Archive Home > Archives > 2015 Archives > The Ivory Court > [Event]Everything Burns [R][Open]

Character Info
Name: Nymeria
Age: ??
Alignment: LE
Race: Born of Flame
Gender: Female
Class: Sorceress
Silver: 144
Ivory white walls, lined in Goldstone glittered and danced in the wake of a monumental bonfire. The flames licked the sky as stars fell to the earth, deafening sounds and tremors following each star. Black was the sky, and if one looked closely, blood dripped from the walls of the temple. The goddess in the midst of it, eyes alight with power as she watched with pleasure. She had gone too long without feeding, the darkness that fueled her heart now feeding upon the fire and all that it consumed. For she was the Goddess who burned and consumed all, and this selfish land would feel her power, fear her, and realise who and what she was.

Ash and smoke filled the air, burning the lungs of those who came to her lands. She descended upon her throne, relocated to the main garden to oversee the flames that spread through the jungle, burning so high and so hot that it seemed to taunt the stars that fell, welcoming them into the world and providing a hospitable environment for her fires to grow. Each life that ended fed the Goddess, each tree that burned offered her energy, and as she let her power and fire spread the more she smiled, blue eyes burning and fangs showing so broad was her grin.

At the side of the throne sat Ember, her familiar, a tigress consumed by flames, dutiful and quiet as the raven clad goddess oversaw the discord before her. She had dressed in a skirt that bared her belly, two lace cups cupping her full breasts. Raven hair down her back as power crackled and popped along her skin. This, this was power, and there would be those that, though they would despise her, would fear her. Much had changed, much had grown and though she knew there would be much death, life came after the fires.

She set out a broadcast to all, her voice echoing as far as the fires burned, possessing the flames and making sure every man woman and child knew her desires, heard her voice. “People of Caelux, I am the Goddess, who burns and consumes all. Empress of the sacred flame, destroyer of souls. You will sacrifice to me, or the world shall burn. Sacrifice and great prosperity will follow. Fail me, and I will consume you all!” Rhylana’s voice held power, dancing within the flames and carrying in the smoke as if to punctuate her words, a star fell to the earth and shook the ground for miles around.

Everything would burn. She would be fed, or all would perish in her wake.

Gingerly, one leg slung over the armrest of her throne, Rhylana let one hand dip into the ‘fur’ of her familiar, the downy flames dancing along her fingers. Yes. Already the beast inside of her was feeding, consuming the power of the trees, the beasts it had claimed, but it needed more. So much more.

Damon Naur

Character Info
Name: Damon Naur
Age: Unknown
Alignment: TN
Race: Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ranger
Silver: 2120
“Keep your calm and maintain your positions.  You are proud soldiers for the goddess, and you will sustain your resolve,” Damon barked at his warriors.  Fear reflected in their eyes as they looked up at the heavens that rained down on the world.  “Get back to your posts immediately and wait for further instructions.”  For a split second they hesitated, but then decided to trust their superior.  The phoenix stood stock still in the courtyard as his men dispersed.  Full green armor was donned as well as his quiver across his back and bow tightly held in hand.  ‘What the hell is going on here?’
Damon turned on booted foot towards the main portion of the temple.  He had already made sure that Nikolai and Alairia were safe within the building and with a set of guards to watch over them.  He needed to speak with Rhylana to find out what was going on.  He could feel the Flame growing hotter and brighter than it ever had before.  This is what told him that this was all coming from her.  But why?  Why would she bring destruction to their new land?  The phoenix gripped his bow tighter in his hand as he turned his walk into a job over to the main garden that had become her new throne room.
He stood still in the entrance to the garden as she broadcasted out to the world.  Sapphire eyes were focused on his mistress as she explained her reasons.  He inhaled and held it deep in his lungs.  The quake from the falling star rippled up his legs while he stood.  Taking in another breath, Damon walked towards his mistress and bowed before her.  He knew who he had signed up under to be at her command.  “My lady, your Captain waits for your command.  Your soldiers are at their posts as loyal as ever.” 

Eyes lifted to Rhylana and then over to Ember.  Did the beast know why this had all started?  “I am not questioning you, my Lady, but why all of this now?  What has brought on this destruction on our new home?”  He took one step forward, but no more.  He would follow her into the depths of hell (and it seemed on that day he literally would), but he wanted to know why.  If she was needing a sacrifice for her survival, than he would make sure that she had it.  As long as Alairia and Nikolai were safe, that was what he cared about.  He wondered how Pyzis was handling everything since she was new to the Ivory Court.  Hopefully, she had taken cover within the temple for safety.


Character Info
Name: Cha'Kwe'Tza
Age: Approx. 1200
Alignment: None
Race: Reptilian
Gender: Male
Class: Sacred Guardian
Silver: 639
(((OOC: Hope you don't mind me joining)))

Cha'Kwe'Tza gazed upon the massive structure in front of him. The only thing that he could think of that even came close to matching it in its grandeur were the temples of the High Priests in his homeland, and even then, Cha'Kwe'Tza thought that this temple could perhaps outmatch them by the slightest fraction. All around him, flame rose high into the night sky, and the smell of smoke and ash threatened to choke him into submission. Despite the difficulty breathing, and the uncomfortable feeling of this immense heat on his scaly hide, Cha'Kwe'Tza knew that this sort of summons could come from one that matched the Gods themselves in strength. Leaving the white stone walls behind him, CHa'Kwe'Tza strode forward to the main entrance of the palatial temple ahead.

Claws clicking on the stone stairs as he ascended, the reptilian creature made a few warding gestures with one hand, hoping that the superstitious movements would do some good to help protect him. Yellow eyes glinting in the firelight, Cha'Kwe'Tza pressed a hand against one of the carved pillars that flanked the entrance, tracing some of the outlines with a large finger, wondering how long it had taken the builders to complete such intricate work. Looking over his shoulder just before stepping into the building proper, Cha'Kwe'Tza watched as a streak indicating another falling star crashed into the forest with a thundering boom and a flash of light, shaking the earth with its impact. The level of destruction that he saw matched some of his previous wars in intensity, if not bloodshed. A primeval feeling inside himself told him that the bloodshed hadn't quite started yet.

Striding through the first hall, chairs of various sorts were placed around the room, and the walls were draped with red and purple. A few servants were moving about, but all seemed to appear stressed in some form. Cha'Kwe'Tza was about to bow his head and ask where the powerful one was when a group of soldiers, also seeming stressed entered the room. Hands sped to weapons, but Cha'Kwe'Tza kept his well away from his sword and axe, balanced on his left and right hips respectively. Whatever it was that the groups leader said was drowned out as the roaring sound of another falling star announced itself from the forest. A few of the soldiers moved forward and flanked Cha'Kwe'Tza. Tail flicking nervously, he looked at the small escort, oddly aware that this might not turn out so well. His natural barbaric appearance not exactly helped by the loincloth and necklace made from a mix of bone, beads and polished stone.

Ushered towards another room, Cha'Kwe'Tza could feel the soft spot of his neck starting to redden. It took a couple tries for the wording to work its way through, but after a couple moments, he was relieved of his stone weaponry and prodded forwards. Ahead of him stood a man with blue eyes and hair that was quite short. Cha'Kwe'Tza assumed him to be some sort of master scout from his green armour and choice of a bow. Beyond him however, was one of the most striking people he had seen since he first saw a High Priest back home. The nonchalance with which she sat with one leg over the side of her throne conveyed to Cha'Kwe'Tza that she had all the power of the world and more than enough desire to use it. Bowing his head towards the two figures at the far end of the room, Cha'Kwe'Tza made his superstitious gestures with his hands as rapidly as he could repeat them, mind racing the whole time with possibilities.
Damon Naur

Character Info
Name: Damon Naur
Age: Unknown
Alignment: TN
Race: Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ranger
Silver: 2120
Eyes became fixed upon Ember in hopes that she could possibly offer up some explanation for the new direction.  He knew that there had been a great sorrow lurking in his lady’s heart, but he had not foreseen this sort of reaction.  Whatever the reason, he would stand beside her until the rage in her heart was complete.  It was Damon’s duty to protect the goddess, not matter what direction she decided to go.  Blue eyes lowered for a moment and then glanced back at the sky.
The heavens fell with such ferocity, he wondered if the earth would be able to heal from such wounds.  What would the other deities think?  Damon knew that Rhylana would be able to stand her own, but he began to calculate the possibility for backlash from the other powers.  Would they strike out at her for bringing destruction on their territories?  Many things raced through the mind of the Captain, but it came to a halt when one of his youngest cadets ran up to whisper in his ear.  Damon knelt down slightly in order to receive word of a newcomer to the Court.  The hair on the back of the man’s neck stood up as he thought about the possibility of an attacker this soon.  Would this newcomer want to take revenge or try to be a hero to end the destruction?  Whatever reason he was there, Damon would not allow him to get far if there were ill intentions.  “Bring him here.  Strip the creature of all weapons.  I want a tight escort as well as rangers above with arrows focused at all time.”  The cadet nodded once and took off in a sprint to spread the command.  Though they were fearful, they would adhere to their training well.
He did not move as the guest made his escorted way into the garden.  Brows lifted slightly in surprise at the image of the creature.  What in the Flames name is that?  Damon had been around for many years, but had never come across a reptilian in the flesh.  Stories had been heard, but it was the first time the phoenix had seen one.

Head tilted to the side as he glared at the beast and his superstitious movements.  Mouth remained in a tight line as he looked at the guest with an analytical gaze.  Silence reigned for a while, only to be interrupted by the crashing of the world around them.  Finally, Damon stepped forward to be between the reptile and his mistress.  “Name yourself and your intentions for coming to the Ivory Court.  I warn you now, if you attempt anything that I deem ill intent…you will be killed immediately.  Violence within these walls are not tolerated.  I assure you, my men are excellent marksmen.”  His gaze led the newcomer to look up and see that there were archers at the ready.  “If you come in seeking wisdom from her lady, than you may do so at her leisure.”


Character Info
Name: Cha'Kwe'Tza
Age: Approx. 1200
Alignment: None
Race: Reptilian
Gender: Male
Class: Sacred Guardian
Silver: 639
Raising his eyes to look for the aforementioned archers, Cha'Kwe'Tza nodded. He wouldn't have tried anything even if their presence was non-existent. Looking back to the man that had spoken, Cha'Kwe'Tza now decided that he was some kind of bodyguard for the woman on the throne. Trying his best to keep his gaze on the man in front of him, his eyes were repeatedly drawn back to the dark haired woman as surely as a compass was to point to north, or that night would fall once the sun set. Even so, he responded, "Great warrior, I am known as Cha'Kwe'Tza. I mean no harm. I hear of rum…uh, story that tells of powerful and wise ones here. So I come searching." Although still broken, Cha'Kwe'Tza's use of the common tongue was starting to improve slightly. As long as no one tried to speak too fast, he should catch most things.

As no one was immediately stopping him from moving about, Cha'Kwe'Tza rubbed his hands together before running one across the top of his head. The heat and flames were really starting to take a toll on him. He could feel his scales drying out, and it was beginning to be uncomfortable. Looking back to the warrior, Cha'Kwe'Tza asked, "Great warrior. Apologies for trouble,you have springs yes? This one feels like sand on beach with no wind." Hoping that there was some sort of water source nearby, Cha'Kwe'Tza would have to either douse himself, or leave within moments, whether or not he got any words from the woman atop her throne or not.

Character Info
Name: Nymeria
Age: ??
Alignment: LE
Race: Born of Flame
Gender: Female
Class: Sorceress
Silver: 144
Rhylana was not usually one of r intellectual discussion, let alone when her temper consumed her, one raven eyebrow quirked as she looked to the reptilian being that entered her sacred home. A reptile, what the hell else was it? She opened the earth beneath the quickly drying out creature and dropped him into a hot spring. “There.” she said cooly, voice bubbling with power as the stars fell outside of her temple. Inside was safe, naturally, but she would never harm her own creation. Let alone those she actually cared about. The rest could burn, burn and furl that which was the core of her world.


Looking to the odd creature, she blinked, eyes alive with power as she weighed if he was edible or not. His aura was strong, he held power of his own, and would fuel her beautifully. “What brings you to my temple?” Rhylana’s voice held four tones, her natural voice then the voice of flame, the voice of destruction, and the voice of power. She oozed a burning aura as she took in the sight before her, looking at this odd beast as he lounged in her hot spring.  She looked to Damon, eyebrow raised, then to Ember at her side as she caressed her coat, feeling that growing power.  She pushed power outwards, flames erupting through the jungle beyond her temple, she smiling softly, as the thought of all those souls, all that energy fed into the woman’s core.

“ Cha’Kwe’Tza…” She said once more in the multi toned voice,  knowing that there was a good deal more to this being than the obvious. “You risk a good deal. Such heat would…kill…a being like you” she said softly, the thought bringing a warmth to her that spread over her lips in a wicked smile. If he died here, she would consume him, and he would serve her body well. So well. It wasn’t a half bad thought, it would push her closer to the power she should be at, rather than flagging and tempting much worse destruction.

“Damon, I am tempted to keep him.” She purred to her guard, laughing softly, wickedly as the stars fell in time with her giggles. Rhylana was half mad with hunger, her beast pushing her to consume all that was before her…reptile included. 


Character Info
Name: Cha'Kwe'Tza
Age: Approx. 1200
Alignment: None
Race: Reptilian
Gender: Male
Class: Sacred Guardian
Silver: 639
OOC: Hope it's Cool I keep posting after you two

Cha'Kwe'Tza let out a startled grunt as the ground below him opened up and he fell into a pool of water with a splash. Thankful for the water, the Reptilian cupped his hands and poured some of the sweet liquid over his head and shoulders, feeling instantly refreshed. Blinking the excess away, he finally returned his gaze to the dominating figure of the woman above him. He was certain that being dropped in such a way was a not so subtle way of reminding him that this was a place under her control. Although un-necessary, the demonstration proved that she was far more powerful than Cha'Kwe'Tza originally thought her to be.

The voice that emanated from her was eerie. Cha'Kwe'Tza had never heard anything like it before. To him it sounded like someone at the limit of their power and struggling to keep it all in check. She asked what it was that he sought, and truthfully, Cha'Kwe'Tza didn't know for certain himself aside from that power attracted power and it felt right to seek out this place. About to answer, the woman spoke again, and this time Cha'Kwe'Tza took notice of the strange beast at her side. Curling the fingers of his left hand in yet another warding gesture, the scaled warrior looked from the woman, to the warrior nearby still holding his bow. This one she addressed as 'Damon', but self-preservation dictated Cha'Kwe'Tza not use the name himself.

Licking slightly parched lips, Cha'Kwe'Tza started, "With respect High Priestess…This one is owned by another. To keep this one, you must kill a High Priest…Very hard…Demons tried for centuries, but we killed them all," Overhead more of the brilliantly bright falling stars flew into the distant jungle, flames rising high into the sky. "I come for power. Power and relics. I heard many legends that say bo…They be here." Bowing his head, Cha'Kwe'Tza looked to the warrior, then back to the woman before finishing, "I apologize for bad speaking." Having essentially used the entirety of his knowledge of the local tongue, Cha'Kwe'Tza had nothing more to do than hope that his life be spared.
Damon Naur

Character Info
Name: Damon Naur
Age: Unknown
Alignment: TN
Race: Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ranger
Silver: 2120
Trust was not something that Damon was known for.  He was known for his suspicion and constant vigilance.  The phoenix was scolded on more than one occasion for not taking it easy on his days off, but Damon could not allow himself to do that.  The men and women within the walls of the Ivory Court were his responsibility.  He was the one that had the one job of keeping the goddess and her people safe.  No matter what she did to the world, she was his number one priority.  There was no menacing aura given off by the newcomer, but the Captain could not trust just his cut feeling.  Sheer submission to their demands would help him easy just the slightest bit.  The reptile was willing to give it apparently.  Smart beast, Damon thought.  Muscles in the man’s back relax just a small bit and nodded at the creature.  “The powerful one you search for within these particular walls would be the goddess Rhylana.”  His head tilted towards the relaxing goddess on her throne. 
Eyes traveled to his goddess as she found the visitor amusing.  “If you so wish to keep him, than you shall have him, mi’lady.”  Damon bowed his head in respect.  He wondered how the creature known as Cha’Kwe’Tza felt about being spoken in such a way.  Frankly, the phoenix did not care what the reptile felt on the topic.  The Captain was impressed that his lady was caring enough to give water to the parched brute.  “She is not a High Priestess.  She is the goddess who burns and consumes all.  Priests and priestess are below her status.”  Damon shifted the weight of his feet.

Brows furrowed as he tried to think about what relics Cha’Kwe’Tze spoke of.  They had been within the Ivory Court for a while now, but nothing stood out to the Captain in any sort of way.  Maybe it they were relics in a different sense.  Damon had no way of truly knowing at that moment until he got more information.  They could be relics in a different sense since the creature could not speak well.  


Character Info
Name: Cha'Kwe'Tza
Age: Approx. 1200
Alignment: None
Race: Reptilian
Gender: Male
Class: Sacred Guardian
Silver: 639
Cha'Kwe'Tza heard the word 'Goddess' and his eyes flew as far open as they could manage, pupils narrowing to the brink of disappearing at the massive amount of light they were taking in. Looking from the warrior, Damon, back to the woman that he named both Goddess and Rhylana, he pulled himself from the pool of water that had been made for him. Taking a few cautious steps towards the Goddess, he heard bowstrings creak under tension as the hidden archers took aim. Kneeling a few paces in front of the throne, Cha'Kwe'Tza then bent over at the waist until his upper body was horizontal with the ground before stretching placing both hands palm down on the stones at his side. He rightly kept his gaze at the base of Rhylana's throne, and he would do so until she spoke to him directly.

It was unbelievable. The Gods and Goddesses of this land actually walked and lived amongst the inhabitants. Cha'Kwe'Tza could only assume that they were always plotting and working against one another, as all deities often did. To actually come face to face with one, and not even know it until it was too late, the shame was near enough for Cha'Kwe'Tza to end his life rightly by self immolation. Instead, he spoke, and did so carefully as he didn't know the proper forms for addressing the highest of all in these lands. "Goddess Rhylana," he started, stumbling over the name a little, " this one begs forgiveness. Cha'kwe'Tza humbly begs to make many sacrifices for you to restore lost honour." Having never been overly religious, Cha'Kwe'Tza vowed to himself that if he made it out of this temple alive, he would start to make offerings more often than he had in the last few centuries of his life.

Character Info
Name: Nymeria
Age: ??
Alignment: LE
Race: Born of Flame
Gender: Female
Class: Sorceress
Silver: 144
Rhylana had let her beloved guard take his piece of the man, musing as she weighed the consequences of devouring this beings soul here and now. He seemed harmless, for now, and she knew that there were many archers that stood around the compound ready to pounce should he step from his proper place. Blue and green eyes tracked the being as he moved from the pool to stand before her, then bow, as he realised who and what she was. It was damned near magical, so few realised she could end them, consume them from the inside out in ways that were unimaginable. With a languid tip of her head, Rhylana spoke, letting the magic and power drip from her natural voice as opposed to the tri- or quad- toned voice she would usually use in such a situation, a lyrical alto voice filled with danger and threat.

“You honestly had no idea,” cruel amusement made her voice lilt and eyes light as she studied the odd reptilian body before her. He had needed the water, and it was interesting to see that he recovered so quickly. The sword was odd, his body more so, and as her raven hair slipped down the edge of the marble and the goddess stood. She smirked, reading his mind, “You desire to leave here unfettered by my blaze, yet you came here looking for power and relics. To steal from me, for these…priestesses…of yours.” She had never been what would call a ‘kind’ woman, no intact many had called her a variety of names to indicate to the contrary. She was kind to those she needed, or those that served a purpose, and with that being said.

What purpose would this one serve?

Rhylana mused, uncertain of how to best use this odd creature. She saw clearly in his mind his intentions, spreading her word and in turn her faith. In doing so, the sacrifices would be made insect a way as to benefit her completely. She had all eh staff that was needed here, and besides, such a creature would scare her son…no, Rhylana thought, this one had the right idea. “Damon, I do not think I shall consume this one, no, I think he is better tasked with being blood oathed and set loose in this world to benefit me more substantially.”

The dark goddess stepped from her throne and down towards the beast, looking at him with curiosity. “It would be interesting to have such a beast in my menagerie, but I think if we sent you to make sacrifices, it would be more beneficial. Tell me of what service you would do for my church and me?” If his answer was displeasing, the future of such a beast was limited, profoundly so.

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