Name: Leasle (Lez-Lee) Von Likht
Alias: BlueBell
Nicknames: Lez, Bluey, Shiney
Eyes: Shiny Blue, Reflects the Stars
Skin: Pale and Soft, Porcelain
Hair: Hamstring Length, Midnight Blue Fading into Bright Blue Stars
Body: Thin and Curvy, Fem-like
Clothing: White Collard Tank Top, Black Tie, Black Suit with Puffy Shoulder Sleeves, White Belt, Black Shorts, Black Boots
Lez is very pessimistic, and is in his second year in a Dark Arts school in the Pirate Haven of Vilpamolan. He is feared by all 1st and 2nd year students, and gets in fights a lot with the third, fourth, and fifth years. He always has a smile on his face, even when he is being stabbed or strangled. He is very cold, and always finds some way to mess up someones day.
Likes: Cold places, dead things, dark places, cats
Dislikes: Bright Places, Warm Places, dogs, plants, living animals (Other than cats)
Strengths: Magikal Strength, Mental Strength, Necromancy, Speed, Agility
Weakness: Physical Strength, Light Attacks, Patience

Lez's Song Bird, Petro, the song he sings can lure any weak-willed animals or humans to an endless sleep.