Name: Adraejen "Drae" Porthyrius
Race: Half-Elf - Were Bear
Class: Blade Pact Warlock of the Fiend
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 32
Height: 5'10
Weight: 180 lbs all muscle
Skin: Fair-Lightly tanned
Hair: Black
Eyes: Steel gray
Background: Criminal Fence/Smuggler
Personality Traits: I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong.
I don't pay attention to the risks in a situation. Never tell me the odds.
Ideals: Chains are meant to broken, as are those who would forge them. I'm loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care.
Bonds: Something important was taken from me; someone I loved died because of a mistake I made. That will never happen again.

Drae grew up poor, the product of the rape of an elvish woman, by a human man. Despite this, Drake's mother loved him, and tried to give him a good life as best she could, though her efforts were met by much incivility by the High Elven community around them. The disregard for his half-breed blood and his mother's coddling condescending love instilled Drae with a bitter resentment of the the High Elves and began acting out accordingly once he grew into adolescence. Vandalism, larceny, and his uncommonly smooth tongue built him a slightly unsavory reputation, and after a few years, the community drove him from among their midst to fend for himself in the wilds. Drae was only in the wilds for a day before he decided the rugged life was not for him, and found a trade route where he was able to barter passage into the human lands from there found himself in a large coastal city. There, thanks to his relatively respectable appearance and smooth tongue, he gained apprenticeship and employment under a merchant of not-so-legal wares and bootlegged goods. Drae learned the trade quickly, and showed that he had a knack for illegal trade and fencing, and found he enjoyed it, perhaps too much, taking on the more exotic and risky deals and occasionally mixing business with pleasure.
There is one particular instance in his career as a fence that Drae harbors regret and deep anger over, though he will never openly admit to it. After several years of working very successfully as a Fence, Drae and his business partner were contracted to work under one of the less reputable nobles, one Duke Greer, as a means to smuggle spices, opiates, weapons and stolen relics into and out of the port city. With each successful business venture, Drae was taken deeper into Duke Greer’s confidences, even being allowed into the Duke’s home to conduct business. It was there that Drae was introduced to the Duchess, and almost immediately, the pair of them felt some sort of connection. Over the next few months, while working closely with Duke Greer and overseeing his businesses while he was away, Drae and the Duchess became close. Drae learned from her that the Duke was a jealous, and cruel man, who blamed his wife for their inability to produce an heir, and as such, he was prone to infidelity and often left her alone while he was off on business. This time spent alone with the Duchess forged a relationship between her and Drae, and the two became lovers, meeting in secret while the Duke was away, sharing confidences and a bed. They kept the affair hidden from the Duke for three years, each playing their part perfectly. However, something happened that would inevitably betray their affair, and that was the surprising news that after years of trying and failing, the Duchess found out that she had actually conceived a child. Immediately upon hearing the news, Adraejen began devising a way that the two of them could break ties with the Duke and run away with each other. It was not to be, as the Duke discovered their plans to runaway, and upon the night they were to depart, he caught them.
Drae and the Duchess were tortured by the Duke, who, after cutting Drae's throat and assuming he was dead, turned his blade upon his wife, and stabbed her and the unborn child. Their bodies were dumped in the bluffs outside Wyllmochvar. Remarkably, Drae had survived his wounds, but was on the brink of death when he was approached by the evil demoness Cyprus of the Black Rose Court. Wanting to take her own revenge by possibly using the dying young man, Cyprus offered Drae a second chance at life, with the power to destroy his enemies. He did not hesitate in accepting the offer, wanting nothing more than to try and save the woman he loved and his child, and to bring down the man who had hurt them. Unfortunately, they were gone, and Drae dragged himself out of the water, his blood now ablaze with the powerful magic that had lie dormant inside him, sparked to life by the demoness' foul touch.
Drae returned to the manor and destroyed the Duke, and took with him all of his business assets. His vengeance was assured.
Years later, after many flings and love affairs that didn't last, Drae met Angela, the Goddess of Life.
Newest developments: Adraejen Porthyrius has Ascended to Godhood. Read his Ascension thread here:
Angela Rose ~ Spouse- Divorced
Rohan ~ Son with Angela
Iva ~ Daughter of Angela, adopted by Drae
Sapphire~ Daughter of Angela, Adopted by Drae
Lark & Poppy ~ Twins, Son and Daughter with Angela
Myrra ~ Daughter with Angela
Iris~ Avatar- Daughter-like
Lokir~ Friend, Fellow Werebear God
Magnus~ Head Librarian, Friend
Drake Alzrahi~ Friend
Dalanesca ~ Friend, Godmother of Rohan
Moliira ~ Friend
Cyprus Rose ~ Demoness who gave Drae his powers/ Enemy