Name: Attie
Age: 19
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Virens Forest
Sexuality: Bisexual
Guild: The Nossë
State: Deceased
Looks Hair: Short ebony black hair
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 130 Ibs
Body Type: Thin but muscular.
Markings: None
Clothes: A plain silver tunic with pants.
BackstoryA long long time ago in a forest called Virens, there was a man with a baby girl sleeping in his arms. The father had too many children at home and could barely care for all of them. This child had been his most recent. He had lied to the mother and had claimed that the baby died, refusing to let the mother see the supposedly dead baby. Since the baby girl had been quiet after her birth, people had assumed the child was dying. Yet here she was fast asleep in the warm arms of her dad. He placed her inside an empty cave a few miles from the road then left. That cold night, a large bear entered the cave to find the small baby. The large bear had just birthed new cubs. But those same cubs had been hunted down by elves to be sold as pets.
It was as though the gods were looking out for this mother bear. A little baby was placed in the stead of her old cubs. The mother bear took in the baby as her own and raised her as a bear. At the age of nine, some hunters had spotted her in the forest. After using a trap to catch the little girl, they proceeded to take her to the village and the village decided to give her an education. The mother bear heavily objected to this but the hunters had used some sort of magic to throw the mother bear off their scent. She was named Attie but nobody wanted her in the village due to how odd she was.
Attie ended up doing little jobs in exchange for food and a place to sleep. She would go down to the Virens Forest to visit her mom bear on lonely nights. She eventually left the household for a better education at the age of 16. This was a small school in Adeluna city that Attie had to pay for out of her own pocket. She would use her hunting skills to gather more money to attend. Going to school unleashed an enthusiasm for learning that she never knew about before. Despite being a feral child, she was able to learn well and expand her knowledge. But because she had grown up with bears, Attie never really learned how to behave in front of other people. After leaving school, Attie had an existential crisis before deciding that the pursuit of knowledge was her destiny.
PersonalityAttie is extremely enthusiastic about learning about everything. There is not a scrap of information that she would deny. Her enthusiasm often leads her to neglect personal boundaries and results in her scaring off other people. This enthusiasm also leads her to have a rather stubborn attitude. She will not give up on a particular subject until she has gathered everything there is to know about it. Unless, she gets distracted. Sometimes her mind will jump from subject to subject. But when she sticks with something she will do everything in her power to learn all that she can.
Despite her obsessive nature with knowledge, Attie is extremely fond of people and taking care of them. Although she isn’t direct with her intentions which often leads to miscommunication. Something a little odd about Attie is the fact that she is extremely reckless in her actions. She thinks about things after she does them unless it is something that involves other people. It is almost as if she knows exactly what kind of danger she puts herself in. Attie has a cheery nature and tries her best to make others happy.
Along her adventures she made three close friends. Bianca, Cao, and Chrys. But she also came across a new enemy as well. Marcov. Deciding to put a stop to his evil, she contacted her friends to gather together and fight him. However, before she could meet them she was murdered in cold blood. Her heart, eyes, and brain were all missing from the corpse.
ExtraSkills: Hunting, learning, reading, speaking some old languages, and writing.
Occupation: Traveler of sorts
Class: Wanderer
Relationship Status: Single
Symbol: An vase with an infinity sign pouring out words.
Theme Song:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWRWuY3pV2c(Photo by Nelanna: Check her out!