Name: Aja Duskmoon
Race: Lycanthrope
Age: 300+
Looks: Mid 20s
Hair: Long Red
Eyes: Amethyst
Skin: Slightly tanned
Height: 5'7"
Weight: What's it to you?
Body: Curvy, fit
Occupation: Second in Command of Toya Rose, Soldier
Personality: You aren't good enough, can and will body you, prideful
Wolf Basics:
Fur: Red
Eyes: Amethyst
Height: 3'0"
Body Length: 5'0"
Weight: 125lbs
Lycanthrope Basics:
Fur: Red
Eyes: Amethyst
Height: 7'0"
Weight: Still none of your damn business
Body: Atheltic
Every so often in the werewolf tribes of southern Canelux is there a female born with red hair and amethyst eyes. These females are hailed as the queen-blooded. They are raised for one purpose in life and that is to become the mate of the alpha. They live in luxury until the day they marry and are well respected. The Duskmoon tribe was no different when Aja was born. Her mother died during labor and her father raised her alongside her tribe. Aja became prideful and loved her tribe. She wanted to do her part. That was until she met the alpha she would marry. He was cowardly and only held the position because of his bloodline.
When it came time for the 14 year old Aja to marry her suitor she gut-punched him and took off. Her father would later tell the others that she had second thoughts on her whole role and that she would not marry a coward.
She had been trained to take care of herself from an early age as part of being queen-blooded and she used her skills to survive in the northern Canelux lands. Not that long ago she came face to face with the Queen of the White Court while in Mamlak. She had just finished up a mercenary job and the White Queen had heard tales of her poweress. So Toya challenged the prideful Aja to a battle if Toya won she would join the Sularian army. Aja did not come up with her own stipulation for the battle as she thought it was below her. Aja while fast could not outmaneuver the slender queen. She found herself pinned to the ground by Toya. True to her word, Aja traveled to the far north and took over the army. She would learn from Toya and Toya from her.
Gregory Duskmoon: Father, Alive
Victoria Duskmoon: Mother, Deceased
Leovold Duskmoon: Alpha of the Duskmoons, suitor, Who cares.
Toya Rose-Wintercrest: Queen, friend
Garland Wintercrest: Suitor, Pain in the Ass…