
Apr 19, 2017
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Myouga Ryou
It's a secret~
Hanaoni (oni variant)
The real Hanaoni

All About Myouga Ryou

Appearance and Personality:

'Hanaoni' are oni who are born with a rare congenital growth disorder which affects the individual's development. Their name comes from an Ataiyan phrase referring them as "little flowers who are late to bloom". As a result, many of them are born with a weak constitution and health complications at worst, or are very short and physically weaker than normal oni at best. The cause of the disorder is unknown, and couples have been known to give birth to healthy children after the birth of a hanaoni. One of the few positive aspects of this condition is the affected children are known to be exceptionally intelligent or gifted in a particular area.

As a hanaoni, Myouga is 4'10" in spite of being an adult. She keeps her black hair in a short bob while her bangs easily cover her small underdeveloped horns. Said horns resemble small pointed protrusions less than an inch in length growing from her forehead. Since her physical development was affected from birth, her strength is less than half than the average oni, making it equivalent to that of a human in their early teens. Her stamina and endurance is much lower when performing physical tasks, however she has been blessed with great magical talent to compensate. Her eyes are a normal dark blue bordering on charcoal grey, however when casting powerful spells her eyes become a malachite green. When dressed in Ataiyan robes, she is easily mistaken for a child and resembles the wooden dolls you find in the shops there; something that she uses to her full advantage when pulling pranks or trying to scare the living daylights out of people.

With a strong interest in the arcane arts and a mischievous streak a mile wide, she appears childish up until the moment she decides to drop the ruse. All of her pranks are done in good fun and are never meant to actually hurt anyone, however. One of her favorite things is exploring tombs and ancient ruins in the pursuit of new knowledge, but beware as she's known to be too willing to set off a trap just to see what it does. Affable and cheerful she likes to poke fun at everything, but has enough sense to know when to stop…usually. What she considers to be 'cute' and 'interesting' have been known to be a bit off compared to what normal people would put in those categories, but she shows a surprising professionalism when at work and takes her job seriously when it comes to the arcane arts. Aside from that, not so much.


Myouga was born and raised in Ataiyo. Her parents were members of the middle class and successful silk tailors. Unfortunately, she never inherited their talent for embroidery. Instead she was an exceptional student and showed great promise as a scholar. Eventually the fruits of her labor earned her a position as a professor in the illustrious college of Iria where she taught entry-level courses in the arcane arts and languages. After a small summoning demonstration went awry, she was prohibited from teaching any courses involving volatile reagents and magical components; focusing on magical theory and the semantics of spellcraft. As a tenured professor, she would take extended holidays for months at a time to study new archaeological finds and explore ancient ruins. She once taught a course in the basics of alchemy, which Liselotte Ellebore had taken as a student. This was before the summoning accident that led to the college administration placing restrictions on her classes. At the moment she is currently spending her time off doing what she does best–poking her nose where it doesn't belong.

Clothing and Equipment:

Her attire varies depending on where she happens to be. Outside of her home in Nisshoki, she wears a white knee-length dress with full sleeves. The top portion of the dress has a short cloak which only reaches up to her forearms in the same color, with a white hat which can only be described as an over-sized beret. She has black, tight-fitting trousers of silk covering her legs and a pair of black slippers to match. When at home she prefers to wear her many embroidered cotton robes with an obi tied into a large bow at the back. Her favorite ones have bright colors and floral patterns on them. She carries a wand fashioned from a branch of cypress used more for thwacking people or poking things than actually casting spells. The red markings at the corners of her eyes are face paint and come off with water.

Talents and Abilities:

Myouga possesses knowledge of many languages and how to decipher ancient texts. In the arcane arts, runes and circles are her specialty. She has a repertoire of other spells, ranging from elemental attacks to those with practical use like teleportation. Her high spiritual power allows her to cast weak spells in quick succession without tiring, while stronger spells are cast more quickly. Her cleverness and fast legs make her difficult to hit as a target.

Though not technically considered a talent, her cooking is so terrible that even those with the strongest stomachs will hesitate and question if said 'food' is even edible. Although it might not look appealing, most people agree that it tastes awful. So far nobody has died from food poisoning…yet. Unsurprisingly she can eat it just fine. Her drawing skills are possibly just as horrible, if not worse. Her best attempts at visual recreation of animals and objects have been used in courses teaching necromancy as an example of what curses look like.

Observation Entries:

Fair Token
A small bronze coin given out so you may participate in the fair games. Turn in your tokens for a prize to the prize attendant. Wow, there are so many prizes to choose from!
Dragon Scale
Pulled off the body of a mighty dragon, this scale can be used for crafting.
Synth Ingredient
A small fish that is golden in color. It’s swimming around in its bowl just bubbling at you. Wonder how long you can keep it alive… Maybe it might just do better in the pond outside.
Staff 2023 Event, Rokkrinu Fair. Happy Halloween.
Rose Hip
The beginnings of a rose, this rose hip is an exceptionally healthy specimen. It can either be planted or ground up for herbalism purposes.
Apothecary Ingredient
Obsidian Shard
This black shard is actually volcanic glass. It can be used for various crafts.
Synth Ingredient
Raine's Bluebell
Created as the first real project given to Angela’s avatar Raine this bluebell flower has sapphire gemstone petals and when moved or shaken rings like a clear bell. True to her status as Revaliir’s Bird Ambassador and “Bird Rights Activist Leader” this bell summons doves. Why you would want to do such a thing… Who knows.

“Revaliir, please forgive me...” - Angela

A pre-event item for Angela Rose’s 2021 Valentine’s Day Event.
The pages in this bound book are blank, allowing the owner to use it to keep a record of their thoughts and activities.
Pyromancer Spellbook: Fireworks for Beginners!
This spellbook teaches the early elements of pyromancy with an emphasis on explosions and how to make them colorful and pleasing to the eye. The publishers of this book are not responsible for any injuries incurred when following the instructions set forth in the text.
This item is an event prize for the 2020 event: Days of Revelry
Christmas Alpaca
A jolly alpaca that can make soft sweaters from its fur. Does however come with a mistletoe that it uses to try and kiss everyone.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 6
Giant Turkey
This turkey of unusual size has been tamed just enough to allow you to ride on its back. Owners beware as its appetite can eat you out of house and home.
This is an event prize for the 2019 event Horae's Great Potluck
Muskmallow's Sticky Bombs
Created by an infamous Horae prankster, these bun-shaped bombs smother everything in a layer of cinnamon-y, sticky goodness and sugary icing.
This is an event prize for the 2019 event Horae's Great Potluck
Glowing Axolotl
This little buddy is great for on the road trips. He is pink with a little heart on his rear end. He glows in the dark to provide light and his facial expressions are among the best. No one could ask for a better friend than him. Unlike the non-magical variety these little guys can stay out of water. They like to ride your shoulder!
A prize for the 2019 Staff Event: Lights of Love
Blank Scrolls
Made of paper or parchment, these scrolls are ideal for writing on.
Common Robes
Simple, loose-fitting garments made from ordinary material, these plain robes are suitable for general, everyday wear.
Concussive Blast
The caster hurls a strong gust of wind at a target that is capable of inflicting blunt damage and disorienting opponents.
Fire Ball
The caster summons a ball of fire and hurls it at their target.
Frost Ball
The caster summons a ball of ice and hurls it at their target.
Lesser Agility
This spell grants the ability to move at heightened speeds.
Lightning Ball
This beginner level spell allows the caster to hurl a ball of raw lightning at a target.
Mud Ball
The caster summons a ball of earth and hurls it at their target.
Quill and Ink
A writing implement made from a long feather, used by dipping the tip into a pot of dyed liquid.
Shadow Cast
This spell manipulates the shadows around the caster to be used to create illusions against their targets.
These light shoes are delicate, easy to put on.
The caster summons a ball of light and hurls it at their target. However, the strength of this holy ball won't do much more than blind those around you.
Magic wands are used by magi, healers and other magic users. They also come in a variety of materials, such as wood, metal, crystal, or other, stranger things.
This spell allows the caster to instantly move to another location, so long as they can see their intended destination.
Spectral Arrow
The caster summons a magical arrow that needs no bow to pierce a target.
Greater Rejuvenation Potion
When consumed, this potion restores the users health by a large amount.
Sun's Kiss
A lightweight silver shield accented in black tourmaline. Will absorb any magickal attack when used, and reflect out a short burst of near blinding light magick to give the shielder time to prepare their own returning attack (or flee!).
This is an Event Prize for Naota's 2017 Event Renaissance of Lumos.
Gate Travel
This spell allows the caster to open a portal to another location anywhere in Revaliir.
Basic Antidote
When consumed the antidote potion cures the consumer of all basic status ailments.
When worn, this Aventurine pendant will strengthen the will and focus of its wearer tenfold. Due to its effects, it’s suggested to only wear it in times of great need for no more than one hour at a time. While strength of will and focus are enhanced, the physical limits of the body are unchanged.
This is an Event Prize for Naota's 2017 Event Renaissance of Lumos.
This spell allows the caster to disappear from sight.
Greater Mana Potion
When consumed, this potion restores the users spell points by a large amount.
Guiding Light
A palm-sized pyramid crystal comprised of Ametrine. When the user is lost, a thin beam of light will shine from the crystal’s point to lead the user home or some other favored safe destination.
This is an Event Prize for Naota's 2017 Event Renaissance of Lumos.
Straight from Ataiyo, kimonos are beautiful garment crafted with love and care. They come in a variety of colors and fabrics. All of the women's come with an obi as well.
These herbs can be prepared in a variety of ways— ground into a balm, brewed into a tea, chewed whole, and more— and have a variety of properties that make them valuable to alchemists, healers, assassins, and more.
Arcane Spellbook
This book is among the most common additions to any spellcaster's library. It stores information on magical theory as well as general, non-elemental spells ranging from strength to replication. It is the generalist's spellbook.
This spell creates a destructive explosion at a location of the caster's choosing, sometimes even catching the caster in the blast radius.
Animate Object
This spell allows the caster to make an object come to life for a short period of time.
Minor Telekinesis
This spell allows the caster to move small objects with their mind.
Mass Dispel
This spell will negate the effect of multiple spells on a target, or one area-of-effect spell.
Mystical Mushroom
A mushroom found growing in the Feeorin Forest that has a little trick to it. It can do five things to yourself or an enemy, as long as they eat it. (At random)
1. Puke live butterflies for an hour. 2. Tell the truth(no matter what) for an hour. 3. Grow a luscious beard. 4. Your entire body begins to feel like its being tickled and you lose yourself in uncontrollable laughter for an hour. 5. Uncontrollable singing and dancing for an hour.
This mask is crafted typically for one's face. It may be used for protection, disguise, or even entertainment.
Troubadour's Flora
A mysterious little pet from Apoy Island. Discovered in a cave by travelling musicians. It looks just like a sunflower, but with eyes and a mouth. It uses its roots for legs, and is able to harmonize its voice to music.
Canelux’s Circlet
The symbol of the Terra Equinox. Made out of precious stones and metal. Rests gently upon one's head. Features the waxing and full moon status of Canelux. Increases one’s magic ability when Canelux is out.
Box of Pyrotechnics
A large box containing a number of rockets filled with alchemical and magical concoctions that create bright colors in the sky when lit and set off. They are crafted by the alchemists of Sularia.
Eversweet Berries
Often used as a condiment, these berries will make anything and everything you eat taste sweet. It is recommended, however, that you always have someone taste test for you if you use them, because it doesn’t matter how sweet poison tastes. It will still kill you.
Traveling Glass
Appearing as a set of twin mirrors attached by a magical bond, the travelling glass is often used as a method of teleportation that is longer ranged than a teleport spell but usually quieter than the average mage’s gate travel spell. Teleportation using these objects can only occur between them, and these mirrors can appear in any shape or size.
Dragonic Bellow
With this spell, the caster’s shouts are magnified into powerful bursts, able to both knock down enemies and obstacles and can invoke fear.
This is an event prize for Xunatar's 2017 event: The Ignius Paradox Event
A small dragon the size of a house cat. Gifted with minor telepathy and a poisonous sting, they can be used as familiars, as pets, scouts or even for the local post system.
This is an event prize for Xunatar's 2017 event: The Ignius Paradox Event
Greater Banish
This spell allows for the removal of several minor elementals and summonings, or one summoned demon or angel, from this realm
Minor Levitation
A spell that allows for the caster’s body to be raised off the ground for a brief amount of time.
Vaeri’s Rune
Vaeri was a famous enchantress from Iria. To help those who were not able to use magic, or liked the idea of storing magic for later use, she created a rune stone capable of holding a single spell. This is also a great tool for magi as it can store magic energy for later use when needed. -Cannot store spells that are of epic level or higher
Arcane Empower
This spell supernaturally enhances the target's magickal ability much like the similar spells Strength and Lesser Agility.
Invoke Energy Vortex
A random energy vortex is summoned from another plane, which serves the caster for a short period of time.
Summon Item
The caster summons an item, normally armor or weapons, that they own from the aether.
Chain Lightning
Several bolts of lightning shoot down from the sky to strike one or more targets.
This spell gives the caster supernatural protection against magickal and physical attacks.
Faerie Fire
This spells causes its caster to outline their target in light of any color of their choice. The target can be animate or inanimate.
Canelux's Winged Armor
Designed from the stories of the elder sister moon which told of her once beautiful wings and how they were torn asunder, this armor allows the user to fly. The armor also offers minor resistances to elemental magic. The wings of this armor are not white but cosmic much like the stories. The cosmos of these wings move just like the sky above.
Storm Rod
An iron wand with a large crystal at the end of it, it has a swirling lightning storm brewing within it. It's aura is more powerful than that of it's Irian cousin though it does not detect void storms.
Enhances lightning magic.
Verya's Twig
A petrified wand of the dead, Parvporan World Tree Verya. It allows the caster to speed up their casting time in exchange for some of their endurance temporarily. Meaning that the more you speed cast with this wand, the more tired you will get. However, this wand is a heavy hitter so perhaps try to destroy your enemies before you get tired. The fastest mage is almost always the victor.
Keeper's Secret
Allows the caster to immediately rebuke and mirror a spell cast at them from an opposing force. This magical counter immediately releases the mirrored spell and cannot store the spell for later.

This is an epic level spell.

Event Prize for Adraejen’s 2017 Event: Days of Hebheka
Gold Amulet of Knowledge
A prize for all the surviving contestants of Days of Hebheka 2017 Event that made to it to the Hemut Worshop.
Classic guardians of knowledge and secrets, the sphinx is known for it’s fair female face, sleek body of a lioness, and wings of an eagle, and love of riddles.. Can Speak & Can Cast.
“What goes on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?”
Event Prize for Adraejen’s 2017 Event: Days of Hebheka
Custom Item Voucher
This is redeemable through contacting Angela Rose.
Gobble Horn
The festive horn summons 50 turkeys or 5 giant turkeys to your side to fight your enemy.
Spectre Labradorites
A special gemstone that allows for the wielder to be able to attract and see ghosts.
I see dead people...
Talking Witch's Hat
This very opinionated witch hat comes with a variety of personalities. Some are super sweet and some are very salty in nature.
Drae's Bottled Starlight
Made by the Keeper to help his children combat their fear of the dark, this vials of thick colored glass can cast a starscape on the walls and ceiling of a room. When placed on the ground of an area or on a shelf, it creates a circle of protection with a 20 ft Diameter.
Event Prize for Adraejen’s 2017 Event: Days of Hebheka
Jack O' Lantern
A literal lantern made out of a pumpkin. It comes in a variety of shapes and carved faces. An eerie wisp like glow comes from inside of it lighting the way for you.
This Jack O' Lantern is enchanted to enhance spectral or ghostly magic.
Box of Sweets
A delicious box of a different assortment of sweets, a perfect treat for a friend or loved one!
Game Box
A box with a checkered top that holds the pieces necessary for many games of both noble and common origins. Cards, chess pieces, and dice are the most common items found inside, but other cultures have been known to stuff in more exotic things things like shogi pieces.
Made out of whatever material one could find at the time, this bag holds a few possessions one would have.
Zombie Arm
This long arm is barely there as it is! It makes for the perfect blunt weapon if you can't find anything else.
This arm can be used as an extension of yourself to grab things that you can't quite reach. Great for pickpockets too!
Rain of Stars
Several small meteors plummet to the ground, damaging the target and sometimes catching the caster in the process.
Originally these highly survivable undead were exclusively the servants of Rudjek, High Priest of Sardon, in his quest to empower the Crimson God with living sacrifice. However, some devious-minded magi were able to capture specimens of these bandaged creatures in order to reverse engineer their anatomy and the necromantic energies that powered them. Now, with enough silver and materials, you too can hire these shambling tanks of death to serve you. Unlike other military units, they do not decay over time, and can reform their bodies if they are not completely destroyed. However, they are slow-witted and slow-moving, much like their weaker zombie counterparts. 10 Mummies per unit.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Scarab Choker
These scarab shaped ornaments are made from the bodies of the live scarabs that infested the resurrected capital of Aysut. Even in death, they maintain a portion of their master's call, but that call has been bent by the magics of the living. Anyone wearing these chokers can temporarily command the scarab piece to duplicate itself into a small group of illusory scarabs. These scarabs will have eye-shaped hieroglyphics on the back of their shells that the caster can see through, and, so long as the spell remains active, they are completely under said person's control.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Cursed Jewelry
These beautiful, intricate pieces of jewelry are clearly costly in make. But anyone wearing them will soon find themselves haunted by ghosts always just out of sight and the screams of the damned. A great present for that ex you hate!
Halloween 2015 Event Item
Ghostly Puppy
This small puppy passed away at a young age and joined the Hallowed Caravan's crew as a ghost.
Halloween 2015 Event Item
Mistress' Cloak
A cloak made from the finest silk spun from the spider queen herself.
Halloween 2015 Event Item
Wisp Shawl
Crafted from the memories of banshee this cloth glows with an eerie presence. It lights up dark places and can be worn as a scarf or shawl.
Halloween 2015 Event Item
Aegir's Plague Mask
This has the basic functions of a plague mask. The beak has a compartment for herbs and medicine. This enchanted mask will keep minor diseases away from you. The material on this mask also offers minor protection against psionic magic.
Note: Only protects against one psionic spell once per day before it has to recharge.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Cadaver Angler Fish
Angler Fish have always been one of the mighty predators of the depths but this species has always tugged on the hearts of all those around it. Instead of a sweet light that attracts you, it is the body of your loved ones you find, alive and dancing ready to be with you until the end (of you).
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Cereus’s Protection
When cast, this spell summons large spectral cats to protect the caster.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Concordia's Bondage
Spider silk has been woven into the strongest rope known to Revaliir in the name of fun. Many citizens of Revaliir use this for many unsavory things, too adult for many to hear, but also it is used by many sailors when they have saved up enough coin as the strength of the silk has never failed.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Possessed Toy
This toy belonged to a son of a rich family from Egjora. It was given to him by a servant just after she was fired by the lady of the house for practicing dark magic. The toy seems to move on its own and has a demonic voice. The family this toy once belonged to died soon after by strange causes unknown. It is best to appease the toy and not stir its anger.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Ghost Kitten
Long forgotten by its owner, this kitten has wandered the land for years in search of a new owner. This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Harenian Death Mask
When placed over the face of a dying individual, these Death Masks could induce a state of suspended animation in the wearer until it was determined that they could be saved, or if they were to make their journey back to the Soul Stream.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Reyansh's Mimic Potion
Going past how great the incognito spell was, Reyansh wanted to mess with his followers even more. He created the Mimic Potion that transforms a person into someone else for a full day. This potion mimics looks, voice, and smell to the best ability.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Ten Tickles
This spell allows the caster to summon ten giant tentacle plants ready to whip at their master’s enemies.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Reindeer Antlers
A headband with fake reindeer antlers on them. Use them to get into the holiday spirit.. or as a decoy while hunting.
Santa Hat
A red velvet hat, with white trim and a fluffy white ball at the point of the hat.
Song of Festivity
Anyone within a small radius of the caster begins to dance, immediately forgetting any reason they were upset or angry.
Arriese Rose Hydra
Unlike regular hydras, these hydra live in the tropical landscapes surrounding Arri's capital. They are large and often violent creatures whose heads are surrounded with rose petals. Their legs are like the roots of a flower and overall the creature looks odd.
Angela Rose's 2015 Event: A Mother's Wish
Blade of Dancing Heat
This knife is formed of a unique metal that can put out various degrees of heat according to the wielder's wishes. It can even become hot enough to instantly cauterize wounds.
Rhylana’s 2015 Event Item, Everything Burns
Starry Night Robes
These robes appear to be weaved from the night sky itself. They shift with the elegant art of the stars.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 9
Reverie Snowglobe
A little winter wonderland enclosed in glass, this enchanted curio shrinks a person down before transporting them inside. Within this self-contained world festive songs play ad infinitum perpetuating an atmosphere of holiday cheer.
"It's a small world after all..."
This is the event prize for the 2017 Winter Event: Dance of Reverie.
Lantern of Dark Hearts
A lantern crafted from the darkest wood, almost black in color. When the holder lights the fire within the lantern, the flame will shine a light in the direction of what their heart desires most.
Rhea's 2016 Event: Stories of Love
A spell that when cast causes the target to act upon his or her darkest desires or wishes; or conversely can cause the target to see their greatest fear.
Award for Dalanesca's 2016 event: Restore the Balance!
Abedian Hypnotic Curry
This curry has multiple different special ingredients that mess with one’s mind. It induces a psychedelic effect and other various effects: shrinking, another language being spoken, hair color change. None of the effects are permanent but be wary that you will never know what you are going to get when taking a bite.
Event Prize for The Abedian Festival of Color 2016.
Salt Flat Mirror
A mirror that appears to have been shattered from the Sundering Gardens itself. It comes from the largest mirror in all of Revaliir, Angela's Salt Flats. This mirror will allow you into a glimpse of the Goddess's powers by allowing one to see any one person you have ever met. Simply envision the person and you'll be able to see them as long as they are on land.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 2: A gift from the Goddess Angela.
Anima Ring
This ring allows the user to seal a soul within the sunstone gem. The user can then use the soul to power their magic or their physical strength until the soul becomes destroyed.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
Rose Whip
While not in use the whip turns into a beautiful long stemmed rose, watch out for the thorns.
Prize from the 2017 Admin Event: Lights of Love.
Living Color Spellbook
Developed in the Land of Colors, also known as Abed, this spellbook has the power to make all spells cast through it visible and in an array of many colors. Spells done in song suddenly have the lyrics and notes appearing in vibrant color leaving the lips and instrument of its user.
A complimentary prize for both the Ad-venturous Competition and Write Something Beautiful Contest.
Natus Hookah
A rare item that almost no one has seen before. This hookah allows you to heat up the contents using coal. The liquid inside is what makes this hookah odd. It allows you to travel into the soul-stream via your dreams. Allowing you to meet the spirits bound for rebirth. This is different from Dalanesca’s soul-stream which is the opposite end of Angela’s. This whole hookah is crafted from one massive gemstone.
Event Prize for Angela Rose’s 2017 Deity Event: Madness of the Soul-Stream
Krampus Corgi
A larger, monstrous variant of their far cuter cousins, the Krampus Corgis have disfigured faces and leave behind trails of smoke wherever they go. They are infamous for their missing noses and ability to fly, but they are also notorious for having a very recognizable laugh. It is said they sounded very much like hyenas in the sky during the last, great, child kidnapping; an ultimately terrifying sound for any waif to hear.
This is an event prize for the 2017 Winter Event: A Very Unmerry Christmas
"Have yourself... an unmerry little Christmas..."
Diamond Unicorn
A statuette of a unicorn made of magical diamond. When a special word is spoken, the statuette disappears in a puff of glittery smoke and becomes alive and full sized.
Event prize for Adraejen and Angela’s 2018 God Event Miracle Magic.
All-Knowing Pepper
From the days when the mighty admin gave up on drawing spells comes the mighty pepper! This in character item will respond to your character magically! Think of it like the magic eight ball of the high fantasy world.
Angela's Brooch
A beautiful brooch passed down by the goddess herself which allows the user to completely heal, instantly. The red rose ornament is most commonly associated with the mother of love and life, and embodies some her most well known principles, as healing is a special part of life.
Has a cooldown of five days due to how strong it is
This is an event prize for Angela and Dalanesca's 2018 event A Mortal's Heart.
Angela's Link
A necklace of Lacriamium metal. It grounds the living soul so one can pass into the soul-stream without having to be dead. It is a bluish diamond like link necklace finely crafted by the goddess herself.
This will keep you whole even in the darkest hour of the Soul-Stream. Special Required Prize for Angela Rose’s 2017 Deity Event: Madness of the Soul-Stream
Arc of Want
A pendulum that points its owner to what their heart truly wants.
This is an event prize for Angela and Dalanesca's 2018 event A Mortal's Heart.
Chrysalis Ring
This rings creates a crystal barrier around the user. It protects from both magical and physical attacks. The barrier does break under large amounts of pressure so beware.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
Duchess' Concoctions
Cookies and drinks from the Duchess are a pleasant, if not useful gift. Her concoctions make you grow if you eat the cookies or shrink if you drink the juice. The bottles are specially decorated with magical shimmering letters. The words on the cookies are almost alive as if inviting you to try them. Be wary the more you consume the more it affects you.
I’ve lost my taste for children. Strictly a dessert diet for myself now. Go along now. Shoo. You have what you need.
Event Prize for Angela Rose’s 2017 Deity Event: Madness of the Soul-Stream
Ring of Sanctuary
This ring allows the wearer to hide in a pocket of dimensional space until danger has passed.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
A mischievous jackalope with a fondness for snacks. It has the body of a rabbit, wings of a bird, antlers of a deer, and a long tail.
Custom Familiar for participating in Angela and Adraejen's 2018 Deity Event: Miracle Magic
Bottled Shiranui
A willowisp captured in a bottle. When released it emits a phosphorescent glow and can multiply quickly. Unlike most light sources it does not consume fuel or release heat. Max of 10 wisps at a time per thread.
This is an event prize for Naota and Shiloh's 2018 event Night of a Thousand Phantasms.
Warding Talismans
Slips of paper with written incantations used by priests. They emit a holy aura that repels evil. Particularly effective against spectral beings and the undead.
The caster can shoot out a grease-like substance from their hands causing the terrain to become slippery. This grease is flammable so be warned as it can hit both caster and targets if not careful.
Reverse Gravity
The gravity of the caster or non-living object they are touching has their gravity reversed. A heavy object becomes light and a light object becomes heavy. This is a draining spell after a long duration so flight isn't advised that's how most people who try to use this spell die, after all.
Magic Script
Allows for messages to be written in the air by the caster. These messages remain for days at a time until they are dismissed by the correct phrase or word. Perfect for groups that are meeting up.
Lucina's Moonlight Lantern
This lantern was made by the fallen goddess Lucina. She was once considered a saint among the people of Parvpora before the Tree was tainted. She would light the way home for sailors using the moon. She created these lanterns to ward off the evil of her conclave siblings. When the tree became tainted these delicate stained glass lanterns were hidden so she could not destroy them.
Can see through darkness made by magic by ten feet.
Event Prize for The Abedian Festival of Color 2016.
Candy Cane Staff
A mage's best friend now comes in a delicious and festive red and white striped candy staff. It tastes of peppermint or spearmint if that is what you prefer. The staff itself summons four peppermint pixies that threaten others with their own peppermint swords. Beware pixies don't generally take sides.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 4
Book of the Daydreamer
An old and worn book with a beautiful leather cover. It appears as if it would hold many tales of old, but the pages are blank. Resting in the middle of the book is a beautiful quill made out of a peacock feather. When the two are used together, the story that is written in the book will come to life around the user, but the words disappear into the book. When the writer stops, the effect only last a moment longer before it disappears like it was never there.
Rhea's 2016 Event: Stories of Love

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