Appearance: Symphr stands at a towering 6' 4" with height added by 3 foot long obsidian colored horns, similar to that of a markhor, flowing upwards from his cranium. Soft, jet black hair frames his face and is kept at a moderate short cut. His skin pale as snow, and eyes mismatched with the left being a pale purple and the right being a pale indigo. His lips are a soft shade of pink, with a feminine cupids bow. His face is framed by scales, large blue scales cover the framework of his face. Trailing the edges of his forehead, cheeks, and just barely dipping into his jawline. Small black talons decorate the ends of his fingertips, despite this he easily plays the violin with the pads of his fingers, years of practice making this possible. Scales of varying blues trail along his body in various places, none of them having harsh edges when coming into contact with his skin. Instead it fades into his skin, the texture and appearance making a smooth transition. He owns a tail, the appendage blue in color and reptilian, with a fanned out fin at the end and spines running up along to his tail bone, the appendage having the ability to become hidden. This too fades into his skin in a flawless transition. Along with this he owns a set of bat-like wings, them being a navy blue that can fold and meld with his skin in order to make clothing and blending in better with humans possible. He can unfurl them and hide them whenever he wishes and often keeps them hidden away, but will use them for flight whenever he feels the need. The only thing that comes when his wings are hidden are the two large scars that run down his back along with a small horizontal scar across his tail bone, that is where they retreat into.
Personality: Symphr is a different breed, he is quieter then most and holds a soft disdain towards loud and rambunctious things. To say he is violent would be an understatement, yet at the same time it would also be an overstatement. He is one who will watch one suffer with an apparent expressionless face but be unable to hide the hints of enjoyment that can be seen. A simple quirk of a mouth, the special glint within his eyes, a quickened breath, all that can easily be overlooked. Hot and cold, anger and peace, all mixed within his ever undecided mind creating a brew of unsavory actions that will no doubt cause harm to others. Violence and words being his means of destruction, not truly caring for those he hurts.
The view of other peoples lives stowed away in his mind, their worth no different to the dirt beneath his paws. He cares not for their well being and rather views them as toys for him to use at his discretion. They were made to be used, something to destroy and throw out when they expired only to find a new one later. However his anger is often kept in check in order to give him time to replace them. When angry he'll often speak in low tones rather then exploding with loud shouts. This is not to say that it would be the extent of his anger, no, that would go to full force of maiming and even taking advantage of their bodies.
Despite his seemingly patient and low toned attitude there is nothing he wont take. Greed consumes his soul and sometimes he wonders if green is what people see within his irises instead of their mismatched hues. Anything he sees he wants to keep for himself. No person is to insignificant not to find a use for, wanting to keep others underneath his paws. There is only one other thing he likes to hoard that isn't others affections. That is metallic things, whether it be jewelry or something that simply glints within the light. Often he'll have to remind himself that he can't hoard everything that is in sight. The line will never be drawn when it comes to jewelry besides one exception, and that is if it is owned by one of equal or higher standing then him. Those he feels of that are exclusive to those of the realm he was born into.
Though he is quiet and reserved he is adaptable and adventurous, nothing to small to explore and nothing to bland to him. Curiosity being his weak point, as he is most curious as to what it takes to make another snap in any emotion. Pushing buttons carefully and methodically, never pushing them to far to where they become blind with anger towards him but rather just to see a little change in emotion. When speaking he is often seen in a debonair type attitude with words of cunning spoken at every turn. His mindset staying and wanting to stay one step ahead of everyone no matter the subject of interest. No situation can't be solved so long as one can play the part, adaptability being one of his strong suits. Focusing on one task at a time so long as the big picture is looked at with each choice made, nothing done irrationally with every thing planned and done accordingly.
Despite his tendency to try and test he does hold respect and is disciplined towards others. He does expect females to respect him and know that his word will be final when he holds the higher rank, this does not mean he is cruel to them. This is only when the people he has decided to become presented with are those of his manor that aren't peasants. Respect and discipline are the things he prides himself on, replying to those higher them with higher regards and holding his own with those of similar rankings along with controlling those lower then him. Titles flowing past his lips accordingly, never one to get in trouble with leaders over something petty that can be so easily rectified.
Controlling, yes that is something relies on heavily when it comes to the world around him. It is one of his greatest fears and one of his greatest strengths. Always fearing control being torn from his grasp, it makes him hyperventilate and lose his composure. When control is regained he calms, often retreating to a solitary place so his mind can recuperate. This is why he tricks himself, turns different scenarios into something that his mind tells him he can control. His brain will twist and morph things into a nightmarish landscape when his unconsciousness takes hold, often resulting in bad spells within his slumbering form.
History: Symphr's history is one of noble standards, his father having founded his own mining company after inheriting a grape vineyard from Symphr's grandfather. Shortly after he had made himself a small fortune, building a manor and stable house for himself. The vineyard thriving and the mines producing iron, carriages were used to transport these goods into the market place where they sold well. Grapes being sold as food and ingredients in order to make wine, the iron going to the forges for weaponry and tools. He rose to a high standing, the Lestrange name becoming synonymous with success. He had been put through an arranged marriage by his mother, the wife she having chosen belonging to the Carrow family. His bride was less than willing, wanting only her true love to marry her. However, the Carrow father had already settled the disagreement, her being wed to Symphr's father was final. Their wedding was extravagant and to every whim of his bride, she was still defiant however and kept her maiden name. She and Symphr's father had five children, two being still born girls, his two brothers which lived healthy lives, and then himself. They all took on the surnames Lestrange-Carrow instead of favoring one over the other.
As he grew from boyhood he and his family got along well, but his mother had started to grow ill. It was rare for dragonians to become severely ill, but her disease was genetic (spinal muscular atrophy) and had ended up passing it along to his brothers who looked far more like his mother than himself. His father grew worried as his brothers fell ill as well, their mother having passed and the emotional stress had weakened them all. Soon his two brothers had passed and the emotional strain that had been put upon his father waned his health and alcohol had become the norm for him. He, luckily, would refuse to drink when around people, but soon he isolated himself. The harvest had not been as plentiful like normal and the mines had a small portion of support beams collapse. No one was hurt thankfully, but that area was having to be rebuilt and that was costly. By the end of the repairs his father had succumbed to the health that had been waning for so long (liver failure from alcoholism). Symphr, being the only one left to his family's name rose to the challenge, wanting to restore his family's name.
Family Tree
Grandfather: Ulios Lestrange (Deceased)
Grandmother: Agyn Lestrange (Deceased)
Grandfather: Cesreus Carrow (Deceased)
Grandmother: Adlene Carrow (Deceased)
Father: Ovteus Lestrange (Deceased)
Mother: Ycsyn Carrow (Deceased)
Sisters: Yva Lestrange-Carrow (Deceased)
Ellene Lestrange-Carrow (Deceased)
Brothers: Haaos Lestrange-Carrow (Deceased)
Idis Lestrange-Carrow (Deceased)
Husband: N/A
Children: N/A
Symphr is the owner of a proud manor and heavy amounts of land, despite his hardship that he has faced he has kept the building in good shape. The description of the building and surrounding areas is as follows.
The grounds are surrounded by large ponds and small lakes. The majority of the land is covered in short green grass and wildflowers grow in the spring and summer. To the entire property is linked by cobble, or marble pathways to each building or mining area. Archways of marble are presented at the entrance of the main building which is the manor itself.
A layout of the land is shown here in vague detail. Two cobble pathways lead from the stable and the manor out to the main town in the form of a ten mile road.

The mines are separated into three sections out by the vineyard. Each are located within the mountain and a cobble road allows access by cart to haul iron and other precious metals back towards the town. The vineyard is a simple one, rows of grapevines grow down it and it is often profitable and is normally an easy harvest. The stables are simple, several stalls are in place for cart pulling and riding horses. There is two large sections in the back, one for horse feed and the other is to store two carts that are used to haul what comes from the mines. Behind the main building is a large stretch of woods that is filled with vegetation and game, perfect hunting grounds for those willing. The entire main building has several windows and doors that lead in and out of the building is connected to the stables and the main road by marble pathways, although it may be the center point of the land, the stables are where everything on the property is connected.
Here is a detailed look at the main building itself.
First Floor: The main entrance of the first floor leads into the greeting area, or vestibule. It is decorated with a large, plush, bear rug and a couch on either side of fine leather. It is where guests to the manor who are simply staying for a few minutes are greeted and spoken with. Leading out from the vestibule is the main hallway, it connects everything on the first floor for the most part and is usually the busiest area of the main building. On either side of the vestibule are the servants quarters, each of them is furnished with a bed, a dresser, and a small desk. Towards the left, down the main hallway is the dining room. The dining room is situated with a grand table with several chairs with one for each of the heads of the household. Towards the back of the dining room is the kitchens, this is fixed with a stove, a sink, and a cellar door that leads down to the food storage and wine storage areas. There is a door to the right that leads out to the garden where herbs, fruits, and vegetables can be harvested year round. Down towards the front of the dining room is the veranda. It is normally used for brunch or for tea with guests during the spring due to its lovely view of the lakes and pools that surround the area. Straight across from the vestibule is the living room. It is furnished with several large fur rugs, a small book case off to the left, a desk and chair by the bookcase, a large couch, a bin for seed storage, a door out to the gardens, and a large viewing window that faces out towards the garden and forest of the property. Down the right of the hallway right next to the servant quarters is the washing room. Here the clothes are soaked in the large sink and then scrubbed in a large bucket. There are drying racks and strings that are hung within the room to dry the laundry. Up from the washing room is the first bathroom, inside the bathroom is a small hot spring that serves as the bath, a toilet, and a small sink. Right next to the bathroom is the staircase that leads up to the second floor. Next to the staircase is the meeting room. This is furnished with a plush rug, a large table, and several chairs. The room is used to discuss finances and the profit from the vineyard, mines, and forest.
Second Floor:The second floor of the manor is far more quiet than the first floor. This is mainly reserved for the owners of the manor and is filled with more recreational items. The staircase that leads up the second floor is between two rooms. The room towards the right being the quarters of the manors Consort, who's duty is to fulfill the emotional or physical needs of the manors master. It is furnished with a large plush bed, a large clothing cabinet, and a large table. The room is connected to the second bathroom which is furnished with a large bath, toilet, and sink. The bathroom also connects to the master bedroom. The master bedroom is furnished with a giant round bed, a large rug, a large dresser, and a large desk. The master bedroom is connected to the balcony, which is furnished with a small table and lounge chairs, and to the main hallway. On the left side of the staircase is the study, it is furnished with several bookshelves, a large desk, a large plush chair, and connects to the library. The library is filled with bookshelves and leads back out onto the balcony.