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Vela Alsephina
Treasure Hunter
The real Vela
United States
Aug 24, 1991

All About Vela Alsephina

Name: Vela Alsephina
Age: 2000+
Looks: 20s
Race: Angel
Occupation: Treasure Hunter, Fencer
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Boss: Raile Talon
Relationship Status: Taken

Height: 5'1"
Weight: Lighter than she should be
Wings: 2 sets. Her second set, the lower, is smaller than her top set. She is missing 1 of her lower wings. They are white in color
Hair: Long white waves
Eyes: Purple
Skin: Tanned
Bust: DD at minimum
Tattooes: White luck tattoo down her back, Karthian inscriptions for fortune on either side.

Vela is sassy and hard to deal with. Very few men that have ever encountered her have known what to do with her and most walk away. She does have a sense of pride making sure a job gets done no matter how dirty she has to get. Botching a job makes her upset.

She is so full of spunk that she still goes by Vela Alsephina despite the fact that she is wanted in her home kingdom. It's almost like a calling sign for them to try and track her down. It's because of this that Vela has developed a nomadic lifestyle.

She is rather vindictive so please be careful if you meet Vela. She's gone so far as to blow up her ex-boyfriend's airship to make a point.

Despite how she groans about how much sex she wants Vela actually wants a meaningful relationship which has caused her to ditch a lot of boyfriends she didn't see as husband material.

She is a talented fencer, treasure hunter, and adventurer. She is described to be one of the best flyers in the north region of Canelux due to being so aerodynamic with her wings. Vela can also sense bad omens though it comes in the form of cup cracking in her hands and tea leaves being arranged in the worst shapes.

Despite being a flyer Vela is actually a decent climber because of spelunking in caves and not being able to fly through small crevasses.

Breaking and entering is her specialty. Best remember that boys.

Vela had been born nobility of a certain angel kingdom. From the time she could understand her rank she let the others know ‘F*ck this and f*ck you too’. She was unimpressed by how the lower quarters were treated, how she was treated better for the pairs of wings she had, and furthermore how much money one had in their pocket. The very moment she could Vela had slipped away from her guards and soared as far away as possible ending up in Vilpamolan.

She stole her first coin by the time she was ten and fell into league with a group of kids around her age. They didn’t ask what her lineage were and they were most concerned about food in their bellies. Vela became an expert at lifting coins off nobles and by the time she turned sixteen she had already learned that being a female had given her the upper advantage.

Growing bored of just getting the nobles outside of Vilpamolan, her boyfriend at the time stole an airship and together they founded the Nightingales. This too would come to bore her after some time. More importantly, Vela was learning what would become most important to her, her own happiness. Her boyfriend who became a ruthless pirate wasn’t someone she could see herself with anymore as the more they grew the greater they became distanced.

She took off once more in the middle of the night and began spelunking into ruins for traders. Gathering treasures where the dungeons scared even the most seasoned veterans. This would be what she became known for the most over her many centuries of treasure hunting.

She worked for an elvish man named Gunther for the longest time until a young up and coming merchant named Raile made a wager with him. If Raile won Vela would become his treasure hunter. She would be on his payroll and she would directly give all the times she found to him. Gunther scoffed and even Vela didn’t believe him when he said what he did. However, Raile won the bet out of what Vela thought was sheer dumb luck.

They’ve been business partners ever since and Vela has only grown more skilled.

Rhenakos Raize: Ex-partner, ex-boyfriend, great in bed, total ass
Raile Talon: Up and coming merchant, boss, treats her fairly
Drake: Lover, Companion
Claude: Leader of the Nightingales, Ex-boyfriend, ex-partner, total ass even more than Rhenakos
Gunther: Old boss, lost her contract in a bet to a young Raile

Vela is nomadic and likes sleeping under the stars
Her work is based out of: Jayou
Nigrum Crista: Her and Drake's airship and their home.

A semi-precious gemstone prized for its iridescent plays of color.
Synth Ingredient
Bottled Corruption
A sealed glass vial containing a piece of corruption. Every so often you hear a faint tapping from inside and feel that something is watching you.
Apothecary Ingredient
Bolt of Silk
A simple piece of silk. Maybe it can be used for something?
Synth Ingredient
A sharp smelling herb used in exotic dishes. The seeds are mixed with other spices in Abedi’s famous curry.
Apothecary Ingredient
A purple gemstone commonly used in jewelry and other projects.
Synth Ingredient
A piece of leather. Maybe it can be used for something?
Synth Ingredient
A semi-precious gem used for crafting.
Synth Ingredient
Sarut de Noapte
A subterranean flower that is just as beautiful as its sap is deadly. One touch is lethal.
Alchemy Ingredient
Silver Ore
A piece of silver ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
Shrunken Head
No one is entirely sure how the natives have figured this out. I just hope I'm not next.
Alchemy Ingredient
Copper Ore
A piece of copper ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
A staple of alchemical concoctions, potash is made by processing wood ashes and evaporating the mixture. The residual salt left behind has many uses and can even act as a leavening agent for baked goods.
Apothecary Ingredient
Tin Ore
A piece of tin ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
A shiny mineral often found in rocks. Often used for crafts.
Synth Ingredient
Enchanter's Dust
A pinch of powdered reagents brimming with magical energies used by practitioners of the arcane. Enchanters use this as a base to imbue artifacts with magical properties.
Apothecary Ingredient
Miasma Orb
A well-contained, toxin cloud exists within these orbs, protecting all who venture near. The poison is strong enough to kill a man in hours, and only after agonizing pain. Assassins as well as mages covet these artifacts for their effectiveness as tools. They are frequently found around the border of the swamplands east of Adeluna

The orbs provides a minor, elemental enchantment of Poison.

Powdered Bone
Dried bones ground into a fine dust.
Apothecary Ingredient
Blood Ingot
Made from a strange biological ore that is native to Onnen, dragon crimsonite or blood ingot is formed by compressing ash from the Ashlands of that continent with sap from high dragon blood trees - a species of dragon blood trees that form and spread after a regular tree has been exposed to a drop of dragon's blood. When forged into armor, the ore is far tougher than leather, but not to the point of overtaking old-fashioned plate. It is a druid's best friend up until they can acquire a proper witchwood or dragonscale set.
Synth Ingredient
Nickel Ore
A piece of nickel ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
Insect Wing
Taken from a dead insect, different insect wings have different uses.
Alchemy Ingredient
Dragon's Blood
Fresh blood from a dragon. Can be bought from a dragon for some treasure or taken by force… it’s easier to ask nicely and pay for it.
Apothecary Ingredient
Rainbow Wool
A soft and fluffy tuft of wool from a sheared papel. It is a prized material for weavers as the color remains vibrant after continuous washes.
Synth Ingredient
A gemstone that comes in a variety of colors such as black, green, grey, yellow, red, pink, brown and orange.
Synth Ingredient
A crystalline gemstone, comes in a very large hue of colors to pick from.
Synth Ingredient
Gem Dust
Rough pieces of pulverized gemstones used as an abrasive.
Apothecary Ingredient
Sticky and tasty honeycomb fresh from a beehive. Mix into a potion for taste, or eat on its own.
Alchemy Ingredient
Fulanian Moss
A thick patch of moss taken from the lakes region.
Apothecary Ingredient
A glassy yellow or sometimes greenish-yellow variety of quartz.
Synth Ingredient
A silver-white metal even rarer than gold or silver, it possesses excellent corrosion resistance and a high melting point. A common material used in making high-quality jewelry.
Synth Ingredient
Taken from the horns and teeth from an animals. Used in jewelry making various alchemical reasons. Depending on the source can be expensive to acquire.
Alchemy Ingredient
A pretty gemstone that is either purple or blue.
Synth Ingredient
This spell gives the caster supernatural protection against magickal and physical attacks.
Formed from physical and chemical weathering, these pieces of colored glass are commonly found on beaches near bodies of saltwater.
Synth Ingredient
A basic light source, a torch is usually a stick with a combustible material at one end, which is then set ablaze.
Spy Glass
A useful instrument for gazing off into the distance. Looking through the lens magnifies objects.
An item used to fish or to capture someone or something.
A little belt pouch for one to put their coins or jewelry into.
Quill and Ink
A writing implement made from a long feather, used by dipping the tip into a pot of dyed liquid.
Mining Tools
A set of simple tools to help someone mine for minerals. Consists of a pickaxe, heavy duty hammer, chisels, and other various tools a miner may find himself in need of.
These herbs can be prepared in a variety of ways— ground into a balm, brewed into a tea, chewed whole, and more— and have a variety of properties that make them valuable to alchemists, healers, assassins, and more.
Fishing Rod
Made from wood or, when available, bamboo, this pole has a length of string attached to it as well as a hook, and is used to catch fish.
Gardening Tools
A simple kit of tools that will help one begin their gardening career. Tools like a spade, sickle, hoe, and your very own watering can!
Grappling Hook
This hooked metal device is meant to be attached to a rope. It can then be thrown, and secures the rope in place.
Make-Up Box
Inside this box are various face paints, powders, coals, and similar cosmetics.
Bottle of Perfume
A delicate bottle filled with perfume.
Bottle of Wine
A bottle filled with an alcoholic drink typically made from fermented grapes or other fruit.
Durian Spines
Spines from the infamous ‘king of fruit’. Why did nature think this was a good idea?
Apothecary Ingredient
Gold Ore
A piece of gold ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
Glow Worm
A type of lumbricina that frequently enjoys dark places and thrives on underground organisms. Glow worms grow in mass in the depths of Revaliir and are frequently cultivated as light sources by subterranean races.
Apothecary Ingredient
Houseware Tools
Includes the common items you would need for housework like pots, pans, brooms, mops, culinary, etc.
A metal box with glass panels protects the flame inside this lantern from being extinguished by the wind. Some lanterns have ornate decorations. They can be carried by hand or hung.
A navigational instrument with a needle that points north and south. Essential when traveling through lesser-known parts of the world.
A container typically used to hold drinking water.
This spells allows the caster to speak to another person telepathically, and allow them to hear the thoughts of others.
Telepathic Bond
Stronger than the regular telepathy spell this spell allows for two or many to be bonded by the caster. They can telepathically communicate over long ranges as long as there is no interference.
Sun Strike
This spell allows the caster to direct a blast of light at a target.
Spectral Blades
This spell summons several small, ethereal daggers that fly at a target.
Reverse Gravity
The gravity of the caster or non-living object they are touching has their gravity reversed. A heavy object becomes light and a light object becomes heavy. This is a draining spell after a long duration so flight isn't advised that's how most people who try to use this spell die, after all.
This spell allows the user to see targets that are invisible
This spell allows the caster to change their physical appearance.
Fog Cover
Fog is conjured to cover where the caster wants. This fog obscures even the best vision but can only obscure the best vision for a few minutes before their eyes adjust. This allows for the caster to get away or find a safe place to hide... Or if one is daring enough, allows one to get an attack of opportunity.
Conjure Food
The caster creates a small amount of food, enough for a single meal.
A common gem that can be used to craft other things.
Synth Ingredient
Star Sapphire
A star sapphire is a rare version of a regular sapphire. It appears with a very rare star across the top of it. It is highly coveted and often used in references for light magic.
Synth Ingredient
A semi-precious gemstone used to craft other things. Rubies and sapphires are in the corundum family as well as many others. Often corundum is called by its color and not its real name.
Synth Ingredient
Common Trousers
Sometimes called pants, this garment is worn on the lower body, and covers the legs. These trousers are long and extend down to the ankles.
Common Tunic
A simple garment which might resemble a long shirt that stops somewhere between the wearer's hips and ankles. The sleeves may be long or short, depending on the local climate.
Magic Lens
Allows the user of these glasses to rapidly flip through the pages of a book and gain the knowledge of each page. The knowledge gained only lasts until one falls asleep, after that the knowledge is forgotten.
Fauna Atlas
A tattered atlas detailing all of the creatures that reside in Revaliir. An excellent pick up for those who are always on the road.
Arcane Spellbook
This book is among the most common additions to any spellcaster's library. It stores information on magical theory as well as general, non-elemental spells ranging from strength to replication. It is the generalist's spellbook.
Noble Ring
A very fine ring made out of precious metal and gemstones.
Noble Hairpins
Hairpins made of precious metals and gems. Only the high class possess these well crafted pins for their hair.
Basic footwear consisting of a sole, and straps binding them to the wearer's feet.
Two glass lenses that have been attached to a frame, allowing them to be worn. The unusual shape of the lenses allows one looking through them to see with greater ease.
Tailoring Kit
A small box with needles and spools of thread, used for sewing.
Small Pipe
Herbs are placed burned in this device, and the user may inhale the smoke.
A rope consists of fibers which have been twisted or braided together in order to combine them into a larger and stronger form.
This parchment shows a region of Revaliir, or the entire world. It is useful for navigating.
Grooming Kit
A small box full of everything a man or woman may need for their grooming needs: scissors, razor, creams, a brush, and so on.
A thick, woolen blanket, perfect for keeping a person warm.
Basic Medical Kit
A top quality resource for any healer, this basic medical kit requires anything you might need to apply first aid in the field.Some models also have surgical implements, making them a fine investment for any doctor.
A hardy pack, with two straps that allow it to be worn on one's back. It's ideal for carrying supplies while on the move.
This spell creates a destructive explosion at a location of the caster's choosing, sometimes even catching the caster in the blast radius.
Mind Tower
This spell allows the caster to better resist and defend against mental attacks and intrusions, such as charm spells, telepathy, or similar psionic magicks.
Magic Script
Allows for messages to be written in the air by the caster. These messages remain for days at a time until they are dismissed by the correct phrase or word. Perfect for groups that are meeting up.
Gate Travel
This spell allows the caster to open a portal to another location anywhere in Revaliir.
Faerie Fire
This spells causes its caster to outline their target in light of any color of their choice. The target can be animate or inanimate.
Arcane Empower
This spell supernaturally enhances the target's magickal ability much like the similar spells Strength and Lesser Agility.
Zujiuchu's Ectoplasm Stars
These throwing stars were formed by using the souls of those Zujiuchu thought were true warriors. He used their bodily essence and turned them into weapons worthy of a god. These ethereal stars can pierce through just about anything and they are always sharp.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Ten Tickles
This spell allows the caster to summon ten giant tentacle plants ready to whip at their master’s enemies.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Scarab Choker
These scarab shaped ornaments are made from the bodies of the live scarabs that infested the resurrected capital of Aysut. Even in death, they maintain a portion of their master's call, but that call has been bent by the magics of the living. Anyone wearing these chokers can temporarily command the scarab piece to duplicate itself into a small group of illusory scarabs. These scarabs will have eye-shaped hieroglyphics on the back of their shells that the caster can see through, and, so long as the spell remains active, they are completely under said person's control.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Reyansh's Mimic Potion
Going past how great the incognito spell was, Reyansh wanted to mess with his followers even more. He created the Mimic Potion that transforms a person into someone else for a full day. This potion mimics looks, voice, and smell to the best ability.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Possessed Toy
This toy belonged to a son of a rich family from Egjora. It was given to him by a servant just after she was fired by the lady of the house for practicing dark magic. The toy seems to move on its own and has a demonic voice. The family this toy once belonged to died soon after by strange causes unknown. It is best to appease the toy and not stir its anger.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Originally these highly survivable undead were exclusively the servants of Rudjek, High Priest of Sardon, in his quest to empower the Crimson God with living sacrifice. However, some devious-minded magi were able to capture specimens of these bandaged creatures in order to reverse engineer their anatomy and the necromantic energies that powered them. Now, with enough silver and materials, you too can hire these shambling tanks of death to serve you. Unlike other military units, they do not decay over time, and can reform their bodies if they are not completely destroyed. However, they are slow-witted and slow-moving, much like their weaker zombie counterparts. 10 Mummies per unit.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
A well-loved pet among the Harenians, Jackals were often kept as guard dogs and hunting companions.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Harenian Death Mask
When placed over the face of a dying individual, these Death Masks could induce a state of suspended animation in the wearer until it was determined that they could be saved, or if they were to make their journey back to the Soul Stream.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Ghost Kitten
Long forgotten by its owner, this kitten has wandered the land for years in search of a new owner. This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Cursed Khopesh
Infused with the same unholy power that buried the City of Asyut, these blades can cause mummy rot when a wound is inflicted by the blade. This mummy rot can be healed by magic, or will clear up naturally after about 24 hours depending upon the severity of the injury.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Concordia's Bondage
Spider silk has been woven into the strongest rope known to Revaliir in the name of fun. Many citizens of Revaliir use this for many unsavory things, too adult for many to hear, but also it is used by many sailors when they have saved up enough coin as the strength of the silk has never failed.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Cereus’s Protection
When cast, this spell summons large spectral cats to protect the caster.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Cadaver Angler Fish
Angler Fish have always been one of the mighty predators of the depths but this species has always tugged on the hearts of all those around it. Instead of a sweet light that attracts you, it is the body of your loved ones you find, alive and dancing ready to be with you until the end (of you).
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Aegir's Plague Mask
This has the basic functions of a plague mask. The beak has a compartment for herbs and medicine. This enchanted mask will keep minor diseases away from you. The material on this mask also offers minor protection against psionic magic.
Note: Only protects against one psionic spell once per day before it has to recharge.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Tinkerer's Goggles
These goggles allow the person wearing them to see twenty feet ahead through any material, except through deadzones.
Event prize from the 2015 Admin Event: Timedeath.
Remember: only one per account for the purposes of the advent calendar 2017.
Classic guardians of knowledge and secrets, the sphinx is known for it’s fair female face, sleek body of a lioness, and wings of an eagle, and love of riddles.. Can Speak & Can Cast.
“What goes on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?”
Event Prize for Adraejen’s 2017 Event: Days of Hebheka
Seeker's Map
This map is actually a thin sheet of metal with a map of the world inscribed on it. If the bearer has a hair from someone, they can weave that hair into the border of the map, and that person's location will be shown on the map.
Event Prize from the 2015 Admin Event: Timedeath.
Salt Flat Mirror
A mirror that appears to have been shattered from the Sundering Gardens itself. It comes from the largest mirror in all of Revaliir, Angela's Salt Flats. This mirror will allow you into a glimpse of the Goddess's powers by allowing one to see any one person you have ever met. Simply envision the person and you'll be able to see them as long as they are on land.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 2: A gift from the Goddess Angela.
Ring of Sanctuary
This ring allows the wearer to hide in a pocket of dimensional space until danger has passed.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
Natus Hookah
A rare item that almost no one has seen before. This hookah allows you to heat up the contents using coal. The liquid inside is what makes this hookah odd. It allows you to travel into the soul-stream via your dreams. Allowing you to meet the spirits bound for rebirth. This is different from Dalanesca’s soul-stream which is the opposite end of Angela’s. This whole hookah is crafted from one massive gemstone.
Event Prize for Angela Rose’s 2017 Deity Event: Madness of the Soul-Stream
Moxxie’s Panpipe
An instrument that once belonged to a legendary succubus that used it’s melody to allure those from a great distance. It’s song can be heard from 50 meters and those that fall underneath its spell will fall madly in love with its wielder for a few minutes. Once the song ceases, it is said that the victims are more susceptible to lust for others.
This is an event prize for Angela and Dalanesca's 2018 event A Mortal's Heart.
Mother's Harp
A beautifully crafted harp made from specially tended rose bushes. This harp can amplify any magic that is cast while playing it. The rose on this harp is always vibrant like The Mother herself.
Angela Rose's 2015 Event: A Mother's Wish
Liddell Hobby Horse
Liddell Hobby Horse: A mace in the shape of a hobby horse. This weapon is incredibly odd. Crafted for one Miss Liddell, these hobby horses neigh whenever you swing or hit someone with it. The pointed horn is crafted from hard steel. The mane is razor sharp. The tipped weight makes it an excellent object for swinging. It’s eyes are almost alive as the thrill of battle makes its eyes glow.
Not even the four horsemen have the strength against this horse. NEIGH!
Event Prize for Angela Rose's 2017 Deity Event: Madness of the Soul-Stream
Kirika's Lost Compass
The compass is a beautiful object, with an interesting purpose. If a stone or bit of dirt is placed on it, the needle will guide someone to the origin of where the dirt or stone is from.
Event Prize from the 2015 Admin Event: Timedeath
Keeper's Secret
Allows the caster to immediately rebuke and mirror a spell cast at them from an opposing force. This magical counter immediately releases the mirrored spell and cannot store the spell for later.

This is an epic level spell.

Event Prize for Adraejen’s 2017 Event: Days of Hebheka
Hourglass of Deadtime
This powerful and rare artifact has a rather interesting property. It allows the bearer to travel backwards and spend up to one hour reliving some moment in their past. However, they cannot change or influence the past in any way.
Event Prize from the 2015 Admin Event: Timedeath.
Equilibrium’s Edge
A blade forged from both lacriamium and obsidian whose strikes heals the living’s wounds and minor ailments or cause harm to the undead and apparitions, regardless of alignment of the target.
This is an event prize for Angela and Dalanesca's 2018 event A Mortal's Heart.
Duchess' Concoctions
Cookies and drinks from the Duchess are a pleasant, if not useful gift. Her concoctions make you grow if you eat the cookies or shrink if you drink the juice. The bottles are specially decorated with magical shimmering letters. The words on the cookies are almost alive as if inviting you to try them. Be wary the more you consume the more it affects you.
I’ve lost my taste for children. Strictly a dessert diet for myself now. Go along now. Shoo. You have what you need.
Event Prize for Angela Rose’s 2017 Deity Event: Madness of the Soul-Stream
Drae's Bottled Starlight
Made by the Keeper to help his children combat their fear of the dark, this vials of thick colored glass can cast a starscape on the walls and ceiling of a room. When placed on the ground of an area or on a shelf, it creates a circle of protection with a 20 ft Diameter.
Event Prize for Adraejen’s 2017 Event: Days of Hebheka
Chrysalis Ring
This rings creates a crystal barrier around the user. It protects from both magical and physical attacks. The barrier does break under large amounts of pressure so beware.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
Artisan's Flask
A flask made of pure crystal and embedded with gemstones of all different colors and origins. This flask was handcrafted by the goddess herself while she was bored and imbued it with the ability to turn anything put into the flask into a high-level health and mana potion. The potion itself takes on the qualities of Angela's best potions. Limit: Only changes 1 full flask a day. Use wisely. Note: You could be on the brink of death and this potion will rebound you completely. It is toxic when consumed in large amounts which is why there is a limit per day on how much one can consume.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 8: A gift from the Goddess Angela
Arriese Rose Hydra
Unlike regular hydras, these hydra live in the tropical landscapes surrounding Arri's capital. They are large and often violent creatures whose heads are surrounded with rose petals. Their legs are like the roots of a flower and overall the creature looks odd.
Angela Rose's 2015 Event: A Mother's Wish
Arc of Want
A pendulum that points its owner to what their heart truly wants.
This is an event prize for Angela and Dalanesca's 2018 event A Mortal's Heart.
Anima Ring
This ring allows the user to seal a soul within the sunstone gem. The user can then use the soul to power their magic or their physical strength until the soul becomes destroyed.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
Angela's Link
A necklace of Lacriamium metal. It grounds the living soul so one can pass into the soul-stream without having to be dead. It is a bluish diamond like link necklace finely crafted by the goddess herself.
This will keep you whole even in the darkest hour of the Soul-Stream. Special Required Prize for Angela Rose’s 2017 Deity Event: Madness of the Soul-Stream
Angela's Crystal Chalice
A beautiful chalice made from ancient crystal. The stem of this chalice is made out of abalone shell pulled from shells found in the deepest part of the ocean. This chalice can turn any toxin into its antidote but one must have enough toxin to effectively make a good antidote.
Angela Rose's 2015 Event: A Mother's Wish
Angela's Brooch
A beautiful brooch passed down by the goddess herself which allows the user to completely heal, instantly. The red rose ornament is most commonly associated with the mother of love and life, and embodies some her most well known principles, as healing is a special part of life.
Has a cooldown of five days due to how strong it is
This is an event prize for Angela and Dalanesca's 2018 event A Mortal's Heart.
All-Knowing Pepper
From the days when the mighty admin gave up on drawing spells comes the mighty pepper! This in character item will respond to your character magically! Think of it like the magic eight ball of the high fantasy world.
Wayfinder's Widget
This curious, tablet-shaped device projects a map of where you have been on its surface, but only for one floor. An excellent tool for the intrepid explorer and daring dungeon delver, as its illuminated surface and sleek design make it markedly superior to any magic map.
This item is an event prize for Shiloh and Angela’s 2018 Deity Event: Lunacy of the Deep
Ring of Ur
A must-have for every treasure hunter, this ring acts as a treasure detector by having its stones light up the closer you are to your prize. The gems also point you in the direction of the nearest treasure.
This item is an event prize for Shiloh and Angela’s 2018 Deity Event: Lunacy of the Deep
Goddess Cube
A beautifully decorated stained glass puzzle box made in platinum, this acts as a portable storage device akin to Reynash’s Endless Bag. The sides of the box bear symbols and related imagery of the goddesses of Life and Luck.
This item is an event prize for Shiloh and Angela’s 2018 Deity Event: Lunacy of the Deep
Tempest's Fury
The power of a small lightning storm contained within, these orbs can be found scattered throughout Railoch. To most, they are merely oddities, causing the hair on one’s head to stand up when holding them. To mages, however, they are power sources, capable of enhancing lightning magics.

The Tempest’s Fury provides a minor, elemental enchantment of Lightning.

Neolani’s Hairpin
Neolani was a beautiful mermaid from Feeorin Forest who specialized in underwater magicks. She crafted this hairpin out of pearls and other objects that have made it into the lake city. It’s enchantment amplifies hydromancy of all kinds.
Enhances water magic.
Tonic of Resistance: Poison
When consumed, this unique brew temporarily increases the user’s resistance against poison.
Summon Item
The caster summons an item, normally armor or weapons, that they own from the aether.
Increases the physical strength of the user for a short time.
Stone Skin
A spell that causes the skin to harden, and become armor-like.
A small dragon the size of a house cat. Gifted with minor telepathy and a poisonous sting, they can be used as familiars, as pets, scouts or even for the local post system.
This is an event prize for Xunatar's 2017 event: The Ignius Paradox Event
This spell allows the caster to take on the form of any animal size of a bear or smaller. Polymorph can also be used to transform individual parts of your body into parts of the described creatures.
This spell poisons a single target, draining their strength and stamina until the target is cured or the spell's effects wear off.
Parvpora's Sight
This spell allows the caster the ability to see better in the dark.
A screaming root that typically grows next to graves. Their cries are painful even as infants, and their volume only gets worse with age. The especially ancient ones can cause deafness.
Apothecary Ingredient
A silvery blue metal with diamond like properties. It was once strong chains created by the Goddess Angela to hold back the Goddess Dalanesca. Now the metal has all but lost it's magical properties but is still the strongest metal in all of Revaliir.
Synth Ingredient
Used to start a fire. A must have for every adventurer!
Thieves' Tools
A set of lock-picking tools, essential for any thief.
A basic shelter, consisting of a large sheet of fabric of animal skin, placed over a frame. A tent provides basic protection from the elements while away from home.
Noble Skirt
This garment is worn on the lower body, and is well-made.
Noble Necklace
A fancy necklace made out of precious metal and gems.
Noble Earrings
Fancy earrings made out of precious stone and metal.
Noble Dress
This women's dress is well made from the finest cloth. The gown is long and the bodice is embroidered.
Noble Bracelet
A high price bracelet probably worth a fortune. Crafted from the finest rubies and gold.
Mythic Polymorph
This spell allows the caster to take on the form of creatures larger than a bear. Mythic Polymorph can also be used to transform individual parts of your body into parts of the described creatures.
Lesser Agility
This spell grants the ability to move at heightened speeds.
Hunter's Instinct
Creates heightened senses needed to be a hunter. I.e. Smell, sight, etc.
Summon the fires of hell itself, causing massive damage, though at a cost to one's soul.
A basic healing spell that will restore an injured person's health.
Greater Heal
An advanced healing spell capable of sealing all but the most grievous of wounds.
Greater Agility
Not only heightens one’s speeds, but allows them great balance and the ability to land on one’s feet from high height. This spell also allows the ability to walk on walls and ceilings for the duration of ten minutes.
Flame Strike
This spell allows the caster to direct a blast of fire at a target.
Fire Weaving
This spell allows the caster to manipulate small amounts of fire with their mind.
Fire Meld
The caster melds with fire, keeping them hidden, or protected from heat and fire attacks.
Fire Breath
The caster exhales a blast of fire, burning and damaging a target.
Fire Ball
The caster summons a ball of fire and hurls it at their target.
This spell is used to rid the target of a single curse, nonmagical disease, or status infliction.
A sturdy, shapely undergarment, worn around the torso by either men or women to make the wearer appear slimmer, or to exaggerate the bust and hips.
Botanical Growth
Using the power of one’s relationship with the earth, one is able to considerably speed up the growth of florae at a max of 40 feet. This allows the florae to grapple or contain the people around the caster.
Simple, sturdy footwear, usually made of leather.
Basic Poison
A very basic poison that is easily made.
Stinger Rapier
A finely crafted rapier created from a Wasp's stinger. Very strong in its durability thanks to some added magic, the rapier never needs to be sharpened and it will actually repair itself if broken, though it takes some time to do so.
This is an event prize for Staff's 2018 Anniversary event Negation Order: Exterminate the Moons.
Skyshard Violin
A beautifully handcrafted violin made from skyshards, it never goes out of tune once the violinist has tuned it. Its music always sounds perfectly clear no matter the environment played in its crystal clear. The violin helps to amplify the emotion in the music being played and passes it to the listeners. For example, a calm slow song will help ease people into a calm state, while a frantic and hectic song will have the opposite affect.
Skyshard Lyrebow
A slightly larger than normal lyre made of skyshards, exquisitely crafted and refined its music is sublime. However, the shape of the lyre is that a bow, for in fact the strings, also of skyshard, can be used to fire arrows. The instrument/weapon can create its own magical arrows with each drawing of its seven strings, if one is capable of pulling back that many. Normal arrows can be used as well as is recommended as the magical arrows aren't that powerful, more as a last resort. A finely crafted work of art and weapons combined to make any bard or musician comfortable they are always able to defend themselves.
This is an event prize for Staff's 2018 Anniversary event Negation Order: Exterminate the Moons.
Skyshard Boomerang
A boomerang created from skyshards, acts like a normal wooden boomerang, however, this is has bladed edges for distant cutting damage. Just be careful when it comes back to you, don't want to catch in the wrong way.
This is an event prize for Staff's 2018 Anniversary Event Negation Order: Exterminate the Moons.
Chitinous Armor
Armor made from a large insects hide and natural armor, form fitted for the wearer. Less protective than steel but it is lighter and easier to work with. Spikes can be found on the arms sometimes, the nature of the chitin makes it easy to make to the wearers preferences.
This is an event prize for Staff's 2018 Anniversary event Negation Order: Exterminate the Moons.
Beetle Horn Tonfas
Crafted from hard beetle horns, these tonfas are well balanced and ready to fight.
This is an event prize for Staff's 2018 Anniversary event Negation Order: Exterminate the Moons.
Seraphim Feather
Seraphim are legendary creatures rarely seen by mortals, and yet their existence is provable. In the highest regions of Revaliir, scattered infrequently throughout the mountains, Seraphim feathers can be found. These feathers glint with an impossibly golden sheen, and can even be used as lanterns in darkness.

They provide a minor, elemental enchantment of Light.

Jack O' Lantern
A literal lantern made out of a pumpkin. It comes in a variety of shapes and carved faces. An eerie wisp like glow comes from inside of it lighting the way for you.
This Jack O' Lantern is enchanted to enhance spectral or ghostly magic.
Yoyuki's Quiver
A magical quiver enchanted to never run out of arrows, replenishing its stock once all have been used. The arrows produced inflict temporary paralysis on targets. This quiver has a max of 15 arrows you can use per thread.
This is an event prize for Naota and Shiloh's 2018 event Night of a Thousand Phantasms.
Warding Talismans
Slips of paper with written incantations used by priests. They emit a holy aura that repels evil. Particularly effective against spectral beings and the undead.
Bottled Shiranui
A willowisp captured in a bottle. When released it emits a phosphorescent glow and can multiply quickly. Unlike most light sources it does not consume fuel or release heat. Max of 10 wisps at a time per thread.
This is an event prize for Naota and Shiloh's 2018 event Night of a Thousand Phantasms.
These light shoes are delicate, easy to put on.
Signet Ring
An engraved ring that bears the emblem of royalty, nobility, or one's family. Typically used as a seal for letters, official documents, or as heirlooms.
Noble Trousers
A pair of pantaloons with superior quality. Only the finest nobles and heroes can afford to wear these.
Noble Shirt
This garment, worn on the upper body, made from the finest fabrics. Comes in many types for both men and women.
Noble Robes
These loose-fitting garments are well made, from the finest material.
Noble Cloak
This noble cloak is crafted from the finest threads to bring class and dignity. It, also, has a hood to protect the wearer's hair.
Meant to be worn on the hands, these gloves are sturdy and warm.
Common Skirt
A skirt made out of simple fabric. It doesn't look very expensive but it's better than nothing.
A simple piece of material, usually leather, that holds up one's trousers.

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