not really sure of how to address the situation at hand.  On one hand, she knew that Myter cared for her much as he would his own daughter, but he was not exactly the brightest man she had ever met.

Myter frowned at her, looking down at the floor, it apparent in his face that he had more to say, but was thinking on his words carefully.  After a moment, barely audible words escaped his lips.  “Jus’ takes one good romp to turn all ya’ inno blubbing idiots,” he muttered, obviously under the impression that neither of them would be able to hear him.

Author: Marth, Posted: Thu Jun 9, 2016 1:10 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth, standing in one end of the tower, looked sternly at the Magister in front of him. His gaze was steel and fire - anger tempered by millitant authority. "Consort? Before I mete out proper disciplinary action, you have ten seconds to explain yourself." The poor Magister looked up at Marth, a little nervous. To her credit, her voice didn't waver. "We have not been around long, my lord. We all thought the two of you were -" Marth cut her off before she could finish, his voice like soft thunder. "What you thought is irrelevant. In the work of justice and balance, you work with what you know, is that clear? And for the record, lady Dalanesca and I are not married. Nothing is official. Which means you Magisters are way out of bounds treating it as though it is." The Magister averted her gaze downwards, but her stubborn expression remained. "Official or not, you should have seen Sanctus light up when you were together. It looked rather like a carnival."

Marth looked at the Magister, dumbfounded for a second. "And on that basis, you decided to give an introduction which undermined my authority, your integrity, and worst of all, lady Dalanesca's standing?" The Magister looked down on the floor, her cheeks flushing. Marth stood over her, imposingly, for a few seconds. He then took a step back and pointed to the door. "Until other orders are provided, you will look to the prospective clergy and ensure they have all the food, drink, and facilities they require. You will put yourself at their disposal, and provide them every service short of the sexual. Do you understand!?" The Magister nodded ferverently and rushed out the door, leaving the room empty save for Marth, Dalanesca, and Myter.

Marth approached the two with a smile. "My apologies, Myter. I approeciate that this must have come as quite the shock. I trust lady Dalanesca has explained the situation, to an extent?" He also flashed Dalanesca a look of apology. In truth, he didn't feel all that sorry for what he had said, though he realised he could have phrased himself better. As he positioned himself next to her, he brushed her hand subtly, letting her know she could address her concerns at any time.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Thu Jun 9, 2016 12:40 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca wholeheartedly agreed with Marth - in her eyes, it was not so much the fact that she did not want her relationship with Marth - whatever it was - to be public, but more to the fact that addressing Marth in such a manner seemed to tone down the authority he should have over the newcomers.  He was the one in charge of them, the one they would ultimately answer to, and having him be first introduced as the goddess’s consort would just not do.  However, she found his wording of such a bit terse, in her opinion.  “Frankly, I see no reason we should have to hide… whatever this is,” she said, her cheeks reddening a bit, it becoming clearly obvious that she may have taken Marth’s words in a manner in which he did not mean them - or perhaps exactly how he meant it. 

She turned her back to Marth and stepped quickly into the tower, ascending to the room where Myter was sitting along with the Magister.  She glanced at Marth when he spoke, nodding briefly, before walking over to sit down next to her old friend.

“Long time no see,” she said, softly.  Myter looked up at her, his eyes still obviously full of confusion.  He said nothing at first, only looking at her.   “Let me just start out with telling you that this is a new development,” she said, gesturing her hands neutrally around her.  “Back in Adeluna… I wasn’t like this.  Not when I was working for you,” she added.  

Myter blinked a few times.  “Always knew there was somethin’ special about ya,” he said, quietly.  Dalanesca quirked an eyebrow but said nothing.  “He that bloke you met in the tavern that night ya left?” he asked her, nodding his head towards the direction Marth had gone off in.  Dalanesca nodded.  “He looks at you like he love ya,” he said, giving her a smile.  

Dalanesca’s face reddened a bit, her earlier confusion at what Marth had said to her still apparent in her mind.  “How’ve you been, Myter?” she asked, changing the subject, the two bouncing off into conversation like old friends.

Author: Marth, Posted: Thu Jun 9, 2016 12:24 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth hummed as Dalanesca accompanied him to the tower. As She began japing about him being her consort, he chuckled. "Many rulers have held consorts that turned out to be excellent and influential leaders," he began, "In Pravpora as well as Canelux." He kept a slightly slower pace for Dalanesca's benefit - it wouldn't do to rush a goddess anywhere. "Needless to say, however, that was a liberty the Magister should not have taken." He thought for a moment. "I think some time seeing to the accomodations and needs of the prospective clergy - giving her to them as a sort of maid - might be an appropriately humiliating - and public - punishment." As they reached his oil-and-water-patterned tower, Marth let go of Dalanesca's arm and opened the door to show her inside. "We cannot, however, overlook our own blame in this. We probably should have informed the Magisters that our relationship -" he said the word somewhat matter-of-factly - "was not to be made public."

Inside the tower, the Magister in question was seeing to Myter's needs. The poor man was sitting in a sofa, having recieved some tea for his nerves. Marth looked at him, then at Dalanesca, and smiled. "I think this one is yours, my lady," he said in a formal tone, before brusqely dragging the Magister aside to inform her of her punishment.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Thu Jun 9, 2016 12:14 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca nodded at Marth in a promise.  “Only you,” she said quietly, with a bit of a smile.  It was strange to her to feel so attached to someone again, after spending such a long time on her own.  She hadn’t found it easy to trust anyone in a very long period of time, but she felt so at ease with Marth - so at home - that it just came naturally.

As the two walked down to the Grey Court, she fought the urge to grasp Marth’s hand in her own.  As much as she didn’t want to break the physical contact she had been enjoying with him, she didn’t think it would be entirely proper if the two of them were to show up hand in hand to address a new group of faithful, like a couple of lovesick school children.  Instead, she chose to walk comfortably close to him.

When they arrived, her eyes began scanning the group while the Magister began to introduce them.  Upon the number of titles listed in front of her name, she rolled her eyes, casting a glance at Marth.  She had never been a fan of overly proper titles, but it seemed to come with the territory - however, her eyes shot daggers at the Magister as she introduced Marth as Dalanesa’s consort.  Marth’s look he gave her was enough to anger her further - not at him, but at the audacity that the Magister possessed to say such a thing in front of prospective recruits.

She went back to scanning the group before them and her eyes widened slightly as they fell upon an old friend - Myter, the very man who had taken her in and given her work after she had given up her life as an assassin.  It seemed that he was a tad more surprised to see her than she was to see him - and Marth seemed to have caught on to the situation as well.  Before she could even say or do anything, Marth jumped to action, asking - rather, commanding -  the offending Magister from early to bring Marth to his tower.  It seemed, as well, that he was planning on some sort of disciplinary action for the Magister as well when he instructed her not to leave the tower.

So Dalanesca followed idly by, listening and watching as Marth conducted his introductory tour.  When all was said and done and the newcomers had been taken off by her staff for further instruction, she glanced at Marth when he began to speak to her once more.  She nodded in agreement with him.  “Yes, we probably do,” she said, her voice somewhat distant and her brow furrowed.  In all the turmoil since her ascension and her quest with Marth, coupled with the feelings she had developed for him, Myter had all but fallen from her memory.  The man had been a friend to her - damn near a father, and she was now beginning to feel pangs of guilt for not thinking of him sooner.

“Poor old sap,” she said, looping her arm through Marth’s so the two could head to the tower.  “He’s probably a right mess,” she said.  As they walked, her attention turned back to the Magister’s words from earlier.  “By the way, if you’re my consort,” she said, putting a sarcastic emphasis on the word.  “Shouldn’t you just stand idly by in the background looking pretty?” she continued, though she could barely get the words out without a laugh.  The two reached the tower doors shortly thereafter, and she stepped aside, letting Marth take the lead.

Author: Marth, Posted: Wed Jun 8, 2016 1:21 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth nodded at Dalanesca, satisfied with her responses. He began kitting up at the same time as her, putting on all his armour and clothing, and inspecting the Dragon Lance. Once he was all kitted up, he grabbed the Dragon Lance and used it as a mage would use any staff - the spear made him look more regal, emphasizing the fact that authority suited him well.

"I don't mind you being there, of course," he began, smiling. "After all, you're the subject of their worship." Before he walked out, he walked up to Dalanesca and gave her a kiss, like the one she had given him moments before. "But I'd like you to promise me this: No matter how devout they are… Don't let them worship you as I do," he said, with a grin. He leant in for another kiss before he turned to step outside.

The walk to where the Magisters kept the acolytes was short - they had been rounded up in the Grey Quarter, about a dozen civilians and an adventurer or two. Marth nodded at one of the Magisters, who cleared her throat and announced their arrival in a highly official manner. "Presenting the Lady of the Blinded Scales, Her Magnificence Dalanesca the Justiciar, She who Maintains Order and Balance, and her consort, -" At this, Marth looked at Dalanesca with a look that promised chastising - "His Excellence Marth Coralax, titled Redeemer and Destroyer, High Priest of the Blinded Scales!" Marth rolled his eyes subtly at the introduction, but stood tall and proud, as befit a man introduced in such a manner. He looked over the acolytes, before his gaze rested on a familiar face.

Myter stood in the middle of the group, dubstruck at the sight before him. He looked as though he was unable to say anything, let alone form a coherent sentence to express his surprise. Marth decided to act before the situation got out of hand. He turned to the Magister who had introduced him and Dalanesca. "Take this man to the Tower of Redemption and Destruction and make sure he's kept fed and hydrated. And you will not leave the tower, for I will have a word with you later." He then turned his attention to the rest of the group. "The remainder, find seats. No point in clawing for attention when there are benches in the Grey Quarter to make use of."

He spent some time explaining the domain of the Justiciar, as well as his own role in the Blinded Scales. He went on to explain what was expected of an ombudsman, enforcer, or guardian of the Justiciar. He went on to point out the main courthouse and the Tower of Redemption and Destruction, which the Magisters had begun calling the Two-faced Tower for simplicity. He also introduced the Magisters properly, as well as Sanctum and Malum. In about an hour, the intoductory tour was done, and a handful decided to leave, their curiosities sated. The remaining seven were taken in by the Magisters to begin their formal education.

Marth then approached Dalanesca again. "Well, that was not a complete disaster. Still, i think we owe Myter an explanation, don't you agree? He seemed a little… Afflicted." He smiled, and turned towards the Tower of Redemption and Destruction, where Myter, the presumptous Magister, and a small handful of surprises lay in wait.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Tue Jun 7, 2016 7:58 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca gave Marth a warm smile as he sat to join her, glad that the Magistrates had remembered to bring everything the pair had requested. Her eyes took in the sigils that had replaced the Wyllmovhvarian badge on his robes,and her smile broadened when she saw that of the scales. Reaching up, she pushed her hair back behind her shoulder before reaching out to grab a strawberry off of the platter in front of them, nibbling idly on the fruit while she listened to Marth. 

She was pleased to see that Marth seemed to be content with the position he had attained. In her mind, it seemed there would be no one in the world a better fit to handle the general operations of her realm and oversee the clergy - she trusted Marth immensely and he seemed more than capable - and who better to run the scales than someone who embodied both extremes? 

She could not help but smile as Marth spoke of his plans for planning out instruction and orientation for those wishing to serve in the Scales. She could see the bits of military leadership peeking out through his speech as he spoke of the magistrates setting up curriculum, and it seemed to be that he was a natural at such things. When he took a long drink from his cup of water, she realized that she was also very thirsty, and took a sip from her own cup. She nodded in acknowledgment that she agreed with what Marth was saying, but she did not want to interrupt him - though when he spoke of small projects that would inevitably be surprised, she quirked an eyebrow at him.

“What do you mean, surprises?” she asked. Marth’s expression told her it was nothing to worry about, but she still found herself curious.  After a moment of silence, she brushed it off, assuming that she would find out about his plans soon enough.  "Being busy for a few days sounds just fine," she said, with a bit of a smile.  "I've not spent much time in the realm since my ascension, so it would probably do me good to check in on everything around here… even if there are other ways I would like to spend my time," she said, with a bit of a smirk.

When Marth went on to speak of what they would do once they were done tending to affairs around the Blinded Scales, she listened intently.  "Magic itself was not my forte… I still don't think it is," she said with a bit of a laugh.  "The Scales will send us where we desire to go," she said in agreement.  "And we will most definitely make it to Egjora before news of Borza's death," she continued.  "Remember, time passes much differently here than in the mortal plain," she said.  She caught the look in his eyes and reflected it with one of her own.  

"A plan it is.  Shall we dress, then, and meet the Magistrates?  You can fill them in on what you would like them to instruct those who come to join on," she said.  "I wouldn't mind being there, if you don't mind?" she added.  "Of course, I won't say much… I'd just like to know what those who technically serve me are going to be schooled in," she added with a smile.  She got up from her seat and walked over to Marth, standing on tip toe to press her lips against his in a soft kiss, filled with affection.  "After all, need to make sure you don't talk me up too much," she said with a laugh after she pulled away.  "I don't want to have to live up to unrealistic expectations."  She turned to walk away, towards her bureau, opening it up to examine the contents in order to find some clothes to wear.  

A few moments later, she dropped the robe she wore to the floor and reached into her bureau, pulling out some clothing.  Moments later she was dressed in black leather leggings, as well as a top fashioned from a corset and some leather straps, leaving her arms exposed as she tended to keep the weather in her realm fairly warm.  She walked to her bed, carrying a pair of leather boots in her hands, where she sat down to pull them on as she waited for Marth to get ready.

Author: Marth, Posted: Mon Jun 6, 2016 10:55 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth took a moment to admire Dalanesca's naked form as she went to answer the door. No reason to be shy, I guess, he thought, as the goddess threw him a blanket. He sat up with a grunt, listening to Dalanesca's order. "Add an egg - over easy - and a few strips of soft bacon to that," he said, "and some lightly toasted bread. Butter too, of course. Maybe a bit of cheese." He thought for a moment, and shrugged. "I think that's it." He didn't see the young man cast his gaze aside.

Marth got up, putting his own robes on - robes which had undergone a few changes. The badge of Wyllmochvar, as well as his rank badge, had been removed, replaced instead with a badge depicting a set of scales, on a black and white background. Beneath that badge was another, a sunburst set aflame. A similar device adorned the entryway to the Tower of Redemption and Destruction - apparently, the burning sunburst was Marth's chosen sigil. Without any undergarments or armour, the robe did in fact look a little silly. When Dalanesca fetched the food, he sat down next to her, and began filling his plate and cup.

He ate a few bits as he listened to Dalanesca, contemplating her question. What to do indeed. He gave it a moment of thought before answering. "Well, the first couple of Revalites have already expressed a desire to serve," he said, "and while some of the magistrates have already begun explaining who you are and what your domain is, a proper education must be planned," he said, between mouthfuls. "Frankly, I'd say affairs of the Blinded Scales will take presedence for a while longer." He took a deep drink of water, filled his cup, and drained the next one as well, before continuing. "The magisters can set up a decent curriculum, I am certain, but I think it'd be for the best that we remained here until a system is more or less in place." He ate another mouthful. From his idle gesturing when he ate, it was clear he used his eating breaks to think on what to say. "Additionally, I have some… Small projects going. They'll be done in a few days, but I'd prefer to keep them as surprises," he said, smirking at Dalanesca. "Which means we'll likely be kept busy for a few days still."

After emptying his plate (he truly needed the meal), Marth sat back and sighed with relief. He looked at Dalanesca, pondering, and smiling, before getting up to wash his hands. "After that, I was thinking we could go to Egjora. After a little bit of research, I found that I can actually use the Blinded Scales as a medium of long-distance teleportation. Interdimensional magic isn't really my forte, but by tapping into your, eh… Divine omnipresence, I can actually be sent anywhere. Once we're done here, we should be able to beat the news of Borza's death to Egjora, and search his mansion before someone else gets the same idea. With luck, there will be more information to be discovered there," he said, while drying his hands. He turned to Dalanesca with a smile, his educated, very much in-love eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Sounds like a plan?"

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Sun Jun 5, 2016 8:20 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca could not help but to giggle softly when Marth’s face paled at her joke.  Normally, she was not one to take humor at the expense of a serious subject, but since she was certain that no child would be conceived between her and Marth, she made an exception at this point.  His relief was apparen on his face when coupled with his laughter, but she soon paid little attention to his face, instead fixating her affections on other, more intimate areas of his body.  She let out a bit of a yelp when he unexpectedly grabbed her, and allowed herself to be tossed onto the bed by her companion turned lover, giggling at his quip.

Marth’s lips pressing against her own and his hands exploring her chest, she let out a soft sigh of satisfaction.  At the present moment, it felt as though every moment the two had shared together had culminated in the two of them sharing her bed, and she could think of nothing she wanted more.  A soft gasp followed by a quiet moan parted Dalanesca’s lips when Marth moved a hand lower on her body, his touch sending jolts up her spine.  His lips at her ear drew a shiver, followed shortly by a louder gasp of pleasure when she felt his teeth graze her neck, his words echoing in her mind.  As he pressed into her and nipped at the soft flesh of her neck, she dragged her hands across his back, her fingers digging into his flesh.

Dalanesca lay on the soft rug near her bed, Marth only a few inches away from her.  Her breathing was heavy and her skin damp with sweat as a result of their endeavors.  She could sense that Marth was quite exhausted, and she could not blame him - she could not recall a time where she had participated in such activities for that length of time.  Even given her divinity, Dalanesca was on the brink of exhaustion herself.  She rolled to her side, facing Marth, and propped her head up on one hand, her elbow resting on the floor.  “Well, be proud of yourself, Marth,” she said, her voice soft, but happy.  “You’ve managed to bring a goddess to exhaustion with your lovemaking,” she added, reaching over and running a hand down his chest.  She could feel the tenseness in his muscles, and was not surprised - the two had been at it for quite some time.

She nodded in agreement with him when he spoke of needing a break.  “Food does sound quite lovely,” she added, letting out a soft chuckle when a knock and voice came at the door.  “Care to take bets on how long they were out there listening?” she said, shaking her head softly.  She slowly moved to a standing position, groaning a bit.  Her legs were a bit stiff from the multitude of angles she had shifted into in the previous few hours, and she could most definitely feel it.  While she was not concerned with covering her nakedness from the Magistrates, she was not entirely sure how Marth would feel about such and pulled a blanket from the bed, tossing it down to him so he could cover himself if he wished to.

She walked to the door, opening it to a few of her younger Magistrates.  Two of them were female, not seemingly bothered by her nudity in the slightest.  The third, a young male who could not have been more than twenty or twenty one years old, glanced at her for a moment.  His eyes darted to Marth, and his skin turned beet red, before he cast his gaze down at his feet, avoiding looking at Dalanesca.  Dalanesca quirked an eyebrow and glanced back at Marth, laughing slightly.  “Fruits, and tea cakes… and perhaps some chicken,” she said to her staff.  “And water, as well as wine,” she added.  She glanced to Marth, inviting his to request anything specific.  

The staff departed, and Dalanesca shut the door.  She padded towards a bureau, where she pulled out a silk robe, wrapping it around herself and walking back to Marth.  She sat on the edge of the bed, a smile affixed to her lips.  “I would most definitely call the last forty eight hours a highlight,” she said, in reference not only to their lovemaking but also to the destruction of the shard they had found.  

A knock sounded once more at the door, and Dalanesca went over to answer it.  One of the magistrates had returned with a large serving platter with the various foods and drinks they had requested.  She took it, and walked over to the table, setting it down. She looked to Marth, and smiled. “Can you move to come eat? Or do I need to come feed you?” she asked, smirking slightly. 

Pouring herself a bit of water, she continued to speak. “So,” she said, and took a drink. “We accomplished your goal, or at least the first part of it. We obviously have things to attend to in the realm here, but what is next on your agenda?” she asked. She would have been content to spend the remained of the day curled up with Marth, but she knew the two had many other things they needed to attend to.  There would always be time for dalliances between the two when they pleased - whether they were occupied with a mission or not.  While she awaited his response, she looked at him, intimately, the barrage of emotions she felt for him apparent on her face. A smile crossed her lips, perhaps out of character for the conversation she had started - but she did not care. She felt happy, and it was due to Marth - that was something she would not let go of. 

Author: Marth, Posted: Fri Jun 3, 2016 9:52 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth's face went pale as ice when Dalanesca mentioned being on ill terms with Angela, though he sighed with exasperation when it turned out to be a joke. "Please, never do that again, you nearly gave me a heart attack." He began to chuckle, relieved that nothing unexpected was likely to happen anytime soon. He chuckled even more when he felt where Dalanesca's hand was going, his own body responding to the touch in an appropriate fashion. On balance, this is far preferable over being a nervous wreck - even if she does strain my stamina a bit, he thought to himself, grinning. "I'm all for testing theories 'till sundown, my lady, for I am…" He shifted, grabbed Dalanesca, and threw her down on the bed, clearly ready to give her his firmest service. "a scholar."

Marth proceeded to kiss her intently, prying her legs apart so as to be situated comfortably on top of her. His hands were caressing, squeezing, and pinching her chest hungrily, before a hand slid down to provide a more hands-on approach to Dalanesca's ecstacy, all the while continuing the venture which had previously left him so concerned - this time with rough and loving abandon. He leant over to nibble at Dalanesca's ear, before hissing "I'll redeem myself for all those awkward silences… But one word from you… And I will be the Destroyer once more," he said, before sinking his teeth into the flesh of her neck and sucking greedily, flirting with pain.

Another two and a half hours later, Marth and Dalanesca were lying on a rug. Marth, exhausted after reaching the fifth height of the day, had all but collapsed on top of Dalanesca seconds after their final climax, breathing heavily for a bit before simply rolling off, landing with a soft thud on the rug. His mortal form was beginning to give into the fatigue, and Marth could feel his body ache. It was a good ache. But still, marth had troubles moving properly. Especially his abdominal muscles were stiff, and one could actually see the cramps on close observation. While Marth was certainly more than happy about his current circumstances, he winced a little from the exertion.

"I'm afraid… I will need recess," he said between breaths. In his chest, his heart was pounding, and his ribcage was rising and falling rapidly, his body trying to keep up with the demand for air. After a few more breaths of air, he managed to speak further. "I do believe you… Have driven me to… Greater feats of stamina… Than might be healthy," he added, smiling. Lying on the rug, fighting for breath, caked in sweat, his scarred frame looked something like a casualty of war, with scratch and claw marks only adding to the image. Marth finally managed to steady his breath, and turned his head to Dalanesca. "So, it's been a few hours… I think maybe it's time we got some food and drink in here," he said. And in that moment came a soft knock on the door, and a female voice offering a late lunch, as if the Magisters knew that it was the ideal time. Marth looked at the door, with a perked eyebrow. "Uncanny…"

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Fri Jun 3, 2016 10:20 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca lay atop Marth, her head against his chest.  Her skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat brought on by the past few hours she had spent with Marth, and her heart beat just a little faster than usual in her chest.  She could hear Marth’s as well, and it seemed that he had enjoyed things every bit as much as she had.  She smiled, closing her eyes and nestling against him as she felt his hands roaming her back.  A feeling of satisfaction swept over her, her own hands trailing lazily up and down Marth’s chest and abdomen.  

When Marth began to speak, she looked up at him, one eyebrow quirked.  It seemed he was trying not to give anything away, but he was worried - and the rest of his words made it painfully obvious as to what he was referring.  She looked down, stifling a bit of a chuckle, and kissed his chest softly and affectionately.  She sat up, moving to sit next to him on the bed.  “I’ve not met Natsumi or Century yet,” she began, first listing off the Goddess of Keys and Secrets as well as the Lord of Chaos.  “But the Storm Wolf and I have a bit of a history,” she said, her voice distant for a moment.  Her history with Moliira was something different altogether, and it was information that she would share with Marth at another time, when it seemed pertinent for her to give him a bit more of her history.  

“But the Earth Mother… Angela.”  She smiled and gave Marth feigned expression of worry.  “She’s not the biggest fan of mine.”  She arched an eyebrow at Marth, which was followed shortly by a broad smile.  “I jest, of course,” she said, leaning over to him and tilting her head up to meet his lips in a kiss again.  ‘Angela and I are on quite good terms, I should say,” she continued, tracing her hand down his leg.  “In that department, you’ve nothing to worry about,” she added.   The thought had not even occurred to her, but now that Marth had brought it to the front of her mind, she thought on it for a moment.  She would have to pay a visit to Angela and find out exactly how all of that worked when divinity was brought into play - considering her lover was mortal, she assumed it would take a bit of effort to make anything happen.

She moved to lay down again, resting her head  on one of Marth’s legs and looking up at him from a different angle.  “Though, if that’s your worry, you could do that thing with with your hands and your mouth again… I don’t think that could have any negative repercussions,” she said with a bit of a giggle.  Twisting her neck, she planted a soft kiss on his upper thigh, glancing up him with a suggestive look in her eyes.  “Maybe we could test that theory again?” she asked, coyly, resting a hand on his other leg and slowly tracing upwards.

Author: Marth, Posted: Thu Jun 2, 2016 1:28 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth had slept deeply and soundly, his mind at perfect rest. He had not stirred all night, not with Dalanesca in his arms. His had only half-registered that Dalanesca had slipped out of his grip, as he was still asleep at the time. Then, he felt the weight of the bed shift, and something getting on top of him. Marth made a slight groan, which soon turned into a moan, as Dalanesca's voice filled his ear and her touch brought his body to attention. He chuckled a little as he felt Dalanesca's grip, and her tongue on his earlobe. "A bath, you say?" he said, his voice slightly hoarse from sleep. "I would be happy to join you, my lady," he said finally, with a grin.

Without warning, he laughed, and shot up - scooping up Dalanesca in his arms. As he got out of bed, he leaned to her mouth and gave her a gentle kiss, before lifting her up and kissing her chest, as well. He walked nonchalantly over to the tub, putting Dalanesca into the water gently, before hopping in after her. When they were both in the water, he crawled forward, until he was right on top of her, fully approaciating Dalanesca's body with his hands as he leant in and kissed her. "So… How may I serve my goddess today?"

A few hours later, Marth was lying on the bed, sweating and panting, exhausted from the activities he and Dalanesca had partaken in. His naked frame covered an unsightly portion of the bed, but with Dalanesca resting on top of him, space wasn't an issue. Marth ran his hand through Dalanesca's hair, across her back, before it came to rest caressing her bottom while his other arm held her close. He just laid there for a brief while, catching his breath, before the first scared thought of the entire day crept across his mind. He made sure not to let his fear show in his voice, but the concern did colour his speech. "Hey… I was wondering… Have you met any of the other gods, yet?" He looked at her with an only half-convincing smile. "Like… The Earth Mother? And if yes, are you friendly with them?" He let the implication hang in the air. In the heat of the moment, he had completely forgotten about all the potential risks of his actions.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Thu Jun 2, 2016 12:25 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca’s gaze never left Marth as he finished undressing, walking towards the bed to join her.  She once again saw the marred flesh across his chest, but immediately diverted her attention from such, instead dragging her eyes up and down his entire form.  When he slipped into the bed with her and held her close, she closed her eyes, listening to the soft words he spoke.  She tilted her head up slightly to meet his lips with her own, briefly, before snuggling her face back against his chest.  She could feel sleep beginning to creep up on her, Marth’s voice echoing in her mind.  She subconsciously pressed her body against his own when he mentioned the feel of her skin against his own, smiling to herself as sleep inevitably took over, with the promise of more in the morning.


The next morning, Dalanesca awoke slowly.  She blinked a few times as she took in her surroundings, and found herself smiling once again.  It seemed as though neither of them had shifted even once throughout the course of the night, as Marth’s arms were still wrapped around her and her head still lay on his chest.  She lay still for a moment, drinking in the absolute perfection of the moment.  After a few moments, she shifted her body slightly, testing the weight of his arms.  When she realized that she could easily slip out from beneath them, she did so, and quietly padded away.  

She returned after a few moments, glancing at Marth who appeared to still be asleep.  She carried a large pail of water, which she carried to the fireplace at the far side of the room.  Some time in the night a magistrate had clearly been in to light the fire, and a large stone basin hung over it.  She dumped the water as quietly as she could, intending on heating it up for a bath.  

While her companion slept and the water heated, Dalanesca walked over to a window on the far side of the room.  She drew back the curtains that covered the panes, sunlight pouring in but in such a manner that it did not directly shine onto Marth.  She stood, naked, in the sunlight, looking out over her realm.  After a while when she was sure that the water would have been warmed to a sufficient point, she moved to the basin and slipped on protective gloves, grabbing the cauldron to pour the water into the large stone bathtub that sat off to one side.  She put the cauldron back in its place and stepped toward the tub once more, testing the water with a hand.  When she was certain it would be the perfect temperature, she walked back to her bed, where Marth still lay sleeping.

With an impish smile, she slid herself back into the bed, as close to him as possible - though this time, she was not worried if she woke him up; in fact, waking him up was her intention.  “Marth,” she said, quietly, so close to him that her lips brushed his earlobe.  “Come, join me,” she said, gently, in an effort to wake him.  Her hand slowly traced down his chest, circling his navel and coming to a stop near his hip.  “I’ve drawn us a bath,” she whispered at the first signs of him waking.  Not waiting for him to respond, she trailed her hand further down still, her fingertips brushing against him in the most intimate of ways.  Drawing his earlobe into her mouth, she darted her tongue across the soft flesh, nibbling slightly, in a further attempt to get him out of bed.  Having been able to rest, her feelings toward him felt renewed, and she wanted nothing more than to act on them. 

Author: Marth, Posted: Wed Jun 1, 2016 6:12 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth followed happily to the courthouse, enjoying the peace and quiet that the realm now offered. Marth didn't even find the milling magistrates disturbing - as they approached him and Dalanesca outside her room, he actually found their dilligence rather adorable. However, he was visibly relieved when they were alone in the room. He smiled at Dalanesca's comment, beginning to undo his armour. "And all the time we need to make use of it," he replied, as he arranged his plates against a drawer in a corner of the room.

He found himself, as he was ridding himself of his robes, watching as Dalanesca undressed. He no longer felt the need to be 'proper' about it - and so, he allowed himself to truly drink in the image of her body for the first time - noticing the flow of her hair, the shape of her nose, the curve of her waist, the toned belly, and eventually, the fullness of her breasts. "Well, I could use some good rest," he replied as Dalanesca explained how she'd prefer to cuddle up. "And who knows, we might both be well rested in the morning," he said with a smirk, as the last bit of clothing fell off him.

He walked over to the bed and crawled in, snuggling up against Dalanesca, a hand finding her waist - before sliding behind it and pulling her closer. He slid his arm under her head, waning to feel the weight of her head against his chest. He then gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead, looked her in the eyes, and smiled. "You were attractive before, you know. Now that you're a goddess, you're more gorgeous than ever. And I mean that." He wrapped his arms around her, holding her closer. His voice dropped to a whisper, as he felt his body grow heavy with fatigue. "I'm glad of this. The big, private room. Knowing my godess is close. The sound of your breathing, the look of your hair, the feel of your breasts against my skin… All of it." As he was about to drift off into sleep, he gave her cheek a gentle stroke. "And if I may be so bold… I'd like to experience some more of you in the morning," he said, his eyes closed, his breath slowing, until it became the softest of snores.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 4:55 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

As Marth walked towards her and took her face in his hands, pressing his lips against her own, Dalanesca felt a brief moment of peace, as though all was right in the world.  The two hadn’t shared more than a few similar moments, but she could sense something a bit different behind this action.  When he pulled away, she could not help but to return his smile, her own broadening as he accepted her invitation.  Without saying anything when he moved closer to her, she stood up on tiptoe and briefly pressed her lips into his once more.  Stepping back, she took his hand into her own.  “Come on,” she said, and the two of them took off for the main Court House for her quarters, Dalanesca keeping her fingers laced with Marth’s the full length of the walk.


It did not take long for the two to arrive at the entrance to her room, at which point several magistrates flocked to the pair, a flurry of voices accompanying them.  She glanced up at Marth, her hand still grasping his, and looked back to the staff that so eagerly wanted to tend to her.  “I need nothing,” she said, waving them away.  They knew better than to argue with her and immediately set off down the hall, leaving the two to enter her room alone.  After the two stepped in, she pressed the door shut behind them and let go of his hand, turning to face him with her back against the door.  A small smile crept over her lips as she looked at Marth.  “Finally, I’ve got you alone in my room,” she quipped, quirking an eyebrow.  

With a bit of a laugh she walked across the room, over to the desk that stood not far from her bed.  She began removing her armor, laying it piece by piece rather carefully.  As she undressed, she continued to speak to her companion.  “Though the possibilities are endless, I must admit nothing sounds better right now than curling up next to you in that bed,” she said, her eyes darting to the obsidian four poster covered in black silk.  She knew full well that Marth would understand it was not due to a lack of interest in him, but more from sheer exhaustion.  

She had managed to remove all of her armor and clothing save the tunic that she had worn under it, and walked towards the bed.  She pulled back the silk and sat down, reaching up to undo the braid in her hair. Her hair, now loose from its tie, fell in waves around her shoulders, and she lazily pulled at the leather cords holding the neck of the tunic together. Feeling no necessity for modesty around Marth, she pulled the linen over her head, now completely free of clothing.   “Join me?” she asked, with a bit of a smile, and pulled her legs up onto the bed, sliding them under the silk covers.  She turned towards Marth, lying on her side, her head propped up with one hand as she waited on him to join her in bed - under completely different pretenses than the first time they had shared such an intimate space.

Author: Marth, Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 5:40 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

As Dalanesca sat down next to him, Marth waited for her to say something, but she didn't. For that, Marth felt relieved - what he needed now was not words, but rest, and her presence alone was soothing. He enjoyed the minutes of silence, just letting the bond the two had formed do all the talking. As a cereer soldier, such pursuits were something he had ignored - duty came first - but now, tired and partially broken that he was, he felt like it was a pursuit worth taking.

When he felt her touch on his knee, Marth started, woken from his thoughts. As she spoke, Marth smiled and stood up. "Indeed, I could sleep for a good while as well," he began. "And thank you, I tried to figure ot how to make my quarters fit in." He followed her to the Grey Square, as courtesy dictated, silently hoping all along she wouldn't dismiss him. For all his exhaustion, Marth didn't feel like being for himself - Dalanesca had been of greater help during the hunt than she may have realised, and there was more than one reason he wanted to share the moment of triumph with her. And so, his heart sunk when she told him to go get sleep and meet her in the morning, and he was about to turn and leave when she offered her quarters.

On this offer, Marth went up to her, smiling. He didn't say anything, but cupped Dalanesca's cheek in his right hand and leaned over, giving her a kiss. This one, he held for a bit longer than before, and with more meaning. As he broke it, he smiled down at his goddess. "If after that you have not changed your mind, I'd love the extra warmth," he said, his leg armour clanking softly as he took a tentative step to close the gap between them.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 4:36 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

She eyed the manifestation of Reaver reproachfully as it spoke to her, still mildly unsettled by the fact that he perfectly resembled Marth, only darker.  “Malum is a good place for something like you,” she said under her breath.  When Reaver had finally disappeared from view, she looked to Marth, who had taken to the ground once more.  She stepped over towards him and looked at him for a few moments.

The stress of their mission - of his mission that he had been on long before the two had even known one another - was visible on his face.  She proceeded to sit down on the ground next to him, remaining silent for a while.  Though the mission itself had not been very stressful for her (other than worrying about Marth’s safety), a lot of changes had come about for her in the past few weeks and her identity as a result was something she still struggled with.  As she looked around, the scene that Marth had imagined dissipated around them, leaving them sitting on the cold stone ground of the true form of Malum.

After a few minute had passed, she reached over and patted Marth’s knee a few times, before standing up.  “Come on, then,” she said.  “Goddess or not, I feel like I could sleep for a solid week,” she said, with a weak laugh.  “I would, however, like to explore your tower that you thought up a bit more at some point,” she added.  “The office was lovely - perfect view of it all… and the external architecture… You really captured the spirit of the realm,” she added.  Assuming he stood to follow her back to the Grey Square, she walked back, feeling a bit more relaxed than she could remember feeling in the past few weeks.

When they reached the Grey Square, she glanced up at where Marth’s quarters would presumably be, and then back at him.  “Get some rest, Marth,” she said, with a smile.  She could see the need for sleep on her companion’s face. “Perhaps you can join me for breakfast in the morning?”  She gave him a warm smile and turned to walk back towards the main courthouse, to her quarters. She paused after a few steps and turned back to Marth. “Unless you would like to share my quarters tonight?” she asked, looking back to him, awaiting his response. 

Author: Marth, Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 12:04 AM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

As Reaver the Assassin faded from existence, Marth finally felt the weight of the quest. From the moment he had woken up after his exorcism, through terrible months plagued by fear, anger, and nightmares, until what marth now realised was a mere fortnight ago when he met Dalanesca, he had been on the hunt. Now, the first item on a long list was finally crossed out, and the fatigue of half a year of campaigning and recovering washed over him like a massive tidal wave of exhaustion and stress. Under the sheer weight of it all, he buckled.

"While I'm typically the nastiest piece of shit around, casually raping, cannibalizing and slaughtering my way across the world, Coralax - and this hunt - has been a great deal of fun. She-god, I think this might be a good time to take a short vacation. I'll play in Malum in the meantime." While his words were uncharacteristically kind, Reaver's words were selivered with a sneer and a snigger, and as he skipped away from view, he let forth a howling laughter. Marth, on his end, found himself unable even to stand for the time being, and slumped to the pitch black ground. "Uuugh… As much as I hate to admit it… A rest would be good…" He looked several years older now, and even a few strands of white were now visible in his hair and beard.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:20 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Dalanesca immediately joined Marth in his office, taking in the sight for the first time.  The two had not spent much time in the Blinded Scales since her ascension, and it made sense that an area would have manifested itself to suit her head priest’s needs.  She took a moment to walk around before responding to Marth, walking about the area.  As she walked back to him, she returned his smile, warmly.  “I am impressed, Marth,” she said, gesturing a hand to her surroundings.  She stepped towards him.  “We shall,” she said, and exited the tower with Marth.

Upon their arrival to Malum, she watched as the realm materialized Marth’s vision of what he wanted the place to look like, she scarcely recognized the scene before her, her divine instinct telling her what it was.  When Marth nodded at her, she followed suit and returned the nod, awaiting to see what his plan was.  Within moments it became apparent - he meant to use the gate to destroy the shard.

She assumed she would stand back unless Marth needed her, more there for observance than anything.  The shard let out an odd sound as it was tossed into the current, a sound which made her narrow her eyes.  When the first shadow appeared shortly followed by the second shadow of Reaver, she felt a subconscious twinge of pain in the remnants of the wound on her chest that Reaver had caused.  It was mostly healed, only a small red welt remaining.  

She listened to the conversation, between the two parts of Reaver, and she could not help but smirk at the silliness of the way the Marauder spoke, though her smirk faded quite rapidly when Reaver addressed her.  She nearly opened her mouth to say something, but thought the better of it, narrowing her eyes at Marth when he laughed.  She gave him a look as if to say, you’ll pay for that laughter later, but kept silent.  

Dalanesca almost found herself amused at the scene unfolding before her - Marth seemed completely reversed in terms of stability than he had back in the ruins where they had found the shard.  As she listened, she understood what Marth was getting at, and a smile crossed her face, and before long Reaver the Assassin was gone from their presence.  

“Told you, you would be able to do it,” she said to Marth, a knowing tone to her voice.  She smiled at her companion, hoping that, although many other shards remained, he would feel a brief respite from the destruction of this particular piece.  

Author: Marth, Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 10:37 PM, Post Subject: Redeemer and Destroyer [GO][R]

Marth faded into existence in his main office, on the third floor of the Tower of Redemption and Destruction. The room covered the entire third floor of the buildings - a perfectly round library sporting tall bookshelves and archives, a large table for planning and conferences, as well as a desk near the window pointing away from the courtyard, opposite of which was the staircase, and an other window offering a splendid view over the Grey Square, and the front facade of the courthouse. He awaited Dalanesca's arrival, and smiled at her. "Let's visit Malum, shall we?"

Due to the tower's location, it didn't take long for the two to get to Malum. There, Marth found a suitable spot, and put the shard down. Marth's darker thoughts didn't manifest at this time - with an effort of will, he'd twisted Malum to instead replicate a phenomenon he'd dreader in his younger days - a ley-field gale. A torrent of magickal power which could severely destabilize a spell if you wern't trained enough, it also had a secondary property - washing away enchantment and host entities. These gales couldn't be forseen on Revaliir - and were also very rarely observed - but here, in Malum, Marth could summon his own fears. He looked at Dalanesca and nodded, and threw the shard into the torrent.

With a shriek, a shadow escaped the shard, causing it to dissolve. The shadow had red, glowing eyes, and the only part of it which seemed physical was the inside of the abomination's mouth. Reaver, as represented by a dark version of Marth, stepped out from behind a house, chuckling. "Oh, look, people! It's ME!" The shadow-creature spun towards the apparition, hissing. "So other aspects of me survived." The Marauder sarcastically applauded the shadow-Reaver on its observation. "Well, woop-de-fuckin' do, dipshit. We knew what happened when we were destroyed. it's not like violence has only one face. Which reminds me, which of the sissy-versions of me are you?" The shadow-creature appeared a bit dumbfounded by the Marauder's commentary, but answerec - briefly. "I am the Silent Slayer, Reaver the Assassin." The Marauder perked an eyebrow, apparently unimpressed. "Oh, right, sneaky-stabby me. Always in silence. Gah, you took all the fun out of the killing. But hey, that reminds me, wern't you an assassin once, o mighty she-god?" Marth - that is, Marth Coralax, the mage - looked at Dalanesca, and barely managed to stifle a laugh. However, he quickly recovered his wits and looked at Reaver the Assassin.

"Well, Reaver the Assassin. I've hunted the shards for a long time, and the time has come to strike a shard from the list. Are you ready to be destroyed?" The shadow-creature turned to look at marth, its red eyes narrowing. "I cannot die in the ethereal realms." Marth assumed an expression of brief shock, before he began to chuckle. "That's very true. it might even be possible that the Justiciar herself would be incapable of a greater feat than confining you to Malum. Luckily, she doesn't have to." "What are you implying, mortal?" marth took a step closer, grinning. "I'm saying, you cannot die here… But you cannot survive in the physical world of Revaliir." The demon looked puzzled, as if not quite understanding what marth was saying. Then a moment of terrible realisation came upon it, but before it could speak, Marth destroyed it with a few simple words. "Reaver the Assassin… You are banished from the Blinded Scales." And in an anticlimactic pop, Reaver the Assassin was cast back into the physical world, where its energies scattered to all the arcane winds forever.

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