Character Name: Beval
Name meaning (if any): like the wind
Age: 19
Height: 5'9
Weight: 160
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Skintone: Fair
Build: Moderately muscular
Weapons of Choice: Staff, magic.
Armour of choice: Common robes.
Magical Abilities: Natural ability to transform into a dragon, this ability has yet to be learned or mastered.
Special Techniques: Backstory/History: Beval is a magical elf who has yet to unlock his potential. Raised by his reclusive alchemist grandmother, Beval has a decent knowledge of magic and dreams of becoming a powerful mage. Unfortunately, his grandmother passed away before she could begin his training, not that she was able to teach him much given her old age. Beval now searches for whatever magical knowledge he can find, adventure, and life experience.
Personality: Like most elves grown by a recluse, he is a bit socially inept. He is generally pretty calm and his emotions can be difficult to read. This isn't much of an issue, considering he is completely direct and honest which doesn't always work in his favor. However, he doesn't worry about manipulating the feelings of others to get himself out of sticky situations he sees unjust, something he learned from his grandmother. His humor is dry, he loves to point out hypocrisy and irony in subtle ways. He drawn to strong, mature, and intelligent people, making it difficult for him to see reason to connect to most people his own age.