The Slumbering Dragon

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Maldrenth the Titan
Dragon - Titan Dragon (Western Design)
Dragon - Titan
The real The Slumbering Dragon
Sep 25, 1993

Been roleplaying for 10 years.

Have great love and respect for the folklore about dragons.

Hoping to join the RAF (Royal Air Force).

Live in the UK.

Can I be your friend?

All About Maldrenth the Titan


+ Dragon Name:Maldrenth


+ Dragon Alias: The Dragon of the Mountains, King of the Mountains, The Mountain Dragon, He who slumbers, Slumbering Titan, Guardian of the North, The Titan, Dragon of Stone, Protector of Revaliir, Titan among Dragonkind, Blessed by The Gods

Gender: Male

Realm of Origin: Revaliir

Realm Currently Residing: Revaliir

Species: Titan Dragon - Progenitor of the Western Dragon

Age: Primordial

Alignment: Lawful Neutral


The enormity of Maldrenth of the World is a sight to behold. Back during the first ruling years of The Gods, Maldrenth was once a 10 meter tall Western Dragon with four legs with one set of wings, and his scales were that of Grey. His appearance of such a time was average during the First Age, as the dragons began to develop their scale colours of a wide variety. Though Maldrenth was not aware of his new form that The Gods had prepared for him.

Blessed by The Gods for his Noble sacrifice, the gift eventually made the once normal Western Dragon, into a hulking Titan Dragon: a Progenitor of the Western Dragon. It was said that Maldrenth stood well over 8850 Meters tall, his teeth and claws were that of towers, his vast spikes all over his back and tail were miniature mountains, his tail the length of longest Rivers, and his ginormous wings could cover the sky with a single open stretch and could create a hurricane.

Maldrenth's scales colours were a mixture of light and dark grey, they were as the mountain rock, and his eyes changed from the once proud yellow, to a daunting white. Maldrenth's sheer size allowed the monstrous beast to disguise himself whenever he wished, as a vast line of mountains, or huddle up to form a Super Mountain. As History proclaims the tales of Maldrenth being a Titan Dragon and his disappearance became a mystery to all, The Titan Dragon's story slowly developed into a bedtime story for all species… Though perhaps one day, you may just see him again.

During the First Age of The Gods, back when the world was in balance, History and legends spoke about how Malrenth regardless of how the world slowly transformed with it's new rulers, the Titan Dragon remained neutral. Historians have often recorded Maldrenth as a dragon of confidence, prideful, and defensive Dragon for he was one who would not hesitate to be awoke from his slumber and fight to defend the land that was his home. The very few who once tried to enter the Titan's slumbering lair were told to tread carefully, for there were tales of Maldrenth having a rather sardonic sense of humour, both conversed yet mocked those who'd entered his lair and proceeded to either consume them or allow them live and flee for their lives.

Yet the many years of sleeping, had changed Malrenth before his disappearance, he become more and more of a sloth, enjoying his peaceful sleep without interruptions from mortals and immortals alike. Though should Malrenth awoke from the long sleep, there is an old saying: "When the earth shakes, Maldrenth is awake. If there is a roar, he is angry if not then he is in peace." The Titan dragon's anger and short-tempered behaviour when put into force is a terrifying sight to behold, his intimidating presence and the booming voice is why he is respected and feared, a firm but fair dragon.

There are times Malrenth boasts with his own superiority against other dragons, after all such actions are within a dragon's nature. Maldrenth make vast comments of his power and impregnable scale armour at those who challenge him. However, do not think for a moment that he allows such high regards about himself to cloud his judgement, for even he knows when to back down especially in the presence of Gods that have granted him such size and power (That goes double in showing respect to The Gods).

When the world was young, and life had blossomed. The Gods helped spread Dragonkind Across all of the known realms, and from one egg that hatched born on the mountains of Revaliir was a small Traditional Westeren Dragon called Maldrenth. Life in those early years a peaceful existence, with balance and integrity to all species of the Realm. For the early years, the dragon lived an honest life, making friends with future gods, and hero's alike, and rivals who challenged Maldrenth in play fights and testing one's skill against another. Those early years are seen to be completely different compared to today's world, and such a time had the gaze and attention of The Creator to guide his subjects in the right direction.

To that end, Malrenth became a devout worshipper and follower of The Gods, every sunrise and sunset, he prayed to the Gods for all dragonkind in Revaliir to be safe, and with every pray, he also gave thanks to The Five for granting him life and the world to which he can live and survive. Maldrenth's undying love and affection towards The Five would not fall on death's ears, as there were a few dragons in this early time period who believed in different deities, even calling him mad for not being part of the crowd in worshipping in the deities that were not The Five, but his resilience refused to falter.

Yes, for Maldrenth had it's fair share of unfortunate events during his growth into Maturity, from wildfires that scorch the realm, to vast typhoon's inflicting damage to the shores such an early life was not easy, the vast majority of his entire existence was helping the defenceless and evacuating the species who could not survive on their own to much safer land. Many dragons of those years of the First Age barely bat an eyelid at the other species, all except for Maldrenth. Yet, there was one particular event that changed his life forever, a day that saved multiple dragonkin's lives, and one to be rewarded for such bravery.

As Maldrenth prepared to slumber on one clear night, echo's of Dragons crying out in fear and pleading was heard not too far from where he slept, one of the tall northern mountains gave way, unleashing the combined fury of a mega tsunami sized avalanche. Malrenth's heart sank to see such a monstrous disaster of such a size wiping out the vast population. His mind had made the ultimate decision, and his heart turned from being one with doubt to the birth of a hero, calling the entire populace to evacuate Northern Mountain range whilst he bought them time to escape. Maldrenth attempted to hold back the full scale avalanche with all of his fiery breath, creating a vast firewall to hold the impact. However, Maldrenth of his size and strength could not hold the avalanche for ever, as it was completely draining the dragon of all his stamina and magic, but as the last of the citizens managed to evacuate however, the dragon was swept under a giant thick blanket of snow and debris. By the time a search party sent out to find Malrenth he sadly passed away having died from the mega avalanche.

But his destiny was not over, not by a long shot for his heroic sacrifice and undying devoting to The Gods caught the attention of the draconic's sacrificed. By the power invested in the gods, Maldrenth was granted new life, new home and a transformation. From what was once a meagre 10 meter tall Western dragon, became 8,850 Meters tall Goliath. Maldrenth had become the First Titan Western Dragon, and with such a new species he was granted the powers and gift as such, bestowing the responsibility and safe-guarding his home of Revaliir to him.

As ages and a vast millennium of years past, Maldrenth upholder his duty well if not for him being asleep as the world around him transformed, his story became legend overtime. It was only with the arrival of a Elves, Fauns, Fairys, and other Magical creatures of the realm arrived, pleading to the Titan for help. Hearing their cries mentioning innocent lives were going to be lost did awoke the sleeping titan, it was the first time in recent history that Maldrenth stepped into the field of history once more, transporting himself to the location of the magical creatures home. The battles and years worth of fighting and defending the Magical creatures were fit for songs and tales that exist to this day, of how one Titan Dragon stood against the oncoming darkness invasion head on, with his illustrious fire, furious battle cry and indomitable spirit became a symbol of such heroism.

However, upon the final battle against the darkness, something happened that would become the greatest mystery known to Revaliir…

Maldrenth; the worlds guardian and protector, along with the entire invading force of darkness… Vanished, in a bright burst of light. Never to be seen again.

No one knew what had happened from that point on, many people speculated that it was The Gods ending the War before the lives of innocent elves were to be harmed, though this caused Maldrenth a second sacrifice. Yet if that were the case, his spirit would've been sent to the Soulplane. However, that there was the problem, Maldrenth's spirit was nowhere to be found, not one single trace of the Titan Dragon.

Years were spent in finding Maldrenth, hoping to find a single piece of evidence, though sadly nothing. Legend of Maldrenth became Myth, and with Myth faded into what all tales become… Fiction, only leaving those who are immortal and have met Maldrenth face to face to be the only living source of physical proof of his once proud existence.

For a time, the world of Revaliir had lost a Hero.


Yet… After many, long years. The Dragon reappeared in a flash of light!

No one knew what had happened, or how the dragon had returned… But Maldrenth is back, and this time he plans of maintain his role as The Slumbering Dragon of the Mountains.

Human Form Appearance and Equipment:

Standing slightly over Seven Foot ten Inches tall, with a strong, broad shouldered muscular build Maldrenth's Human Form is an example of a 'Warrior's physique' amongst his own people. His hair is medium length, a mixture of blonde yet subtle hints of grey, with his daring light blue eyes the man still maintains the prime of his youth.

To one and all, from the lowly commoner to the highest lord, Maldrenth in human form is the epiphany of what people could refer to him as a "Giant". Very few have actually seen his face in person, mostly because he goes on an adventure. Yet his armour itself, is by far the most unique in terms of design and presentable. Armour His helmet is fashioned in solid steel, but yet the large drab, tattered hood that completely conceals the tough, strangely dark metal helmet. However, if one were to look closely they would be able to still see the hints of the gold engravings of a Knights helm.

The upper-body armour, far different from any Guard or Knight, resembles that of scales of a dragon, the neck and shoulders wrapped in a long, darb, tattered scarf, with two bangs on either side that flows in the wind freely. The armour that protects Maldrenth's arms are different to each other, his right hand and arm is covered with a Black-dyed leather that is tied around the arm and hand, whilst the left is fitted with a true Knights gauntlet. His long cloak fashion with thick hide and fur in order to sustain his warmth from the harsh cold environment of the north. Finally, the general leggings, a mixture of a dark gold and black dyed steel, with a tattered under-cloak around the waist that reaches down to his feet.
Blank Scrolls
Made of paper or parchment, these scrolls are ideal for writing on.
Common Robes
Simple, loose-fitting garments made from ordinary material, these plain robes are suitable for general, everyday wear.
Concussive Blast
The caster hurls a strong gust of wind at a target that is capable of inflicting blunt damage and disorienting opponents.
Fire Ball
The caster summons a ball of fire and hurls it at their target.
Frost Ball
The caster summons a ball of ice and hurls it at their target.
Lesser Agility
This spell grants the ability to move at heightened speeds.
Lightning Ball
This beginner level spell allows the caster to hurl a ball of raw lightning at a target.
Mud Ball
The caster summons a ball of earth and hurls it at their target.
Quill and Ink
A writing implement made from a long feather, used by dipping the tip into a pot of dyed liquid.
Shadow Cast
This spell manipulates the shadows around the caster to be used to create illusions against their targets.
These light shoes are delicate, easy to put on.
The caster summons a ball of light and hurls it at their target. However, the strength of this holy ball won't do much more than blind those around you.
Magic wands are used by magi, healers and other magic users. They also come in a variety of materials, such as wood, metal, crystal, or other, stranger things.
Mythic Polymorph
This spell allows the caster to take on the form of creatures larger than a bear. Mythic Polymorph can also be used to transform individual parts of your body into parts of the described creatures.
Fire Breath
The caster exhales a blast of fire, burning and damaging a target.
Silver Ore
A piece of silver ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
Wyvern's Heart
A heart torn straight from a wyvern that has been kept beating from exposure to mana.
Alchemy Ingredient
Greater Heal
An advanced healing spell capable of sealing all but the most grievous of wounds.
Dragon Scale
Pulled off the body of a mighty dragon, this scale can be used for crafting.
Synth Ingredient
Found in oysters these beautiful little gems can make quite the beautiful bracelet or necklace.
Synth Ingredient
A purple gemstone commonly used in jewelry and other projects.
Synth Ingredient
Steel Ingot
An ingot that happens when carbon is fused with iron during the smelting process.
Synth Ingredient
A simple block of wood. Maybe it can be used for something?
Synth Ingredient
Aura Sight
This spell allows the caster to sense a magical aura around a person, or to sense another's presence even if the caster cannot see them. Also allows the caster to sense magical presence up to 40 yards away.
A silvery blue metal with diamond like properties. It was once strong chains created by the Goddess Angela to hold back the Goddess Dalanesca. Now the metal has all but lost it's magical properties but is still the strongest metal in all of Revaliir.
Synth Ingredient
Gold Ore
A piece of gold ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
Breath of Ki
This spell allows the caster to breathe underwater, or to give another person that ability.
Astral Projection
This spell allows the caster to project themself on to another plane.

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