Archive Home > Archives > 2016 Archives > Arania > Release the Hounds [open, R]

Character Info
Name: Steele Norcross
Age: 865
Alignment: CN
Race: Lycantrope/Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Warlord
Silver: 1011
Steele was little more than slightly annoyed at being left in some sort of limbo for hell knows how long. The same was said for when he was flung out into this brand new world that his eyes had ever seen before and landed hard onto some sort of golem that moved to no clear direction or destination. He knew not where his siblings nor father was, and with that his plans had went to smoke. Not only that, but it had dawned onto him that his conquests throughout the years had been for naught now that he was separated from them. This left him with a need to destroy something and he turned his attentions to the house that was left all by its lonesome for apparently no reason.

The lack of logic in his current situation and the absurdity of this spider golem and abandoned manor only fueled his temper, though he was able to collect himself enough to seek out what the hell was inside the house. The door flung open as he came in unannounced, quickly looking to see if there was any residents he could take his frustrations out on. Heavy boots could be heard against the floor as he inspected it, getting a bit of a eerie feeling from it for some sort of reason.

Steele wasn’t finding anything of use around him, despite looking about whatever bookshelves or desks he managed to find. There was no clear evidence to tell him who had used to live here or why the abomination below them existed. Biting at his bottom lip, he pressed on hastily to the second floor and ventured into the first room he encountered on the right. Another door was opened and revealed a descending staircase which stirred a rising brow from him before he followed it down to a barely lit, open area. The room looked too big to be in any part of the house except for underneath it. The concept of this place in general was getting on his nerves, but it was swiftly thrown out once he started going through boxes all over the place with many of them housing unsavory tools like whips and beating rods.

“How strange”, he muttered to himself before he saw the cages lined up against the walls and suddenly things were starting to make sense, at least for this particular room. Some housed skeletons of what appeared to be dogs and this here must have been where the owners kept them. As he inspected one of the cages, he couldn’t help but to feel as though something was watching him, but turning around resulted in nothing seen. Was it merely paranoia or was something actually in the shadows?  

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