Name: Nathanial Rose-Draconis
Age: 40s Look quite young
Race: Rosenite
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green with red around the pupil.
Height: 5'11"
Body: Toned
Skin: Sun-kissed
Magic: Earth orientated.
Mother: Angela Rose
Father: Marius Draconis
Family: See Angela's Temple for Family Tree
Nathaniel is the product of good breeding. He is beautiful for a male and is the spitting image of his mother. Just like his mother, he looked weak and frail during his young years until he started to train relentlessly so he could protect his baby sister. He has at least fourteen years on his sister Aaryona though both of them are rather quiet on how many years apart they are. Being the first born child and male, he was thrown into a host of learning things when he was a child. Nathaniel is an appreciator of the arts. He was raised learning most instruments, dances, painting, and other things that his mother and father wanted to pass down. AT the time they did not think that they would have another child. Even when Nathaniel was a young man and his sister was born, they continued their strong lessons with Nathaniel. His stint at the college did him well. There he learned all sorts of things most nobles learned well before.
If anything Nathaniel's weakness is in that of combat. It showed greatly when his aunt cursed his body and he started a revolution. Nathaniel after his mother is a lover and not a fighter. He was easily killed during his uprise and after he found his way into Revaliir he began to redeem his actions even though they were not his own. He has a strong sense of honor and believes that if he is not helping his mother and family than he is hindering them. His strong sense of family is the whole reason why he is back and why he took the oath of Final Death with his father.
The one thing that Nathaniel remembers the most from his childhood was messing up on the violin until his fingers bled. Angela had made him practice the same thing until he got it right. He never complained and Angela scolded him for not telling her that his fingers were bleeding. Nathaniel told his mother that it was her job to push him and his job to make sure it stuck. Even as a child Nathaniel was obviously very honor bound. If his mother could do it so could he.
In short, The Draconis children are everything that the other is not. Where Nathaniel failed at combat Aaryona is very good at it. Where Aaryona failed at the arts Nathaniel excels at it.