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The real Nochi

All About Nochi

Name: Nochi
Gender: Male
Age: 6
Race: Nymph/Fairy-like creature.
Family: None
Height: 3 ft
Weight: 20 lbs

He has light caramel colored skin, and big golden eyes. He has short messy hair, and a small nose. He wears a short light green tunic, with two separate parts. The shirt has golden stitching on the right side of his chest, and a golden collar and golden lace at the send of the short sleeves. In the center of the collar, there is a bright ruby. The shirt is tied to the left side of his body in a tight knot, and the right side is completely open. He has no shoes.

Under Appearance:
When he does not have his green tunic on, he has bandages. The bandages on his top half wrap around his neck, and wrap around both of his arms, and in between his thumbs. The lower set of bandages start at his waist then wrap around his pelvis. The bandages keep going all the way down his left leg and wrap around his foot, but keep his toes and heels exposed. Around his right leg, the end around his pelvis. There is another set of bandages that starts at his lower knee then winds down his leg and stopping at his ankle.

Fighting Appearance:
He has all green glowing eyes, and his hair is like wind is moving it around, whipping around, slowly at first, then it whips around quickly, then slowly again. He has the same bandages, but there are vines wrapping around his body, and many other tattoo's than the one on his neck. He always looks angry, and he is unable to talk due to it using his power too much. He can only stay in this form for 30 minutes.

Human Appearance:
He is a small albino boy with an all white kimono that is obviously too big for him because he can barely walk and the sleeves drag around 4 feet behind him. He is faster in this form, and when he needs to run, he will use magic to hold up his dragging kimono. In this state, he is only 3 ft tall, and weighs nothing, which is why this is his appearance and not his form. His hair is short, white and very messy. He looked emotionless and his skin is so pale it looks white. His eyes are fiery red and his teeth are sharp. In this form, he also cannot talk, and has a blank, and glassy look on his face.

He has a tribal tattoo on his shoulder winding up to his neck.

He is very quiet, and has a high pitched voice when he speaks. Some mistake him for a girl because of his appearance, body shape, and voice. He is caring, but he is very easily scared. He can be easily manipulated. He is amazing in hand to hand combat, and if he needs to use weapons, he will use a dagger or a bow. Sometimes small spells.

He loves to sing, write, and make poems. He also likes to make flower bouquets, and style peoples hair with beautiful flowers.

He hates the dark, people who seem intimidating, and animals that are over their normal size (Such as a monstrous snake or a big cat that is four times its normal height)

Likes: Open fields, flowers, small animals. abandoned houses/cities, ruins, forests, enchanted areas, flower beds, any place with flowers and wild life.

Home: He has no home, so his is found most often in small towns, ruins, or city inns. When people see the boy, they feel sorry, so they take him in. This allows him to have many friends and non-related family in many cities. But these are not nobles. They are simply pheasants, farmers, or thieves.

Diet: He is a vegetarian.

He can communicate with wild life, like plants and animals. He also can bend and shape the earth. He can navigate any outdoor area like he has a map.

He grew up in a nomadic tribe in Corval Basin. The tribe for a tribe for earth nymphs and elves, such as earth elves from the river element or leaf element. Being born to a first generation of a mountain elf and a second generation water nymph, (Water nymphs can control all forms of water, while river elves can only control water that flows, rain elfs can control rain water, etc) he was given the power of the forest.

Since the tribe leader was as older nymph, and also a forest elf, he was growing weaker with his power. He was over 10,000 years old, around 100 in human years, so he could only form small statues from the ground since he did not train enough to still be strong enough to have all his powers. He soon became angry the young boy was more powerful and more worshiped than him.

One stormy day, he sent his guard to kill the boy, by binding him to a tree deep in the Virens Forest, where he would either starve to death or get eaten by animals. When he woke up the next morning, he was bound by his wrist, ankles, waist, and neck to a big tree, deep in a treacherous forest. But instead of dying painfully, he could communicate with the animals and plants, and died a very peaceful death of being too lonely. He died with a small smile on his face and a peaceful gaze.

The animals and nature felt sorry for the boy and how he died, and they preserved his body deep into the roots of what is called The Mother Tree to all nomadic tribes in the Corval Basin. He calls the tree mother, since he was always in her care and arms. He returns to the tree to offer her gifts and sometimes, when he feels he needs the comforting touch of a mother will rest there for days or weeks.

Some other nomadic tribes also give the tree gifts, claiming that the tree will preserve their souls when they die, and they will become part of the element that they were born with.

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