Archive Home > Archives > 2016 Archives > The Basalt Eyrie > The First Visitor[GO/R]
Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
It would have been disrespectful if she did not take in all that was to be seen by this new god. She had felt the rise of power many times in her life. She was not necessarily an old god but she had been around long enough to see young foolish gods lose their power or their life. Her green eyes walked in the darkness and looked at the green blue lights with awe. She was not afraid of such things.

No there was once a time when she was a deity of the dead and dying. Her gown dragged along the ground and her bare feet felt the coldness beneath her. It did not bother her one bit to feel pieces of her old domain. In a way she was visiting the other half of her. She was life and this fellow was death. She could feel it. Maybe it wasn't completely death but it was there.

She made her presence known with a shock wave of magic. It was not threatening but more like a loving embrace. That was the power of a god. She continued up the dark pass and went past several who whispered as they saw her head of long red locks go by. They knew the conclave siblings would all eventually come to gawk at one another. Tiresome really but this one felt special in a way to her.

It took her a while to reach the summit. She was about two hundred or so, not that you could tell, and that meant she had all the time in the world to get there. She would stop and gaze around at everything. Almost overjoyed to see such marvelous use of basalt. 

Finally after taking her time she reached the door. It must have been weird seeing a woman so happy to be there and not a care in the world. Still she waited until the doors opened and she went in. Angela wanted to dance around the large room but for now she didn't. Maybe she could make the master of this fortress dance with her. Make or ask? This was another god's territory and she was not foolish to think she was that strong.

She picked up her green skirts and ascended the short stairs. Staring at the hooded figures she let her skirts go and dusted herself off from the travel up. When the signal was given she entered the room. She walked around the fire as it flickered light against her sun-kissed skin.

"Greetings my sibling. I give you welcome to our humble but slightly odd family."

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.
Bryn yr Gwyn

Character Info
Name: Bryn yr Gwyn
Age: Unknown, looks around 30
Alignment: TN
Race: Wight
Gender: Male
Class: Cursed warrior
Silver: 903
In many ways Bryn would have appeared to be a statue atop his throne, straight backed, pale skin only a few shades pinker than the marble of his seat of power. The only hint to his animate status was the subtle movement of his golden hair, stirred by air currents dragged in by the immense fire that burned before him. He was only recently elevated to this throne, the ring on his finger being the catalyst for his being called from his previously undead existence to this more rarefied one. He knew he was still a wight or draugr, a corpse animate by his spirit's willpower to remain tied to this realm, but he was now also the being that bestrode the boundary between realms and could, for a price, move that boundary for others, taking one further away from death while taking another closer. If he concentrated he could feel the rush of souls leaving the world, a never ending stream that flowed into his quieter realm, a place of potential as those same souls might eventually find themselves once again spin into the skein of existence, but once they had crossed the boundary into death his role ended and their fates became their own once again. It was in the middle of this musing that he became aware of another power entering the eternal darkness of the Eyrie.

There was a wave of magic unfelt to all but him, a warm, vital power that enfolded his own cool, serene one. In his mind he saw it as a whirl of greens and reds, the colours of spring and autumn, vibrant and alive, where as his was a cool blue-green, closer to ice and winter. He knew what such a greeting portended, another deity was here, the first he was to meet since assuming his throne. However he did not stir himself more than to give instructions that new supplicants were not to be allowed in and those waiting were to be afforded refreshment, although he was sure that his priests were already seeing to it, they were nothing if not conscientious.

Time passed, it seemed that his guest was planning to see every inch of his terrestrial realm, perhaps it was the attraction of opposites, he found the taste of her power tantalising, mayhap she was the same. Finally the curtains parted and his guest made her way into the grand hall. Skin kissed by the summer sun, rich red hair and a sumptuous gown, she truly was the incarnation of all that was bountiful in nature. Her greeting brought him to his feet, the black shroud around him billowing out as he came swiftly down from the dais.

"Greetings to you, my elder sister, and welcome to my humble, if slightly odd home. You are most welcome here." 

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
When she first saw the wight she gave him a smile. She was not scared of him or thrown off by him. No, she had been around his race before and many of them had come to her during her first years a deity. Her green and red eyes studied him a bit more before chuckling at him.

"I think your home is marvelous. I have no doubt some of the others will admire it though probably not for the same reasons." She came to him much like a family member and gave him a warm embrace pushing her lips again his cheek. "I am just glad to have a new brother. Not only that but you can say your domain and I are tied in a way."

It had peeked her interest as soon as she felt him rise and once more she chuckled. "I would have been here sooner but I have a little one about this big." She put her hand to her thigh and smiled. "She would have wanted to come to if I had not waited until she was in bed. She is absolutely fascinated with everything outside of my realm." 

Angela realized she had not introduced herself and bowed a bit. "I am Angela. Goddess Who Gifts Fertility and Holds the Cornucopia.. However that is the second title I have grasped in my years of the conclave. My first was Goddess Who Ferries the Death and Wilts the Living. So you can see why I was so interested in beating the others here first. You and I are held close in the circle of life. You and I share a common position at least for me it was in the past."

A frown came to her face and concern filled her voice. "I hope your ascension was not as painful as mine was."

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.
Bryn yr Gwyn

Character Info
Name: Bryn yr Gwyn
Age: Unknown, looks around 30
Alignment: TN
Race: Wight
Gender: Male
Class: Cursed warrior
Silver: 903
Her obvious lack of care for his nature was refreshing, he had seen few who can close to being as he was, and even among them he was a curiosity, a man by night a skeleton by day if the sun's rays fell directly on him. Her assessment of his Eyrie brought a warm smile to his lips, he had found it almost as if waiting for him, thrust up from the ground that had once held his barrow. All he had done was have the doors fashioned and the torches set to blazing, and now his priests saw to most of the day to day chores. "I am sure some will admire and others will disparage, but it is home and it is mine." There was a touch of pride in his voice, that this was his realm and that he would have it as he saw fit, regardless of the thoughts of others. Accepting her embrace he returned it with one of his own, under the shroud his arms were strong and lean, his form still that of the thirty year old warrior he had been all those centuries ago.

Her lateness was fully understandable, while he'd never had children of his own he'd seen their boundless curiosity enough times, and how much trouble it could cause. "While she would have been welcome, perhaps this realm is not one for a child to enter without need." Of course the spirits of children crossed the boundary, but no sense in bringing a child with her whole life to live into a place so steeped in the end of life. 

Angela, as she introduced herself surprised Bryn with her former title, although her current one was no surprise. "Then it would seem that we truly are siblings of the closest kind. We dance in an eternal cycle of endings and beginnings, yourself having taken nearly the same steps as I do now." He then added, "I am Bryn yr Gwyn, meaning Bryn the blessed in my people's tongue. Lord of those who have passed, and Steward of the Boundary. It is by my hand that those who pass from this world move to the next, and which may, for a price, move where that Boundary lies for some." Many people came to him asking for a reprieve but few were able to find someone willing to shoulder that price for them.

The question Angela posed caused Bryn to shake his head slightly, "In life I was a chieftain, and was woken from my barrow by thieves removing my possessions. When I had recovered both the crown and the ring which marked me as such I was pulled from that place and saw this mountain cast up from what had once been my barrow." He didn't pry into how her ascension had been painful, that was hers to tell if she so wished.

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Angela chuckled and nodded. "Home is where the heart is or so they say. It is good to have a home." She found herself amused with him and shook her head. "You don't know my Iva. She is so full of life that she would probably brighten up your halls with a million suns. She's always been that special little girl when it comes to things like that."

A smirk came to her lips as she listened to him and nodded to his title. "I suppose I don't need to tell you what I do with fertility." She chuckled a bit more before looking around the room and asking her question. It was fair that he would get to learn her story. Most of the conclave were honest with each other or at least she thought so.

The happiness seemed to be drained out of her but she spoke lowly. "I was very young. I had just literally got my infant daughter down to sleep and collapsed into bed with my husband. He was a human and so very fragile.. The ascension happened during a ravage nightmare. Never having power like this before I lost control. I brought our cottage down on top of all of us. I killed both of them, instantly at least. I was in grief for so long that I found comfort in ferrying the dead and I was vengeful enough to wilt the living. It wasn't until our sister Moliira came that I began to heal."

She sighed and finally had some light come back to her. "I became who I am and I've had nearly a hundred children. I am fertility after all, that is sort of my job. Each one is loved and cared for to the best of my ability but once in a while a man will show up to my door  that pulls me back to that dark place. Iva's father had me like that. He asked me of a request, a child, and I agreed only because I found out he had maybe a few days to live left. I extended his life long enough until he held Iva in his arms and named her. He told me Iva meant life before he passed… The job is never easy for a god. Sometimes we are thrust into situations we would rather just destroy but doing that would take what little mortality we have left away from us."

She sighed and looked around at how dark the room really felt now. Perhaps she could fix this in someway. The mood around Bryn was very dark. Twisting thoughts around in her head she took Bryn by the arm and proceeded to walk with him. "So tell me Bryn how do you plan on living out your godhood." She wanted to ask a very important question.

"I want to know because I would like our eternal cycle bound by a link. We could have a deal of sorts. A way to make sure our alliance stands still through the ages."

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.
Bryn yr Gwyn

Character Info
Name: Bryn yr Gwyn
Age: Unknown, looks around 30
Alignment: TN
Race: Wight
Gender: Male
Class: Cursed warrior
Silver: 903
He couldn't disagree on the subject of home being where your heart lay, he'd become a citizen of Kurayo for a while, it being the one place where the undead and outcast could walk the streets as full citizens without fear of torch-wielding mobs, but his still heart remained with the Highlands that he'd called home for his mortal existence. His people might have been long gone, the tribes he'd been so familiar with disbanded or absorbed into one another and fractured again along new lines, but it was the home of his heart and now the craggy fastness was his citadel. But unlike the stockade style holdings he'd once ruled here his door was always open to those who asked, in a way he guessed it was another aspect of his godhood, death was there for each individual when they finally came to it. The mention of Angela's daughter lightening up his halls brought a good natured, bluff laugh from the crowned god. "I'm sure she would, and perhaps a little levity might not be a bad thing, after all not all ending are to be feared."

Her mention as to what she did with fertility made Bryn chuckle, apparently she had as earthy a mind as he should expect. It was a trait he enjoyed in people, too many seemed hung up on appearances or appearing to be more spiritual or otherworldly than they were around him, he didn't care a whit for whether they contemplated eternity, they could do so to their soul's content after they'd passed on. Her tale however sobered his thoughts, "Sometimes I'm glad I never had a family, too preoccupied with caring for my people at the time and thinking I'd have more time later," He shrugged a little, "Guess it's a moot point now."

Thankfully the mood lightened more as she related her more recent incarnation, and the bounty of her children, although the tale of Iva's conception lent it a bitter-sweet edge. Although only newly ascended he'd already come across similar cases. "So many want just a little more time, so many reasons why, so many just causes. But I cannot give them new life." He shook his head, a little frustrated with the demands laid on him by those who came to beg a boon of time. "So often I have to tell them that unless someone else is willing to give up time for them I can do nothing, I move the boundary, but the balance has to be maintained." By that he meant he could give someone more time in this life only by taking that time from another, and for requests that time was only taken by consent, it was Bryn's single most important rule.

The change in topic suited him, better to get away from the constant demands made on both of them. His answer was simple, "Being a good steward, helping where I may and making sure those who are trapped get their chance to move on." On a more personal note he shrugged, "As for me personally, I hope this hall will become a court for those who are willing to make their home here. Granted there were not many who would live constantly reminded that their time was fleeting, but he was sure there were some who would take such a place to heart."

Angela's offer of an alliance interested him and he nodded, "We are two points of an unending cycle, it makes sense that we would share links. How do you propose to forge that bond?"

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Angela's facial features softened a lot as she thought about how to bond the two of them. Oh the process was simple enough but it was how to word what she wanted specifically. The Mother watched the flickering flame as her breaths stopped. It was like she was concentrating on something else entirely. Finally after a few moments she finally blinked those green eyes.

"I will give you my daughter Calanthe. She will brighten your halls with her songs and dancing. It would be rude to decline me to." A smile tugged at her lips. "You are also helping me. The girl recently asked me if she could helped me and I told her to live her life. She told me no because all children help their parents somehow. This will give her what she wants and solidify our bond. This is my ultimate sign of trust. Do not break it. My children are all precious to me."

She rocked herself before turning and pressing her lips to his forehead. "She will arrive soon. Show her the Highlands. She will write you songs and brighten your halls. She is a talented girl. I call her a girl but really she is a woman now. You'll know it when she comes just by looking at her." Angela winked and before he had a chance to maybe negotiate with her Angela let go of him and waved.

"Have to go. It's that time of the year you know. Where the lands need blessing and all of that fun stuff." Like a whisper she was a gone from his sight just as easily as she could have come.

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

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