Cijor is an old, wise man. Elf features, looking to be in about his early seventies, he stands much taller and straighter than most young men. He wears a golden hood and cape with a dark red tunic under it, a golden sash is tied around his waist. The Old Wizard uses a crystal ball and his hands for spell casting. His hair is long and silver and his beard long and put into one long braid. Cjor was raised in the big city of Adeluna where he and his family had a peaceful life until it came that time for him to move out, he decided to head to the mountains to the north of the city.
He lived there for sixteen years, all along discovering and crafting new spells and abilities for him to master, every incantation has some element of destruction.
Character Name: Cijor Tobelin
Nicknames & Alias: WearyEyes
Name meaning: His father killed and took the blood from The Elder Dragon Cijor who had ravaged his land, the blood was then used to make Cijor's father fertile again.
Age: 347
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 200 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Elvish, Dragon's blood
Hair: Gleaming silver
Eyes: Deep crimson
Skintone: Tan
Build: small, but muscular for an old man
Appearance in Age: about 65
Weapons of Choice: Crystal ball, and mages staff.
Armour of choice: A golden cape and hood
Magical Abilities: Proficient in Fire magics